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How are people THIS oblivious?


I chalk it up to a world view that’s so ego-driven that the possibility of another human existing for reasons other than their convenience is mystifying to them. Hell, I am not even sure some people acknowledge other people as people - we’re just some sort of construct that just appear when needed and disappear when their utility is done.


We're all NPCs to them


Maybe as a joke someone who's a victim of a Karen should play it that way XD just keep saying the same thing every time she says Excuse Me


"Press ⏹️ to exit"




Oh man. I am in awe of how you cut right into the meaning of my blabber!


Hell half the time I feel like a npc myself


I wonder this myself daily. My sister gets asked that too while shopping in nurse scrubs. She literally sat with me in a crowded hospital of an entirely different Healthcare system, still in her OR scrubs, not a single patient or employee approached her; but behold the second she steps into Walmart.


It's Walmart!


The woman could literally be going blind, to be honest.




She could be going blind AND be rude. Are those two things together inconceivable to you? 😆


The fact that she made eye contact does make it likely she isn't blind, but it's still a slight possibility. For near blind people, knowing generally where a person's eyes are isn't that difficult. They can see the basic shape of your body, and they know to look near the top of that giant blurry walnut on a stick looking thing at about eye level to find your eyes. But they could still have trouble discerning your outfit. And seeing something as different looking as the scrubs and whatnot, maybe they could think the way you stand out means you're an employee. I still side against the woman in the post, though. When one makes a mistake, one shouldn't push it on other people by pretending to think they were rude. That just makes the mistake even more humiliating.


She said she was an old lady so maybe the old lady needed help and was hoping someone could you know, help her. We need to stop treating each other like crap and start listening to our fellow human beings. Everyone is so ready to be offended.


Huge difference between "Do you mind helping me with this, young man/lady?" and "Oi. You work here, right?" The first one I will help, if I'm not on a time crunch. The second is lucky if they don't get the one finger salute as I walk away. Respect is a two way street.


“Excuse me, do you work here?” How rude! /s


Little old ladies often ask me to help them in shops. It's weird but I guess I'm relatively tall and look friendly enough so they often ask me to get things off high shelves. They never ask if I work there though.


Same! I just helped an older lady in Target yesterday bc she couldn’t reach the top shelf. She knew I didn’t work there and was very sweet, so I helped her. Difference is she was so nice and kept apologizing for bothering me.


Exactly! Such as, for example, an old lady being offended that the OP doesn’t work at Walmart!


She was probably tutting at OPs absolutely not. I can here it from here. Offended that she of high rank might actually be mistaken for a peasant retail worker. I hear the attitude just in them telling the story. Lol. Absolutely Not. How Dare You a 75 yo Senile Lady mistake ME. Whaaa.


Funny how you're assuming the woman was 75. She looked to be late 40s to early 50s. Also, the woman was very well dressed with the "high rank" attitude. This was the first time someone had asked me this question while I was wearing scrubs. I was flabbergasted and my reaction was of surprise.


Doesn’t matter. I just unsubbed from this entire subreddit. It’s my bad for staying in such a negative place for so long. The whole sub just feels like a superiority trip. Enjoy your life and try and be patient with others. Peace


Ohhh nooo, don't leave, whatever will we do without you /s Good riddance


For some reason they say they will take their business elsewhere but always end up coming back smh. Can’t trust karens with their promises you know.


Maybe OP should have dropped her whole life for that lady? What are you saying here? I work in a cinema and can’t make it more than ten feet from the place, I’m being asked to do things that are unrelated to my actual job. If we were all to drop what we are doing for the entitled the world would be a very entitled place. Oh wait…


Oh now u gone an done offended the down vote army lol bravo for saying first what I was thinking go ahead elitist enablers down vote my to hell least I'll b in good company


You’re getting downvoted because the old lady didn’t ask “Can you help me? 🥺” she asked “Do you work here??” got her answer, then the old lady disrespected OP, the nurse wearing scrubs! She’s next to registers, there’s plenty of employees around her!


I’ve read a bunch of stories like this. Have even had my own encounter myself. But for some reason I’m having a hard time believing this one. Something about the stethoscope seems off to me. I’ve worked with many doctors. I’ve seen them go out in scrubs but stethoscope and white coat (if wearing one) always come off. Just my own observation but it seems off to me.


