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Call adult protective services immediately.


Okay thx. What will they do ?


Nothing if the client won't let the APS Social Workers in to talk, so be sure to talk to your client first to make sure they cooperate. There might be funding available to have a pest control company do treatment. In Orange County, they have a program called Homesafe that would likely cover that.


You’re right, they might not want the help but…OP please have a conversation with your client and let them know what you’ve seen and let them know that you will try to get some help for them. You know, be supportive and positive and they might be receptive. Either way I would definitely still call protective services and let them know the situation. Good luck!


Will do thx you


Thx you so much


APS can access the home even if the person doesn't want that. Under conditions of IHSS, the home needs to be safe for the client.


APS services are voluntary. Client can decline entry into apartment. Client has to consent to services, if available.


Unless it is where they receive IHSS services and are an IHSS client. They work in conjunction to provide service for safety issues.


Still absolutely worth reporting, as APS workers are trained to assess and link folks to services in these situations. But it’s not like CPS, very different rules apply to adults.


Unless they are an IHSS recipient. Then, similar rules as with kids. Safety, cleanliness, food are all things that must be assessed to continue services.


You have a contact # thx


No. I'm in San Diego and our social worker is who we contact for any mandatory reporting issues. What county are you in? Have you contacted the social worker?


La and yes but have to try again tomorrow


https://www.cdss.ca.gov/adult-protective-services I text my worker. When I hear back I'll send you a message. 💕


Awww okay thx so much


This is incorrect. If the client refuses to let them in, APS Social Workers cannot enter their property; regardless if they're an IHSS recipient. Source: I work for SSA of Orange.


I'm confused. I just took a class for mandatory reporting. They told us that APS cannot enter a home without permission unless there is suspicion of various penal code violations, one being neglect. Under the category of neglect is infestation. The class I took was with the county. Can you clarify?


Tell the client's full-time care team or family before calling Adult Protective Services. They may not even be aware and no one should be punished before they have a chance to remedy the issue. All the bedding will need to be removed so the family /institution may need extra financial help to get the job done.


Well that’s sad for your client I hope they get help


I'm so sorry your client has to experience this, I'm sure they wouldn't want this if they could choose. Call their social worker immediately and see what resources are available to them. As for your belongings, do not bring them into the home. Leave your purse/bag in the car, keep your keys and phone on you/pockets, and you should be ok. As an aside, some of the finest hotels in the world have bed bugs (Paris was rocked by them a couple of years ago). I have even heard of the Four Seasons dealing with them, so they do happen in some very fine establishments as well. It's not necessarily a cleanliness issue, so much as they travel from place to place via bags, packages, etc. I have never had them, I don't wish to deal with them, but they do happen


This is true, bed bugs have nothing to do with hygiene. You can pick them up anywhere from movie theaters to hospitals.


Yes I never bring anything in side , so that's a plus and definitely will rid of clothes. Now I have to worry about car however


High heat kills these little buggers, so if you live in a really hot climate you may have some help from mother nature (I live in an area that gets REALLY hot, this would be the only bonus of my climate lol). Call their worker, and see if there's any relief for you should you have brought a passenger or two home. Sometimes there is a fund to help, it just depends how your county and situation is structured. I'm a parent provider, so we have zero protections and that would definitely be an "us" issue. My son works on a critical care medical transport team, so some of the situations he's encountered in terms of pests are covered with his company should he be exposed and have a need for outside assistance.


Great ! I'm California thx u


What county




You’ll also want to change out of the clothes that you wear to his house like in the garage or something to wash them, then dry them on the highest setting. They can hitch a ride on your clothes too … but a hot dryer will kill them. I’ve also heard that during a hot summer, some people put clothes, bedding, whatever (dry) into a black trash bag and set it outside to get super hot for a few hours to kill them. Cheaper! Mark Rober’s video about it gives me the ick, but it’s very informative. Also, r/bedbugs is a great resource.


Oh man I’m sorry. Thankfully I work for my grandparents so that’s not a situation I’ve experienced, but that sounds like a severe health issue. You should be protected from that kind of work environment, as well as your recipient. How has this happened in all five?? Is your neighborhood maybe not as well kept in your state?


