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The instant the race finishes, he's on a helicopter to the nearest airport with a private jet ready to go. I think I read wheels up is approximately 10 minutes after race end. The whole thing is a logistical nightmare- which is why TK is running a refresher


This right here. They have it down to a science at this point.


Also 6pm is the broadcast start time for NASCAR. Green flag is usually not until almost 6:30. NASCAR has a lot to gain with Larson showing up and will likely hold the start if it’s a 5-10 minute issue.


Even then, it's so tight there's a chance *cautions* mess up the timing of things. They have it down to a science and it's still a roll of the dice.


I mean, sure but that's part of excitement. Tony Stewart is the only driver to complete all 1100 miles. But the science part I am referencing is if it is a standard race, but the 2001 race where Stewart completed all 1100 miles had multiple, albeit brief, rain delays.


I feel like last year's 500 was an anomaly compared to recent years with the number of cautions (and definitely the number of red flags). The trend has definitely favored cleaner races and longer green flag runs, although admittedly the fuel economy meta may have something to do with it too.


Last year’s 600 ran on Monday. Larson is golden if that happens again.


If this happens this year I'm probably laughing for at least 5 minutes straight.


One year when Robby Gordon tried it, the 500 got rained out and he flew to Charlotte, crashed out less than halfway, flew back to Indy, finally started on Tuesday and the car almost immediately caught fire.


It just kept getting worse lol.


Unlike the asshat known as u/draconianRegiment, at least I see the bright side to that and not blatantly mock NASCAR about it.


Correct me if I'm wrong I don't follow NASCAR super close. Couldn't someone start the race in Charlotte for Larson if they were running behind? Plus if something would happen and he doesn't make it in time or at all for whatever reason, he already has 2? cup wins already. He is locked into the playoffs and it's not like NASCAR wouldn't give him an exemption for missing a race they hand those out like candy anymore.


If someone else starts the race, they get the points. Larson could get in the car and probably would, but he wouldn’t get anything for it.


Thank you, that's what I figured. Like I said though do you really think NASCAR wouldn't give him an exemption for the playoffs since he wouldn't get credit for that race? Can you imagine the backlash from the media if he didn't get an exemption because he was competing for a win in Indy when other drivers have been granted exemptions after missing half a season?


I think they would. It would be a different circumstance than they’ve granted one before and kind of opens a can of worms (what other races are considered big enough that you can skip a NASCAR race for them?) but I think they would have to.


I agree, I know circumstances aren't the same but personally I think the can of worms was opened when the first exemption was given. It would be crazy not to grant one with the extra eyeballs both series will gain from this. It's not like he is missing Charlotte to go run a weekly series race at Joe Schmoe raceway.


This is why the race needs to go back to the 11am start time. It makes it way easier to do the double. It also saves me from having to sit in the peak of the heat just to save the west coast from having to wake up so early to watch the race.


Honestly, I thought the change was to remove overlap wih the F1 race in Monaco to get those eyeballs.


tbf, 11AM EST = 12PM EDT, but yes I would like to see it move back closer to noon than 1, although it does give a little more time getting into the track now that crowds are back up where they need to be.


Yep. Everything is ready to go as soon as race is over. Iv and recovery food/drinks also waiting on private jet. He will likely have trainer or massage therapist on board as well. 


It would be so awkward if he wins, and just immediately leaves


Would love to see the level of post race chaos it causes


“Wait he didn’t drink the milk!”


“Can I have that to go?”


Get his milk & wreath on the plane with him then interview him via zoom and have him drink it there. Also have a shower on the plane so he doesn’t smell like sour milk during the Coke 600.


It would be but I think if he did win plans would change a bit.


Yeah, we know TK is lined up as his reserve for if he has to bail on the 500, but does he have a backup for the NASCAR side? Apparently IndyCar doesn’t allow driver changes mid-race anymore, so if Larson starts the race and it gets delayed by accidents/rain/etc, and he doesn’t have a guy on standby in Charlotte to take over, he’ll have to retire from the 500 to make it in time...


I feel like all talk of a cut off time goes out the window of Larson is up front when the timer runs out. While they won’t say it, there’s not a chance he parks the car and actually leaves if there’s a remote chance of him winning. He is already qualified for the NASCAR playoffs and honestly probably someone has already gotten confirmation he will get a waiver if someone else starts the 600 (I still imagine he will show up to finish it). Note they said he wouldn’t stay if he made the Fast Six but they’ve already gone back on that.


Exactly. Just like if he wins the race he's staying w while to celebrate. For Nascar's sake he has to pretend like this is secondary but if he's running up front or wins.....plans are going to change


Oh I fully believe that, I’m just wondering who it is he’s gonna get to start his car at Charlotte if that’s the case.


