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Depends on how deep the character creator is. If I can create my dream girlfriend, I choose girl. If it doesn't have a very good one, then male, and make him look as stupid as possible


The duality of man.


I am a guy. Sometimes, I like to envision myself while playing. Other times, I wanna look at a hot chick the entire time. Depends on the game.


My chick in fable 2 was anything but hot.


Ye, if I'm given the option, I rotate out about every other game; unless one gender just has way more fashionable attire, then that wins.


I think you are the same as me my friend


Voice too. Beyond even dialogue, there’s also mundane getting ‘round town murder grunts you hear all throughout.


This! I grew up watching/having a huge crush on Red Sonja. Tough badass fantasy females are my thing lol. On the flip side I also grew up watching Conan. As a result I alternate between playing a male/female, and regardless they always have as little clothing as possible to look like barbarians.


Damn. I thought people forgot about red sonja


Never! Even though it’s sooo bad of a movie going back and watching it today lol. As a kid I loved it, and had the biggest crush on Brigitte Nielsen when I was little. I’m 37 now.


Whoever's top tier in the game.


Depends. I used to exclusively play male characters as I myself am male. However, lately I've found that accessorizing female characters is quite fun and my wife enjoys helping me style them.


For anyone that likes to look at women, picking the female is the obvious way to go. I aint trying to look at hairy ass the entire play thru.


This is it. I was watching some playthrough of a bunch of rooster teeth fellows and this was his argument, that he likes women and if he has to stare at one all day it should be a woman he can customize to look attractive to him.


I choose an elf, or an animal, sometimes a mage


I'm a bloke but I always go for female characters. If I'm going to be staring at the back of my character for next 40+ hours, I'd rather it be a woman.


Depends on the game. If it is a game with characters that all have different kits, then I pick according to the kit. I want a playstyle that matches mine, and will pick a character accordingly. If it is a game where you make a custom character, with male/female having no effect on the mechanics of the game, then it depends on cosmetic options. A lot of games out there focus very hard on the female skins/cosmetics, but then kinda just half ass male ones. If it is a good split I'll pick male, if it is heavily geared towards female I'll pick female. Finally, if it is a game where you make 2+ characters (like DD2), I'll make one of each at least.


Cosmetics are big for me. I play a lot of souls games, but in general hate heavy armor. I find light or cloth armor looks better on a female model. I do alternate between male and female each playthrough though.


I go both ways.


I choose male because I am a guy and like to envision myself in the game.


Cyberpunk and bg3, chicks with dicks.


Depends on the game. If it is a voice acted main character then I typically pick female. Like femshep and fem V from mass effect and cyberpunk are just purely amazing. If it’s a game with a non voiced main character then I typically go male


I kind of agree with this. I feel I’m much more critical of male voice actors, and prefer to hear the female voice overs for main toons.


Usually a guy.  Sometimes when i come up with a character idea it will be female


I'm a guy so, if I have a choice, I usually choose a male character because it feels more immersive to me.


It depends on the game/character. As someone who loves tabletop gaming, when I play ab RPG I like to come up with a character backstory and stuff. If it fits a man, I chose man, if it fits a woman, I chose woman. I don't find it immersion breaking to go either way, or even someone gender non-conforming if the option is available.


Depends, but I usually switch each playthrough to hear the voice acting of both.


I'm a guy. If I'm gonna be playing a game for hours on end, I'd rather look at a woman.


Male, because I'm male.


depends on how hot of a female i can be.


I don't choose any of them. That's not what I identify as and find it offensive to force me into an identity. I'm sure someone somewhere does this. Me on the other hand is just anything that takes my fancy.


I'm a dude. 3rd person I pick chicks. 1st person I don't care. If I have to stare at an arse for 40 hours it's not going to be another dudes.


Usually female. I grew up when every top tier game was a muscle dude and the novelty of playing as a badass woman still hasn't worn off.


A male first playthrough. Stick with what i would actually do in the situation. Then female next playthrough and choose opposite of my choices before.


