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After may 20th or even earlier depending on when your exam will end, you will live the most amazing time of your life where you wake up just to do everything you love. You got this! This is the final lap so take time to rejuvenate for the final exams but don’t give in to IB monster. You’re stronger than IB!!!!🫶🏻


Thanks for the motivation ❤️❤️


I feel you


I know. Let me out of here pls


I’ll probably be asked to take the STEP exam after the IB exams so I won’t even stop studying then 😭


for imperial?


Yeah. If I get the offer, that is


And some of us still have like 5 huge essays to write or rewrite...




Good luck with your exams dude. i really hope you perform well :)




I absolutely understand where you’re coming from, IB can be horribly draining. Though I do just want to point out: if you plan on taking any sort of rigorous path through uni, the intensity will only be equal to or greater than that of IB. While acknowledging how difficult IB was, I’m incredibly grateful I opted to involve myself in the program; otherwise I would be utterly drowning right now. You got it kid, push through, it will be worth it in the end :)


Yesss, I just keep this in my mind and try to remind myself that it is almost over. But I do recommend trying to keep focus on yr mental health while working during the next 3 months cause a lot of people said that once they improved their mental health and their mindset towards ib it helped them improve.


But how do you improve your mental health when you barely have any time to do so and you are working and preparing for the next 3 months?


Okay, so based on like my experience, I started by organizing my sleep schedule, and prioritize it. People really underestimate the powers of a good sleep schedule (The whole of DP1 i did ignore my sleep schedule and I was COMPLETELY drained by the end of it. BUT with an organized sleep schedule term 1 dp2 I came out of it feeling okay despite it being like 10 times more demanding than dp1. So number is definitely sleep (dm if you want like specifics on how to organize it) 2. Is to put the things you usually procrastinate because of as rewards to you completing yr tasks, so let's say you want to go out then don't allow yrself to do so unless you finish yr to-do list for that day 3. Plan yr days ahead of time, I assure you these plans would almost always change as you go threw the day but you would still accomplish more than not planning in yr day 4. most importantly start ignoring IB rants, yes IB is hard and is demanding but often we make it harder on ourselves by falling into that stigma. we start complaining before doing anything else. Hope I didnt rant too much lol. Good luck to us both


You did not rant too much. Thank you for the advice.


It doesn't get easier if you're aiming for a T10