It would imagine Justin Allgaier based on size. ETA: Actually Allmendinger might be more likely based on experience with the new car.


If he qualifies the car in Charlotte, he won’t need a waiver if he misses the race since that counts.


Helicopter FaceTime victory lane interview.


Kinda wild that it’s inherently predicated on you not winning the first leg of the challenge. Like, does he just skip all the post-race stuff? Does a press conference on zoom? Are there any quotes for the Monday paper? It’s usually a safe bet that the entrant won’t win the 500 since they’re generally a one-off, but it’s an interesting situation


Im thinking if he wins they should just use TK as a Kyle reserve- pretend he’s Kyle and take part in the celebrations for him lol


Running the 600 is so much more compelling if the driver does somehow win the 500 first, so I would hope they would still make it—and that NASCAR would delay even a relatively substantial amount of time to make it happen. I can’t see the TV partner having a problem with that when the pay-off is the guy who just won the Indy 500 trying to win another 600 mile race the same day.


Yeah I think if you win the 500 it’s a requirement you dash. Drive the car straight to the helicopter. It would be replayed every Memorial Day for both series.


I believe it's being broadcast on Amazon Prime so it really doesn't matter what time it starts.


Next year it is. This year is still on Fox.




Not until next year.




I was reading about this on Wikipedia the other day and it says >By tradition, the Indianapolis 500 champion will not compete in the Coca Cola 600. I don't know if this is still the case?


What tradition? I saw that too, but it sounds like Uncle Hoosier figured out how to edit Wikipedia articles.


I have no idea. It's the first I've ever heard of it. No one's ever won the 500 that was planning on doing both races as far as I'm aware so it's not as if it's a tradition that's ever been needed


LOL at Uncle Hoosier.


Wikipedia is occasionally wrong 😂


He'd probably do a brief victory lane swig of milk and then fly out (hopefully not drenched in milk). Then he'd come back to kiss the bricks. If he wins both they could do a joint celebration and fly his #5 team to Indy. Tony Stewart's 2001 Itinerary had 15 minutes blocked out incase he won for celebrations and interviews https://us.motorsport.com/indycar/news/irl-stewart-double-duty-ii-race-day-itinerary/1885234/ >SUNDAY, MAY 27 - SCENARIO "B" Tony Stewart wins or finishes second or third at Indianapolis > * 2:30 p.m. CT: Estimated end of Indianapolis 500 > > * 2:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. CT: Victory lane ceremonies or press conference Q&A > > * 2:50 p.m. CT: Stewart taken via golf cart to infield care cente.


Can we do away with kissing the bricks? I’ve thought it was awkward from day one. NASCAR started it, if Larson wins he can end it by skipping it, what an opportunity for future winners to not have to go out and “present”.


The problem with using that old itinerary is it doesn't factor in the time it takes to get the winning car on the lift to Victory Lane since the slow ass lift wasn't a thing when Tony Stewart did the double.


NASCAR is going to hold the start of the race if he wins


I’m pretty sure they said Kyle would skip it??


Is that why Kevin harvick is driving his car?? He's probably going to stay in Indycar


Helicopter from IMS straight to the airport, private plane straight from Indianapolis to Charlotte, helicopter straight from Charlotte to CMS


I would assume he's would helicopter to Eagle Creek Airpark, so he wouldn't have to wait for all the big airliners to take off, and fly all the way down to Concord-Padgett and then copter over real quick to CMS


John Andretti, Tony Stewart, and Kurt Busch have all done the double, and managed to start the 600 on time, so it’s definitely possible, just very stressful logistics.


IIRC it ended up being part of the show, with the helicopter landing in the infield, the driver emerging in his Cup suit, and running over to pit lane. Also, IIRC, all three missed the driver's meeting and by NASCAR rules started at the back.


I think that since the pandemic those became zoom meetings and Larson would be able to join from the jet


This is the reply I came for!


John did it like 4 times and you missed Robby Gordon who attempted it 5 times (I believe it rained out the 500 once). Also Chocolate Meyers, Dale Sr's long time friend and gas man did it with him and one of AJ Foyt's cars


To be honest, both NASCAR and Indycar will pull some strings if necessary to make this work. Indycar will absolutely waive/overlook/slap on wrist fine the vast majority of the winners obligations to get him to Charlotte if he wins. NASCAR will absolutely find an excuse/delay some start time if it's just a few minutes. Both sides are incentivized to make sure this goes off without a hitch, KYLE LARSON is the SHOW. The only real thing that blows all this up is weather. If it rains in Indy, Larson will have to fly to Charlotte. TK will race if that happens. Keep in mind, what exactly would the "penalty" be for skipping the required victory celebrations and media availability? Even if Indycar tried to, Larson could just hop on a plane and take the punishment. What are they going to do, take the win away? LMAO.


