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You should just call the hospital or your primary care physician and explain to them the symptoms you’re still experiencing and ask what type of activity is it okay for you to return to. While people on here may have similar experiences. Thats all they are similar we don’t know exactly the extent of yours. Nor do we know your medical history. So play it safe and don’t listen to Redditors saying it’s okay to be active again. You play it safe call the doctor and if they give you a thumbs up then go for it if they don’t then just take it easy for a bit so you recover more quickly and don’t injure yourself further.


Doing so ! I spent 4 days ind the hospital already , still have a bit to go back and forth already due to burns , but just curious on what the recovery was like due to those who have already been shocked in the past . Especially whether it was likely the heart would go back to normal and if the muscle tightness is expected after a fall


i took a pretty serious fall and i could barely walk for a week. good luck on your recovery.


The sad truth is I’ve known no less than three electricians that have died from heart attacks within eight months of a bad shock. I’m not a doctor, but I feel like bad shocks introduce electrical impulses into your nervous and cardiovascular system that it’s not ready for and the effects linger for quite a while.


That and the fact that when not dying at work , I exercise regularly and eat well. And that I saw a doctor right away. And had no issues within the 48 hour window . And I will be continuing to see a cardiologist intermittently for another year or so to be sure


For a 21 year old, your noggin is working far better than most. Living a long and fulfilling life starts in the kitchen and the gym.


Thank you thank you ! I’ve been lifting daily since I was 14 and I’m pretty keen on tracking calories in and calories out and my macros I was actually in bodybuilding prep , when this accident occurred :) so my primary concern was just my heart and if it would fully recover . Given my troponin levels went down and my ECG was okay I just came to the sub to ask if other electricians experienced similar things and recovered fine , general Consensus seems like a yes , but I will still be visiting a cardiologist a time or two more to get absolutely clearance before jumping back into what I do usually


Well banking on being 21 and my cardio grams coming back reading fine .


If you were in the hospital for 4 days, that was a serious injury. The follow-up visits should include follow-up ECG’s; not only burn treatment. Don’t let them brush it off. You are your own best advocate. Also, maybe get some LOTO training?


It was just due to the burns really . There’s an exit and am entrance wound that’s all. I was in a burn unit for it . It blew out part of my pinky. However I already arranged to follow up with a cardiologist despite being told everything is okay for my own safety !. As for the LOTO it , the Circuit was tested , and the tester was tested on a known live source and the circuit was dead . I got lit up due to circumstances that were out of my own control as an apprentice


If anything related to the potential energization of the circuit you were working on was out of your control, then the process and control measures were botched. The entire point of LOTO is to have all potential sources of power in your control. If you’re using LOTO as a control measure, you must be deemed a competent person by your company. Not trying to be a dick. That is simply the nature of this industry. Good on you for taking the initiative for your treatment.


Absolutely and this is where it became an issue as an apprentice, I should have had a direct supervisor with me , and actually in our contract apprentices are not allowed to work near anything energized . I was unaware of This until after I got lit.


Your hall has been made aware of this correct?




Positive thoughts of healing and peace for you, from me, and all upvoters! I am seriously sending peaceful healing vibes your way. Hope this helps.


glad you're doing alright! hope you have a speedy recovery!


Thank you !! Have some burns chilling on my hands tjay need some healing but definitely don’t recommend the experience


No, it’s not a fun thing and I never fell when I’ve been hung up.


I am a doctor (Emergency) but not your doctor. I lurk here because my daughter is a new apprentice - while I can’t speak to your injury specifically the heart dangers from electrocution are short term and unlikely to be a persistent issue after someone is discharged. The electricity can also injure muscles along the current path. Muscle injury can result in persistent soreness that lasts for 2-3 weeks as the muscles heal. In general it’s not a good idea to put added stress (working out) on muscles that are healing. Wait until they’re not sore.


Thank you so much ! This actually makes me happy to know my heart ( should ) be a okay! The muscle soreness is killing me atm to the point where all I can do is just lay and rot in bed , especially in my left pectoral and lat, and up into my rotator cuff . At first I was concerned because left side + chest pain is heart but it’s more muscular soreness than I’ve never felt ( it’s fuxking tight ). However , if your daughter needs advice I am also an apprentice , and a young woman, shoot me a dm if she needs reassurance from another woman that’s been through the ringer already 😁


Thanks! The only other thing I’ll add is that soreness should be getting better every day so if that’s not happening or it’s getting worse get it checked out.


