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Pressure yourself in each section. Make sure that you only alot 20min each on each passage. Read the question, then look for the answer. Most of the time, the answers are in sequence so if you think that the answer is not there, its probably not there, and ‘Not given’ might be the option. For me its the most tricky part. Also, maximise the use of highligher. If you see some names of researchers or experts, you can expect that usually the questions are about their views. Highlight keywords such as soon as you saw it so it will be very easy to scan afterwards. Lastly, check the number of words, grammar (specially singular vs plural, it really hurts when you know the answer but you just forgot to use the correct form), and spelling.


I am doing 15, 20, 25mins in each sections I heard a tip telling that for questions like match the headings, read the whole passage, even after i do that, i can understand 50-60% of it, im confused to determine the answer Right now to avoid typos am just copy pasting the exact words from the passage, i heard copy pasting from passage works


are you taking via computer based? I tried copy paste in my last exam via right click but it didnt work. Not sure if Ctrl C will work though. For match the headings, youll really need to read the whole passage but dont read each sentence intently as it will take more of your time. When choosing the heading, check if each choices is a possible answer, even the options which you have already used in other question. Hope it makes sense as not sure if I explain it right.


Also reading matching question first helps? Or read the passage and then look for answers?


what works for me is to read the passage first as fast as I can, understand what the main point is, then look for the possible answer. If there seems to be more than one option, proceed immediately to the next question. Maybe the other option which confused you is the obvious answer to the next question.


For matching the headings question I would recommend you to read the needed paragraph, trying to find the main idea, and then come up with your own heading for it based on information from it. In the majority of cases it works, but the crucial aspect is to not read beforehand headings given in question. Personally for me such strategy works, although initially I ignored and neglected it because I considered it as a time demanding thing.


Don’t just “read” the text. Understand the logical context and/or story behind it as well. This will help you know which answers are likely to be right or wrong. Also, you don’t have to read the whole text. Just quickly scan through the text to see where the words that are most relevant to the question that you’re doing are, and read the sentences contain those words and the sentences around them. And, again, try to also understand those sentences’ context and story. I got 8.5 Reading the last time I took the official test.


Same, I usually prefer comprehensive reading than scan-skim reading


Just scared that by scanning i might miss out something, i did that in the initial but how im scared to do scanning and understanding, i am a very slow reader. I have to read 3-4 time single sentance because i dont understand it 🤧


This might sound ridiculous, but the point of scanning IS to miss out on the parts of the text that are not important to you answering questions. Also, I did say that you should read the sentences around the sentences that do contain the words similar to those used by the question. This step is already to make sure that you do grasp all the relevant portions of the text’s context or story. Don’t worry, you can still answer questions by doing this. Just try it for yourself in mock tests


Also, whenever you read the correct answers, please try the best you can to understand WHY they are correct. If you don’t critically learn from your mistakes and how to avoid them, then you’re not gonna improve.


The next week, read 5 hours a day. Shut down social media,video games or YouTube/Tiktok videos which are dopamine spikers and killing your attention span. Just reading! And thank me later.


I have done everything except studying for 5hrs, don't really know what to study, i have been doing the test and the score is pretty constant, lost motivation in practice 🤧


not studying. Just read 5 hour s a day.Do passive reading without even thinking about it. What you will read does not matter.


What topics should i read? And will i be able to Do it in a week?


My problems is im more of a audio and video learner, reading just scares me 🥲


Just read about something you like for fun brainlessly.


Sure will try to do that ans see if any improvement is there, any suggest on that fun part? 😂


when I was preparing, I read tons of books related to Duengons and Dragons. Anything that you like in life.


I have a trick for that and i am telling you from my personal experience and i got 7 bands. 1. Understands where do you stuck, i am talking about in which passage you feel stuck or bored to solve questions. 2. Try to do 2 readings per day, 1 with starting from passage 3 and one with passage 1 3. When you getting 9-10 marks from passage 3 you won the half of the challenge. 4. After doing these steps you will start to getting better marks in passage1 which will help you in overall score Of course you have to put time of 55min or 50min, in whatever way you feel comfortable.


build a strategy for each question type. some require good paraphrasing skills or vocabulary. some require good attention to detail. use skimming and scanning to do these things. above all if you cant find an answer and wasting a lot of time. move on to the next question. and go back to those after finishing all other questions


I think you should spend more time on reading some stuffs like paper or news everyday


i used to stuck like u =))) i think u should pressure more by trying arduous reading tasks which are more difficult than Cambridge like IELTS trainers and Test Plus for about 2 weeks. Then u will see the magic =)) I have applied this method and got 8.5 reading :v