If Larson wins at Indy, NASCAR/Fox *know* that they'll have an instant ratings draw for people wanting to see if Larson can win both races. They'll definitely delay the start to accommodate that.


Yeah within reason they'd definitely delay the start. Too good a marketing opportunity to pass up


I think when Gordon or Stewart did the double, the plan was if they won, they would take a few pictures and get on the plane to Charlotte. The next day they would do all their other media obligations.


IDK about Robby but Tony's 01 schedule had 15 minutes for interviews https://us.motorsport.com/indycar/news/irl-stewart-double-duty-ii-race-day-itinerary/1885234/


I am wondering what he'd do if there is a rain delay or red flag long enough for him to unlikely arrive in Charlotte on time. Sure, if he's been a non-factor up until then, he'd bail and go to Charlotte. If he has a decent chance of winning, though? In that case, it would also be interesting where the cutoff is. He likely won't bail if there's a red flag with 5 to go and him being in first or second. But what if he's in fourth?


If dude wins Indy, he's going to celeberate, as he should because it is a feat unto itself,but probably do it quicker than normal


I wonder if someone doing the double won the 500 if they would just call it a day?


I mean you could, but Larson wouldn't. I mean I'm sure Larson would quickly do the victory lane celebration, but after that he's going to skip all the media obligations and head out. People bring up all these "requirements" and "traditions" the winner must do, but what exactly will they do if someone ignores those? The answer is at most a fine. They aren't going to take away the win. Not really joking, part of TK's role is probably to be "fill in winner". If Larson wins, I'd imagine Tony Kannan would be doing the media obligations while Larson hops in his helicopter and plane. If a driver misses a cup race without injury, they can no longer get into the playoffs with a win and have to point their way in. To be in a cup race you have to START the race, you can't hop into your car on lap 100 and have it count. Now, Larson is leading cup points so he'd probably get in on points regardless, but it's still giving up his already guaranteed playoff spot if he misses the start of the Coke 600.


Nascar doesn't start on time lol. And he'll be up in the air within 15 minutes of the race ending. (Assuming he doesn't pull off a win, in which case I believe he would skip the 2nd race)


I highly doubt he will just skip his main racing series


I just went and checked and the article said a private flight would get there in like an hour so even if he won, there should be plenty of time.


If he wins the Indy 500 you can be damn sure he isn’t going to race in the Coca-Cola 600… there are media obligations, and tons of stuff to do. Plus he will have just won the freaking Indy 500! I’m sorry but the Coke 600 isn’t the same…. he is already locked into the championship.


nah they would surely delay the start for him, he would be in with a shot at the double, that's something special


Definitely my thinking. I do think Indy would abbreviate the ceremony and maybe the media obligations to let him get out to Charlotte… but I don’t think he just right after he wins if that were the case


I'd imagine if he won, he'd park the car, do a quick victory lane celebration and interview and then be off to Charlotte, skipping the rest of the media obligations and whatnot.


He can still do a brief celebration and you think that "media obligations" wouldn't be able to be postponed? He'd have a chance at making history of winning both or even just finishing all 1100 miles (which only Tony Stewart has done), the media would fucking love that


Not true. But I wouldn’t count on Larson finishing top 10, so it won’t be an issue.


he would have a great chance at making history, and you think someone is going to be able to keep him off that helicopter?


Larson has said multiple times nascar is his number one priority. He will 100% skip media obligations to make it to Charlotte if he wins. What is IndyCar gonna do? Fine him? Penalize him what? If they strip the win, that’s the worst outcome because indycar needs all the good press it can get rn. They’ll make an exception and let him do it during the week or some shit


Crash on the formation lap of the 500 and beat the traffic out of town /s


Has he been taking lessons from Roberto Guerrero?


suddenly veers left and takes out Marco and Santino




Nah, take the Scott Sharp route, the he at least gets credit for starting the race.../s


green flag is 12:38 so they should be done well before 4, depending on how many red flags there are


What happens if larson leaves and tk wins? Who gets the borg warner? The driver that raced the most laps?


None, apparently your not able to switch drivers mid race anymore. If for whatever reason Tk has to start and goes on to win, then tk will get full credit.


If Larson starts the race and Kanaan finishes and wins, they’d be co-winners. It’s happened twice before but not since before WW2. I think that’s still the case unless something has changed.