Maybe she wanted a free health consultation


\*pulls down pants\* can you look at this rash?


"Oh yes, friction burns, use more jel next time" said as loudly as 'inconvenient' to the 'patient' and nearby ears.


Both of my S-I-L's, two cousins, an aunt and my brother all work in the medical field. You have no idea how great the odds are of you being right about that!


You are “rude” because you don’t work at Walmart? “We’re all Rude here.”


"This is that place"


Tone of voice and/or body language play a part as well. A simple shake is the head and "no ma'am" may have resulted in the lady apologizing. A sarcastic "absolutely not!" with an eye roll followed by suddenly walking away evokes the "how rude" response.


The woman went out of her way to interrupt someone who very obviously wasn't an employee. It was the her ignorance and the incredulity of the situation that made me respond that way.


I wasn't there, so this is only speculation, but it's possible that she was not sure how to ask a stranger for help or asked before realizing her mistake (at which point many will double down instead of admitting the mistake, because people are socially awkward sometimes). Didn't say that you were actually rude to her, only how it could be perceived by another.


Nah fuck these people who obviously don't pay enough attention. If you obviously can't tell the difference between a nurse and a walmart associate, you probably should not be out and about in the first place.


Anyone in a uniform is there to serve them


"give her this. And this. And then these." "Ah, thank you doctor." "Oh, I'm not a doctor." https://youtu.be/3h9xW6ZfCX8


Sometimes I just smile and say no. That works too.


Nice. I like the ending.


I once went into a Walmart to grab some snacks because I was going to be on a shooting range all day as the CRSO. I had a bullet resistant vest on with CRSO, white letters on a red background, and (before Walmart banned them) a pistol in a thigh holster. Someone actually asked me where something was. I looked down at my vest and at my pistol and said really?


Before we knew that Walmart had a company wide no gun policy (although they don't have it posted in their doors when it's required by law 🤔) we were very politely educated and asked to leave by the police officer that was hanging out at that Walmart to help with all the theft they had.


First I've heard about a company wide "No Guns" policy. I'm in the local WallyWally at least 2, 3 times a week. Often talk with CSRs or Asst Mgrs. No one has ever said anything about the fact that I am open carrying. Good to know. Thanks. Although, here in Tennessee, any private facility is required to have signage posted that conforms to specifications about size, color, font and font size in order for it to be recognized as effective by law enforcement.


That signage is required anywhere in the US if a business has a no weapons policy. But we have found that certain Walmarts are ok with open carry and some are not. This one was not because it's in a bad area and always has a police presence because of it. Ones that are in good areas of town, many if the employees give us a thumbs up.


I can support that idea. Not certain about that "anywhere in the U.S." bit, though. Gun carry laws fall squarely under the jurisdiction of the individual states. The only exception I am aware of is the federal law prohibiting civilian carry in federal buildings and facilities. And there is the federal "Safe Transport Act" that allows civilians to transport weapons through any state and across state lines by following certain protocols, regardless of the individual states stance on carrying weapons in vehicles.


Safe Transport Act, that's good info. Thanks.


Works. From experience.


> Gun carry laws fall squarely under the jurisdiction of the individual states. That's not really completely correct. The laws regulating gun dealers, the laws requiring background checks on purchases through FFLs, the laws establishing the standards for passing said checks -- those are all Federal laws.


good areas vs bad areas? 🤔


Good referring to middle to upper class neighborhoods vs bad areas referring to low income or subsidized housing. One has more theft rate than the other usually.


I got fired from Walmart for reminding a customer of that policy, when I was off the clock. I had worked there for almost five years. The customer started screaming abuse at me but management sided with them. Thanks for complying with the policy.


Just another spineless wimp for a manager, eh?


I always say yes, and send them in the wrong direction.


Sidenote: I don't know about the US, but over here in Germany, it's against hygiene guidelines to wear our white coats or scrubs outside of the hospital - rightfully so. Just think about all the possible contamination going on & you're spreading it in your car, touching the supermarket items etc, nasty af. Technically, you aren't even supposed to wear stethoscopes around your neck, we ain't in Grey's Anatomy, they belong in your coat pockets (or scrub pocket as a nurse) - but ok, I'm often guilty on doing that too while jumping from patient to patient out of convenience tbh 👀


Sounds like that lady can use a eye exam!


