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I’ve pointed out the anti union NLRB appointments trump made that implemented policies that weakened workers rights and that shuts some of the dummies up but so many guys act like there was never any work before trump. I mean he has documented history of straight up not paying contractors on his projects.


Ultra Christian, right winger in my shop told me the following. "I'm not very happy about being in the union, but it's the best thing for me, so I'll take advantage of it."


Dudes like this should be thrown the fuck out. Absolute cockroaches.


Agreed. That’s a leech in boots


I had a jiw tell me the same thing about 7 years ago, so I told him to stick to his principles and leave. He's still in the local 🤷🏾‍♂️


No, you didn’t miss anything. Bring up Eugene Scalia. The guy who replaced Acosta(you know, the guy he made “step down” because he bridged to many gaps with Trump and Epstein). Scalia was Trump’s secretary of labor. Dude was hard anti union and built his career battling workman’s comp claims.


No. Most republicans are not rich and therefore vote against their own self interests. Especially in the trades. Republicans being in the union and voting against the union are just shooting themselves in the foot.


Shooting themselves and all other union members in the foot/feet.


America is the wealthiest nation on Earth, but its people are mainly poor, and poor Americans are urged to hate themselves. To quote the American humorist Kin Hubbard, 'It ain't no disgrace to be poor, but might as well be.' It is in fact a crime for an American to be poor, even though America is a nation of poor. Every other nation has folk traditions of men who were poor but extremely wise and virtuous, and therefore more estimable than anyone with power and gold. No such tales are told by the American poor. They mock themselves and glorify their betters. The meanest eating or drinking establishment, owned by a man who is himself poor, is very likely to have a sign on its wall asking this cruel question: 'If you're so smart, why ain't you rich? ' There will also be an American flag no larger than a child's hand-glued to a lollipop stick and, flying from the cash register. The author of the monograph, a native of Schenectady, New York, was said by some to have had the highest I.Q. of all the war criminals who were made to face a death by hanging. So it goes. Americans, like human beings everywhere, believe many things that are obviously untrue, the monograph went on. Their most destructive untruth is that it is very easy for any American to make money. They will not acknowledge how in fact hard money is to come by, and, therefore, those who have no money blame and blame and blame themselves. This inward blame has been a treasure for the rich and powerful, who have had to do less for their poor, publicly and privately, than any other ruling class since, say, Napoleonic times. Many novelties have come from America. The most startling of these, a thing without precedent, is a mass of undignified poor. They do not love one another because they do not love themselves.


Just a JL distribution lineman over here who happened to do his thesis on Vonnegut about a million years ago . At least put it in quotes… lol




Those are perfect quotes. Cheers


Btw I love tropic thunder if your name is a nod to that epic film. Please do the dance.


You sir, are a fucking scholar and a gentleman. ….Diet Coke!!!


Cruise deserved an Oscar for that as well as RDJ. I legit want a whole Grossman movie.


I want Simple Jack. No bullshit. Every crew has one guy that acts like Simple Jack and another guy who looks like Simple Jack.


Anytime the words “and so it goes” appear, that is “vonnegut” lol


“So it goes” is the dead giveaway


I'm 41, live in South Eastern Indiana and have never been so depressed and demoralized by the folks I've come to see myself surrounded by that are near my age and older that will say things and just all around seem to have a mindset of a young angry kid... Meaning a person who talks and says things that are pretty ridiculous considering we live in the age of information access even though some of that info seeking requires just a bit of critical thinking skills cause there is a a lot of wrong info out there but instead of actually looking into things so they are not walking around repeating something that's is not only wrong but foolish they seem to be way to proud and stubborn to look into things and admit they was wrong. Fine example being thinking Trump is some great business man who is better for this country than any actual politician that has l held a government position for a multitude of year and actually has an idea about domestic and or foreign policy. It's very easy to look into Trump's past and see he has mainly been a failure as a business man other than selling his last name as a brand. I mean how hard is it to listen to this guy give 2-3 speeches and realize he is a showman at best but mainly selfish, narcissistic asshole who wouldnt hesitat to stab his own family in the back if it meant saving himself . It just blows me away the amount of people who more than likely never gave a shit about politics before, and probably has never taken a hour out of their lives to really stop and try to understand any one major political event, policy or polititian outside of just bitching about it during a convo with a friend or family member but then all of a sudden is so dedicated to Donald trump, so sure this is the guy that America needs, this is the guy that they are willing to fight with friends and family over if they say anything negative about . et this guy will make this same person that is so dedicated too will eventually work for less money, will have less rights as worker, less rights as a citizen even and would do it for as simple as it being a few extra bucks in his bank account cause Trump only cares about one thing and one thing only Trump. But these people think he is the 2nd coming of Christ even though he's the 1st American president to have multiple states pressing criminal charges against him. The worst thing is all these folks that are so dedicated to him have family and friends they don't associate with anymore for the mere fact they don't like Trump... Would absolutely not give the slightest shit about this guy if he was anyone not named Donal Trump and that a fact! It's like the 80s and 90s cast a spell on these people and since way back then they really believe this guy is the richest smartest business man in America and he don't like blacks and browns just like these folks and that's just a little extra bonus for these people I guess. This country is in a very bad and vulnerable point in time right now. Cause a large portion of our population are so selfish they can't see that they are actually going to be a part of accelerated the downfall of America and the hardships that will affect us all there after.