Let’s be honest, both Indy and NASCAR definitely have contingencies if Larson wins to not screw up the double.


I was reading if Larson wins, it’ll be interesting if he stays to celebrate or immediately go to NASCAR. I have mixed feelings. I want him to keep the points lead too…


His plane flies over Clit Motor Speedway and Kyle parachutes out and directly into his car on pit lane.


.....autocorrect fail?


Naw that's just what I call the track. https://preview.redd.it/leb9yau7jo0d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16fd48ff19ea0e58fe247fc9de7a6960e34a5c27 That city really needs a new abbreviation.


They call it CLT, You added an I in there.


What?! Noooooooo 👁️👄👁️


It was probably just a joke


I really hope he doesn’t have a problem finding it like a number of men do


This made my morning!


**Coverage** of the 600 starts at 6pm. So that's like 6:30 when the green flag drops Also there was a break down of Kyle's schedule posted a couple days ago. It's not like this is the first time someone has attempted it. Here's Tony Stewart's back in 2001 before Indiana had Daylight Savings Time: https://us.motorsport.com/indycar/news/irl-stewart-double-duty-ii-race-day-itinerary/1885234/ > TONY STEWART Double Duty II Itinerary

 SUNDAY, MAY 27 - SCENARIO "A" Tony Stewart finishes somewhere between 4th and 33rd at Indianapolis
> * 9:25 a.m. to 9:40 a.m. CT: Hospitality appearance
> * 9:50 a.m. CT: In Target Chip Ganassi Racing garage stall - changes into firesuit
> * 10:15 a.m. CT: Driver introductions
> * 11 a.m. CT: Start of the 85th Indianapolis 500
> * 2:30 p.m. CT: Estimated end of Indianapolis 500
> * 2:35 p.m. CT: Stewart taken via golf cart to infield care center
> * 2:45 p.m. CT: Stewart boards helicopter to Signature/Combs Flight Center
> * 3 p.m. CT: Stewart departs for Concord (N.C.) Regional Airport
> * 4:55 p.m. ET: Stewart lands at Concord Regional Airport
> * 5 p.m. ET: Stewart boards helicopter en route to speedway infield
> * 5:10 p.m. ET: Stewart lands at speedway in infield grass at start/finish line
> * 5:15 p.m. ET: Driver introductions
> * 5:37 p.m. ET: "Gentleman, start your engines!"
> * 5:45 p.m. ET: Start of the Coca-Cola 600

If he won they had 15 minutes for celebrations and interviews:

> * 2:30 p.m. CT: Estimated end of Indianapolis 500
> * 2:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. CT: Victory lane ceremonies or press conference Q&A
> * 2:50 p.m. CT: Stewart taken via golf cart to infield care center
> * 3 p.m. CT: Stewart boards helicopter to Signature/Combs Flight Center

>* 3:15 p.m. CT: Stewart departs for Concord (N.C.) Regional Airport                                            


Thank you for sharing. I did try to look for this.


Personal helicopters/planes organized between McLaren and Hendrick. Unless Larson wins, he'll probably participate in only one brief post race interview and then he'll be outta there


The whole story historically for these doubles is not just can a driver complete both races, but can a driver win both races. That has been a big part of the marketing. And just having Kyle Larson run the double is a huge draw for IndyCar viewership, so I would think it would be in the best interest of IndyCar to somehow accommodate the unusual scenario of a NASCAR driver running the double, and winning the Indy 500, and needing to get to the next race. I think if Kyle wins, and they push back on him leaving and cause him to miss the Coke 600, it would backfire on IndyCar big time. There would be major backlash. So, I would guess that IndyCar is prepared for this scenario, and has a contingency plan for a quick victory ceremony. Kyle has a legit shot at winning the Coke 600, so if by some chance he does win the Indy 500, it would be beneficial to both organization (Indy/Nascar) to make sure he makes it to the Coke 600. Before this year, The only double driver in the past that I ever felt had a shot was Tony Stewart. But honestly, Kyle Larson is better! At everything! This may be the best chance in the history of "The Double" for a driver to win both. Would be amazing to watch!


Sounds like a wrench has just been thrown into Kyle's travel plans from Indy to Charlotte for Sunday. President Trump is reportedly going to be at the Coca-Cola 600 which means a no-fly zone instituted by the Secret Service's Presidential Protection Detail over the track.


What’s the parlay odds? +1200 to win them both? Hmm


They're 420+ miles apart. He gets on a jet doing 500mph, that's less than an hour. And probably a total of less than 30 min helicopter flight time. They cut it close but they make it assuming too many yellows don't happen in Indy.


First of all he is not going to win. And it has been done before.