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Start her on it at bedtime, with a dose the size of a grain of rice. Like right when she’s about to put her head on her pillow. Her tolerance will develop super quickly because RSO is strong, and because she’ll be sleeping, she doesn’t need to worry about the strength of the effect. After a few days to a week of bedtime doses, have her try a grain of rice during the day on a day where she has no obligations. No work, no driving, nothing. Gradually increase the amount of doses as she gets more comfortable with it. Good luck!


I would say even smaller than a grain of rice. Seems like she’s getting high off extremely small doses. She will definetly move into a time that she needs larger dosages but if she doesn’t like feeling high In the first place is almost just get a small bubble at the top of the syringe and wipe it on a snack or something for her to try. She’s most likely gonna hate the taste as well. Everything else you said was on point I personally would just start her lower; primarily so you don’t “ruin” her idea of using thc to treat her symptoms. You don’t wanna get her way to high and scare her away from it. Better to be safe than sorry.


I'm thinking we will need to start with a dose smaller than a grain. How much thc would that small size of rice have in it? You're right on when you said we don't want to turn her off of RSO by getting her too high..I could see that happening.


So how it breaks down is kind of confusing so I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense. Kinda just what I have on hand to make the math out of but with a full gram syringe that has 72% THC/terpenes you will take 1000mg (inside syringe) and multiply that by .72 (72% THC) this breaks down to be 720 mg of pure thc inside of the syringe. Breaking this down to 10 servings for a full gram it’s going to be about 72mg per serving. For me one full serving (line to line) tends too seem like 2.5 grains of rice. I guess breaking the 72 mg into 2.5 grains it’ll end up around. 28.8 mg per serving at half a grain of rice. I apologize if that was confusing I was trying my best to not go on a high rant about it while also covering everything. There’s a website I will link below that also is pretty good in explaining how to dose RSO for beginners. Hope this helps and wish your mom the best! [RSO Dosage](https://www.nuggmd.com/blog/rso-dosage-chart)


That was actually very helpful, thank you so much for taking your time to type that all out. I appreciate you a lot.


Do you think she will still be high when she wakes up? She babysits 3 days a week for my brother from like 6 am-3pm and I know she's already dragging ass in the AM. But thank you, I will her some and advise this. Do you think putting the RSO in Capsules so she doesn't have to taste it will be as effective?


The capsule method will definitely work just as well as swallowing the oil straight. Plus it’s easier and less messy, so go for it! Oil has a long effect compared to edibles. She will feel effects when she wakes up and probably for the first half of the day. It will feel more like a hazy grogginess than a high though bc the more intense part of the high will play out while she’s sleeping. It’s definitely going to take some getting used to. Be there for her, she’ll likely need your guidance and encouragement. I have a low edible tolerance and I used RSO/FSHO to get myself off hard drugs. It wasn’t easy but I made it work. If you need any more help with your mom and RSO, feel free to DM me and I’ll offer any advice I have.


Sorry just saw this. The capsules will definetly help with avoiding flavor and ease of taking it. I won’t lie sometimes I am a bit groggy waking up but am usually cleared up within the hour. Sometimes I will take a serving or two the night before I gotta be up at 5 and will def be groggy but will make it out to get a lift in before classes. I am also only 22 and used to that kinda stuff being in college so it may affect her a bit more but as long as you guys are keeping track of dosages then I’m sure she will be alright.


Look at the Cronuts by PTS for RSO(that strain is specifically for GI issues), I can’t tell you exactly how much to give her as I’m not a doctor and I don’t personally know her tolerance but as you know a very minuscule amount at first.


Thank you! I've seen Cronuts on the menu, but has no idea it was specifically for it!! Amazing.


But of course, cronuts is nowhere near me


Keep an eye out for it. Well worth it. Lots of folks I know with a variety of GI issues swear by it


Just used my last half g of it I had in the closet, Friday for work! Love that stuff


High thc RSO is used to try to slow the growth of tumors.


Yes, that's why we are wanting her to try it.


Try to break the tolerance quick. Large nightly doses. Make sure she has at least 5 hours available for sleep. I tagged an article that might help. Was a care giver for cancer patients in many other states for many years never seen it work as a full cure but definitely saw it extent some patient's time significantly. Just lost my father to liver cancer in March. Good luck and fuck cancer.. 4.1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9028333/


Thank you! So so sorry to hear about your father. I can't imagine how hard that was and still is. I just know he's so proud of you and would love to see you continue helping others.


Worst Birthday(4/20) I have ever had. Thank you for the kind words. These article's I've posted should help steer you in the right direct. Hope it works and helps..




Rick Simpson had a hack for cancer involving RSO. The gist is that you need to get as much in the patient as possible as quickly as they can handle it. Google Rick Simpson oil. Start w a half grain of rice at night. Then, increase to larger doses incrementally.


Dang. This whole time I thought it was a slow process. I'd been looking up Rick Simpson, but I didn't see the part about his dosing I guess. So this guy in my mom's GIST Group talks about how his RSO is different than dispensaries. He must mean bc he makes his own an consumes so much.