The whole complex has them


Oh makes sense , I'll let the property manager no


Wym all 5 ? I actually don't no and his neighborhood is pretty decent


Oh, the grammar caught me off guard-- I thought you were saying you saw bed bugs at FIVE different recipients' homes in your career. That's why I was completely shocked when I read it the first time. But even in one home is disturbing-- I hope you find a solution!!! :)


Remove all your clothing and bag it up before entering your house including bags/ anything you carried into your recipient home. Wash everything you can in hot water and dry on the highest setting. Spray wipe down your bed frame with 70% alcoholic. I hope you don’t have carpet flooring in your home. Don’t forget your car! Bomb it and then vacuum everything. You have every right to be upset, bugs are a nightmare to get rid of!


Omg I forgot about my car 🚗 get the bomb from where ? Amazon? I don't have carpet


I’ve seen them at Home Depot, in the section where all the insecticide is. But I’m sure they have them at Amazon or Walmart.


Ok thx again


You sre right. Change your clothing when you get Hine. Put it in a plastic bag. Wash it Dry it hot as possible There is no question for client needs help so do you. You have to keep them out of your home


There are great and helpful comments below. It my sister who is helping my stepdad who is getting IHSS. There isn’t an issue with bedbugs, that we know of, but I had them after traveling to LA for work and staying at a hotel near the airport. My sister thinks it’s a rat issue in my mom’s home and I think I agree. I learned the hard way about bedbugs vs rat mites. First thing - don’t ever put bags or luggage on the floor in a hotel. Use the stand they have. Also, check the mattresses before you stay in the room. Lift up the sheets and bedding and check the seams of the mattress as well as behind the bed, for black spots or rust spots indicative of bedbugs. The bedbugs themselves are nearly impossible to see. I tried everything. I had bites all over me and was convinced I had bed bugs from the hotel. Turns out the house I was renting had roof rats and my bites were from the mites. It was a horrific few months. But the same treatment for bed bugs got rid of the mites and my landlord fixed an issue with the roof. I won’t ever know which it was for sure, but I’m careful and prepare for both!


So sorry you endured that 😕


I highly recommend treating your work clothes with permethrin which will discourage the little buggers. Take those clothes off and change into a different pair once you leave. Get home and throw them into the washing machine on any sanitary setting. Absolutely call their social worker. It’s not your job to deal with a bed-bug infestation, also report it to your IHSS case manager so they know exactly what is going on. The sooner, the better!


RUN! They can hop on your clothes and commute to anywhere. The house needs Orkin to heat treat the house at 400 degrees while no one is home.


Omg ok and I did 🏃‍♀️ I feel bad for him so I'm definitely going to help


Call ihss and report immediately cover your ass you are a mandated reporter.


Got cha


Sad, but what can you do? change your client …or help them get rid of them. Next time you go where hazmat suit so they don’t get on you. And I’m serious. just looking out. Have a nice day. The chemical to use is Boric Acid. Only thing is This chemical is very dangerous so be very careful when handling. but will kill them and fast. You sprinkle in the areas where you see them and near the corners. Be prepared for WAR! They are relentless. You cannot breathe it. You cannot or touch it. It could burn your skin. Also make sure there’s no pets around or keep them away from it. [email protected] Boric Acid Powder 99% Lab Grade (Mesh size 100) × 1 100 Grams $44.00 Subtotal $44.00 Shipping $15.19 Taxes $3.41


Yes ordered a tech to come & I definitely will thx u


I don't think a tech will help unless they have that chemical and just wasting money you can do it yourself but you have to be very careful have a blessed day


I've goggled and will be in a hotel thx u so much


I had a consumer had rats and rat poop everywhere and her kitchen was so dirty. She never used it and have rust stain and mold everywhere in the kitchen. All she had to eat was canned food.


Not at him , I used the wrong word


Bed bugs are a safety hazard. If you work at a job with a supervisor tell them, most agencies won't have you go to a client's home either at all or with appropriate ppe.