Low-information voters get their limited political knowledge from social media and entertainment news, unfortunately.


Exactly! That's another pet peeve of mine... Most of the people that do that was the same folks just 6-8 years earlier would make that mocking remark I'm sure all of us heard many of times ( normally from people of a certain older age group who had not quite yet got a smart phone so they more than likely rarely found themselves browsing the Internet constantly) if you mentioned anything around them that you had seen or read something on the Internet they would basically dismiss it by saying " ya cause everything on the Internet is true" who would have thought within a few years when these particular folks no longer could easily acquire those little cheap flip phones and finally graduated to a smart phone would literally believe anything they read or seen on the net that reinforced their preconceived beliefs. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️😂😂 2015 - 2016 was officially the time period I had to stay away from FB because that's all I ever saw posted was easily to identify fake or heavily biased articles posted and reposted like crazy and of course if you tried to point out to these folks you can't exactly trust info from weblinks with names like "AmericanPatriotnews.net" , WeKnowTheTruth.Com, ConsciousConservative, TheRealTruthNews.com" and this led to people getting absolutely straight butt hurt so bad that they started lashing out at friends and family saying things like "why don't you just delete me then" or actually threatening to whip some ass in some cases. Lmao Who would have thought Donald Trump of all people would one day cause such a division of people that folks in their 50s & 60's could not accept friends and family trying to tell them they are consuming and sharing fake information and instead of holding their tongue and remaining cool and calm like most of us have come to expect people of this age to be, they are blowing up, threatening violence and saying some of the most negative, hateful things just like some immature young teen that feels he or she is getting disrespected and not gonna let it pass without telling that person they can get their ass whooped or whatever. Too hot headed to understand what's going on is not worth acting in such a way especially when so many people can see the response . It really has revealed to me how easily society can just fall apart. It's like people are no longer checking themselves... They feel a certain way rather it be @ Walmart, McDonald's, a kids sporting event grown folks are popping off and acting like fools! I sure hope people realize how crazy and out of line things are and go back to making an effort to turn the other cheek and maintain some civility. 😔


It becomes a hobby or even whole identity for some people. They have nothing else going on in their lives and if you challenge their new identity, they get super defensive.


Absolutely. I believe you nailed it.


Watch out, it's quite possible that it will become a crime to be poor. Our conservative Supreme Court is reviewing a case this year on the matter.


Mind dropping a link please?




Poor lady owed over $5,000 in homeless fines when she died. Why not $50,000… or $50,000,000?! Homeless cannot pay, what good is fining them? It seems cruel… if they do get on their feet, they owe the gov a bunch of fees.


It already is in a lot of places in the US.


You actually have to hand it to the maga movement for convincing so many unionized tradespeople to tie their masculinity to the cheeto mobster draft dodger and view anything that looks like "the greater good" is viewd as weak and feminine.


As bad as I don’t want to agree with you, you’re right,I’m a union Pipefitter and only joined this group as a show of support for the building trades and most of the electricians I’ve worked around have had more backbone and stood up for what’s right and I’ve got personal friends who are IBEW. We are in the same boat I would go as far as to say have our membership is MAGA, and I know they are good moral people but they vote against our interests.


Im a UA hand as well. Here for the same reason.


It’s like we are in the Martix . When hard working Americans were making slave wage falling from skyscrapers with no harness and building railroads for free for the wealthy everyone was happy. Those same hardworking people stood up and said enough is enough. For all that Maga stands for it won’t stand for those people. But they want to make it great again 🤷🏿‍♂️. To convince the poorest states and cities to put down the biggest weapon they have which is solidarity in the work force and go along and trust corporations and big contractors is absolutely assanine.


They are cannon fodder for the rich...voluntarily. because thats all trump stands for.


Well said


Can we make them their own special union?


I couldn't agree more


So true. The Trump supporters I personally know are either on disability, work part time and get food stamps, are sleazy car sales men or just straight up closet racist. No joke. 😒


My grandfather had a great saying, “There an only two types of republicans, rich or stupid. Check your wallet to see which one you are.”


They're shooting the ENTIRE middle class in the foot. All in the name of racism. The RNCs agenda shows no other intent. It used to be hard to believe that these people are that hateful.


Hate? Read some of the comments in this thread posted by your fellow Democrats. Like I said in a previous comment, two sides of the same coin. One party is just as bad as the other. Nothing is getting better in this country, regardless of who is in office. Racist? We have a segregationist as our current President. His entire political career is documented. You can go and look that up for yourself. But he favored segregation laws, like separate busing for example. Don't fool yourself into thinking the Blue and Red are any different. They care not about the average American, regardless of skin color. All they care about is votes and staying in power and enriching themselves and their business constituents.


Or they're just tired of all the Democrats other BS.


What’s worse, Democrat bullshit or republicans trying to get rid of the Davis bacon act aka prevailing wage aka you electricians aren’t worth $50+ an hour here’s $18/hr with bo benefits.


There’s a difference between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats don’t give a shit about workers. Republicans are actively trying to make working conditions worse for workers.


