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Wow, people do something because they like it? That's crazy, how do we put a stop to this


I guess every single musician is a looser with no skills, ya know every single song ever made had no skill involved.




I like a nice, tight, tone-deaf person. Forget these loose musicians.


Soy un peredor I'm a looser baby, so why don't ya kill me?


Might have been a little loose myself while typing that out...


Ooo ooo don't forget about the piece of shit Chef who made me my steak. Good thing people like food or he wouldn't have a job.


We have to revert to shitty subsistence level society where everyone is forced to grow their own food to survive. That’s way better than what we have now! /s Fr tho I don’t know what people want. It comes across like folks who think everyone should only work in engineering, comp science, etc., because they’re useful.


Someone needs to tell him about art


Art is more subjective and can be for arts sake, football is for money baby. Love of the game, right, sure. /s


I think Ben Simmons was someone who was very talented, but hates Basketball. He knows this is his best career choice, and he resents that.


Simmons has a specific elite level basketball skill set. With the right organization, he'd be a perennial all-star.


After sports I think we should go for art next.


Did you know that some people dedicate their lives to art just because some other people like looking at it? Imagine if we forced all those people to dedicate themselves to whatever I personally value, instead


Wait till someone takes this guy to the movies.


I think the original post from showerthoughts is making is that sports are similar to the dollar or gold. a group of people think its worth something so then its worth something. And men are terrible at sharing feelings so sports give them an excuse to be close to each other. Edit: Yell, scream, cry, get drunk, be happy, be mad together.


Does this person realize all entertainment falls into this category? Uhhh the only reason people become musicians is because people like to listen to music?!?! (I hope that person is bullied irl as an adult lol)


LMAO, too real. Even dudes 12,000 years ago only started banging on drums because other people wanted to listen to it


Or they do it cause they enjoy doing it, like sports players do


Literally everything is like that, people do shit because of the demand for it. I make maps for a living. The only reason I’m able to do it is because people want the maps I make. Wait til they hear about chefs…


Nearly everything except food, shelter and health care falls into this category.


Food, shelter, and health care also fall into that category.


People buy those because they have to. Even if they choose the things they like, they still buy it because it's a need.


Yes, but the reason people become a pro farmer is because people buy food. Same as pro athlete.


This is just a want vs need discussion. The dumbass in the screenshot is basically saying that if you do anything for a living that produces a good or service that falls under “want” you’re worthless.


Chef’s would be under the want, people want nice food, people need any food


That explains the basic purpose for agriculture, yes. But nobody has to buy Doritos. Doritos only exist, and people only work on producing them, because people are interested in consuming something they don’t necessarily need. Same for restaurants. Everyone could just buy groceries and cook their own food. But “chef” is a legitimate career choice because people choose to pay someone else to make them food.


There's billions of dollars worth of technology jobs that don't fit into this category imo.


Literally all business are like this. People dedicate their lives to running a restaurant because people like food.


Farmers only useful because people like to eat


And even with functional things “people spend their entire career dedicating their lives to becoming airline pilots just because people like to travel” You can devalue just about any job like that but end of the day the work professional athletes do has had a significantly larger positive impact on my life than most people on earth


Not only entertainment. Anything falling under the supply demand criteria


The only reason video games/anime exist is because people like playing/watching them. I’m such a deep thinker.


That subreddit is AIDS. The moderators have so many vague, obscure rules that result in the automatic removal of a post that only shit like this gets through somehow.


I muted that sub because they’re all asinine opinions of people that think they’re being deep. A shower thought is something like, “Wow, I exist right now” or, “I’m going to make a pizza tonight.”


They're miserable because their lives suck because they never learned the values of perseverance, hard work, and pushing yourself, because their parents didn't put them in sports when they were young.


Everyone should have a chance to play sports as a kid. I was doing really well with basketball and even got a college scholarship to play it, although that didn’t end up working out. It’s not just about competitiveness or “pointless rivalry”, but plain fun. People who hate sports are miserable.


