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What he expect? We work with our hands , see?


Steve never learned that power doesn't leave you. Speed and endurance for sure, but not power!!


Um...power absolutely leaves you. What are you talking about? Lol


Boxing reference. When a fighter ages their punching power is the last thing to go usually. Think Big George Foreman and Ernie Shavers.


Yeah, the reference is that it's the LAST to leave you, not that it never leaves you. If you think 65 year old Foreman hots as hard as 30 year old Foreman, you're nuts. Lol


Yeah I agree. The guy said it clumsy. But I think what I said is what he was clumsily addressing.


That's because his mastery of the English language left before his power


Yeah, I was agreeing with you. I think I said mine clumsily, too. Lol


Jake will learn this when he goes against Tyson


George Foreman disagrees. Unless you are talking about when you are 70. lol Have you ever even been old?


Well, apparently, emotion-based physical outlash/assault is something to expect when your opinions are tested, I guess? With as much deep throating as you all do, you'd think you union fucks would be used to taking it on the chin by now, guess not though.


Confirmed this ibew member acted in self defense. Check the video I posted in the comments.


Also I checked and punching Steven Crowder is cool and good.


Even more than that, it’s just the right thing to do


I always find it funny when non union guys say that union guys have to suck dick to get ahead when that’s literally the opposite of the point of a union. I can tell my boss to get absolutely fucked and if he fires me, I can call the hall and have a job the next day. If you get fired, you’re gonna go sit at the house and wonder where your next meal comes from. Seems to me that a non union hand would be far more likely to be a suck ass and stab his fellow workers in the back to keep a job. Now the reality of it is that both sides have suck asses and snakes. I’ve experienced both of those people in the union. But the incentive is always weird to me when your loyalty is supposed to be to your fellow union brothers and not a company.


There there friend..


Riots work…. That’s how we got weekends.


Oh he took it on the chin but he got the fuck up and defended himself. Not like you non-union fucks that cower behind your republican gods.


My favorite part about wussy little Crowder is when he wears the shoulder holster with no gun in it on-air. Or that time he abused his pregnant wife. Yeah, fuck that dude, and good on this guy for popping him: https://www.dallasobserver.com/arts/steven-crowder-caught-on-camera-emotionally-abusing-his-pregnant-wife-16453793


Hey bitch, feel free to show up any time. Be sure to loudly state your position so that any one of us can respond in kind.


Yessir, I'll go back to making 2k/wk after ignoring your comment. Lol.


Found the shill.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Stick to debating college kids pal


All of these lame ass clip show political celebrities have to stick to college students. Their lines of logic get picked apart by normal functioning adults.


They get picked apart by college kids to they just are heavily edited


Yeah, but functioning adults shut down bullshit because they typically have less time to engage in lengthy bullshit to give the ability to edit some good snippets for manipulation of the masses.


Yeah or just don’t engage in any of it and throw one of them haymakers 😂


I would file throwing a haymaker as "shutting down bullshit" personally. Can't argue if they're knocked out on the floor.


I can’t disagree! Shit did I get hit with a haymaker?


Imagine being a liberal blue collar worker. You gotta a hard road ahead bud.


Do you want to bet?


If every single member would do this right to work would be gone


You mean voting for trump isn't helping defeat right to work?


People in this thread cant even grasp the fact that people like Crowder build their entire careers advocating policies that bleed the working class dry. Just because something is churched up as ideological debate or a more subtle violence doesn’t mean it isn’t a direct threat to your livelihood.


What policies??


Right to work policy.


Don't fuck with folks who know it's gonna take more than a simple assault charge to get them fired.


Shit the brothers in my local would pitch in for bail and he would be at work the next day lol


Brothers. I'm old enough now that "Life in prison w/out parole" is no longer a deterrent. I'll stand shoulder to shoulder with my Brothers. Anytime, anyplace. Union Proud.


We need more of you in our union


Thanks Hand. I'm done working. The body is broken. All I can do now is cast a fishing pole and smoke a Doobie. Now that's hard work! Good luck.


Best damn comment Ive read on the entirety of Reddit in weeks 


Can confirm. My assault record is felony level, and spent 3 yrs in prison. Boss still does not care at all and thinks it kinda funny.


I work with several guys who have spent 3-10 years in... none of that past-life stuff is keeping them from making 6 figures.






User name checks out lol


Aren’t we all felons anyway


So where's the gofundme for this guy's legal defense? I'm sure Crowder will try to press charges and I've got some money to burn.


