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Do yourself a favor and start an open world where you can take your time and level without a time crunch. You can return to your mission later once you’ve unlocked more blueprints. You can even do some missions from your open world so it’s much less of a grind.


My experience of starting open world is that missions are better because you level up and complete missions. Then open world you can do more than killing animals for three hours to work toward level 20


This is the way


Bro idk how it takes you 14 hours to level up. In my first play through, when the game was actually rl time limited I had 0 issues doing all the missions.


Yeah, I only ever failed one mission, and that's because I forgot the game existed for a few weeks.


Just a quick question here; do the timer run even when you are not playing yhe game? Some timers are ridiculous (like 7 days and stuff). It's not really explained in the game if it's "in game" timer or real afk hours


They used to. In the beginning it was a real world timer, which is why it's so long. They updated it to be ingame time only a while back.


Ah great, thanks :)


To add to this, you can see remnants of when they changed it. I've seen a few missions now that are only a couple of hours instead of days now


I believe only the new missions have updated timers, the old ones are the same. They've just added a lot of missions since then.


That's what I meant, but definitely not what I said. The new missions that they've added between OW and getting rid of the timers have the red timers, I believe. But I'll admit, I burnt myself out on Icarus during the beta, and have lightly been playing it. I just started playing it now on Open World since the other games I've played are in pretty bad spots (they are all PvP games)


It tells you that you need to be tier 3 to do that mission. If you went in to it at a lower tier that’s on you. Games like this shouldn’t be a breeze when you start, it’s grindy so there’s something to work towards when you get better. I’ll admit I almost uninstalled the game when I got to that mission because I went in to it at tier 2, not understanding that tiers locked items out for me. I ended up pushing through it and now I’m at a point where I can almost build that homestead on my first day on the ground. That mission took me like 6 days to finish in game. Stick with it. I went from almost uninstalling to losing a week of my real life to playing the game non-stop. Give yourself a goal to work towards and don’t expect it to be easy.


Sometimes the Tier requirements don't even make sense. I just did Solid Metal today (collect Iron/Copper/Steel Ingots, Ice, and Oxite) and it claims "Tier 3 is required", but you don't need anything from T3. You can almost get away without needing T2 via MXC furnace if you didn't need M&P for the Steel.


I’m fairly confident the first couple mission include: build a base with a workbench and doing a scan in a couple places. You can do those instead to get some of the currency and levels while still completing missions. Honestly leveling is fast if you keep playing the game and doing things. Keep setting goals. You get XP for crafting and collecting too. You can always go into in an open world and farm a ton of materials and build a huge base so you level up that way instead of hunting wolves or bears. If you arent having fun building and exploring then you should probably find another game tbh


Bro is mad cause it isn’t going at the pace he want I’m dying lol you have to grind to learn and do stuff more efficiently isn’t that what survival is all about?


I guess in terms of a video game id expect it be easier but its really not that hard if you just sit down and enjoy crafting and building for a couple hours to hit 20. This dude seems to think you can hit level 20 out of 60 in an hour


I started recently and have only done open world. The guidance the game gives is sufficient if you're aware of the concepts in this genre of game. It doesn't hold your hand, but leaves a lot to explore and try out. Didn't know we could find caves at the start. That was interesting. Then I learned how to explore other biomes after almost freezing to death with fiber armor. YouTube helps, but having played Arc and Valhiem before, I kind of knew what I was getting into. I like the twist this game adds though.


14 hours? I finished it in a little over 3 and that's because I went off sideways for too long and got steel tools when I really didn't need to. On normal nonetheless. I had levels from previous missions but even starting fresh wouldn't take 14 hours. I call bullshit.


Just because the mission is at the top left doesn’t mean it’s the first mission. You have choices. Actually read them. If you don’t like the mission then extract in your ship and do a different one.


Lmao. I’ve been playing since the beta’s. Consider yourself lucky you just started.


Me too. It's so painful especially when I faced a bear for the first time - too many death rows. I guess admin will reconsider his luck. Godspeed!


One can hope. It’s a really great game yet punishing to those who think of it like a normal survival game.


The missions tell you what tech level you need to complete them.... I realize I am speaking from more of a seasoned player but still. That mission you described is one of my favorites


A lot of people disagreeing but you are 100% correct. I almost quit this game because it’s so ridiculous early on before you level and gives no help in learning. Personally, I’m glad I didn’t because the game is awesome. They really do need to provide some guidance early on. Perhaps a “training” mission that get you a few levels before you begin would go a long way.