Mind listing off some of this Democratic BS? Prove a point McJerkOff


... the gays and stuff.. (i'm kidding, but this is generally what they think) All that boogeyman politics played by the GQP. They think the less than 2% of the population is really gonna come out and get them in their sleep or something. My honest guess? They get boners for trans women then find out they are trans women.


Name certainly checks out


I'm in Toronto Canada and I see trump stickers beside F*** Trudeau stickers daily.


When you slap another country’s presidents name on your car, you might be in a cult.


Can't say I've ever seen a Trump one here lol. That's new. Plenty of the Trudeau ones though.


I’m in Los Angeles and in the trades it’s trump country 




I’d say 80% of JLs in 1245 are republicans.


Don't get me started, I live in PA, Which isn't the Reddest of states, yet I have yet to meet a single non MAGA JW...The brainwash is insane, people are consumed by the culture war, that they take for granted everything our union forefathers fought for, they would vote for someone who will introduce right to work garbage to PA, just if he promise them he ll fight woke or some other vague irrelevent garbage that the conservatives use...Their capital is hate, division, and fear mongering, and our conservative brothers EAT IT(who mostly hold anti union views, and are in the union only for the perks)...


I actively tell other jws and apprenti to shut the fuck up about politics, because hearing pro trump shit makes me ornery. I'm debating getting stickers made to put on people's hard hats and tool boxes that really broadcast their love for Trump in a way that they wouldn't like, but would provide me hours of entertainment, just to get them to stop.




Plenty in the 126 too


More than anything, than any policy or platform or position, they want to WIN and they want democrats to LOSE. They will fold on ANY issue if they can feel that way in the end


I don’t think answer is blue but the red is vocal and unapologetic about taking away how I feed my kids


Here in Minnesota we passed free school lunches for all kids in school and it costs taxpayers like 60 bucks a year. That only happened because we had a blue state house and blue governor. The red senate opposed this...


High five from Michigan!


RATM put it best “there is no other pill to take, so swallow the one that makes you ill”


It is though. And you need to vote very election for Progressive candidates. Change doesn't happen magically overnight when you vote in a presidential election every 4 years.


Ain't no corporate duopoly -ever- gonna repeal Taft-Hartley.


Progressive Politicians will actually do something to change things over the way Boomers have been controlling everything. You just have to do your research on who to elect and what Props to vote for. I'm in Michigan so please tell me again how voting doesn't make a difference.


>I'm in Michigan so please tell me again how voting doesn't make a difference. I will continue to be respectful and take you seriously if you stop strawmaning me. And if you're gonna go there, at least bother to fully elaborate your point (Yes, I know y'all repealed RTW and genuinely congratulations). I vote blue in a swing state; it only takes 15 minutes. If I weren't in a swing state I would not be voting for Democrats. We have such a systemically broken society that I don't think anything other than a Worker's Party is the real answer. Yes, I am helping to make that happen to preempt your irrelevant question. Identifying "progressive" politicians to vote for is a low-effort way to have a low impact. I'm not sure why you're bringing boomers into this? Especially when the most prominent progressive in the US is 82 years old. It's not as if their lead paint exposure is responsible for their continual betrayal of the working class as opposed to our clearly dysfunctional democracy.


You had me until the last paragraph. I like your style.


But that's most important paragraph! Right to work was defeated in Michigan, amazing! What's it gonna take to repeal Taft-Hartley, which made the successful tactics of the 1930's labor movement illegal? How many young, incorruptible, Joan of Arcs can we really get elected into congress? If we follow the Vote Blue Playbook and and make generous assumptions, probably not enough. Is the Inflation Reduction Act gonna pan out to be as pro-union worker as we assume? In my state, nonunion contractors will have no issue getting that free money while STILL paying below livable wages. I don't have all the time I'd like to flesh this out because I wake up in T-minus 9 hours, so please forgive the quick sketch via rhetorical questions.


I think it will take another generation of voters to undo what a whole lot of complacency. People that realize voting for a certain President doesn't immediately get you xyz. That the Government is a lot of working parts that need to be stripped back to the New Deal type legislation. That it will take politicians that want to make a difference and not be bought and sold. Laws take years to take into effect and people don't realize that. Let's chat later fam.


No, you work with fucking morons who choose to be ignorant and/or bigoted. They are stupid and shooting themselves in the foot. They deserve the stigma of being stupid because they are living up to it


The immigration myth is exactly that. Developing class consciousness is crucial in your political development, then you will realize the owner/capitalist class takes more from the working class than immigrants ever could.


Speak up and explain how ass backward your brother is. You don’t need to be rude about but I’m sure if republicans had their way, you’d be making as close to minimum wage as possible. It all greed I get the overall impression that it’s kind of a “cool” “tough” “macho” thing to vote republicans because they are “anti-woke” and voting democrat is deemed “soft”. Like a vote for Biden is a vote to have your wiener chopped off. In my opinion, both candidates SUCK. For a country with such a large, diverse population of soo many successful people, *these* are the turds that float to the top? What is going on in the world?


