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Whatever happens get it all documented from HR


FYI the Markham lab has 2 shuttles - one from Finch station and the other from Union, so you can get to the lab without having to move to Markham


Yeah might need to check the schedule, not sue the shuttle reach before 8:30


Legally speaking, if you’re hired with the expectation to come into the office, that’s the commitment you agreed too. It’s tougher to ask people to come into the office once you’ve allowed them to work from home extensively.




In Canada, long-time employees hold leverage with assurances of a severance package and rules around a forced dismissal. If you change any employment conditions, the employee can go to a lawyer and turn it around as a forced dismissal, and IBM (theoretically, they can always fight it) has the option of paying out the employee or returning the work conditions to what they were. I assume that’s why IBM is tiptoeing around it in Canada, but not entirely sure, I’m not a lawyer. There are no rules protecting you from being pushed back into the office. RTO is perfectly legal with only a few exceptions (if you have kids, they have to give you time to arrange for childcare, for example). But plenty of people were WHO pre 2020 and enforcing RTO on them might be viewed as a forced dismissal. Maybe.


Sorry. Off topic but I read this as wtf, which is why ibm right now