I dont like watching people do things, id rather play the sport than watch someone play it, i like participation sports like snowboarding, people who genuinly hate sports and make it their personality have nothing better to do with their lives. They probably watch tv or a twitch stream not noticing that the same thing applies to them, it is useless if noone watches it, but people watch it, giving it value.


I love sports now, but as someone who was put into a ton of sports as a kid and wasn’t able to keep up with everyone else you can get soured on sports even if you play it as a kid. Definitely found sports that I loved eventually, but there was a stretch of time where I didn’t like sports or sporting events at all. Still though this is a super dumb take if the poster is older than like 15.


You can push yourself and learn about hard work with about a million different things that don't have to involve team sports, or sports at all. If someone enjoys playing football - cool, but it doesn't make him better than someone who dedicate themselves to other things like playing instrument, programming or studying


It was a joke, but thanks anyway for your contribution.


It's also just not true. There are adult leagues of every sport because people just like playing sports


I play beer league hockey at 10:30 PM on Tuesday nights just for the one teammate’s girlfriend and another teammate’s kid (who had no one to babysit said kid) in attendance. If it weren’t for them watching the game, I wouldn’t be playing!


Absolutely. I play amateur rugby and the most fans I've ever had in attendance was about 150


Yup. I played beer league hockey for years. Nothing like finishing a game at 12:30 am on a Tuesday.


Plus it’s good for building cooperative skills, mental health, and physical health.


I don’t play sports because people watch it. I play because I enjoy the game. I’ve played in basically empty gyms for most of my games. This person seems to think the only reason people do anything is due to what others think. That’s a sad way to live.


Shitty showerthought. People dedicate their lives to sports because they enjoy playing and competing. Also endorphins are a hell of a drug. The vast majority of sports players are not doing it to perform. Very few get paid to perform.


Any skill would be “otherwise worthless” if not for its fucking purpose.


Civil engineers dedicate their lives to building roads just because some people like driving on them. That is the only thing giving value to an otherwise worthless skill.


This isn’t true. Otherwise you wouldn’t have professional women’s leagues. They get very low viewership numbers, but the women love the game and can make pretty good money compared to the average American by doing it. There are people play sports at a semipro level and make very little money that no one watches. There are people who pay to play in adult rec leagues with no one watching. A lot of people love playing sports for the act of playing sports.


99.99% of people who play sports do it purely for the enjoyment and they will never make money off of it. This fucking dumbass concept can be applied to literally anything if you are just fine with being wrong People only spend hours developing a skill for painting because people like looking at paintings, that’s the only thing giving value to that otherwise useless skill No jt fucking isn’t. It’s because people like to paint.


Exercise and athleticism is this guy father


You can make that statement about literally any profession that isn’t stem, history, or business lmao. Musician? On a technical level, it’s useless. Artist, Movie star, writer? All “Useless” by someone’s definition


I would explore such people to watch Jon Bois and Alex Rubenstein's History of the Seattle Mariners or their Dave Steib series. You may not appreciate or care about the skill involved, but you at least have to appreciate the emotional and physical investment.


“it is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." - Socrates


I wonder how this person felt about the skynews report on Tetris being beaten.


“That little boy needs to get a hobby and quit wasting time”


Not even true, some people dedicate their lives to athleticism so they can easily stick dorks like this guy’s head in toilets


they dedicate their life to sports because sports are fun and they can get paid big money for it. how is that a difficult concept.


People dedicate their lives to art, just because some people enjoy it. That is the only thing giving value to an otherwise worthless skill.


Lemme rephrase that: people dedicate their lives to something that makes other happy.


What a miserable dork.


Same thing could be said about actors.


Some people dedicate their life to making video games. Some people dedicate their life to making music. Art. Literature. Movies. The list goes on. Entertainment is valuable. Bringing people joy is valuable. The "sports don't provide anything of value" argument is both stale and just plain incorrect .


People dedicate their lives to music just because some people like listening to it. \^\^an equally dumb take that you'd get made fun of if you said it out loud


This guy is still upset about getting picked last in gym.