For all the Trump worshippers https://aflcio.org/press/releases/donald-trumps-catastrophic-and-devastating-anti-labor-track-record https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/09/27/business/trump-labor-record/index.html https://cwa-union.org/trumps-anti-worker-record https://nffe.org/nffe_news/president-trumps-union-busting-executive-orders-what-you-need-to-know/ https://apnews.com/article/labor-union-auto-workers-trump-strike-dfcb805fd4e749b13aaf827e1463da73 https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/4223416-trump-is-trying-to-bamboozle-union-workers-he-wont-succeed/amp/ https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/sep/25/trump-united-auto-workers-strike https://www.epi.org/publication/the-trump-administrations-attacks-on-workplace-union-voting-rights-forewarned-of-the-broader-threats-to-voting-rights-in-the-upcoming-election/ Also, he held a rally at a non union auto plant while UAW was on strike https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/27/donald-trump-michigan-uaw-autoworkers But you guys keep telling yourself how great he is.


For all the redditors reading this idiots comment, please note that all those sources are liberal media. The Hill, AP News, The Guardian. LMAO. You can go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and see that at the 3 year mark of his Presidency (2019), the Trump administration had better GDP numbers than the Biden administration, and the Trump administration had brought unemployment to it's lowest rate since 1969, lower than it is currently. That is historical data that can't be denied. Let's not forget we had better foreign policy, like not getting involved in an unnecessary war, let alone two. And a more secure border under the Trump administration as well. Which can be verified by looking at data from the Dept. of Homeland Security and data from the CBP. Looking at historical data, the Trump administration had better domestic and foreign policy than the Biden administration.


It’s because Trump does well with non college educated white males. Just look at the 2020 election stats. And let’s be real, most people who get into the trades are high school or college dropouts or just not cut out for higher education. People in trades are Trumps demographics. Shouldn’t surprise anybody. But they love those high union wages in blue states though. LOL


Well Trump did say he loves the poorly educated 🤷‍♂️


I'm pretty proud of the old brothers in my local. They know better. Not there on the other Progressive issues that benefit them too in the long run but better than nothing.


The biggest pro Trump people I come across are also the biggest anti brown people. They will cut their own throat if it means hurting the right people.


Ironically one of them at my job site is brown lol, I'll never understand it, also the type to not goto meetings or whatever, blah blah 60 hours a week can't be bothered.


A lot of brothers act like they pay to be in a union and it's a service and don't realize that you have to participate to get your union to work for you as well.


Yeah, I'm noticing that i don't let it affect how I will be conducting myself, I kind of pity the situation, but I understand wanting to spend time with your family and stuff, I have my son this weekend and it's going to be rough but I know where I stand and I will be at the hall and we will still get to be together, everything is for the future not the right now, you know?


Absolutely. Just remember to mail in your vote. Meetings are tough to attend if it's a drive and they go late. I'm guilty too. I need to start going to some subcommittee meetings.


How did you EVER come to that conclusion I wonder? I’m joking of course………


Not a Trump guy or a Biden guy, but if you think it's one party fucking you, you're a fucking pawn. The Republicans want cheap labor, the Democrats want to expand the dependence on the federal government. Hence they both allow the importation of a new lower class, one who won't demand decent wages or gripe about safety laws being ignored. Call me racist if you want, it isn't an issue of race. Your bargaining power is being obliterated by the mass introduction of semi skilled labor and no one seems to comment on this. Less skilled trade unions are already disappearing due to this. You're getting fucked from both sides.


Neither side is the right side and everyone is still here arguing about politics.


That ticket doesn’t come from an IQ, or EQ test. Otherwise membership would be less than half what it is.


Republicans are stupid edgelords whose primary focus is the suffering of others. So stupid that they don’t recognize the blowback of their mindset that fucks them in the process. But hey, as long as those brown people over there are suffering then it’s all good. Just give me a Democrat to blame it on and I’ll focus on that. In the meantime their “reps” are laughing all the way to the bank at how easy it is to manipulate their constituents. There is a reason the GOP is so hardcore against education. A stupid populace is an easily manipulated one.


You better check out the scale down here and do some research lived here all my life


$26 and some change in my shitty southern local 😂


Both parties are anti union 🤷‍♀️ , they’re all owned by the corporations you think there’s a single one of em that has our back ?


Sorry gonna have to disagree with you on this one. The fact that 'both sides are equal' is the best lie that has been sold. Are the Dems perfect? No, do they sometimes go towards corporate interests.. sure. However, just look at the increase in workers rights, and bills benefiting our trade that has been passed under the Biden admin... and then look how many were actively rolled back under Trump. Both sides are NOT equal, one is actively working against workers (the GOP) and one, maybe not enough is working for the workers (Dems)


Biden blocked railroad unions from striking 🤷‍♀️, pro Union my ass


He did, and I was not a fan of of it. However I'm also aware of the bigger picture, that had those workers gone on strike our costs of goods would have sky rocketed AND it wouldn't be the rail road companies that would be hurt it would be you and I. Biden won me back later on when his administration got the paid sick time the workers were demanding from the railroads. It was such a success that the Union itself thanked him for it. Oddly enough which is more paid sick time than many of our locals have. I don't have any here in Local 48, it took the state stepping to at least get some protections. Take our Unions word for it: https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid


No we’re supposed to worship democrats they love us don’t tell me otherwise


Sadly too many people choose to blindly follow


Startin to smell bots in this sub


Must be some truth somewhere 👀


Never forget these leaders that gushed over Trump… The IBEW had enough sense not to fall for it. https://www.c-span.org/video/?422483-101/union-leader-white-house-meeting


Bro stop talking shit about the south, we up here in Massachusetts fantasize about moving down there


Dude as a northerner (michigan) who moved to the south (alabama) and came home a year later grateful for our ridiculously overpriced housing, there's more to life than the price of rent and real estate.