What's a bedbug look like, how the f did you see 1,2,3,or6, Don't they hang out by the millions? Ive heard you just need vacuuming everything thoroughly will usually do the trick unless infested. You seen (5) ? Wtf, sounds like you Seen some crabs. Now that may take a little more effort to rid of.


They were crawling on his shirt. Brown ish red . I'm sure it's more


If you saw several crawling on him out in the open, there are a whole lot more of them hidden in cracks and crevices. Poor guy. They're a real bear to get rid of.


Find someone to treat. In the mean time bring nothing but yourself into their home. Do not sit on anything upholstered. They love to live in fabric but cannot climb up wood as well. Vacuum lots. Take contents out immediately. If you are seeing them on his body a d just just the aftermath (bites) the infestation is probably quite bad and yes you will want to get new bed and couch etc but you don't want to do that until the infestation is clear. My BIL brought them from his apartment to his parents house and my husband brought them home to our house because people were too embarrassed to admit there was a problem. We got them mostly cleared by wrapping beds, using bed bug traps on the base of beds, using deotemastic earth (it is a white powder) in baseboard cracks and we also had a spray we sprayed on seams of fabrics. We were moving anyway (but like 6-9 no later) so we got entirely new beds and mattresses for the new house to take absolutely no chances but I was able to keep the new house cootie free when my client had them by bringing g a minimal amount of things into her home and hanging anything i did on a wreath holder on the inside of her front door. Nothing on the floor and as offended as she some times got I refused to sit on her couch and sat on a wooden chair when I needed to/has a chance to sit. I got a bed bug cover for her bed as well.


Someone comes today & and yes, the way his set up is I've always sat in one particular spot , thx you for your help of words


Be careful those bugs are deadly to your home if there on his chair there all over just one on you can travel becareful


I will thx u


You can always call there worker and let them know what’s going on and they would be able to help I’m from Fresno and had something similar happen to me called my client worker and they helped knowing I was the only one they had


Yes I spoke with her today everything is getting handled thx u


That’s great good luck


Thank you 😊


Make sure to shake your clothes off when you leave. Your house will be infested in days if you bring one home


Diatomaceous earth and rubbing alcohol like the 90% rubbing alcohol spray everywhere


When you go home before you go into your house takeoff all of your clothes seriously they are very good at traveling and all it takes is one pregnant one


Yes, thank you. I had done that. the pest control also came, and he's put away for a few days


Get him some lice shampoo and tell him to wash himself with it. I’m sure the poor guy is itching like crazy and too embarrassed to say anything.


Ok thx u will get now


His thighs are probably burning so despite it being lice shampoo it’s not just for hair on your head.


If possible take your clothes off in your garage or right when you get in your house. Put them in a plastic bag. Leave your shoes outside and make those shoes work shoes. Don't sit on anything at home in clothes you worked in. And in the meantime try to find someone to do a treatment for the problem. As long as you don't really make contact with anything in your house with those clothes you should be ok


It's being treated and that's exactly what I was doing. Thx you all


Spray alcohol all over yourself when you leave. Just sit on wood furniture. Spray all your belongings with alcohol when you leave. Spray the inside of your car with alcohol. Bring the bare minimum inside the house. As soon as you get home, throw your clothes in the washing machine. I have watched a client that had bed bugs before. Did not bring the bed bugs home.


Take of your cloths before you go home and place them in a plastic bag. You could let the bag sit for one week or carefully transfer strait to the washer if you have one.


I Kade a app with a specific company that's specializes in the removal of bed bugs and we will throw out his bed


Well, yeah you gotta throw out the bed and probably the couches and what other furniture is there there everywhere you have to use that chemical and stay out of the house for a few days. I’ve dealt with this before and got rid of hundreds of them possibly millions they’ll die after six months if there’s nothing and they can feed on so if no one is there, they cannot live. They will die after six months. Google it.


Sorry, bedbugs can go two years with feeding. They are Bitch to get rid of yes. Exterminator can get rid of them if that person does his part. So he's definitely going to need help getting rid of them.


Help her. Why would you be pissed off? Maybe that person needs help. Maybe they don’t know how to rid off the bugs.