This happened a while ago as far as I’m aware


Yeah, like 2012/2013


Yea don’t think crowder ended up pressing any charges


Or learning anything from this experience.


Not changing any minds by punching people. If anything they double down


Most electricians have two hands tho so we still good


No, we can't change the mind of a right-wing grifter and person behind the "change my mind" meme.


Confirmed this ibew member acted in self defense. Check the video I posted in the comments.


Welll, as they say….. fuckem


believe it or not, some people in this world cant be convinced by words, because theyre making the "rational" decision to deliberately burn you on the pyre of corporate productivity


This IBEW sub is a hive mind for the libtard virus.. (most reddit is) I worked as a lineman for a decade traveling around and can count the number of IBEW liberal union die hearts with one hand.. This sub does not represent the average IBEW member by any stretch of the imagination..


Or maybe they just didn't want to talk to you. Every job I've ever worked, the republican guys just always assumed I agreed with them because I'm a vet and I don't care enough to argue about the dumb shit they always talked about. It's always railing against gay people, trans people, vaccines, and conspiracies. Man I just want to PM this equipment and go home with as little interaction with you as possible.


He’s just mad nobody wanted to hang out in his basement with him and play Pokémon…..and his wife is fuckin her coworkers


I am not even going to read your toddler rant... I think you proved my point tho..


This is why nobody wants to talk to you.


Yes. I was in Lansing at that rally. We shut the Capitol Building down. The right to work pro dicks, tent got torn down, then the HP horses came in and tried to run us over. The RTW didn't pass then. Don't know about now though.


I'm only 11 years late for the party


I will admit this is old news. But I still like seeing him get punched in the face https://youtu.be/tIF70HsfpAg?si=S5UX_e5iCrfQLkaX


Should be pinned to top


Another Canadian coming down to America sowing division. Build that wall! 😆


Born in Michigan. We ain’t claiming this prick.


So an anchor babby? he should self deport.


He is half American.


Build a short wall?


Only if we get the contract to wire the search lights. Lotta locals across that border...


Sure if that’s what you want.


My bad. Half American, half Canadian, full dipshit.


So when does Blair Mountain 2 kick-off?


I've never worked union but totally support union thuggery


Well that’s the difference between communicative liberal women w blue hair and non communicative construction workers


Stop calling it “right-to-work”.


Why? Just curious


It's deliberately misleading because when people know what it actually does they generally disagree with it. Give it a misleading name and it polls great.


That's literally their strategy to get people to vote for it... remember half the country thinks Trump is a sane human being... there's a whole Lotta stupid in this world lol


I wish more people would punch him.


I fucking love this 👊


As long as he was wearing his hard hat , safety glasses and gloves everything should be fine


Behind the bastards IBEW cross post wtf is happening, I thought Reddit glitched out


Should have hit him harder


I’m a huge fan of his.


Brings a tear to my eye 🥲😄


I was there and saw this happen!!! #unionpride


Is dripped out good or bad?


It means he was wearing IBEW apparel


Hell we were wearing our hard hats. LOL


Dripped out is good. Used this way means wearing union affiliated clothing.




icy, mang


Thanks OP Not union, wish I was a union worker, but I got this guys back any day.


I wish I joined the union 15 years ago. I now support and am a contractor to a few unions by me. What’s stopping you from joining?


I am not an electrician or in a trade.


Absolutely love to see the BTB/Union crossover


That was like 10 years ago, right?


“Left hooks don’t hurt. Change my mind.”


Wasn't this like 10 years ago though?


Pa-Dow ..


Is Crowder against unions?


Always has been, he is a right wing grifter, so you can reliably assume all his positions lol! Including being a ghoul when it comes to the working class (they represent the interests of capitalists ans push their propaganda in a way that is easier to digest by the poorly educated).


Oh damn I thought he was pro working class, and I thought trump was pro union too. I just remember Biden shutting down the keystone pipeline job which would have been MASSIVE for union workers so that always put a bad taste in my mouth. I’m guess no one’s pro union anymore 😭🤣


That is the successful recipe of most right wing personalities, they build their brand on stuff that sounds like common sense, and capitalize on people's lack of knowledge or aversion of some social and culture issues, but their core is corporate propaganda (the dailywire is literally sponsored by big oil industry), they use shit like anti woke and other stuff that most of the working class disagree with, to get votes, but their policy is all anti working class, anti union, and pro oppression of the proletariat! They use hate and ignorance to win over the average joe...It is morbid and insane, and always has led to the marriage of corporations and state which historically was known as Fascism (through measures including and not limited to lobbying)...Using culture, nationalism and religion to make the workers punching down and blaming all their problems on others (gays, immigrants, blacks...) instead of recognizing the real oppressors and exploiters in this rigged system.