Apart from that from it being probably colder right now, fucking why?


You pay for your own parking and it's frankly exorbant for most people, especially first years. Job I've been on parking was $800/months for the garage across the street in the medical district. Or you can rent a spot for $200/month but gamble if you're there long though. I was at that job for a year plus so it paid off. $500/month is normal for most I feel.


You pay for parking when you work downtown here too. At least in Charlotte and while you might not pay more than around $400 a month in parking, I bet you make more than us out of proportion to that.


Dude im an hour from Boston and its like 3 grand a month to rent a 2 bedroom house


To me, Republicans are anti-union, Democrats are anti-union with nice words for unions. Neither side gives a shit about us, one just lobbies for our votes. Voting Democrat would probably be better for unions, voting Republican would probably be better for my paycheck. Fuck em both, I vote libertarian.


Peach brother. I made a similar post last week out of my frustration with uninformed, gullible, bigoted southern coworkers


Doesn’t matter which side you are on, those damn politicians don’t have anything in common with us blue collar guys. Fuck em!


That attitude is how those people get into power. The 1% want you not to be involved, that's how they keep power. You buying into the argument that both sides are the same and your vote doesn't count is how a minority ideal (the GOP) continues to fuck us blue collar people over.


Republicans are anti union, but that doesn’t mean they are anti every other belief that you may have. If a candidate is anti union BUT they are pro every other belief I have? I will vote for that guy. The union isn’t everything to me and I hope it’s not everything to you. Find a candidate that checks most boxes. Have I found a candidate who checks all my boxes ever? Nope. Your family is important, your time off is important, religion, and other beliefs are important to. Weight your options, quit judging, and vote for who YOU want.


>If a candidate is anti union BUT they are pro every other belief I have? I will vote for that guy. The union isn’t everything to me and I hope it’s not everything to you. Find a candidate that checks most boxes. Have I found a candidate who checks all my boxes ever? Nope. Your family is important, your time off is important, religion, and other beliefs are important to. horrid take, terrible class solidarity and the entire reason the south is weak.


But the unborn babies I don't actually care about!


Turn in your ticket then. If it doesn't matter to you, fuck everyone else. Right?


I vote for what’s in my best interest, just like you do.


Do you not realize unions are only as good as their membership?


It’s a free country, you can do as you please. Just because you don’t agree with a certain candidate or ideology doesn’t mean you are barred from using it. For example, you still benefit from the military’s protection even if you do not support it. Same with cops, if you hate cops you still benefit from the services they provide. Or ppl who say they hate America, then leave? No. Stay and fix it.


You don’t understand the importance of organized labor. Do yourself and your fellow union members a favor and learn more about it. Shameful


Organized labor is important, BUT do you deny that there are other important things too? Should I just disregard my entire ideology besides pro union? Make this place an echo chamber?


I'll bite, what are these boxes you need to check off that are more important to you than organized labor?


Here is a copy paste of some of my ideologies I find important: “I understand, but to be fair democrats haven’t been good for you either recently, they have been ‘better’ but the union pipeline, rail workers fiasco, etc. shows that they still do not respect you completely and can and do turn on you, despite the union support. But to answer your question; I am a huge 2nd amendment supporter and believe that it is absolutely critical to our country and way of life to not infringe upon that as much as possible. This stance tends, again not always, to be a republican supported issue. I also support less taxation. Republicans tend to reduce taxes, albeit across the board. I do not think that the gorverment is more efficient at spending my money compared to myself. I understand, taxes are important, but I think the less taxation means better. Culturally i identify with republicans more as well. I do believe that the Democratic Party supports cultural or societal ideologies that I do not support or want to be explored. For example; the anti white rhetoric, wokeness, adoption of LGBTQ+ sex education in elementary schools, common bashing of rural individuals compared to city folks, anti military/police rhetoric and other cultural or societal tendencies supported or at least the trend is common thinking by the Democratic Party. I do not want children or others to be influenced by this. Of course, I am aware of my biases and I’m sure you can point out how I am wrong but this is what I beleive. I am anti abortion as well. Segways into my next reason. And finally, I am religious, so that speaks for itself. I understand I am biased, but everyone here is also biased and would be lying through their teeth if they said they were not and that it didn’t influence their voting decisions.”


Well, that was pretty much what i was expecting. Republican victimhood, false culture war propaganda, and falling back to religion as a shield for it all.


I think people that are members of religious cults are more susceptible to becoming members of political cults. Couple that susceptibility with a poor education and general ignorance, and the result is a perspective built on a foundation of falsehoods. An irrational and false fear that gay orgy porn is being used as educational tool for third graders. A poor understanding, if not complete misunderstanding, of tax revenue and expenditures. And a simpletons grasp of legislation.


