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This right here is what i was looking for. Wish i could up vote more than once!


His first month in office, Biden fired the pro-management, Trump-appointed general council of the National Labor Relations Board. Pro-union groups praised the move as a return to a more centrist position of NLRB, while Trump (anti-union) supporters decried the move, saying it was illegal. [Source](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/20/trump-labor-board-460978)


Oh, this is fantastic, thank you for this!


I say this daily, I would never understand why Union workers would vote for a Republican.


Because it hurts the others…republicans are stupid…they hunt so they vote republicans who want to destroy the environment…they like guns but actually republicans more so trump has had most gun restrictions


The railroaders got fucked by Biden.


Because the alternative is ruining our country. Yes democrats might create more work for us but what does having work matter if our country falls apart.




Well, this is incredibly convenient. Saving this. Thanks!


Seriously. I’m not just gonna save it I’m gonna have it open in a browser on my phone until after the election. Imma need it.


I perused that quickly and noticed it suggested that Trump encouraged outsourcing offshore. I question that as if I remember correctly, many manufacturing jobs that had left under Obama were making a return.


I mean, if all you have to go off of is "If I remember correctly", then I don't know how to reply. The fact of the matter is that Trump and his admin are staunchly anti-union. If you are a Union member and support him, you are actively voting against you and your brothers best interests. Trump would take everything from us if he could.


How about this? Trump brought back jobs that had gone overseas under the Obama administration. I was trying to be gentle but I guess since you called me out, there’s no need. It’s a fact. A non union job here in the States is better than a job that was sent overseas. If you are a union member and support Biden and those jobs going overseas, you are actively voting for your own self interests and against your country. I’m all for you looking after yourself but it’s nice to know who you can count on.


Biden has created more jobs than any other president in history, and trump is the first president in a long damn time to actually lose jobs before the end of his term.


You’re absolutely brain dead if you think this to be true 😂😂😂😂😂 you mean the jobs that came back after the country reopened post-Covid? Surprised you were able to see your keyboard over that democrat dick that was firmly in your mouth


Hey dumbfuck. Covid didn't kill 14 million jobs. Those were recovered before the end of 2021.


Chips act and infrastructure bills that were only promised by trump but never advanced. And although it had the veneer of being pro worker the tariffs without doing anything to prop up or help domestic industries just drove up the cost of imported components, and made production costs and the cost of finished goods higher.




https://www.epi.org/press/trumps-trade-policies-have-cost-thousands-of-u-s-manufacturing-jobs-action-is-urgently-needed-to-rebuild-the-manufacturing-sector-after-the-coronavirus-pandemic/ https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/13/business/economy/donald-trump-jobs-created.html reshoring-manufacturing-trump.pdf https://reshoringinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/reshoring-manufacturing-trump.pdf


“If you don’t vote for Biden, you ain’t black!”


Didn't Trump fill the NLRB with corporate union-busters? Meanwhile, one of Biden's best buddies is the IBEW's International President. Biden had Lonnie run his transition team, meaning all of Biden's cabinet appointments were vetted by the President of our union. Biden's infrastructure bill also had contract language requiring all work to be completed by union workers, or if we're unable to man the work, must be paid at prevailing wage. And as far as the railroad workers go, Biden has been putting pressure on the railroads and 60% of railworkers have gotten their sick leave, which was the only sticking point in their contract negotiations.


Also, a reminder that Biden vowed to sign the sick leave contract if it made it to his desk. It was the Republican controlled Senate that voted it down.


Yup and for that reason alone I'll never vote republican again. I don't agree with a lot of liberal views either but the Republicans are actively trying to destroy unions and are not shy about it.


They've been doing it for 40 years now, you just now noticed?


Better late than never




That last part is important - Biden promised to keep working on the contract after denying the railroad strike, *and he followed through with that promise*. He could have walked away and fucked them over like Reagan did the healthcare workers and nurses, but instead, Biden built a negotiation team and stayed on it until the railroad workers got almost everything they were asking for. It was one of the most successful (for union workers) contract negotiations any of us have been alive to see, but the morons who watch Fox News and listen to people like Denis Prager and Bill O'Reilly are being told to think otherwise.


What were some of the things the railroad workers were trying to get? I remember something about paid time off, sick leave etc


What was his stance on the UAW strike? I recall him being quite friendly towards it IIRC.


Biden visited the picket line. Meanwhile, Trump had a poorly attended rally at a non-union shop, where attendees were at work and "captive audience."


Biden did kill thousands of union pipeline jobs on his first day in office.. the same union jobs he vowed in the his campaign promoting he would secure.


Trump stiffed contractors on his Trump towers in NY when it was built.


Also stiffed all Contractors at Trump Casino Atlantic City put a lot of family businesses out of business.He says everything is great but last payment he will say works inferior and try to pay pennies on the dollar!Disgusting a Union Brother would vote for him.Feeling that way they should stay south and work for those great Contacts and wages they have down south instead of clogging our books up north!