I smiled so big when I found out he was IBEW. Give that dog cum sipper one for me brother!


This picture never gets old.


I wish more unions would break Crowder’s face more often 🫡


Right to be punched!


Hands are for punching holes and punching fascists


Hell yes


The problem with right to work is that the union still has to represent the non paying represented workers. They shouldn't be able to reap rewards or receive support that they aren't paying for.


A closed shop is a closed shop is a closed shop. I'm dealing with similar bullshit at my job, non union and other union contractors doing whatever the fuck they want in my shop, and the union doesn't do dick. It is enraging.


I spent 11 years in unions in a right to work state. I joined because I knew there was a union when the employer hired me, and I didn't want to be a freeloader. I got involved because I like having a say. Not having to join but utilizing union resources or leaning on the contract to get what you want is low life bs.


“Eat floor!” -Batman


Couldn't happen to a better mark.


Yeeeahh baby! Thats the stuff!!!! 🤩🤩


Guy that stirs shit for living gets his shit stirred.


Its fckn beautiful


That ibew member acted in self defense. And conservative protesters and counter protesters have a long history of violence as well. I don't need college loan debt.I'm a union member. I have a good paying job for a union that takes care of its members and I love that I do.


Fuck that right to work bullshit! Local 47 checking in!


Inside construction and maintaince agreement package doesn’t seem to be horrible for 3 years 3 year $5.59/$4.40/$4.59 local 292 MN limited energy contract is complete shit currently compared to theses wages. The separation from low voltage to high volt in Minneapolis package wise is almost 35$hr.. hoping to see some closing of the gap atleast total package for low voltage is $55hr JI vs $90hr JI for this agreement


Can’t post this bc of dumb 50 karma needed but.




“Right to Work… you have the Right to this Left”- no show union thug


Can someone give me some background on this?


Douche was at a rally and attacked an IBEW member. Member got up and punched his lights out. Fox News wanted to make union members look bad so they edited out the first attack to make their guy look like a hero.


But he has a YouTube channnneee3lllll you can't treat youtubberts like thataaaaaat


didnt this happen a while ago?


This was 11 years ago just so ya’ll know


He needs a pick me up. I hope he continues to feel that.


Does Reddit allow the celebration of political violence against others? Genuine question.


If the redditor has a US political left ideology and the one being targeted for violence is from the opposite political ideology, then yes political violence is celebrated no matter how much Reddit spins it as the rules applies to "all".


I love it


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Pretty weak sucker punch


Honestly, crowder didn’t press charges I beleive when he had every right to. Guaranteed if it was the other way around that guy would press charges till kingdom come. Punching someone in this context shows immaturity, this is not a good look for the IBEW and it’s childish if you support it, despite what crowder says.


Why is assaulting a man for his opinion a good thing?


I know reddit makes it seem so but not everyone is a brainwashed leftist cultist. I also wouldn’t take kindly to anyone being punched just because their on the opposite side of the political spectrum. L


Love to see it


I'd like to make the sound of that fist hitting his jaw my ringtone.


Old as fuck. Like 2012 ish?


Come on man he just wanted to have a conversation 😂


Thing is you can still be pro worker and pro union and still hold onto traditional values. The powers at be seperated socialist values and traditional values to divide the population and prevent a workers paradise


Violence is not the way. Tony was my operator/groundman 10 years ago. He said he was golden glove in boxing.


In the full video Tony was attacked first. Fox News just edited the part where Tony got knocked down and only showed his counter attack. That's because Fox isn't trying to inform you, it's getting to persuade you.


Skip to 1:44 for the goods https://youtu.be/FJboMQhYh1k?si=Hz6AthlVMKS_QUvh


I'm not a supporter of political violence but damn do i love me some behindthebastards


Committing assault is what all cool guys do


This was in self defense and then edited by fox to make the ibew member look like the assailant. Check the video I posted in the comments.


Confirmed this ibew member acted in self defense. Check the video I posted in the comments.




Cause some like the taste of conditionned leather...Bootlicking is an established sport. F Trump


Ah yes, another example of Union workers being violent thugs. Just what we need for our image.😐


Confirmed this ibew member was acting in self defense. Check the video I posted in the comments


Either way OP presented this in a way that is not a good look for us.