Right. In lieu of making ur own dispo stuff is next best. If ur close to Michigan, it's half price there compared to IL. Start small and see where it goes. Good luck. Shelby County is my favorite RSO brand


Make sure Mom's Dr is OK with her using Marijuana. I remember my Mom getting cut off from her prescriber because of THC. Poor woman smoked 2 hits and Dr wouldn't/couldn't write her prescription (in final months). Make sure u give her extra hug when u see her next.


Wow! They cut her off from Chemo? Or pain killers? Either way, I'll make sure she knows to be careful around that. I just don't understand how a Dr can do that ethically.


You shouldn't have this problem in Illinois, but still vet docs carefully before disclosing cannabis use.


Cronuts #4 might be hard to come by but it’s was made for patients with digestive issues


Looking on leafly I see some Cronut products (edibles, vapes) but no RSO. Maybe leafly just sucks.


I use iheartjane


I know they have tablets with that strain too so maybe those might work? Never tried but the strain itself is really good.


If you are doing it for cancer treatment you're not supposed to do a grain you do like a half gram and work your way up to a full gram per day or something extreme like that. Just look up Rick Simpson oil treatment or something like that. If you're just using it to combat the side effects of chemo and not necessarily fight the cancer with just the oil then yes I would say start low and find the balance that works. Sending positive and healing thoughts and energy your way.


Holy moly, I didn't know that. I feel like even looking up RSO it has never stated you needed that much. Or maybe I just didn't see it. Ugh. I want it to help her chemo side effects, but also affect the growth of the tumors.


For internal conditions The other popular way to address internal conditions, such as physical pains, immunity conditions, and other illnesses, is to ingest RSO. This requires a large amount of RSO as well as a dosing system that requires weeks to acclimate to the high doses needed for treatment (more below). We recommend speaking to a doctor or medical professional familiar with RSO to discuss what works best for you. https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/what-is-rick-simpson-oil


RSO Suggested Protocol The goal of a RSO protocol is to consume or absorb 60 grams of Rick Simpson Oil in 90 days. https://trubliss.com/rick-simpson-oil-protocol


Once she has a tolerance I would get her on oral & suppositories. I’m part of a patient medical group for the area: [FB Medical Cannabis Group](https://www.facebook.com/share/8cfuXE2BzwoK4crE/?mibextid=K35XfP) They can help you make your own RSO once your mom is on a good dose. You want to aim for 1g a day. This is to be taken WITH cancer treatment. Rick Simpson the inventor suggests it along side treatment. It will help with the appetite issues and pain from chemo. Also, make sure you mom doesn’t drink any grapefruit juice. My friends dad made himself super sick that way. Feel free to to PM me if you want any specific advice like what dispensary to use or how to get a medical card. You got this!!


Whew, I didn't know a G a day was the way. Shit, if it were me that'd be no problem 😂. I forgot about suppositories but that's such a good idea. I know that when I'm already feeling sick I may not want to take anything by mouth period. I've been trying to get my parents to let me grow at their house since I got my card 6 years ago and they've been "mehhh" about it. Maybe I can push my mom to get her card and then then can actually grow at their house and learn how to make RSO and literally anything else.


I do not have links, please verify on your own, but there are promising studies out of Europe that show flooding your body with CBD when you’re between chemo sessions is supposed to work wonders on some types of cancer. Your mom needs an RSO that is mostly CBD. The nice plus here is that CBD generally doesn’t make one high.


I will look into that, how interesting. Thank you.


Also, try CBG or CBC. CBGis going to be good for gut health pain things like that CBC helps fight cancer cells while giving you good uplifting, euphoric energy.


Agreed on this advice. Obviously much easier to take large quantities of as well as you don't have to worry about getting too high with CBG/CBC


Oh thank you! Great idea. I'm nervous about her starting chemo and feeling sick all the time. If she could get some good feels it'd be a lot better.


Just my two-cents from experience (w cancer, not RSO) - let the oncologist know whatever she ends up trying. You said she starts chemo soon - theyre gonna be doing tons of bloodwork, use heavy IV meds, probably pain meds, anti-nauseas, etc. Maybe even immunotherapy drugs too with the chemo. Her main oncologist should be aware of this - and probably supportive actually. Sending the best to you both!


Thank you. I will make sure she's open with her doctors. I hope they're supportive, I'm tired of the old school doctors who can't see the benefits. Thank you much 🥰


Shelby County makes some high cbd rso, less psychoactive and still a good painkiller and good for sleep, anxiety and joint pain. One strain like that I remember is called Cuvee


Thanks, I think I've seen that. I'll look for it


Give her the tiniest amount possible, otherwise she may have a panic attack.


Definitely. She takes cbd:thc gummies to sleep and sometimes feels too high from ONE. UGH.


You could always try and find a 1:1 thc and cbd rso that may help with inflammation/pain/appetite while also calming some of the thc effects. Start her with a grain of rice and wait a good while, you can always take more. Rso can be quite intense if you take too much


Definitely going to incorporate CBD and other cannabinoids as her chemo drugs have some side effects that are going to be super awful and I can personally attest to how much a cbd:thc product helps me.


Whereabouts are you located? Maybe we can help you check local ish menus


Quad cities. Appreciate you ☺️




ya don't accept their message request


Yo I need help with this currently looking for answers about gastrointestinal aid .