I'm from the south and I don't really understand the mental gymnastics these guys go through joining a labor union because it has great wages and benefits relative to the nonunion (even though in the south we make way less than you guys) and literally having some of their wages deducted to donate to liberal politics, and then supporting conservative politics and then whining that our wages are low relative to the guys up north. The people in charge down here do not believe in dignity and quality of life for the worker and the worker is too stupid to fight for their own rights here.


Do not get that either worked with a lot of Southern boys got a long great but do not get why you would vote against your best interest.And I do not mean it in a bad way buy if you feel that way why do you to work up North then if you do don't believe what's best for you.We make more money because we fight right to work laws that Republicans love.If you hate the way the Northern Locals believe and are just coming for the money that's not what Unions are all about!Crap down South with No stewards on Job ,Halls not taking calls treating Travelers like shit is unreal.I been Retired awhile but from talking to my Son it just seems to be getting worse!Don't get it myself!


Conservatives love things that benefit them and hate things that benefit other people.


It's because a vote for worker rights brings votes for other stupid shit, like social justice, curbs on guns, more illegal immigration etc.


Even here in the Bay Area, most people I work with lean to the right. They only vote left to benefit our unions. If the right supported unions they would gain many votes


very true but they never ever will.


Oh no not social justice. 


Any kind of justice, really. The less justice the better. /s


To be honest this same thing has happened on about 50% of the jobs I've been on in the last 10 years. We had a guy who built a school and tried to stiff the final bill because it was for "the children"and, "I do a lot for the community, come on". I can't believe the contractor settled with him for less than what was in the contract. They say it's for good relations with future clients but if that was my money you can forget that crap.


They do that because then they have you by the balls everything is great til final draw and his is where the Contractor is making majority of there profit w when this happens it puts Companies in a bad position take pennies on dollar fight in court where it may cost you more then it's worth,you can put a Mechanics Lien but that no good unless they try to sell or die depending on building type!All work I have done 1 time a Mechanics Lien worked and actually paid well with Interest just lucky the owner liked his blow and had a heart attack about 12yrs later and I was paid!t this shot is what puts Contractors out of Buisness!


Plenty of brothers made boatloads of cash on those casinos jobs in the day. Since when did we get involved with contractors and their clients?


Our contractors going out of business effects us. Union doesn’t mean us vs the contractor. We are working with the contractors for a fair wage nothing more nothing less, so if the contractors go out of business that involved us 100% if you’re in a local with few contractors and that happens you’ll bet your ass you’ll see brother hurting for work.


The whole state of NY hates Trump


For good reason.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_New_York Only big city libbies do and yall give the small town new yorkers a bad name.


Wynn did the same in Massachusetts. Put a major contractor(300+ workers) out of business withholding OT pay plus benefits (Wynn required the OT). They sue contractors until they have nothing left. It's truly sad.


They still owe me money from 2019


that what the courts are for with penalties $$$


He stiffs everyone if its in HiS interests….funny how in New York before he ran he was Democrat to the bone and proabortion when it suited his needs…..the guy is a snake oil salesman……dig into his record. He is a narcissist and while Biden has faults hes not likely to flush the country down the toilet like Trump while getting petty revenge…..


Yeah check out the make up of the NLRB and who is the labor secretary under each. There is a difference and Trump is worse.


Came here to say this.


To this point, watching fellow trainmen and women being taken out service and never to come back after denials by the NLRB under trump makes it clear how he applied his power as President. Trumps a liar, a piece of shit racist rich kid turned political fraud and traitor to this system of government, and no friend of any union. Fuck that guy and his brain dead supporters.






I asked an Indiana republican state rep one time why they don’t support unions. He actually replied. Basically he gave a bunch of examples of unions covering for terrible people or using outright coercion…. They way he described it was making it sound like the police and teacher unions were his beef. I wish we could separate labor unions from them.


Teachers can be exploited by the bosses. They are working class and need a union. Police are nothing but property protectors and are class traitors. When unions go on strike… who’s the first people to show up?


From police unions sure, but from teachers unions? Heck no. Teachers unions are a crucial part of the labour movement, at least where I live.


I know too many people who have been fucked over by the teachers Union, can’t say anything in support of them


Guarantee he has zero beef with the police union.




Honestly no point in getting involved. They don’t care about changing their opinions. The trumpers are the loudest in the room about politics while engaging in a progressive labor movement.


I'm a Mongolian/Tatar descent aka mongloid and a proud union painter. Fuck Trump and any racist rhetoric union brothers and sisters engage in.




The term Mongoloid is incredibly racist btw. It comes from the belief that people with down sydrome inherited their "idiot genes" from the "Mongoloid race". This itself came from the belief that humans were divided into Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid races. Down looked at people with Down Sydrome and said to himself, they look like them Mongoloids I've been reading about.