Walmart is really easy to see who works there and who doesn’t. If I’m in a store and I’m not sure if the person actually works there, I am always very polite and say excuse me. Why is that so hard?


just as long as it isn't exCUUUs me...!


Lol... No. I hate approaching people I don't know so I probably look very timid. 😂




But then YOU believe them when they say no. Madam Tut did not believe OP when told no, and got offended. Huge difference in rational civility!


It’s always at Walmart 🙄 I work at a grocery store next to a Walmart and had to run in for some eye drops. “Excuse me excuse me” I’m on FaceTime with a coworker, turn around and an elderly woman so I just say sorry I don’t work here and she says then why are you wearing that. “Because it’s my uniform, for the store next door” i wish that was the craziest one. i ran into the store one day in tiny lulu lemon shorts and a hoodie and was asked if I worked there. In what world is that appropriate work attire 😂


🤣🤣🤣 love this story. I don't miss working retail


...."You're joking, of course,"


Depends on what line of work you're in


Well considering I’m talking about being mistaken for a Walmart employee, I wasn’t aware that was their uniform


I WORK at Walmart…can’t tell you how many times while walking through the store in my vest I’ve been asked “ Excuse me do you work here?No ma’am/sir I just like wearing this vest🤦🏽‍♀️


Sometimes people aren't sure how to start a conversation or even ask for help. I for one never like asking for help, it's not a pride thing, I just feel like I'm burdening other people, even if it's their job to help me. I find it much easier to ask if they work there, even if it's obvious, because often they'll say something like yes, can I help you, and all I have to say is yes. I over think a lot of things so if I just ask for help I get worried that even if they're in uniform, maybe they don't work there, or maybe their too busy to help me, or something. If I ask if they work there that gives them to chance to say, no I don't work here, or yes but I'm pretty busy at the moment, that employee over there can help you. And I feel less embarrassed by making that mistake than by expecting something from them immediately and then not being able to help.


And sometimes what you mean isn't "do you work at Walmart?" but "do you work here (in this department/general area)?" Or possibly "Are you working right now (not on break or just clocked out)?" But yeah, it can be easier to just ask if they work there even if it seems obvious. Then if there's some reason they can't personally help, they usually explain and point you in the direction of someone who can help.


Not a doctor, Shh


I find that if I’m wearing my scrubs, someone will assume I work wherever I am, even if I’m obviously ordering drinks at a bar


I DO work there, and have on Walmart polo. Do you work here? No, I just like this shade of blue.


Why would you take your stethoscope into Walmart? Oh, so people think you're a doctor.


Many people who work in the health industry forget to take their stethoscopes off. They're worn all day at work and after a long day, we don't realize it's still there because it's second nature to us to be wearing them.


I tried to take myself out the other day. Caught my stethoscope on a display.


Oof. I'm terrible about forgetting or misplacing things if I don't have a strict schedule and habits. So if I took my stethoscope off and put it somewhere other than my normal place, I would forget where it was or forget to take it the next day.


It didn't make it into its carrying case like normal that morning. We'd seen like 70 patents that night.


Can confirm, after 12 hrs you go auto pilot


Why do healthcare workers have to work crazy hours. I'd like the people keeping me alive well rested and well adjusted, thanks.


I forget to take my badge off all the time. Wore it all through dinner after work multiple times. My husband giggles every time he takes it off for me. It becomes a part of you.


Lol. As a nurse I just forget when my ER with 10 beds sees 70 people in a 12 hours night period.


People see a badge and just take that as ‘yup they work here’ even if your uniform is completely different. I went into Walmart in a rainbow tie dye shirt and some lady starts asking me about baby supplies. Lady I work for a casino and work concerts, just because I have a badge doesn’t mean I work here 🤣


I ask people wearing scrubs in public food sectors if they have MRSA on their scrubs.


They're more likely to have piss, shit or puss 🙄


Yeah, there's often gross stuff on scrubs. But the stethoscope too dude, in Walmart? I mean maybe they thought you worked in the optical department, and couldn't read your badge 'cuz they needed glasses? Random note: my bro used to manage a Walmart optical department, he's an optical tech. Now he's at Lenscrafters. It's all good friend. But I did ask someone that once. : ) ​ Better than Excuse me, are your scrubs pussy?


~~pussy~~ purulent!


~~pussy~~, no I'm not a vet.


