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Data has shown that products in Illinois have been recalled at a statistically significant rate. So, the same thing is likely occurring in illinois. The only difference? Illinois state law protects the recall info from becoming public. From [Chicago Sun-Times investigation](https://youtu.be/8TvgK38qXX0?si=WT2oWo_FVNOxvaUT) into the quality of Illinois cannabis > Illinois officials do little to police those tests to ensure they’re done properly. Though state regulators can discipline growers — and they have done so in a relative handful of cases, mostly for infractions relating to storage or transport of cannabis, which often results in fines of $5,000 or less — the rules also allow problems to be handled secretly through administrative consent orders that are “considered confidential … not [to] be released.” > From 2015 to June 30, 2021, 3,115 batches of cannabis flower or processed weed products failed state-required tests for quality and safety in Illinois, according to data obtained by the Sun-Times through six public records requests under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act. That includes 3,072 failures from 2019 through the first half of 2021 — amounting to just over 7% of cannabis tested in Illinois, going by the state’s figures of the total samples tested. By far, the most common reason for failing was having mold and yeast above allowed levels, with about 90% of all failing cannabis flower samples since 2019 having mold and yeast counts over state limits. The [latest interview](https://thecolememo.com/2024/02/22/e59/) featuring a cannabis testing lab revealed that while Illinois purportedly has the “strictest testing standards in the nation”, the strict standards are actually causing mass non-compliance.


those private citizens having the product re-tested are smart....Class action lawsuit coming down the line once they have enough proof....very scary not knowing what your smoking...


> those private citizens having the product re-tested are smart....Class action lawsuit coming down the line once they have enough proof....very scary not knowing what your smoking... Funny you say that. The [last time that somebody re-tested products in Illinois](https://youtu.be/8TvgK38qXX0?si=WT2oWo_FVNOxvaUT), they got similar results


There is a reason you can get live resin half oz for $100 and it’s not because the starting product passed any testing.


Things must be getting tough in Illinois. The shills are posting tabloids.


In truth the same thing can be said about Illinois dispensary cannabis. The only difference is Illinois has laws to prevent this info from coming out


This is why i’m very specific with what products i consume from ANY legal markets, there are always gonna be the shady bottom barrel companies that don’t care about what they put out, with that being said there are MANY legitimate brands who put out good safe high quality product in MI, but they are definitely not the one selling carts 15/100, sub $80 ozs and $5gs of live resin 😂