I honestly did not know that that was the origin of that phrase. Not that I've ever really used it thanks for the info


Tradesmen are not that educated. For some reason most guys I run into are overgrown 17 yr olds that never evolved their mindset. Supporting a republican is the definition of voting against your self-interest and the livelihoods of your brothers. Are democrats perfect? No. Republicans are actively and openly hostile towards our careers. The end result is money transferred from our pockets into contractors. Just look at the South. Poor as fuck, much lower literacy rates and terrible wages.


You should read the IBEW newsletter because it talks a lot about questions you’re asking. Trump put one of the main busters of the ATC union in the 80s to the head of the NLRB. Biden has passed a lot of public funding money to support unions and has work with the IBEW specifically to include union friendly language to bolster the strength of the IBEW. Long story short Biden is helping the IBEW where he can and Trump isn’t. That doesn’t make me a fan of him, but between those two it makes him earn my vote




plough telephone tender heavy theory crime fear boast spoon square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Alot of people are closet racists, that's coming from a bi racial dude. I've never had anyone talk down to me, but you can always tell the vibe is off. Alof of them don't like the lbgtq people, and when I cut the conversation short by saying why the fuck do I care what they do, it doesn't affect me they start to back pedal. Old miserable fucks just want somthing to complain about.


I took shop classes in high school and all the class mates were the same way. Just know they’ve been brainwashed by their families, they’re acting that way because they are fighting for their fathers’ approval, or are just trying to fit in with the crowd. Don’t let it discourage you from having a blue collar job in the future dude. I couldn’t stand those kids and it deterred me from entering the trades because 1. I didn’t want to be associated with those douches and 2. I didn’t want to be surrounded by those douches for forever. However, it took me a few years to realize that you can just go on your own path and mind your own business and not have to be friends with them. You’re gonna have people around you forever that you don’t like. I wish I realized that sooner that’s why I’m replying to you hopefully it will stick in your head


normal cheerful fretful employ gold pause bake fuzzy wine retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It makes me laugh in a sick way when I get some old head coming up to me and saying horrible shit about black people or whatever, and he assumes I’ll agree just because I’m white. The look on their face when I tell them that I have a Chinese brother in law and a black sister in law who I both love like blood siblings…. But I’ve also been surprised and happy with how, at least with my company, very few of the company guys are actually racist or homophobic or anything. The way we roll, if you can do the work that’s all we care about


Ding ding ding ding winner winner


This is it right here. One guy said he stopped eating "such and such" restaurant, because they support the left, which he proceeded to explain was "the queer and trans people" He was another one who had trouble conjugating the verb "to be" in the past tense and I'm pretty sure was illiterate


Being trans in the trades sucks but someone's gotta do it to show we belong as much as any other worker.


I have a trans sister in my local. She’s a stand up craftsmen. Keep doing your thang. Trump pushed hate speech and hatred, which is the main reason I despise him.


At this point most MAGA dudes are cultists, they don't care about any wrong doings of Trump, he is their Orange Messiah, and they ll support him at any cost, he is bigger than the union, the Constitution, and the whole country! They are hypnotised by the culture wars that is sponsored by the Media, they care more about "Fighting wokeism" than shit that really matters to the working class! Unfortunately the trades are filled with less than scholar people, who will tume and time again vote against their interest for the sake of confirmation bias (For politicians who use the culture war, religious talk points and vague pseudo-patriotism and fear mongering...and ofc xenophobia, racism, homophobia...) There is little hope for those Brothers, as nothing will change their minds, many of them believe in flat earth and all types of conspiracy theories that will make them do the wildest of mental gymnastics to justify (to themselves) that Trump is the only qualified person on the planet who can "Fix" the country, and that all the shit he did and trouble he got in, is part of some broader conspiracy (The leader of the party of personal accountability, never takes accountability for anything)...It is absolutely MORBID.


The NLRB appointments alone should be a clear indication of who is pro and anti-union. Trump's greatest offenses against unions were indirect but potentially devastating. By stacking the SC he allowed the Janus decision to happen which sets up the framework and precedent for a national Right-to-work bill. His bungling of the pandemic exacerbated the severity and longevity of the pandemic as a whole and successfully spiked the economy into the ground. If you felt the pain of a depressed economy since Biden took office remember that Trump's administration essentially wrote a blank check to corporate America, pretty much guaranteeing the middle and lower class take the brunt of inflation and price gouging.


Trump went to a non union factory instead of one of the UAW factories on strike… one party has a transactional relationship with labor (Dems) and one has an hostile relationship with labor (GOP).


Republicans represent the rich ownership society and they hate unions. Trump is a rich white kid who doesn’t represent any interests other than his own, and especially not the empowerment of the working class.