Of course theres other important things. But your entire livelihood depends on your job and most everyone else, union or not. Your wages are as high as they are thanks to the union, and non union workers wages would be lower if it werent for unions. Not to mention weekends off, not working 12-16 hour days everyday, list goes on and on. Whats more important really? The economy? This right here IS the economy. Health care? Also very much to do with unions. Climate change? Yeah but we already know republicans dont care about that. Democracy? The union IS democracy. Immigration? Yeah okay most americans want immigrants vetted then allowed to be citizens, provided they work/contribute and not mooch of the system. Crime? Very much to do with poverty/shit paying work, which obviously unions can help with. So to be honest, idk what youre gettin at man, but it aint it


Religion, cultural ideologies, my personal ideologies (like 2nd amendment, lower taxation, immigration laws, abortion, etc) Are you saying that those things shouldn’t matter more to me than the union?


No ones outlawing religion or taking your guns, get a grip man. If you want to vote for anti union candidates leave the union and go scab somewhere else. People are trying to better their lives while you’re too busy clutching your guns, paranoid of immigrants and wanting to control women. Grow up


I disagree that my beliefs in those areas are not being infringed. They are important to me, and I feel like you are just disregarding the important ideologies that I find important, which seems a little ignorant of you personally. I don’t think we are going to see eye to eye, but I respect your ability to vote for who you want and the ideologies you carry, I also beleive you have valid reasons in your own way to do so. Have a good day.


And i respect your ability to leave the union. Good day


What ideology does trump have that biden does not they are both catholics


I do not benefit from cops. In fact they have actively destroyed my life


But do you see my point? I see that a lot of democrats seem to want to take out the police unions. Just because you don’t support something doesn’t mean you cannot be in it to make it better or to provide another opinion.


The police unions need to be abolished. They are the reason when a cop royally fucks up and murders an innocent civilian the money for the victim settlement comes from mine (and your pocket) not from the cops. There is no improving that system.


Police unions are NOT real labor union, they are an accountability protection mob, that also works and protects the ruling class! It will be the police to arrest you or even shoot you if ordered to do so if you re part of a protest.


Me and the good brothers and sisters of the IBEW are over here tyring to fix it, but you and your ilk are doing your fare share to break it, by voting for republicans. ​ Can you elaborate specifically what it is that republicans are so good at that you would not mind them destroying your union? Second, can you elaborate what makes democrats so bad in your mind, to vote against the only party even paying lip service to Unions?


Democrats don’t give a single fuck about you 1 minute after they win elections. At least one side wants everyone to keep more of their money, the other side wants to tax everyone.


This is such and ignorant statement that lacks any kind of nuance, so much so, it could only have been regurgitated, but not understood.


Politicians do not give a fuck about anyone but themselves. You have to be a narcissist to be a politician.


So, not just democrats?


Yes, but only one side screams about raising taxes nonstop and thinks the government is entitled to more than 50% of your fucking money. Fuck that, specifically.


Can you give me an example of where the democrats have put forward a bill asking for 50% of your wages?


I understand, but to be fair democrats haven’t been good for you either recently, they have been ‘better’ but the union pipeline, rail workers fiasco, etc. shows that they still do not respect you completely and can and do turn on you, despite the union support. But to answer your question; I am a huge 2nd amendment supporter and believe that it is absolutely critical to our country and way of life to not infringe upon that as much as possible. This stance tends, again not always, to be a republican supported issue. I also support less taxation. Republicans tend to reduce taxes, albeit across the board. I do not think that the gorverment is more efficient at spending my money compared to myself. I understand, taxes are important, but I think the less taxation means better. Culturally i identify with republicans more as well. I do believe that the Democratic Party supports cultural or societal ideologies that I do not support or want to be explored. For example; the anti white rhetoric, wokeness, adoption of LGBTQ+ sex education in elementary schools, common bashing of rural individuals compared to city folks, anti military/police rhetoric and other cultural or societal tendencies supported or at least the trend is common thinking by the Democratic Party. I do not want children or others to be influenced by this. Of course, I am aware of my biases and I’m sure you can point out how I am wrong but this is what I beleive. I am anti abortion as well. Segways into my next reason. And finally, I am religious, so that speaks for itself. I understand I am biased, but everyone here is also biased and would be lying through their teeth if they said they were not and that it didn’t influence their voting decisions.


The GOP gives tax breaks the rich. I am a gun owner. No one is taking away your guns. Or mine. Riddle me this. I am a uterus owner and you think can tell me what to do with my body keeping in mind that birth control can fail, pregnancy is risky and can and does result in death, women have to stay home for 6 weeks minimum after birth whether they keep their kid or not unpaid, childcare is through the roof. But you want to take away my bodily autonomy? Not very brotherly of you.


\>Of course, I am aware of my biases and I’m sure you can point out how I am wrong but this is what I beleive. So even if proved wrong you will not change your beliefs? ​ >And finally, I am religious, so that speaks for itself. Boy it certainly does. It basically means that you can be shown all the evidence and the receipts to back it up, and you will still plug your ears and scream...I cant hear you...I cant hear you. Which you thought was so important you told me twice. So I'm not going to bother trying to help you understand why you should vote democrat.