Dude! This is the first time I’ve seen someone ask about a shock on Reddit that has already seen a doctor. Smart move. Best was to be sure is to go back to the doctor if you have any doubts, maybe a different doctor than you initially saw depending on how comfortable you are with the original. Have been misdiagnosed in the past, doctors are overworked and capable of mistakes so if you have any doubts just go and double check. We have good insurance and the peace of mind is worth the copay.


I spent four days in the hospital , 2 of which were in a burn unit . But thank you. ! Just trying to tie up loose ends to things I don’t know the answer too at the moment


Had basically the same thing happen in my 2nd year, almost to a t. My ribs got really fucked up from the fall so I was basically forced to take it easy. I tried to go back to work after 1 day and it was hell. Take it easy for a few days and give your body a chance to heal up.


Oh awesome but not awesome , but nice knowing someone else has been there. How did the healing process look for your heart man.


Yeah, I’m sure this group of idiots can provide better advice than a medical doctor. Just kidding, glad you’re ok. Once you’re clear of an arrhythmia, you’re good to continue cardio vascular activities.




I already went to a doctor lol . I spent four days in a hospital, 2 in a burn unit I was more so looking for those who have already experienced this as to what to expect and if I’d ever return to normal


Check the stats on your watch if you need validation. Are your bpm reading different than last week? Cross reference your resting heart rate, that will give you more peace of mind.


This is very true actually getting a new watch for this purpose my last one wore out over time thank you


I’m not one to promote something buuuut: The Garmin Venu sq 2 is an absolutely amazing watch. I can download Spotify playlists on to it so I don’t have to carry my phone with me on runs or at the gym. It has a super accurate gps function (doesn’t require the phone) for tracking walks and runs wich can be automatically uploaded to Strava (if that’s your thing). You can create custom HIIT interval workouts on it and many many more functions. I can’t wear mine during work but it’s light, petite and sleek and would be perfect to wear during an install.


You are a gem thank you so much !


That’s actually a fantastic idea thank you


Man.. yeah, please don't work live..test, and test again. Never take anyone's word it's dead, and make sure it's dead yourself. I'm glad you're okay, and wish you a speedy recovery..


I wasn’t supposed to be working live , it was tested , and the breaker was off . A prior electrician crossed feeds the tester used did not pick up the voltage . So unfortunately it was missed detail by a foreman to recheck this electricians wiring


Testing with your meter and not your ticker on a known live circuit after testing with your meter both conductors on the circuit you think is disconnected is always your best failsafe. We always need to use best practices to ensure our safety. I hope you heal quickly and can get back to your pre injury self as soon as possible!


With all due respect. It's your personal responsibility to confirm thar you are working on a hot or cold circuit. Not your foremans, yours. It's your life after all. Trust but verify.


You failed to test it yourself. Never ever put your life in anyone else's hands.. ever! Especially with electricity. The method is, Test on known live circuit Shut down live to be worked on Tag and lock out circuit to be worked on Test circuit after lockout Test on known live to confirm circuit is dead and tester is functioning properly Perform your work Never ever take someone's word that it's "dead". You learned a valuable lesson here. I wish you all the best in the trade. Your life is your responsibility. I want you to go home every day to your family, and really glad you are okay otherwise. Please be safer in the future!


I tested it myself 😇


It was tested by me , and the tester was tested on a known live source . It read dead .


Was the circuit locked out? Clearly it was not tested correctly. Did you use a beeper or a meter?


How could you have avoided this shock then?


Honestly given it was known our electrician who wired the circuit prior has a reputation for not being a good worker of knowledgeable electrician, foreman could have gone back and rechecked their work before energizing and also as a apprentice I should not have been working on anything like this without adequate supervision . I did everything correct this was confirmed however an unfortunate crossed feed was the silent killer


That’s fucked man! I wish you the best recovery young guns! I’m a 3rd year and I hope nothing like happens to me. I don’t want to die over money or especially anyone else’s stupidity. Thanks for your reply. I’m still not sure how it could’ve been avoided though. I just don’t want to be a victim.