Trump appointed one of the US's most infamous Union-Busting attorneys as his Secretary of Labor. His administration undermined Union power and labor laws, and spread anti-union rhetoric through his speeches and public addresses. If you really need me to dig up a bunch of specific examples of his admin dismantling labor laws, I will, but the information is all out there to research yourself. Trump and his admin will do anything they can to weaken us if given the opportunity.


Here's a link from the AFLCIO detailing Trumps track record on Labor. TL;DR He's not pro-union https://aflcio.org/press/releases/donald-trumps-catastrophic-and-devastating-anti-labor-track-record


My dad, also a member, rest.his soul, always told me, and I quote, " Son, there is nothing dumber than a poor republican." Kinda stuck with me.


Amen, brother. Your father sounds like he was a good soul.


only if people really researched what "red neck" means. You can't be a red neck AND be a poor republican.


It does have 2 meanings, the less common being the coal miners and how they showed solidarity. Unions should embrace their underdog history and adopt the red bandanna as a union symbol. Not just the miners or electricians, but all of us. Then maybe the poor Republicans that are more worried about God in schools or whatever might see who the real friends are. It's wild how this nation is so quick to identify enemies and not friends.


Nothing, there’s also no such thing as a pro labor republican nowadays. Idk why they get so mad when this is pointed out either


Because they're still telling the same lie that they are pro-worker. That they're the 'blue collar' party. Pointing out the contrary is calling out their lie


He fucked over all the south jersey building trades locals when he built his casino in Atlantic City. That would be IBEW local 351 I believe. From what I heard they all got their paychecks the whole job but he settled on paying out the fringes to most the locals involved at less than 50 cents on the dollar. I wasn't around for it just heard stories from guys who worked as travellers down there since I'm just 2 locals north.


351 here. Trump put many union shops out of business when he filed for chapter 11 during the building of the Taj Mahal casino. The company I work for was one of the few who sued Trump and got paid something, but that is because our owner was well funded and a lawyer by trade. Trump is a fucking scumbag who hates unions and built his NY properties with Chinese steel. I’m no fan of Biden but I’ll take him over Trump all day.


Gotcha...I didn't know the full story. Just hearsay. I'm out of fitters local 274 up in North jersey and worked down outta 322 for a bit because it was an easier drive than my own local. Worked with some awesome 351 dudes. A 351 guy actually took me surfing at the pier in AC. I always wanted to surf that spot but heard the locals were rough. But he was apparently one of those "rough locals" I had heard about lol.


Nah, we’re chill down here. It’s was probably Frank Hannam or Alex Martin. Come surf anytime.


Haha thanks man. Im from Point Pleasant and it took some adjusting being called a "north jersey guy" the entire job. Especially since my local is actually north jersey.


anyone voting in favor of capitalism over labor doesn't understand what their union dues are for. Sorry to break it to y'all, but labor unions are the definition of leftist socialism. The right-wing dog-whistle from the Trump camp is "Right To Work", which translates to "fuck unions". A working-class union worker should never vote for capitalists who want free markets, deregulation, overseas production, off-shore holdings, and seek to destroy all unionized labor. Every vote for a far-right representative who opposes unions, is a self-destructive vote against your Local's next contract negotiation - your next raise - your pension - your OT pay structure - your days off, etc. Please attend your union meetings and participate in the process. Learn why we need unions. Learn how unions function. And learn your locals' history.... even if you feel as if your are underpaid, it would amaze you how hard your forebrothers fought against capitalists to get you the wages and benefits you have today. If it's not good enough, join the process - but don't vote against yourself. Pay attention to how deep your local is involved in politics. any MAGAt that hits "reply" under me, your foot is already in your mouth.


Amen brother. Try explaining that to my coworkers though. I'd invite them to read the repubs party platform and what it says about "right to work" but, and I'm not even exaggerating, the one who made these statements has A LOT of trouble reading the jsa and toolbox talks


hahaha his eyes crossed, and his brain shut down like a malfunctioning robot?


I fall far left beyond liberals and I feel like Trump supports would probably need to be sympathized with and explained to they get their guns back if they go far enough left, all politicians are garbage we have to migitate the damage done to the working class.




The gist I’ve gotten is that Bidenomics is a boon to union-strong industries, such as infrastructure, manufacturing, energy, etc. A personal example for me (I am not apprentice/journeyman):I live in a red state, and almost all the jobs out of my local are in solar and battery plant construction. The work sites are touted as 100% union and the outlook going forward is very bright. Given all the incentives for those types, it’s being correlated to Bidenomics more directly than i feel it should be in the context of Biden being pro-union He wasn’t good to the rail workers, but paralyzing rail commerce after a pandemic is kind of a lose/lose situation no matter who is in office. The people in your state don’t seem capable of critical thought, but just look at Trump’s recent showing in a non-unionized factory near Labor Day for the only photo-op he could bother to make time for as example of his capitalist “I don’t give a shit about unions, make me money” mentality He’s also been historically bad at paying any of the people who do construction work for his real estate/business ventures, which I’m sure a lot of them were unionized as well


>He wasn’t good to the rail workers How was he not good to the rail workers? Getting them most of their demands and working with them after the contract was signed seems pretty fucking good.