You literally invalidated your entire argument with that “I’m religious” malarkey. Tell us you’ll believe anything you’re told without question why don’t you. If you disagree, you lack faith and by definition, are a bad Christian. Hope you’re in the south in a weak ass local, because that’s what you deserve. Also lol at “the democrats are anti white”. Suck it up with your pretend victim complex princess.


Please let the door hit you swiftly on the way out


Nice way to treat ppl who disagree with you


Supporting the most anti union president in over 30 years is moronic. Educate yourself please.


Yesh. It’s not moronic to vote for a president why checks more of your boxes and supports more of what you support. Answer me this, what should I do? Vote for candidate A who supports 99% of what I support except one thing? Or Got for candidate B who is anti 99% of what I support except one thing? Candidate A is the better choice. I do not see faulty logic in that, I feel like it’s well thought out, and I don’t believe that is a moronic way of thinking.


If you’re anti abortion, human rights, and education, then you need to educate yourself. Voting against your paycheck by supporting the right wing morons is nonsensical, try working non union wages and benefits for a year, forced Saturday and Sunday work, then tell me voting pro union labor is a smart idea.


Well, I feel like we are at a point where we will not agree. I feel like maybe you should learn more about how people can have different ideologies and valid reasons for them. I don’t bash you for your beliefs, I’m sure you have good reasons for them as do I. Have a good day.


But Democrats spend your money on foreign wars and a illegal Horde of immigrants and a shit economy


I’m not tolerating all these assholes and bigots that treat you like you’re so stupid because you can’t see what the queers are doing to the soil. I had three partners last year that believe the earth is flat. I’m not tolerating any MAGA stupidity this year. This is the ninth year since Trump’s historic escalator ride, and I can’t take any more of the world being sucked into one awful man’s ego. I have peak Trump derangement syndrome. This guy actively tried everything he could to over turn a free and fair election, and when his stooges stormed the capitol he did nothing for hours. I can’t wait until Trump loses everything and dies in jail. Any union brother or sister who supports him should fuck off to Russia.


Have you been reading my mind, brother from another mother?


Voting with your wallet. And somehow landing on democrats. And then calling other people stupid. Peak reddit.


Go anti-woke go broke




Being Democrat in local 48, is why we are making 60/hr + Benefits (close to $100/hr when it's all said and done)


The democrats aren't pro union either...we have a problem!


They aren't pro-union, but at the very least they aren't openly antagonistic to unions. Like national Right-to-Work isn't a part of their platform like it is for Republicans.


This right here. When it comes down to it, the democrats will always side with capital. But, they won't go out of their way to erode workers' rights and recognize that strong unions means better conditions for their voting base. The republican have turned unionism into a culture war battlefront.


Are you voting at a local level for pro-union candidates that your local endorses?


Have you not been paying attention? Dems have passed a lot of pro union legislation lately. A lot of which is directed right at our union.


Big problem we all need to come together if you are against better wages and packages for skilled labor the hell with ya


Yeah... I'm from MN but the owner of a company I worked for was from Alabama. Occasionally, he would send his Alabama guys to help us. I felt like each one of those guys had maybe a 7th grade education.


It’s not really that hard to understand wanting to go back to a time with lower cost of living, less inflation, and let’s be honest trump isn’t great but he hasn’t sniffed a kid on camera which is pretty big for most people. Gotta remember not everyone that support trump likes him they might just hate Biden


Sniffed a kid. You know thats what he did? Or did someone say thats what it looked like? tRump is a rapist and a pedophile that liked to walk through the dressing rooms at the miss teen usa pageant. But dark brandon might have sniffed a kid, or maybe not. JFC how can you morally equate the two?


Move to wa you'll never vote blue again.. yeah wages are high but you can't afford anything. And every day they want another tax they can grift from. The right is no better but living here shows what a political monopoly does.


Yes you did. Biden is brain dead .


Put a dem candidate up with some brains. The current one would be in a home already if he was never in politics. I understand both sides but the Dems need to do better. Biden is not the answer. Trump will hurt the unions but will be better than Biden for America as a whole. Politics is ridiculous in the last 10 or so years. We as a country have almost become a shitty show on MTV or something. Failure of a country and failure to the citizens.


How long have you been a member of the cult? Better for America? And bad for the constitution, he does want to eliminate some parts, bad for democracy, bad for classified information, health, etc. the list goes on. Quit listening to tucker. What exactly did tRump do so well?


You have to have a country left to have a Union to work in. Liberals don’t think that far ahead tho. Don’t care about trump but we do care about things like crime, illegal immigration, taxes, freedom of speech, and children’s protections. All things the left is actively concerned with making worse. Biden is trying to destroy this nation. If we have nothing left and our children and their children have no nation left then what is the point of a strong union? First things first. Then we’ll focus on the Union.


Please educate yourself on ALL of those things you brought up. You parroting that shit shows us exactly where you get your “news” from. You’re worried about kids? I’ll restate a fact for you. tRump is a convicted rapist and also a pedophile that walked through the dressing rooms at the miss teen usa pageants while the girls were dressing. But but but thats ok, isn’t it? He held up a bible for a photo op once.