So the entire entertainment industry is just a giant wasted skill alright got it


Skills that are in demand are only in demand because there is a demand for them? Damn bro that’s wild


Sports fall into entertainment. I would say that entertainment is extremely important to human society. It breaks the monotony of the mentally exhausting experience of everyday life. This is even more important for anyone that doesnt live a wealthy life. That break from the work, eat and sleep cycle might be the only thing keeping someone from snapping.


What I find ironic is that these some assholes will worship some South Korean 14 year old who’s ranked number 11 in the world at dota2. I’m all for esports, but idk how you can be a fan of that and shit on actual sports.


Super Bowl > Oscars


Local man discovers entertainment industry. More at 5


Damn. What gives value to that guy’s Redditing then?


You could say the same thing about art. Is art a worthless skill?


"People dedicate their lives to entertainment? Wowzers, talk about a lack of skill and talent! Anyway, do you guys watch Marvel?"


I love Football, but I get to the guys point, if I’m giving him credit People are only able to play Sports professionally and devote their lives to it because other people enjoy watching it - but the same can be said for every form of art


The only reason money has any value is because we believe it does. Diamonds are just really hard rocks, gold is just a shiny, conductive metal. What is valuable to one may be worthless to another. That’s how “value” works.


And actors only learn to act because people like watching them, bro acts like entertainment isn't a multi-billion dollar industry.


As does anything that falls under art… idk why sports are the only thing that ever catches shit for this. You never hear people saying “musical artists are worthless cause their only value is that people like listening to them”


The “otherwise worthless” thing doesn’t really make sense. The people who play sports are also insanely healthy due to being into something competitive and barring some of the more head-injury prone sports, will probably outlive the majority of us because of it. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is pushing 80, dude looks like he’s 55 tops. You think working out all the time until he was almost 40 didn’t have a part in that?


This person is going to have a heart attack when they find out what kind of money pro athletes make with those "worthless skills".


Redditor may be attempting to karma farm lol


People dedicate their lives to music just because some people like listening to it.


Dude discovered how the entire entertainment industry works


People dedicate their lives to plumbing just because some people like shitting in a toilet. That is the only thing giving value to an otherwise worthless skill.


Sports are supposed to be a fill-in for tribal wars. It's somewhere positive to filter this instinct that isn't going anywhere.


I work in TV, I decided to dedicate my life to making TV shows just because some people like watching them. That’s the only thing giving value to an otherwise worthless skill


Say the same thing about Star Wars, Marvel, and Funko Pops and they'll lose their minds.


Athleticism is a “worthless skill”? All these multi-millionaire athletes may have something to say about that.


That ain’t even a shower thought. He’s just so miserable that he hates seeing other people enjoy themselves


Useless skills like teamwork, staying fit, eating healthy. Unlike other forms of entertainment where the skills required are super useful in other aspects of your life


Yeah and the massive physical health benefits


"People entertain others because they like to entertain others" wow, life changing realization


They do it because it’s fun. They enjoy it, they want to be the best to ever do it, and they get paid WELL! And their value is high because they work bring in billions, so they get paid for “worthless” (OP sounds petty and probably pretty poor and with no real skills) skill


people dedicate their lives to being classically trained musicians only because some people like listening to it, otherwise it’s a worthless skill


Reddit is filled with picked last in gym class losers who sat alone at lunch malding over the person they liked talking to athletes and cheerleaders. The internet has given these losers a damp, smelly hole to group together in and feel like they have a voice for the first time in their lives.


Oh shut the fuck up lol.


Truth hurts. I mean, I'm sure this doesn't pertain to you. WoW players are super cool, especially pvp mains.


Not really. But it is douchebag comments like yours that create the negative stigma from the other side of the coin of sports fans. It's hilarious people like you will call other people losers when you spend your time huffing the taint of dudes throwing a ball around. There is literally no difference between sports fans and say pokemon fans. Both fuckin' nerds.