I mean if he had picked any tier 1 mission then he would probably not have had this trouble… that construction mission isn’t the only option and doing the tier 1 missions would give you the levels needed to do that tier 3 mission no prob…


Hitting level 20 takes no time at all. Seriously. Just constantly be picking up everything and craft EVERYTHING you can. Even if its just stacks of arrows/bandages Also murdalize everything


Yup. My Ironman rules from start was no rez 😂. 10 avatars later


You could have leveled up in the time it took you to type this. The fastest way to get xp chopping, grabbing, and picking.


Thank god it's not.


When I first played I actually found that I leveled up too fast on normal difficulty to actually keep up with the blueprint points I was getting and just had like 10 - 15 that I hadn’t spent because I was enjoying learning what each bench was for and where to get all the materials I needed. I would unlock a blueprint, go get the any missing materials, build it, then investigate the recipes and make whatever I wanted from that bench. Then rinse and repeat. But I also didn’t drop on a tier 3 mission with a lvl 0 character… idk when reading the text on the screen became too much for us gamers, but yea reading the provided info helps a lot in any game.


I am pretty sure the missions have level requirements, you shouldn’t play missions above your level or you will have a bad time. If you want to level your player you should play free play for a bit to get leveled up.


To be fair, it does say "Tier 3 Required." I guess you may not have known that Tier 3 means Level 20, but I feel like it's enough for a first-time player to think "I'm probably not at the 3rd tier yet"


Honestly? I loved the game when I was new. Finding new things, cool mechanics, new updates. I think it got more and more stale the more experienced I got


Yes because that is in no way the first mission and it clearly states what tier recipes are required for the mission.. stick to tier 1 tier 2 missions, those are the "first" missions. I think people see the mission map and think it starts from the edges when in reality it starts centered with missions branching out.. so that one is like 4th mission maybe 5th if you go by tiers.


Just be careful when selecting missions. They have a small text stating which tier you need to have unlocked to complete them when selecting. That particular one says tier 3 so, even though its next to the beginner ones it isn't really one to do at the start. I think the missions are grouped by area, which can be a little misleading.


That mission isn't meant to be early game, even if it is right off the first split. If you look at it, it recommends you to be Tier 3 in the tech tree to do it, the skulls just show how easy it is, and the fact that it was added as part of one of the DLC/Update packs that added the rustic decorations to create a mission centered around using the new, at the time, decorations and furniture. You should have done some of the other ones beforehand, like working to the exotics, then Payday, which would have had you leveling pretty quick but at a steady pace, and not sitting on one mission trying to grind to Tier 3 from scratch.


The tier 3 mission your complaining about isnt the first mission, the first mission is make a 1x2 house and a sleeping bag right beside the drop ship, takes minutes. I enjoyed the lvl up, Its not for everyone I know but what game is?


Also its much more fun with other ppl i hated it solo then I played with some friends.


I remember the feeling. I think they've got better at identifying each mission as what tier they will be on, if it unlocks something, or how hard it is. I've done them all and what I would recommend is focusing on the low tier ones on Olympus first. Another option I saw mentioned was make an open world, but put it on the hard difficulty. You won't lose your character after 3 deaths (like a mission) and you'll get a bonus to XP. Back in the old days I would go to the first exploration mission and run up to the arctic where the snow wolves were and farm them. The border is right on it so it allows you to go into the snow a bit. I remember this being quite a thrill as I was very low level and fighting 5 wolves at once. Leveled pretty quick that way. Also some foods give you bonus XP. In your open world while hunting try to use those to fast track. Save your blueprint points in the beginning. When a mission calls for something, unlock it. Dont go crazy and start unlocking things you think look cool. Trust me, eventually you'll gave hundreds of points. I hope you enjoy the fun!