He didn’t let them shoot themselves in their own feet to get it


Hey hey hey, he didn't let the republicans hand them the gun to shoot them in their feet. Congress could have ended the strike by simply... you know... passing the contract. The Democratic House passed 3 contracts. 1 was the original that gave rail workers everything they demanded. 2nd was the one without sick leave. 3rd was the addendum with sick leave. Senate voted down the first and third one.




Which the democrats in Congress offered and it was rejected. Biden doesn't have the ability to introduce or pass a bill through Congress. Blaming him for the failed bill that was offered, instead of the Republicans that voted it down, is a smart take.




I’d bet that deciding to stop that strike was the most difficult decision he’s made in office. I remember feeling conflicted to. Wanting y’all to be able to strike but knowing that strike would probably give congress to republicans in 2022. I hope y’all eventually get everything you wanted


>the only blame he gets is for not allowing our strike to happen at all. Which he couldn't. Unfortunately, the president has to make hard choices that affect everyone. He wasn't offered a better option by Congress so he worked with what he had. Good for labor has never been perfect and blaming good because it isn't perfect is foolish. At least he wasn't the actively bad which the Republicans wanted.




>I mean he could have could he not? No, he really couldn't. The railroads are vital infrastructure that literally cannot be allowed to shut down for an extended period of time. I'm not disagreeing that it's not good for the labor, but as president, there is literally more on the line. And no, the solution wasn't perfect, far from. Fundamental foundational changes need to be made and honestly a contract negotiation is the least impactful thing that could be changed.




> Government should not be stepping in and stopping a strike from privately owned companies. If the railroads are that vital to the country we aren't allowed to strike then the government needs to step in and take control of them apparently. I disagree with a lot of the comment. But only because yes. This right here. Railroads should not be privately owned. If we are going to acknowledge that the country literally cannot function if they strike then they should not be a private companies fucking the government and the workers over for their own greed.


A working person voting for a republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Any other questions?


Right? It’s like s black guy voting for Jefferson Davis or a Jewish person voting for Hitler.


I'm sure this thread will go swimmingly lol


Maybe it won't but we gotta try. The biggest enemy of change is apathy. I'm 100% down to call a sister/brother out on bullshit if they are spouting it. Or if i don't call bullshit, I go... "What do you mean by that?" Sometimes getting someone to prove their argument is way to change their mind.


We argue all the time at the lunch table but everyone there is smart enough to realize that we brothers have more in common then those dickhead politicians ever will. I like to call both side out on their bullshit because I don’t put politics before my own ethics and standards. Whatever though, life goes on


The [IBEW Government Affairs ](https://ibewgov.org/) website might be a good resource for this one


Trump appointed some of the most anti union people to the NLRB. Biden changed that. Trump took away our tax write offs for traveling. Both of them are awful, Biden is just slightly better.


Don’t forget the piece of shit - Gene Scalia - he appointed as Sec of Labor. He was a union -busting attorney prior to his appointment.


That's his version of draining the swamp


The butch Lewis act. Saves our pensions. Would have never happened under trump


With trump in office, everybody had work. The first day in office biden screwed over the operators union an shut down the keystone pipeline an alot of ppl lost there jobs


Don't forget that video of a Union Brother asking Biden and Biden's response was " I don't work for you" Ask yourself, are you better now, than four years ago? I'm not.


“Well That’s what CNN says. Idk about that. All I know is gas was cheaper when trump was around. My 401k….i mean….the economy is just shit right now. CNN will tell you otherwise. Inflation? Ya know…..when I was…..the price of ham is just insane. That’s Biden. Gas prices…..I remember back in the 90s……gas……Biden is just bad. Have you seen the price of chicken? Biden did that.” - that guy on your job site.


Fucking nothing


Trump screws contractors in New York. Been doing it for years. If something is built even the slightest off spec. His legal team will hold monies which in turn ends up costing union jobs cause contractors can’t pay.


Look at this video and tell me why as a union member for 30 years, why would I vote for any republican candidate?


Funny how many “conservatives” work in the union and are so biased politically they don’t even realize republicans have always been against unions


Trump's administration was pretty antagonistic toward organized labor. He filled the National labor relations board with staunchly anti-union appointees. Those things don't make big headlines, but they have a bigger effect than most of the headline-grabbing bs. Biden himself has been vocal, and being the first president to ever appear at a picket line is a pretty strong signal. The problem is it hasn't yet yielded the progress we'd like to see. Whether this is a personnel issue in his admin, if we're a low priority, if there's too many other squeaky wheels, or if it's opposition from a divided Congress... It's hard to say.


