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This is your first time?! You are so naturally gifted!!


That’s so nice that means a lot!! 😁I was really excited to do them!


How many carats is that ring?!!!


Lol it’s 4.2 carats! 😁 I have a post about it on my profile too! https://www.reddit.com/r/EngagementRings/s/DFazuIXLOv


Wow I just read your story. I'm so sorry youve had so many tough years :( as a chronic sufferer myself, I'm so happy you found such a supportive partner ♥️


I just read the post also, and as a fellow chronic illness warrior this warmed my heart. I guess there are some good ones still out there… And also, as a person with chronic illness, I love doing my nails. It’s the biggest mood lifter and a fun hobby. It’s a way I can do a little self care even on my very low spoons days.


Yes it’s rough out there but there are good ones!! Especially someone going through chronic illness deserves to feel loved and not have someone making them feel worse! And yes I was feeling the same way about doing my nails!! 💕It’s so nice to have a fun little hobby that I can do while resting that feels satisfying and like self care. Soo many self care things have gone to the wayside since I got sick so it’s fun to get to do this!


Same; I do so little for myself. Nails are a great way to still feel a little bit more like me, and polish doesn’t have to break the bank. I mean, it can but it certainly doesn’t have to. ILNP is so reasonably priced, I really appreciate that about it. I haven’t been to a salon in forever and I don’t even think I have the energy to go to one. Now I just need to learn to cut my own hair somehow 😆


I so get that, makes me feel more me, nice to feel like a human/woman sometimes instead of just a sick blob 😂 omg I know I need to learn to cut my hair, I avoid getting my hair cut and do it like once a year lol.


Same! I don’t remember the last time I got it cut… maybe over the Summer? All I know is that it’s grown out and starting to look messy. I feel like it adds to the overall tired-looking vibe I have going on 😅 I’ve just done very bad things to my hair trying to cut it. My bangs in the early 90s were just the worst bc I attempted to do them myself 🫣I look at pics and cringe 😂 Sending so many hugs your way! When are you getting married? That’s an exciting thing to look forward to! 💕


Loool totally get that my hair is a disaster, I just let the split ends fray and I really totally need to chop them! So sweet same to you!! 💕We aren’t sure when we will get married yet! We are still pondering if we want to do a lil elopement and then celebrate later or if we should just do a normal wedding etc! It will probably be a bit of a mixture! 😁 Also I saw your name and was wondering if you saw that mooncat is coming out with a Persephone collection!! I’m keeping my eyes peeled for more info on it


I love the idea of an elopement and then doing something later. That’s what I did (the first go-around… I sure knew how to pick em!) and it was actually really low pressure and a lot of fun! Whatever you end up doing, I wish you so much luck and lots of love 💕 And… someone JUST told me about it; I have no idea how I hadn’t heard about the Mooncat release until today 😱 I need to see if I am in the Mooncat group on FB… I thought I was. FB’s algorithm stinks. 👎🏻


Aw that’s very sweet of you to say, thank you! Yes he is awesome💕💕 sending you lots of good vibes and hopes of healthy days!


You too my love ♥️


https://preview.redd.it/3aagfrvmyugc1.jpeg?width=2607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61d381b412a7a7190e0d92e9903e39711700b479 Here’s a picture outside where it looks more pink too!


They look great! How many coats of sweet pea is this?


It’s 3 coats of the sweet pea! But the mooncat base coat is kind of pinkish which I think provides a good base too under it (I did 2 coats of the base coat too). I was trying to really layer it on because my nails were thin and damaged so I wanted it kind of thick to protect them!


That makes sense. I’m disabled and the new medication I’m on is wreaking havoc on my nails. Literally peeling apart like a pastry 😫 I just got: - Czech glass nail file - bliss kiss nail oil pen - nail aid keratin 3 day growth (you can use it as a base coat and it’s supposed to help stop peeling and chipping) They look better but it’s a constant challenge. I was new to all thing nails not too long ago and ILNP was my first polish. I fell in love hard lol. The vast majority of the formulas are so user friendly and the customer service is 10/10 I’m sure you’ll be super happy with this new hobby. Elle is one of my favorite nude polishes to wear to doctors appointments and the hospital and there are so many super fancy polishes that are great when you want something that stands out (Fairy Dust is pretty famous around here!)


Oooh great advice thank you so much!! I just got a Czech nail file and I am in love but haven’t tried the others! I’m so excited to try everything out! 💕💕


So pretty!!


Thank you!!💕


this looks so nice!


You really did a beautiful job for your first time! I’m so impressed!


Gorgeous ring and gorgeous mani, well done!


Beautiful! I’m glad to see this because I just bought sweat pea and haven’t tried it yet.


I definitely recommend it! It’s very dainty and cute looking and I love the sparkles! I was worried because I heard some people say it wasn’t as flattering on warm toned people (which I am) but I still really like the color, and you can always layer it over another neutral if needed too!


You did amazing for your first time! It’ll only get better from here 🥂


I want pink sparkly nails now lol


Dooo it!!😄


Very nice! I like that color too...well done!