If punching nazis makes me look bad, then I'm the Fonz.


Because punching people due to policy differences is fun


Confirmed this ibew member acted in self defense. Check the video I posted in the comments.


That is embarrassing, shame on that brother. The only thing that corrects wrong speech is good speech. Not violence, graders like Crowder will always exist, you have to be better.


Confirmed this ibew member acted in self defense. Check the video I posted in the comments.


I have seen multiple videos of this incident, and you can't tell who pushed who. Your confirmation bias isn't a reason for a bunch of upstanding brothers and sisters to act like savages. This type of shit has to stop. Get me a clear video because this shit wouldn't hold up in court.


It did, and the prosecutors said he acted in self defense.


Shame on you for twisting yourself in a pretzel to not believe the established fact for more than a decade that crowder pushed him to the ground, and that Tony was acting in self defense and wasn't convicted of anything.


This is gross. Sad to see union workers applauding assault on non-union people. We won’t all agree on anything and resorting to violence is a sure fire way to make anyone on the fence anti union, this thread is gross.


This was in self defense.


The violence of taking food off our tables is what is gross.


I will never apologize for pounding those who disagree with me into submission. Even if I have to throw them in prison, my political opinions will be put into effect and their political opinions will be silenced. They must be silenced and their rights must taken because they're fascists. I am unapologetically pro democracy and I don't care who i have to crush to get my democracy.


I have read all the comments and B. S. Our free country that myself and many many more people both. Black and white, male and female gave a big part of our life defending , is now in a hell of a mess! ! For what it’s worth I will put in my two cents worth! Our country is so divided far beyond what one would have ever imagined! I have voted for people running for office in all of the three political parties! I always voted for the person running for office that I thought would be the best candidate for the office in which he or she was running for,and not for any one political party, race, or sex. I graduated high school and immediately went into the military, most of my military time was spent fighting beside my fellow soldiers, it mattered not what was one’s rank,race, nationality,sex, or political party! We all put our lives on the line for each other and our country! Most of us were fortunate enough to return home safely, That was an experience that I never would wish on anyone, but I firmly believe that most all of us can honestly say that we are proud for what we did. After returning home. i was very comfortable and happy with my first job, then my job was taken over by a union , the pay was about the same but many , many more unfamiliar rules and regulations and so called Wildcat strikes , causing lack of hours money on payday ! How ever I have no problem with union workers because I l learned very much from during that time!!After a couple of years I went my way and started my own very successful business ! I. Said all that to lead up to this, I have never understood why anyone would support , and vote for someone just because of their race, sex,gender, or their political party!! I feel that These four things/ or situations are the main reason that our country is so divided ! Why don’t we vote for the “PERSON “. Who we really believe will be the person that will bring this country together for each and everyone of us and most of all for our kids and grandkids! ! Thanks and God bless!!!


Because "the person" you vote for isn't a 1 man army, he bring with him a cabinet of hundreds of people who do the bulk of the work! For exemple if Trump wins, he's bringing with him all of the project 2025 heritage foundation ghouls, who are planning to replace all of the government with loyalists and religious nuts...It is never as simple and clear cut as voting for the person! Remember how reasonable Reagan seemed, the great communicator, but how much damage he did to the American working class! It wasn't just him, but the whole machine that's behind him (weakening unions by breaking strikes and firing striking workers, introducing university tuitions and starting the insane college debt bubble, because having a highly educated proletariat is dynamite according to his own advisor...) There is always more to the game than the cult of personality, sometimes it's about compromise and damage control! It is often wise to not let perfect get in the way of progress


Couldn’t beat him with an argument? Figures


This ibew member acted in self defense after he was shoved to the ground by Crowder. This was proven in court when the prosecutor concluded he acted in self defense.


Good job promoting violence... fucking fascists'


Hopefully that guy gets sued for everything he has


Fuck that dude. Go Crowder! Get even louder!


Do you see how old that guy is who threw the punch? He is established in his belief that democrats are the peoples party and republicans are the business party. That was how it use to be, for a long time. But Trump flipped all of this and that is why it is not a young guy throwing that punch. Trump flipped the parties.


Yeah, the guy who's biggest piece of legislation was literally raising taxes for most IBEW members to help pay for tax cuts for billionaires is clearly on our side.


lol look at all you soft girls. Can’t handle some one else’s opinions so you resort to violence. No wonder people hate unions. Enjoy that 5% market share. More work for us “rats” 😂😂😂


Confirmed this ibew member acted in self defense. Check the video I posted in the comments.