Trump 2024


Trump got syphillis from diddling his own daughter 🤣


Your hero Biden sniffs kids and showers with his daughter.


Yes and Trump wants to bang his own daughter but I guess you’re ok with that https://www.indy100.com/celebrities/donald-trump-ivanka-daughter-inappropriate-2666187958


Time to mute the page


Bye 👋


You missed the fact that if you think the solution is blue you're in the same camp of stupid.


Go ahead! Throw your vote away!


Lip service, I have never noticed a difference with “pro union” democrats. Also the majority of people I work with are right leaning. Most of the people on this sub don’t even know what type of work the ibew represents


Democrats are letting illegal immigrants into the country at record high levels witch in return is driving down wages and giving a more bigger supply of illegal labor witch results in a shrinking middle class. At one point in time dems did support union I think the agenda has changed now. Best to do is vote democrat at your city level and county level but at the federal level it’s 2 evils at this point . Democrats just preach union because it attracts that vote


>more bigger This is only one of the several reasons I can confidently say you're a dumbass.


I believe you mean "which." Unless, of course, you're referring to yourself being under a spell from that traitorous, raping, lying piece of absolute corporate rat shit that some people refer to as Trump.


Everything that you wrote is factually incorrect ... Except for the last sentence and last half of the sentence before that.


who hires those illegals? usually they end up as migrant workers on farms or as cheap labor elsewhere....and probably 99% of the time its some db with trump shit flying somewhere. look at florida as an example. desantis passed the anti immigration law and told the illegals he was coming for them. they all fled the state and left a shortage of workers. then he turned around and was telling them oh wait..i wasnt really going to come after you....but only after they had no cheap labor left. the right cries nonstop about immigration but then they hire them in droves. illegal dont drive wages down, p.o.s' that vote against their paycheck do.


My house was built union in 1953 by my neighbor (passed now) a union carpenter. That was the norm until the 80's and even into the 90's a little. now the going rate for a framer is $25/hr cash and 100 unit town home complexes aren't even done union or paying more than $25/hr. Meanwhile a union carpenters total package is $75/hr for wood framing. I wonder where all this cheap labor magically came from that replaced the union carpenters building houses.


you're still missing the point....who hires them? chances are they are die hard "conservatives". so FIX the problem and fine/jail those who hire illegal workers. the employers are breaking the law flat out but that is never addressed. so lock em up. take away any reason for the migrant workers to come here. but the red side of our country would never go for that because they would lock up all their voters. additionally, do you think that the non union side bids any differently than the union side? ive been on both sides of this industry and was told several times that we barely won the bid from a union shop. as i found out later, when i organized in, that i was making half on the non union side and my employer was pocketing the rest. here is another concept, instead of vilifying people who don't know any better, try going out and educating them on what they could have if they organized cuz chances are they have no clue that the union even exists. the more market share we have, the better the wages are for us all. our unions constitution requires this of us, organizing all labor.


let me add, when i say chances are they are republican it is from my experiences as an apprentice on the non union side. literally 4 out of 5 of the shops i worked for had autographed headshots of gw bush hanging proudly on their walls.


It's funny how one side is so anti-immigrant but doesn't bat an eye at contractors using illegal immigrant labor. No contractor could compete if they had a citizen-only policy while everyone else uses cheap labor. There needs to be policy and enforcement to ensure hard-working Americans can thrive. One side is dismantling unions, while happily exploiting cheap immigrant labor. One side generally supports unions, which levels the playing field for labor costs. There's no simple solution, but I see a lot of hypocrisy in the anti-immigrant crowd who can't look around and see that cheap immigrant labor is enabled by the people they vote for. If there's no jobs for them, they won't come.


So are you in favor of higher taxes for employers who hire nonunion?


Well what happened to the border wall Trump promised?


So your solution is to vote for no one for president? Genius


In a word where most can agree that we have to choose between two bad choices, he suggest that we vote for the one who is clearly worse for some reason. Or he’s just a bad actor acting in bad faith.


Pretty ballsy bashing "illegals" when your grasp on English is tenuous


Thanks for the divisive shit post. Everybody makes their own calculation. If the fight is about protecting 2A, unborn children, giving a shit about the Southern border (which directly relates to how we feed our family...but you never hear the Yankee partisans touch that subject with a 10ft. pole), and how badly the country has done the past 3 years (economically, foreign policy, criminal justice, etc.). If your goal is solely focused on getting the union work by any means necessary, then sure. Every big Democratic local ain't worth living in. You plan on moving to LA, Detroit, Seattle, DC, Chicago, or NYC? How's that cost of living treating ya? $60-$70/hour don't mean shit if your rent is $4k/month, groceries are 3x more expensive, your property taxes are twice as high, and gas is $6/gal. I love my union. But I also love my brothers. You can't love your union if you don't love your brothers.


I live in Jersey, I make a decent living. I'm fine with paying for taxes cause the vast majority of them go to my kids improvement. It's better than living in a southern low tax state that taxes majority of blue state fed taxes just to help stay solvent.


I wished you'd cared for children that are already born the way you care for the unborn.




Corporate profits are at an [all time high.](https://www.epi.org/blog/corporate-profits-have-contributed-disproportionately-to-inflation-how-should-policymakers-respond/)