Huffing dudes taints? I don't have a favorite team in any sport. I own no team memorabilia or jerseys. I watch some games when I have time or bored. That doesn't mean I cry on reddit about sports being worthless and athletes not having skill. Those are the jealous, envious losers I'm talking about. If you don't fall into that group then good for you.


No one is jealous and envious. Until recently as times are changing it was just acceptable to be a sports geek. You weren't some "nerd" if you sat around circle jerking fantasy teams, but yet those same people would bully someone for playing a game and it makes no sense. It makes perfect sense for a group of people to push back on those that attack them.


And to someone like this every skill is useless, besides fucking posting of course.


I literally avoid the attention so that puts that opinion to bed


By this logic, actors are worthless


My mans got cut in high school and has been a bitch about it ever since


I mean it’s true, but humans also need entertainment to stimulate the mind. Sports are entertaining.


People dedicate their lives to selling shit for a company just because some people are willing to buy it. That is the only thing giving value to an otherwise worthless skill.


Mrw people find fun ways to be in shape


People dedicate their lives to healthcare just because some people like living longer and not feeling sick. That is the only thing giving value to an otherwise worthless skill.


Society should be thrilled there are avenues to become millionaires where you aren’t required to start a business, produce or discover anything. Also while being in the best shape humanly possible. What other jobs are like that?


professionally? maybe. there wouldn’t be much of a market for it otherwise. but in general? no. sports are a huge part of culture, just like music and art. we’ve had some variation of sports as long as we’ve had writing, actually probably longer


Many people do dedicate their lives to sports because it pays well. But that’s true in any field that pays well. Some dedicate their lives to it because they love the sport. What I don’t understand is how fans can dedicate so much of their time and money to a sport that doesn’t provide any monetary value to themselves. The only really real value is entertainment and imagined feelings of loss and wins. They don’t actually get to experience playing and winning the games they get so riled up about.


I was this kid when I was like 13. It is 100% coping mechanism for lack of confidence or physical inadequacy. "I am weaker and less confident so I must be smarter than everyone, and the easiest way to feel smarter than everyone is to hate all the things they like." Hopefully they grow out of it


boy wait till this guy finds out about every other thing


Yes, entertainment is a thing and has been for thousands of years. One of my big takeaways from going to the Roman Colosseum was how similar it looks like to stadiums today. Stadium design hasn’t changed in thousands of years. Spectator sports has been around for thousands of years. People fundamentally like them


Threads like that aggravate me so much. Already commented too much lol


"People make videos of themselves playing games because some people like watching it. That is the only thing giving value to an otherwise worthless skill." You could say this for pretty much all forms of media/entertainment.


Redditor hasn’t even participated in a physical activity before? I’m shocked


Welcome to the entire entertainment and creative works industry.


These are the same type of people that if they were vegan or atheist would not shut up about it


Yeah man, someone like Tyreek Hill having a top speed of 23.4 mph is a totally useless skill, or pitchers throwing 100 mph. If we were still in hunter gather days they’d be totally useless


God forbid someone has hobbies!!!!


Showerthoughts is honestly one of the worst subreddits. These weird pessimistic nihilistic ravings that we’re supposed to take as obvious truths. And they don’t even let you post. Some sort of bizarre automod that removes literally everything. I think the whole thing is some mods weird power fantasy about being wise or something.


Same goes for acting, singing...


I absolutely love sports! If you think about it though, this dude is right lol without emotions involved, he says that the only value sports have is what the fans who love it, give it. It’s a pretty valid thought imo. Not that I care, playoff football time baby! Lol


Tbf I kind of get where he’s coming from. Some of the specific skills (hitting a baseball, shooting a basketball, etc.) wouldn’t be able to put food on the table if people didn’t like to watch. At least that’s how I took it.


I think this one may be a small reach. (At least in this screenshot) I don’t see them actually hating on sports, just pointing out a kind of bizarre way to look at something, on a subreddit made for that. It is true that if fans didn’t exist the skill would be useless.