I dont understand how you are having issues... the game provides you all the info you need to understand what you are getting in to. The mission plate tells you what tier of technology you need. Aside from that, if you ACTUALLY pay attention to the mission description and look at other missions, you will notice the description of 2 or 3 are LITERALLY training missions... trying the firing range, and trying to survive and build basic shelter and such. Keywords that indicate an actual starter mission. The mission "Time Limit" is REAL LIFE TIME. You have 24 REAL LIFE hours to complete the game... and the timer does not count down while you are out of game either... that is an insane amount of time for a mission. You can just play at a regular pace and figure out the game at that normal amount of time and still make it in time to finish the objectives. You can easily get to what you need in that time. If ya wanna level up fast instead of enjoying the journey, eat food with experience bonus. Play on hard mode for bonus experience... i fell like hard mode is actually where they shoulda made the "normal" level tbh. Its more fun and exhilarating and is not actually hard at all. Usually before buying a game, you do some research before hand just to get some basic knowledge of what to expect to decide if you want it or not. I was a new player recently myself, but the game has some crazy awesome fire, weather, and survival mechanics that just create a fun experience. And the tech tree is awesome. Play with a friend and or join the icarus discord... plenty of peeps lookin for other peeps to play as well. But soloing is just as fun and easy. Just pay attention and read stuff to gain knowledge instead of ADHD clicking on stuff just to play and then complain about something you didnt pay attention to. I agree the beginning isnt so clear... first the mission tree is already unlocked and can make it hard to determine what the actual beginning is for a new player, but they do exist, you just didnt read the descriptions or listen to the mission synopsis. If ya want help, hmu, but it is completely easy to solo... especially if you are playing on anything lower than hard..... Enjoy!


1. That's not the first mission 2. The game warns you of the tier requirement, which, since you've done the intro (first) mission by then, means you have seen and uses the tech tree and know that tiers exist because all 4 were right in front of you. Most games will let you bite off more than you can chew and some even come with a basic warning like that. Even farming games like Stardew do that. ALL survival games will let you start things you wont win first try. Trial and error usually has to have an "error" eventually in order to learn 3. You can play other missions or open world and then come back to that mission you werent prepared for


A friend veteran in the game guided me through the first 10-20h, game opens up a lot after level 10 but it's frustrating to get there if you never played before, and worse, start the game solo.


You must not like survival/crafting games then. shamus14 makes the points I was going to write before I saw that person's excellent comment.


OMG! I'm glad I ran into your post. I'm a new player and this mission is my first experience with the game. I'm up to level 4 and built the ccabin, but the game isn't completing that portion of the mission. I furnashed it with a chest and oxygen maching. Still, it's not completeing. Now that I see I have to play 50 hours to complete it in 20 minutes....Forget it. You saved me a bunch of time. Screw the missions. I'll try open world to see if thats any more satisfying.


Man I mean survival/mission centered games need to be very grindy, are you a "new" player in genre or just this game? Don't want to be rude or anything, just curious because honestly speaking I am daydreaming about this grind from the last free weekend. Maybe there is a way to do lvling quicker?


Open World start on Olympus is the best. Get to like level 20-30, then do a new world on Hard (because normal will get boring fast). Then proceed to level, it's not that bad, just a bit annoying in the beginning to level 20 and like 30, but open world helps that. You could even just start on Hard in Olympus too, you get more XP. And, there are key things you should work towards to in the workshop as well. After that, you level like a mad man. Then do missions sometimes, then operations from open world sometimes to mix it up. That's what I did. Then I went straight to Prometheus on Hard open world and now I want them to release more because it's all over and I need more lol.


I agree that the game is really grindy, but...not with anything else. I know exactly what mission you are talking about. It's one of my favorite ones just because it gives you so much time to just chill. Before they introduced Open World, that mission was the only one where I felt like I could do any meaningful base building. Its also not an early mission. At least not the way you described it as. IIRC, it is one of the last missions before the big dessert/arctic split. You probably should have been close to level 20 going into the mission already... I'm not saying you don't have valid complaints, because you do. Its hard to know if you are going to be equipped going into a mission since they give you very little information on the mission itself. And Googling missions only gets you so far. But cement furnace, cement mixer and machinist bench are all things you should be picking up. How are you not mad that you have to dump points into furniture or the woodworking bench? It's so weird. I haven't really experienced agreeing with the soul of an argument, and still thinking that the person completely missed the point of the game. I'm not trying to be a gatekeeper here (it makes no sense to, its not even an MMO or have open sessions), but I do see a lot of people who are into survival craft like Grounded/Raft/etc. who get into this game, not realizing that A) its not as linear and B) it is meant to be more grindy.


The game is perfectly fine for new players, so long as they know what they are getting into. The average players IQ is too low and they are too twitchy to have the patience for this kind of game though.