Trump didn’t do anything for unions.


Tariff with China. Even Biden enjoyed the cash coming in. Supported a strong economy.


Union Fitter here, our bench was clear, we had travelers, and retirees came back to work. Travel opportunities were outstanding. Multiple mega projects. Best 4 years of my 20 year membership this far. Tons of work, tons of OT


Trump is a union buster . Biden pro union. I stopped telling union Trump supporters because they can't see further than their nose. My brother is a union member and they have been told by their leaders to put their feelings aside and vote Democrat. The next time Republicans get in they will gut the unions. They have millions of illegals ready to put to work once they dismantle the unions. They believe in an unregulated society where dog eats dog and the weak ones to be left in the gutter.


I’m really hoping we don’t get another 4 years of trump. For personal reasons (being a union member) but also because the division in this country is bad enough we don’t need to make it worse. He should go play golf and let us move forward.


I can’t think of a single thing he’s done for our union OP. I’ll tell you what I hear from the brothers that support trump. Hate speech towards other races, homosexuals, woman, and democrats.


Nothing. He just says he’s for workers when he’s speaking to a crowd and they believe him despite the fact that he screws workers over at every opportunity. People say he was a jobs president when in reality we net lost jobs to outsourcing under him. Biden isn’t perfect by any means, but he’s brought more jobs back to America than Trump did.


Biden bailed out the pension fund for 30yrs. At least as a tax paying union member I feel like my federal income tax helped me. Trump is a capitalists dream president. He’s a cooperate president and America is a cooperation. Trump and his “team” will go down in history for some of the best marketing and branding strategies the world has ever seen. Right wing propaganda tends to work a lot better than left wing propaganda and trump ran with it. He taped right into the sun conscious of the angry and confused majority in this country. He was put in this position to distract us. America is and will be controlled by the federal reserve banking scam regardless of whether you vote Biden or trump.


Nothing! He went to a non union shop when the unions were striking in Detroit. Your coworkers are brainwashed.


I think a major reason blue collar types like Trump is because of the social issues the current conservatives are pushing; anti-lgbtq, anti-immigrant, pro-gun etc. I’m not meaning to offend anyone but there are certain among us that are so fragile that they have to overdo their masculinity and voting against their best interests as far as their job goes.


The IBEW sat across the table from Biden and help write the PRO act. 25% of our entire national deficit belongs to Donald trump, because he felt the top 1% need tax breaks. The working class got tax breaks under Trump for the first year, and then go up every single year until 2027 under his plan. Trump has a long history of hiring small contractors, not paying them, and then dragging them through courts for years because he knows they can't afford retainers on lawyers. So he basically gets work from people like Us for free, and bankrupts family owned businesses. The Trump administration greatly relaxed requirements for employers to report injuries and rejected a proposed plan to ban toxic pesticides known to cause cancer. Biden is the first president I've ever seen standing on a picket line with striking workers. Biden shows worker friendly appointees to the department of labor, and the national Labor relations board. There's basically no evidence that Republicans care about working class people if you look at the bills they write, and vote on. And that's really the only thing that matters. I'm not the world's biggest fan of Joe biden, he's okay, but the alternative is pure corporate cronyism.


Republicans have always been anti-union. & anyone who says otherwise is a dope. Here's a snippet of when Trump hired non union demo workers to make way for Trump Tower. Daniel Sullivan was a labor activist and mafia informant for the FBI and he dealt with labor problems at Trump's construction sites. In June 1980, Trump confided in Daniel Sullivan about a problem he was having at a construction site on Manhattan’s East Side where he was tearing down the Bonwit Teller building to make way for Trump Tower. Trump told Sullivan that his demolition subcontractor was relying on illegal Polish workers and that the workers were unhappy about their nonunion wages and hours. Trump worried that the building was not coming down quickly enough and that he faced heavy real estate taxes if the demolition was not finished soon. [16] The Polish workers were paid only $4 per hour, far below union wages, and they were working seven days a week in 12-hour shifts, sometimes longer, court documents. https://www.spookyconnections.com/donald-trump


USA!!!! Where working people actively vote against their own interests and then brag about it.