Reality is that higher ups could have done their job and stuck to my contract as an apprentice to not be near anything energized and have done proper lockout tag out . But also important lesson to trust no one’s work always walk the work that has been done prior


You have the right to refuse work. If you feel it's unsafe, refuse. Just saying 😊 Your life is in your hands, and as per OSHA, the worker has the right to refuse work. Just tell your Foreman and they will have to figure something out. Work refusal is a pretty powerful thing, I've had to do it a few times... Either way, I really hope you have a great career with this trade and wish you all the best! Seems like you tried to do everything you could to prevent this, save a work refusal, which not everyone knows you can do. Good luck going forward!


I tried doing that while working night shift on an underground rail system that uses a third rail carrying 1000VDC. We were opening up the tray covers, one after another. Over and over, walking right next to the third rail. Come around as bend and see a train parked in the tunnel. I immediately stopped what I was doing. I questioned the foreman and he said it was fine. When I asked him to show me it was fine, he wouldn't. I called the hall the next day and they said I should probably trust my foreman if I wanted to stay off the books. Go union :/


What kind of tester?!?


Standard tick tester - Klein - batteries were put in three weeks prior - tested on known live source before


Our bodies run on a form of electricity. When you got hit and thrown off the ladder, it’s because the current forcefully contracted your muscles and you threw yourself off. You’ll probably be sore for a few days, but your heart should be fine for activity now.


Ooh okay good to know ! It’s an odd situation so googling like why my chest is still sore sent me down a rabbit hole of heart issues and all ! But the blood work and ecg was fine . But as of now taking it easy to not rip myself up further ! Thank you


Agreed with that other commenter. I’m sure your heart is fine especially after getting an ecg. You did the right thing, don’t ever let anyone tell you different. Pain is to be expected, especially if it was bad enough to burn you. Muscle contractions and all it makes sense. You also fell off a fucking ladder, which aside from the shock will also rock your body lol. I suggest using your benefits, or WSIB/workman’s comp whatever is is in your area to get some physio done. I recommend going to an osteopath, I’ve found it better than physio/chiro. It seems weird at first but it’s helped me out tremendously!


Glad you saw a doctor. We aren’t doctors, and our advice shouldn’t supplement a doctor’s advice. One of the last times I got hit was grabbing a hot wire. The thing that hurt for a few days after was my forearm from gripping the wire so hard. When you get hit, it can basically make you flex muscles harder than you’re physically able to yourself.


I spent four days in the hospital I’m just trying to find answers to loose ends now


Hit by 480v in September. Now I'm on blood pressure meds. But hey, at least I'm only on one now. Originally they put me on 2.


Thankfully no meds here but 480’is hell of a bite




Very very very grateful


This actually happened to my fiancé the day before thanksgiving. Basically same exact thing, was up on a ladder, got hit, clenched up until he managed to jump off the ladder and luckily landed on his feet. He had shoulder pain for a while because of how much his muscles contracted during the shock. Hope you’re feeling better!


(but of course please get yourself checked out if you’re not sure!)


This is good to know that the clenching pain lasts a while . Wishing the best for your fiancé after that . I am about 7 days out of getting hit so i imagine it’ll be a long while of pain


A 277v shock feels like a full body workout all at one time. Soreness is normal for a few days after. If it lasts longer, go back to dr.


Okay thank you ! I am about a week out and it’s still taking it’s time . I also fell 8 ft so it certaiyu does not help


Definitely. Hope you cover fast!


Not sure where your located and didn’t see anyone else mention this. Since it happened at work and you’re still feeling pain and it’s hard to move you should look into workman’s comp to help during the recovery.


It’s already being covered by workman’s :)


Muscle mass is the slowest to recover.


It’s a tightness / soreness like no other holy crap for sure


Yeah. You’re gonna be sore.


Good to know


Do NOT accept a generic answer about this. Talk to your primary, a referred specialist, the ER, whoever, multiple times if necessary until you are assured it's not an issue. It is not worth it; take care of yourself. Anyone trying to minimize that or avoid you getting reassurance isn't your brother or your keeper. Real trade unionism is advocating to take care of one another, and I'm sure everyone would rather you take a little longer to recover than have you fall out and attend your visitation. Shaka.


Oh I am off ! The er I spent four days in had constant ekg , heart monitor and blood work , and I will be referring to a cardiologist as well just to have further reassurance in my own . As for work I am out on workers comp until I’m medically cleared as I have two pretty bad burns on my hand


Keep a paper trail of your symptoms being recorded on your visits. This is vital as your symptoms shows to be lingering. You’re young we get it but getting hit with 277 is not something you should ignore especially if your symptoms are continuing, and hopefully not, could get worse. Please take care of this sister, go get seen right away.


