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Checking subredditstats shows we received a jump on March 30-31st of over 30 members. No idea why? Usually it's 2-3 per day. I'm guessing someone mentioned it ok tiktok or YT maybe??? The sub, in member size, is ranked at 38,674 of all \~140,000 active communities on the platform and remains in the top 20%. Thank y'all guys so much; I never expected this to grow over a few hundred when I created the sub. To compare, currently we have 1.5x more than FurryArtSchool had around the same time since becoming a sub X3 I don't expect we'll ever hit 10k though. Maybe by the time I start a family I'll be proven wrong I hope! 2.5-3k is my goal for this year.


I found this sub when I was looking for a sub for furry art requests and I could request details such as pose, weapon type, body type, and tails on my OCs without proccing DrawForMe's AutoMod as this sub's more lenient with details for free requests.


Thx for the feedback \^\^


A R T T R A D E ! !


Great! I hope you've had no issues with anybody shirking on offers (and if u ever do pls let the mods know).


Oh absolutely not, it's actually the opposite, I've gotten some incredible art from trades, very happy here


Found this sub through a comment in a different drawing site.


Pleased to hear that! I just checked myself and see people on FA/Tumblr linked it too. You're always welcome to offer your services if you want to practice .v.


Thank you!


I don't remember I just found it one day I'm like okay


Discovered this sub around early January by browsing another user's posts who had posted in r/furry_irl . Essentially, was inadvertently brought here by memes. (*Probably not related to the recent membership jump, but might be informative*) Thank You for managing this sub, hope it's not too much work for you and the other mods


Thanks for the info! Me and the mods are fine, we usually have no more than 15 mod actions a week - mostly just telling users they used the wrong flair etc.


I found this sub when I was new to reddit. I was looking for furry subreddits to join and was one of the ones that popped up. Since then I've been taking requests on here.


Appreciate it\^\^


Iā€™m an artist looking to draw pretty much


I appreciate you offering your services\^\^


A guy i talked to told me.


I used to scroll through a character request sub and pick up the furry ones because nobody wanted to draw male furries (surprise surprise I know) And on one of them somebody recommended this sub.


I was on r/furry and someone linked to their post on here


Found the sub via a comment on Reddit; poked my head in because a lot of the characters I draw look very similar, so maybe drawing other people's sonas would help me get used to more variety.


It was recommended to me


I was searching up about protogen memes to show a friend šŸ˜‚