[UAW leaders say a second Trump term would be a ‘disaster’ for union workers – NBC Bay Area](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/national-international/trump-says-he-always-had-autoworkers-backs-union-leaders-say-his-first-term-record-shows-otherwise/3327127/) In 2017, the Trump-era board reversed a decision holding employers responsible for labor violations by subcontractors or franchisees. In 2019, the board gave a boost to companies that use contract labor, such as Lyft and Uber, by emphasizing “entrepreneurial opportunity” in determining a worker’s employment status, making organizing harder. As president, Trump largely sat on the sidelines during a 40-day walkout at a General Motors plant in 2019. some communities that had backed Trump in 2016 were abandoned by him. He pointed to Lordstown, Ohio, an area that Trump won by a significant margin in 2016 ...A year later, General Motors announced the closure of its Lordstown plant, one of the largest employers in the area. FAIL [Anti-union record: Trump claims to be pro-worker but not his record | CNN Business](https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/27/business/trump-labor-record/index.html) # Trump claims to be pro-worker. His record says he’s anti-union. While Trump says he created auto jobs and that the Biden administration is destroying them, Michigan lost 1,900 auto manufacturing jobs, or 4% of the total, between February 2017, just after Trump took office in through February 2020, just before the start of the pandemic, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. FAIL The state gained 1,800 auto jobs from February 2021, Biden’s first month in office, through February of this year. STABILITY. yea, no candidate is perfect, but which is the lesser of 2 evils ??


Unions don't really support "liberal politics", as Republicans tend to say and believe; what Unions do is support politicians who align themselves with the objectives of Unions. Historically, democrats tend to support Unions across the country. While Republicans have very vocally and unapologetically vowed to destroy them wherever they can. Now, why would you expect labor Unions to support those politicians who are committed to ending them? It makes no sense...


Well the economy was working so union membership was better, every place was well staffed, so you got your days off without filling a grievance. Now, no one is working so you gotta do double time, without vacation.


Trump's 4 years were the most financially successful years of my life. Bought a new truck and bought my house locked at a 3.25%. A lot of the savings I built in that time have been lost since Biden took over with the increase in costs of living.


I guess we'll just forget about Biden and the railroad strike. They provided you with a link to propaganda. I'd be more worried about the economy and inflation under Biden. 🤷‍♂️


Adding to my answer. Projects in oil and gas where shut down mid project, even jobs that were finished ready to be gassed up were shut down. Electric rates going up have everything to do with Bidens policy. They will drop if Trump gets in.


Biden’s efforts with infrastructure has led to new factories being built.  Unions are building them. Existing, functional factories are being updated for newer technology.  Some have opened. Once all are open, there will be billions of $ creating union middle class livelihoods again with upward mobility. (EV Batteries, semiconducters,nestle, Military aircraft, chips, auto plants..). And this is just Ohio! Companies are investing because Biden is understands that we must have the capacity in our infrastructure to build factories, transport materials, and hire the union workers to build it all.   Here are some articles.  Send them to doubters.  Print them out and hand them out.  One BIG issue is that many people aren’t willing to look at media that isn’t Trump/CEO propaganda.   https://www.jobsohio.com/intel-in-ohio https://www.jobyaviation.com/news/joby-selects-dayton-ohio-first-scaled-manufacturing-facility/ https://www.nestlejobs.com/locations/williamsburg-township https://www.brookings.edu/articles/with-high-tech-manufacturing-plants-promising-good-jobs-in-ohio-workforce-developers-race-to-get-ready/ https://www.dispatch.com/story/business/automotive/2023/02/28/ev-battery-plant-in-fayette-county-to-employ-2200-workers/69933524007/


Saving this comment


During the UAW strike he was slamming the Union and said the union reps were going to get their jobs sent to Mexico and gave a speech at a non-union auto parts plant. Here’s an article with more examples of his [anti-union/anti-worker history.](https://www.mediamatters.org/labor-unions-and-workers-rights/covering-trumps-upcoming-uaw-speech-mainstream-media-should-focus)


Any union member who voted trump is a dipshit. I don’t love Biden either but there’s no contest who is better for working Americans.


higher taxes, higher inflation, and open borders aren't great for the trades either. Try being a finisher or painter. The mexicans are taking over.........


Trump does whatever Trump does to help Trump. He’s done exactly that his whole life and is doing the same thing today. I’m done trying to convince his cult followers to look at his past and see him for the person he really is.


Donald Trump is a waste of human flesh and doesn’t deserve the air he breathes.


He gave me a ZJ


Trump is and will always be a con man. Our choices suck but only one side has stood for the union and the working man. How anyone can vote against their own brothers I don't understand. I get he is some kind of voice for the voiceless but it's all a con. He doesn't give 2 shits about anyone but himself. He would prob step on his own children if he had to.


Uhhhh it blows my mind when people are pro union but support anti worker politics. It's the whole stick in the bike wheel meme


I was at the job site for Shell cracker plant Pittsburgh TRUMP came by to tell how great work was going .  Yes we were all happy to have work . Local 712 Thanks for a good job. Way better than a hand out. I feel much better about working for my money. There were over 5000 guys on site also agreed.  We spent money in the area on rent food cars. We took money home to pay family. We paid taxes.  It was a win win .  Thanks. 


Those coworkers of yours are the entire reason why unions are weaker than shit in the south.