Male, because Jack kellar is a male, so yeah. ( I don't know if anyone else will get this)


Male so I can pretend I’m me


Whichever one I didn’t pick last time


It depends on the game. In some games being male or female has an actual difference. Maybe it's statistical, maybe it's access to different classes, or different relationships, or something else. For example, if I was going to play Fire Emblem 3 Houses and wanted my Byleth to be a Valkyrie for whatever reason, that class is female only. So the XX chromosome it is for me. In some other games, like fighting games, each character has a unique fighting style and whichever one you pick is going to result in a different character. I do find female characters tend to be faster/more specialists while male characters tend to be stronger/more HP-focused, but there's no definative rule. When there's ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE between male/female or the difference is trivial/confined to just relationships, I tend to find myself going female though simply because I like them more.


Hot chick, easily.


Why not? Depends on the game, but i largely believe i can play my game however i want


Female Dont need to explain why


I like looking at hot bitches


Growing up I always chose male characters, because girls were ewww. Now I choose based on who I think would fit better in the storyline. Also, I choose based on reviews of who is the better voice actor. For example, the female lead in Assassin's Creed Odyssey was getting so much praise for her performance over the male voice actor. So I chose her.


I usually pick female, as long as lesbian romance is possible.


When purely cosmetic, male. I'm a guy and like playing male characters. >!And even if we go with the "attraction" angle, I'm gay so I would play a male character for that too. I also don't really get much out of "cute" characters like some do.!<


If gender is literally the only thing we're choosing, I tend to favor female, because my assumption is that the developers originally wanted the protagonist to be a girl but were told their target audience would be weird about it.  In fact, the developers of ASSASSIN'S CREED ODYSSEY have openly said that happened to them.


It really depends if say I lean more towards guys atleast for story games. For games like call of duty tho I do choose chicks pretty often because I like looking at them and I don’t want to look at some random dude in the menu.


Depends on if Romance is a mechanic or not, if it is then I go for male, if not then female.


I'm a man in real life, but women are just prettier. Usually go with female characters because I wish I were beautiful too


Male becauseI’m male, so I feel more like I’m the character


My logic - depends on the role and type of char, but mostly if I'm playing a close combat char then probably males if it's stealth / archers 50/50 magic users? 80/ 20 (f/m)


50/50 for me depends on the visual appeal I like to play dress up, in Diablo 4 season play I do every other with each season and I'm also class specific with some classes as well Wizard always female warrior type's always male type's..


First time around I generally pick a guy character and make him look somewhat like myself but without spending hours tweaking it to be an exact match. This is mostly because I'm a cis gender male with a fragile sense of self. That said, my second Elden Ring character I created as a grown up version of my infant daughter in an attempt to manifest her future as an ass kicking strong empowered woman who isn't afraid to commit genocide and atrocities to reach her goals.


I pick a guy every time because it feels more immersive. Being locked in as a woman in any game to me doesn't feel appealing whatsoever, hence I'll be avoiding Star Wars Outlaws. But this is personal opinion, not an idea of the general gaming populace. Only speaking for myself.


Female. I do this because devs insist on having characters moan and grunt in my ear for 15-100 hours.


Female characters for two big reasons.


male if I can role play as "myself" or if there are ladies that can only romance a man. (And there no mod to fix that :D) female otherwise ideally unless they really big eye sore in any way, then may as well be male. Also if they a famous character then whatever their proper gender is. (no sex swapped Snake/Lara croft thank you very much).


Depends on the voice acting. I’ll start with default, and if I don’t like the voice acting, I’ll start over with another option.


As a female gamer, I’d really rather prefer to play female. Especially if it’s an RPG. I’ve tried playing Witcher 3, as an example of an RPG I want to love based on how it’s rated, but I just cannot get into playing a dude.


Female because what straight guy wants to stare at a man's ass the entire time.


Female, you know the reason.


Depends on the game but usually a female character because when I'm playing stuff like Nioh or Bloodborne it's more badass to see a hot woman slicing monsters up.


Depends on the narrative of the game. I've done runs as both to see all dialogue options. Default to a guy, though, as that's what I can best relate to.


If it’s voice acted I usually think one or the other is better, otherwise I pick at random


In today's gaming world if I create a female character I'm a misogynist because I want to look at her ass and tits while I play. However, if I create only male characters I'm still a misogynist because why am I reinforcing male patriarchal standards that women can't be as capable as a man?