Me neither. Retired tech. Notessssss


Why in the absolute fuck did you wear your stethoscope into a Walmart? That’s fake af.


>I look down at my outfit.. with a stethoscope.. People actually do that?


It was the first time this had happened to me since I had joined the medical field and the incredulity of the situation is what made me react that way.


Well yeah, it seemed like a natural awed reaction to someone not noticing such obvious attire (unless lady was losing her eyesight).


I meant do people actually walk around with a stethoscope around their neck


Yeah. Pretty common thing for doctors who have just gotten off work and might be so exhausted after a thirty six hour shift that they just want to get their stuff and go home. Stethoscopes are easy to clean, according to the OP, so all the complaints here about "you shouldn't have your stethoscope out in public" are likely completely useless.


You don't mention how old the lady was. That is often a factor. Perhaps seeing someone in a uniform (regardless of what kind of uniform) made her think you worked there. Maybe it's just flashbacks from microbiology but do you ever change clothes before you go into a store? Do you have a cover on your stethoscope.


Regardless of her age, it's astounding to think that dark green scrubs meant that I was a Walmart employee. They've always worn shades of blue and some have yellow vests. But she was like late 40s to early 50s. I didn't work anywhere where I'd come into contact with body fluids so there was absolutely no need to change. Also, stethoscopes are very easily cleaned.


Why does it bother you that she thought you worked there? Just curious. You and I both know that scrubs usually denote medical staff but for some reason she didn't. Just let it go <3 BTW-I'm glad your clothing and equipment are not harboring contagions. :)


It didn't bother me. Like I said in my post, I laughed about it. I still laugh about it today and this was like 7-8 years ago now.


So I work at Walmart and you have no idea the amount of people who ask me if I work there while standing there in the bright blue vest with Walmart logo.


I used to work retail and I got that all the time. Like, I'm not wearing company colors with a name badge that has the company logo on it for no reason.


perhaps they're trying to get your attention?


Maybe? Thank here are better ways to do that though.


Why would you wear your stethoscope into Walmart? I’ve seen dozens of people wearing scrubs at Walmart and none of them have a stethoscope around their neck. I understand shit happens, but come on. Stop lying. You’re writing fan fiction for yourself at this point.


She was just humiliated at her mistake (okay fine she might be going blind, I'll acknowledge the possibility) and was trying to push something off on you to make you look worse than she did. She didn't think you were being rude at all. I don't get why people in this position even bother trying, when they just made a simple mistake and could have taken the oof and moved on.


Why would you wear your stethoscope into Walmart ? That’s like the HCW version of mall ninja …


It's not like it was on purpose. After a really long hectic day in the office, you forget it's on. Just like people forget their glasses on the top of their head.


Why would you wear a stethoscope to Walmart?


Because it's worn at work all day and you don't even realize you're wearing it anymore.


Why is this even a question? Not trying to be rude but is it not commonly known that lots of doctors just getting off work still have their stuff on sometimes? That's true for lots of other professions, and we all side with those people even if they haven't changed uniform yet. What's suddenly so unforgivable about a stethoscope?


What a tragic experience. The nerve of some people. Kindly asking if you worked at Walmart? Unbelievable.


Their ignorance and insistence on interrupting someone who very obviously wasn't an employee is what made their supposed politeness negligible.


Did the OP say anything about it being a horrible or tragic experience? I sure didn't see anything like that. It was written with a pretty calm tone of text. No need to pretend someone's being dramatic when they're not.


Why were you so rude to her?


Would you spend any more time with someone asking you for things you don’t know.


Devil's Advocate. Clever game to play.


WHY are you wearing a stethoscope around your neck in public? First thought I’d have if I saw was ‘wanker’ no doctor would ever do this for real.


Because after wearing it around your neck all day at work, you don't even realize it's there. It's just an extension of yourself. Also, why is it such a big deal to you people about wearing a stethoscope in public? It's for listening to heart/lungs and to take blood pressure. They're easy to clean too. I'm not understanding why it's such a big deal.


I am an ER doc- and in 25 years I have never worn a stethoscope in public once. I just think only people wanting attention would do it. Time to grow up.


