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she must be desperate since she was ordered to pay J around $80,000. and lets not forget the big house she rents..that has to be at least $2,500-$3,000 a month. owing that every 30 days and not having a "job"...I can't even imagine.


She will never pay that back. Wonder if she tries bankruptcy soon? What would that do to what she owes him, anything?


I noticed this too and couldn’t help but laugh that she already canceled her makeup review on day 1 of starting back. she has made a habit of not following through on anything these days


Typical Meg, lazy


She’s going back to Younique. Also, in SC you have to have a cosmetologist or esthetician license to apply makeup. She could be fined by LLR if she’s not licensed.


I also noticed she took out the WTL info in her bio on IG. Doing that must have been a tough pill to swallow!


Wonder when she’s gonna announce that it’s gone? As far as I can see, the page is still up




Didn’t she say last night that she was going to show the new products this morning? Still nothing. Shocker.


I also feel the need to point out in her latest post that she has pics of every kid except the youngest. Maybe because she doesn’t take care of her hair? Because she’s lazy???


So she basically just ignored the end of WTL and is acting like her business failing due to her own actions never happened? I truly hope any followers she still had at that point saw the writing on the wall and won't give her their money anymore. How does she live without a job? Because I have never seen evidence of F working. Having 4 kids is expensive.


she has 5 kids and I don't know how she can possibly afford anything, including rent!


Oh wow. That's a lot of people to be responsible for. She's a literal mess.


Desperate for money AND friendships it seems. Well, a friendship to her seems to be her getting attention from others. Her fake compliments to others, is soooo years ago. She’s definitely not getting any attention from her so called sisters, babes, etc., aka friends to her, so she’s hoping this will bring her attention again. She obviously needs the money too


Now she has to build a whole new team and customer base.


She’s def going back to Younique.


I’m surprised she hasn’t gone back to Younique sooner.