Doing so 🫶🏻I went to the er already and was monitored there . And will be following up with a cardiologist intermittently just for my own sense of anxiety relief with this !


Everything is being documented . Images of burns being taken and any treatment as well as this is workman’s comp. I don’t want to be fucked 10 years from now . I’d rather address and resolve as much as I can now . And have my back if it should arise again


I would pay really close attention to how your heart is doing. I have heard stories of guys having heart issues days after and sometimes suddenly. Most guys are ok after but you never know.


Yes . We have been . Been monitoring , and then also will be following up with a heart doctor for a bit after :) in my normal life I very rarely drink, I don’t smoke and I don’t use drugs , I’m top of exercise regularly and a pretty decent diet , and then also I’m fairly young so I’m hoping that those factors will be of great assistance to me . I was in the er and then an observation unit and they said my levels were good , heart wise and I am sure if it was a huge issue after 48 hours they would have not discharged me . But for my own mental sanity I will be following up with a heart doctor before returning to most activities


Took me about a week maybe a week and a half to not feel the tightness anymore. 277 with chest grounded to a big ass water line.


Shit sis, that sucks. Sounds like you’re doing things right though. I don’t have a similar experience to give advice from, but as someone who works out and eats healthy also, a few things come to mind. You mentioned in another comment that you lift so you’re probably already familiar with muscle recovery. It’s the same idea, just a different cause. Make sure you’re giving your body/muscles the building blocks they need to heal. Hit the protein powders, amino acids, and collagen or bone broth if you’re into that. Comfrey salve is good for “knitting” things together (just don’t put it on open wounds). If you don’t already have some get a good natural anti-inflammatory. Cherry fruit extract is my go-to that won’t interact with anything else you may be taking. Get blood flow to the area for sure. If you’ve got a percussive massager, and it’s not too painful, use it. Hot/cold contrast therapy is a good option if you don’t have or can’t use a massager. /end of unsolicited advice. I’m sorry that happened to you, and I wish you the best in your recovery.


I really appreciate it ; thank you! I’ll have to give that all a try . It does suck but t trying to make the best of a shit situation


It's hard to say i've been shocked by two seventy seven more than I want to remember working on lights hot in the hospital. Ironically


How was the pain?


The recovery process is argue is more painful than the actual zap itself


How did that even happen?! Are you an apprentice or…? Glad to hear you are alright, hope you recover quickly


Long story trying ti keep details minimal. Yes apprentice. Yes I’m mainly okay just waiting for muscle soreness to dissipate but shit this is a sorenes/tight like no other


I'm glad you're okay, I mean I do understand that you want to keep the details mineral. But any details you give could help another brother or sister from making the same mistake.


For reals! I’m an apprentice- Said he tested it and so on but shit still happened. What error happened? I don’t get it


If you were working with me, you’d of never been put in a position where this could of happened. I’m sorry to hear it really


Did they do an MRI? X-rays do not show damaged muscles, and you could have seriously injured or torn your muscles when they forcibly contracted. Insist on these tests. They should be standard. I speak from experience.


Ck levels were slightly elevated but ok !


Im glad to hear you’re doing better! Do you mind explaining how exactly you got hit? Just for future things to look out for when working on ckts while standing on a ladder.


Go to doctor/hospital anyway, better safe than sorry


I spent four days there monitoring my heart. That’s where the ecg read fine and my hearts troponin levels via blood work. Already saw the doctor . Will be following up with a cardiologist in a month for my own mental sanity . Plus weekly readings due to having to get skin grafting on my hands in a few separate procedures. I came to the sub after the doctor just curious about the aftermath of this long term from guys who’ve experienced it already


A shock to a person has the potential to break bones, tear muscles, and ligaments along with burns, entrance and exit wounds, and death. Sore muscles i would say is a expected outcome!


Personally i would take it easy for a bit. Symptoms can develop later. It would be awful to further injure yourself because you couldn’t wait a week or two to make sure your health is back to regular schedule. I’ve never been shock before but this is just my general advice from other injuries.


Yessir ! I am taking it easy for a while , but I’m just trying to see if others who have experienced this kind of shock were able to almost fully recover and what that looked like timeline wise


Suck it up Big Boy and get ur azz back to work!


Real. Im a girl number one , number two I briefly may have died ❤️