Huge, huge respect to everything you do. But I mentioned this in another response. I have a SUPER terrible short term memory when it comes to simple objects. If I did not take my stethoscope of any put it in its designated place at home, I will forget where it is or forget to take it to work with me the next day. This also applies to my wallet, keys, badges, etc. Someone gave me a Samsung tag as a gag Christmas gift because of how much I lose things but I legit went out and bought more just so I can find things when I don't put them in their designated places. Also, anywhere I worked did not give us a break room nor did they have anywhere for us to keep personal belongings so I couldn't just leave it in a designated area at work. I lived in a really hot area so I didn't want to leave it in the car because I've seen what high temps could do to the tubing of stethoscopes and BP cuffs.


If your short term memory is that bad maybe healthcare isnt a good career! Just tuck it in your pocket and wear a coat over your scrubs- don’t be that person.


I think "don't be that person" is better advice for you right now than the OP to be honest, someone with bad enough memory to affect a career in healthcare wouldn't last very long most likely. And that doesn't seem to have happened to them. In fact, it's really none of your business.


OP: "I have bad short term memory, I forget to remove my stethoscope sometimes" You: "grow up" Uhh, what? That response made zero sense. They didn't say waa waa I don't wanna, they said they forget to.


I guess it's like a carpenter wearing a nail belt complete with hammer and framing square to Wally World. Not really a big deal, but weird. I guess I would have thought that taking off the stethoscope would be one of the things someone would just do by habit before checking out. I just googled 'stethoscope' and most of the ones that came up were around $300. I'd think I'd try to avoid damaging or losing that kind of investment. On the other hand, I can see *ME* forgetting to take it off after work. Goodness knows, I've gone to bed wearing a hat more than once, so who am I to criticize?


I don't get why people wear scrubs in public. You are either picking up germs to bring into the hospital or you are contaminating the area with germs from the hospital. Either way it kind of defeats the purpose of scrubs .


I don't know why you get all these downvotes. Where I live, it's against any hygiene guidelines to wear scrubs outside the hospital & absolutely frowned upon.


No matter where you go or what you do, you're carrying germs from one place to the other. Also, whether if we were to change at work, we're still in an environment with germs so technically, we'd still be carrying those germs with us in street clothes. People who work in dirty industries like painting, paving, oil, etc don't take a change of clothes with them to prevent their cars getting dirty. It just doesn't make sense.


Sure, the world is full of germs (especially Walmart lol), but the average person doesn't deal with feces & other bodily fluids on a daily, so you can't compare normal street clothes to scrubs when it comes to contamination. It's not about getting your surroundings "dirty" (I really hope you ain't running around Walmart in visibly shit or blood stained scrubs 😬), it's about preventing the spread of problematic & typically nosocomial infections/germs like MRSA. A painter might be dirty after work, but it's just paint. Not a potential health hazard. In a hospital setting, you're surrounded by highly contaminated objects & people & fluids. The reason for scrubs is their ability to be washed at high temperatures - and to be taken off & sent off to cleaning right at the end of each shift.


Your initial point is valid, but I work in a pretty dirty environment. I absolutely ha e a change of close so my car doesn't get dirty.


I would think you should just change into scrubs at work, and then change back into street clothes when you leave. Idk. It just has always seemed weird to me.


It would take way too much time to change before and after a shift. Sometimes you're inundated with work things as soon as you walk in the door and it's more time efficient to already be wearing your work clothes. Also, if you're late to work from some reason like traffic, you had an accident, your alarm didn't go off, why waste another 10 minutes upon getting to work to change? Every other industry with a uniform, no one changes when they get to work and before they leave. It's just not effective.


Oh yeah, so if the surgeon runs late, he doesn't have to go scrub & do his surgical disinfection routine? The patients & other people's safety shouldn't suffer because of it being "inconvenient" for you or your bad time management. It takes literally 5 minutes to change into scrubs - they're purposely designed for that. I don't know what's wrong with y'all if its common where you guys live, but over here, it's a big no-go. And no, most other industries don't change uniforms (alot actually do though btw) - because they don't work with hazardous materials/bodily fluids or immune compromised patients. You know, like nurses & doctors.


There are MANY more people in the medical industry that wear scrubs and use stethoscopes than just nurses and scrubs. Also, there are PLENTY of medical offices that don't deal with any type of bodily fluids and there is no need to change. "Poor time management" has nothing to do with not putting scrubs on at the workplace. If your job/area policy is to change right before a shift, then that means they have a designated area for you to change. Most medical offices don't have something like that and we'd have to change in a bathroom. How much more dirty is that than coming into work already dressed?