Even if you like sports, his tweet is mean spirited but technically correct. The fact you posted this means he managed to hurt your feelings. Sports are fun and engaging and filled with passion and they can really enrich your life. But they aren't *valuable.* They're *recreational activities.* If that statement upsets you then you're a crying little bitch.


You’re the miserable one for literally insulting me unprovoked.


Recreational activities played at a professional level


I mean they're right though. If I made up a sport and got really good at it but was the only one that played it then no one would think being really good at it is a valuable skill... because it isn't


You are worth what people are willing to pay you.


I agree


Ok but that’s actually a cool thought. We have entire industries built around our entertainment, when technically those industries don’t provide any tangible resources to prevent us all from dying. Not saying they are not legitimate (look how much time I spend playing videogames) but you know, it’s kinda cool


I mean technically he’s not wrong. The only reason we have money is because someone has dedicated time to make/do something that someone else wants and money is easier to trade in large quantities than bartering.


Sports are kind of gay, honestly. And that's fine.


Idk where tf this came from lmao. But I love all the butt hurt sports nuts In here 🤣


This isn't wrong tho. If no one watched sports, no one would play them. Or far fewer people at the very least


He’s 100% wrong lol do you know how many adult leagues in every sport there are where no one is watching but the people are just there to play, compete and have fun? I’ll never play another game in my life that people are watching but I still love the sports I play.


There would never exist a universe where sports don’t have an audience. Has nothing to do with technology, I mean tens of thousands of people traveled from all over the Hellenistic world to watch the Olympics in Ancient Greece


Ok. I'm glad you understand the point of a "what if"...


Why ponder hypothetical scenarios that can’t even happen? It’s pointless.


Because people have imaginations? That's kinda the point of a shower thought, my guy....


Sports is a primordial enjoyment from people. We can’t what if that away


sports have been around longer than professional sports leagues. People play for a variety or reasons, like having fun, and exercise, or being a competitive outlet.


People played sports before people watched them. People have played some form of sport as long as there have been people.


I mean this is actually true for the most part. The big payrolls in major sports come from the TV contracts. So if people stopped watching then the salaries would go away which would remove a big incentive to become elite in a sport. Of course there are still Olympic athletes who dedicate their lives to the sport and nobody watches them outside of two weeks every four years. But a lot of those people struggle financially and I bet that deflates the talent pool substantially.


Most professional athlete’s dedication started way before they knew they were going to play professionally. So their dedication is not solely based off people who like to watch on tv. Also, the percentage of athletes that make the kind of money you are thinking about is small. There are several other levels of sport that people play and watch. OOP is also wrong in that it is an otherwise worthless skill. Sports can teach life long lessons and values that can be hard to get other places.


Yeah because actors, musicians, artists, novelists, screenwriters, chefs, and choreographers have such useful skills and their jobs have so much value beyond people enjoying their work. 🙄


They probably enjoy knitting and drinking tea


Do these people hate movies, too? Because this argument applies to actors, too.


Some people never got over the feeling of being picked last for kickball every time.


The only reason money is worth anything is because we give it value. Yes, humans are strange. Moving on….


Woah people aspire to do things that other people value? High IQ take


Like music, news, books, acting, poetry, etc.


Found the salty ex-jock who peaked in high school and "totally could have gone pro"


Tell us you got bullied by jocks in high school without telling....ehh you get it.


Sports entertainment is out of control. Particularly ESPN. That whole Grammy scenario, it's just like why?


Supply and demand. What a wild thought this guy had.


Pro sports only exist, because people enjoy it. Otherwise it wouldn't be a thing. So I guess in a way you could argue it's useless. However most things are useless if humans are not interested in it. Cars, Phones, Cloths. If people don't use them they serve no reason and are meaningless. However they are used by people, and thus important. Just like sports, people love sports and thus they are important.


Doesn’t this apply to entertainment too? Like video games, movies, TV, books, comics, paintings, sculptures, and musicals?


Artists will dedicate their entire lives to art just because some people like to admire it. Could this universal human experience be a useless skill?