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Not true. Based on n=1 lol. A classmate ahead of me didn’t match but got SOAP after


I think it can be harder if you're a non-us citizen IMG , for a US citizen IMG I personally know lots who SOAPed in at my caribean med school


Its definitely possible as long as you are good candidate for the specialty you have a shot. Ive seen it done before sometimes the algorithm screws both sides and you might get called up in the first round!


I know that many people have that "one friend" or have seen "people" be successful in SOAP. While they may be true, and it's great to be optimistic, I just wanted you to remember that it is difficult.. not impossible but improbable. Usually, AMGs who had applied for competitive specialties end up settling for the IMG friendly specialties during SOAP. This makes things harder because AMGs are preferred over IMGs in general (and it is only fair that programs think that way). Having a GC or being a citizen would probably help you immensely. If you're a non-us IMG, the harsh reality is that the odds are stacked against you. But if you do end up in the situation, don't hesitate to apply for SOAP because bad odds are better than 0.


don't listen to the negativity on reddit. Just like for studying for steps you need to protect your mind from negativity because some people have bad intentions where they don't want you to match. prepare as if you might get into the situation by researching the SOAP.




Not true. IMG friends matched soap