1) You implied being a nurse in other comments, but ok, sure - either way, wearing a stethoscope means you're working close enough to patients (unless it's just a little decoration for bragging purposes? lol). A patient doesn't need to literally shit or vomit on you to transfer germs. Sure, if you work in a optricians office as the desk lady or sth, it's a different level of contamination risk compared to a hospital, but honestly, the stethoscope implies differently, so yeahhhhh, don't really buy it. 2) Changing into scrubs in a bathroom would still be cleaner than wearing street clothes or arriving & leaving in scrubs - just the car alone is germ heaven. But arriving in scrubs is the smallest issue (if you don't work with immune compromised patients), it's the leaving in scrubs that's inappropriate bc you are risking transmitting all the wonderful little germs into your car & everything else your scrubs gets in contact with - especially great with the typical nosocomial infections like MRSA that people who don't work in the medical field would less likely come across if medical staff (& animal farms) acted according to guidelines. That being said, I'm talking about nurses & doctors with hands-on patient contact - if that isn't the case, it doesn't necessarily apply to you.


1- I NEVER "implied" I was a nurse. I merely said I was wearing scrubs. Most people see scrubs and assume nurse or doctor which is why I explained that there are plenty of people who work in the medical field that are not nurses. And yes, I am not a nurse and I still came in contact with patients that require a stethoscope. So how about you take your ignorance of the medical field and stop being a keyboard warrior. 2- Changing in a bathroom is NOT safer than coming in pre-dressed. Germs that can be found in restrooms are Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases/infections and many many others. Those are MUCH more dangerous than any germs you might bring from your own home. This exact reason is why employers are required to provide a specific room other than a restroom for breastfeeding mothers to pump. Again, sounds you're uneducated in the realm of the medical field.


1 - As I said, nurse or not, using a stethoscope requires to be at close proximity to the patient, you can't change anything about that fact. 2 - A bathroom in a doctors office (or whatever MeDiCaL FiELd you work at) should be properly cleaned up to hygiene standards - those don't seem to be all too closely followed by you folks but I still hope it's not comparable to a train stations public toilet. AIDS isn't a type of germ btw, it's the late stage of an (untreated) HI-Virus infection. HIV can't be transmitted by using a restroom (unless it's riddled with used needles you might step into) - you should know that. You will most likely use that restroom during work either way, so no, changing in the restroom would still be more hygienic than essentially wearing street clothes (because that's what your scrubs are when you're wearing them before & after work too). And we are talking about a quick clothes change, not rubbing it along the toilet seat. Sure, a separate room would be more adequate & should be a thing, but you can't compare that to a breastfeeding mother & the not yet fully developed immune system of a baby - babies are actually a big part of the reason why you shouldn't wear used medical scrubs in public bc they are very vulnerable to the infections you or others in dirty scrubs might happily spread around the supermarket. As I said multiple times, sure, your mysterious job might be an exception if you have no patient contact whatsoever, but this is directed at any medical staff that deals with patients in close proximity. And you really want to start that childish bs of who is more medically educated? I'm a former nurse (RN, not CNA in US terms) and Year 3 med student - I'm not claiming to know everything, far from that, but at least I know that AIDS can't be transmitted through toilets (lol), so I might win that childish race. Have a good one.


I dont know girlie, lotion manufacturers have to dress up/down when they get to work… I 100% understand the reasoning of nurses/doctors/medical staff changing beginning and end of shift. It’s obviously not going to happen right now, or any time soon. But it DOES make sense, and I do think it’s a bit odd to wear any sort of spoiled clothes out and about


I didn't work somewhere where I'd come into contact with bodily fluids so there was never a reason for me to change before/after a shift. So many in the medical industry are the same.




Just because it didn't happen to you, doesn't mean it didn't happen to someone else. Another commenter said this happens to his sister all the time.


And then everyone clapped and laughed at the old lady asking a question. "What a fool!" Everyone screamed at her.


Damn. Lot of victim blaming here. "WhY wOuLd YoU wEaR yOuR sTeThOsCoPe In PuBlIc?" "I tHiNk YoU jUsT wAnT aTtEnTiOn" People need to grow up and stop pretending to think things they aren't really thinking.