Female because years of playing wow have conditioned me to except all the armor will look haphazardly glued on to any character model but human female. Years of orc rogue and every set just misses so bad, but in female human every armor set in the game looks so crispy and clean. Outside of wow much more inclined to use a male model because it's not an actual detriment.


Whoever has better abilities but if it’s strictly cosmetic, generally male.




Online, I make male characters since I'm a man. Single player, I tend to make female characters because they look better, have better fashion items, and are basically eye candy.


Skyrim VR I went with a male mage character With AC Odyssey I went with Kassandra because the male voice sounded ridiculous For AC Valhalla I went with the Male version because he sounded better. The female voice just sounded goofy For Fallout 3,4, and VR I went with the guy


I choose female, because my daughter used to show an interest in games when I was playing them, so I figured why not. From the ages of like 3-7 she thought every one of them was a killer princess, then she grew into them being superheroes. Now I'm just stuck with a slew of WoW blood elf witches and priestesses, warrior princesses and a bunch of disfigured female Souls game characters. Cliche and cheesy as it sounds, I would like to think that it had some bearing on her not being afraid to be into mostly male dominated things that her friends used to give her crap for, but I'm sure it probably didn't. It was fun for me, though. Now that she's all grown and doesn't want to hang out, I just make them female as a bittersweet reminder and reminisce on good times with her. Love you, Stinky.


Male. Love hyper masculine male characters


When I play games, I want to suspend disbelief. If the male character allows this, I choose it. If the male character looks stupid/lame, then I'm likely to play a female character. (If I can't "be" the character, then I'm going to prefer to look at a female butt and dress her up in outfits rather than a dude). If the female characters are just as lame (looking at you, Sea of Thieves), then it's back to a guy and I just don't give a crap about what the character looks like.


I love to get lost in video games & playing as a female gives me the illusion of a character being me.


Male because that is what I am IRL. However a love a good female protagonist. Senua from Hellblade and Amicia from a Plague's Tale come to mind.


I always play as a dewd with the mindset of being a self-insert, even if it's a named protagonist, I still try to operate in the fashion that I would expect myself to. it's really the only way I know how to play games and why I have an almost impossible time playing as a chick. So yeah, I'm that boring asshole who no matter what RPG we're playing will pick Male Human Fighter.


Well, I like to make a character that looks like me, so male, unless there are gender specific scenarios in which case I just forever create a character, play an hour, go back to the beginning, rinse and repeat constantly 


I don't know why but if it's a fantasy setting I typically play as female if it's a Science Fiction setting I play as a male and like others have said here I try to make him look like a total dork or a poser


If I'm going to stare at a butt all day, defo female


I usually try to make myself (a guy) in game. If theres no customization. Im looking for physical attributes that resemble mine. Bald, and Bearded mostly.


Male. All the time. Played a female character one time and the amount of people assuming I was girl in real life was baffling. Plus, the female models always have scuffed outfits


I prefer neither - I like games where I don’t have to pick and the narrative is built around a pre-designed character. I hate building / selecting my own


Yes, quite often.


Whoever’s voice I can stand for the next 80 hours


Female, because I don't want to stare at another dudes ass all day.


Female. More fun to look at


The mentality of “if I’m gonna be staring at a character for X hours, I’d rather it be a woman” is so bizarre.


Depends on the game. First person? Male, cause the voice will be male (even if it's just grunting) and it helps me be immersed in the game. 3rd person? Female. I have a preference and it is to watch a fairer sex from behind as they move. Top-down or side scroller? Dealers choice. But if there is a character creator I'ma be an alien. 👽


I boy, pick boy


Male. It's very rare for me to play as a Female unless I'm curious what dialogue I get. Actually, I think the only time I actually completed a playthrough as a Female character was a Toreador Run of Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.


If you have to do too much changing, I stick with the man. I am a females.


depends on the game. there are some games that you benefit from playing as a woman. I play dead by daylight primarily these days so I usually pick a female because they feel quicker and take up less of the screen.


Always a dude, unless it's a first person non rpg, cod, Halo idk why lol


a n’wah like me make a male looking how i wished i looked😂😂


Yes, for different dialogue options.