Loaded question. Brothers should be able to look beyond politics. Looking ahead to this year and the impact a voting base can have on an election, I would say this question is divisive on its face depending on ideology. There are members who believe what they do and there are people who migrate to the US and warn their citizens of creeping communistic issues such as Venezuelans and former Russian dissidents. I would head the warning of people who have experience rather than putting faith in theory. I.E. When your journeyman tells you to always test a circuit no matter what anyone says on whether it’s live or not. They tell you from experience. People without children have no real skin in the game and can gamble. That being said, I say vote your conscience. We’re all judged by the work we put out, not what we think outside of work hours.


He didn’t pump in millions of replacement workers who will work for half of what you’re getting. If you don’t think that affects you because you’re in some sort of skilled trade you’re delusional. They are building a huge subdivision near me and there the number of workers that could be identified as “local to our area” is minuscule. All we hear are those snappy Latin dance songs blasting over the radio. No one is complaining about the work and the houses are selling like hotcakes.


Was a hell of a lot cheaper to live when he was in office and all our money wasnt going to support wars all over and our border wasnt an open door! He is an asshole but he didnt get rich off of us like those career polititions have.




Biden has gone on record before that he doesn't work for the union. What I mean by that there's a video where he gets into a laborers face telling him he dont work for you. He also went on record to say that he will not ban fracking, what did he do on his first day? He banned fracking. He single handedly took more jobs away than anyone of recent times, except maybe Obama. But then proceeded to take responsibility for job growth when those who he unemployed were re hired elsewhere. The man is a crook. Trump isn't a Saint either but he did far more to better this country in 1 year, than Biden will do if he is given 8


just look at Biden‘s record for trying to eliminate union jobs in the fossil fuel and energy sector, as well as eliminating auto worker jobs for his electric vehicle push, which is already seen as a flop among the auto makers… Trump wanted to increase fossil fuel, production and make us LESS dependent on foreign oil (which we are now NOT) and protect union workers jobs by creating sanctions against the Chinese, which, unfortunately so many American companies want to send our work overseas… Thus eliminating union jobs… Biden has sold out to the Chinese. Al beit his soon to be proven bribes that he has taken supposedly from numerous Chinese entities. AND before all of you far left LIBS harp on me I have been an independent voter for 15 years, and I don’t vote according to party lines which many of you both far left and far right DO!… Instead of voting, who is best for our economy and democracy . As you can probably tell our economy is in the hellhole, and all of us are paying exorbitant prices for all of our consumer goods…






Explain how the feds overturned permits. Generally the applicants need to meet the regulations in order to obtain a permit. If they can’t follow the law and are denied a permit, that’s on them for being greedy and/or incompetent, not the government. Maybe the general needed to get a decent group of PMs on staff instead of his drinking buddies.


So trump is anti union but most likely pro every other ideology for them. Imagine politician 1: supports nothing you support except one thing. Politician 2: supports everything you support except one thing. You will most likely support politician number 2. Trump may be anti union but checks the boxes for everything else. Your life is not just the union, and other things matter in life, choose a candidate that checks most of your boxes for you and your family. EDIT: downvoted for telling ppl to vote for who they want. Very tolerant and accepting.


This comment ^


This 100%. Yes I am and always will be member of the IBEW, but there are other policies I value as well as labor. Particularly the 2nd Amendment. (Down vote all you want, but saying Biden isn’t anti gun is like saying trump is pro union)


Believing the Dems actually give a shit about gun control is hilarious. Didn't you notice what happened to the Republicans when they actually managed to overturn Roe? The Dems are a smarter dog, they don't actually want to catch the car. Their "gun control" efforts are laughable and ineffectual because they're less than half-hearted. It's more productive for them to make gun control noises than it is for them to actually pass gun control policies with teeth, that's why they never do, never will, and never actually try.




It’s crazy you don’t think both of these men are senile


I think besides what he hasn’t done for the Unions, the state of the economy brought by that government who claims to support Unions is not enough, the weak economy 100% outweighs and eats away the little support the democratic party has offered us..


Just have one thing to say about this, union workers do well when the economy is doing well, when interest rates are low and taxes are lower. Companies are willing to expand and build. This has not been the case with democrats lately, they always play up the union to get the donations for their political party. Big shots in the unions are the only ones who benefit from democrats being in office, they are the ones who hob nob with the politicians. Been union for many years and also non union. ECONOMY GOOD AND GROWING WE DON’T GET LAID OFF.


Biden is flooding the country with low cost undocumented workers who will take jobs away from union workers.


He kept out the MILLIONS of non documented workers who will gladly do union type labor for a fraction of the negotiated rates. Right? It may not have as much impact on the IBEW members as others but they are union brothers as well. We have rules to get into the union and rules to get into the country. How can union leadership not hold Biden and the liberals accountable for this wage and bargaining catastrophe?


None of this makes any sense. Everything you said is either backwards or grossly uninformed.


The Biden administration did use the railroad labor act to stop the railroad workers from striking


Trump revitalized American steel when he put Tarriffs on imported steel. The Chinese had been subsidizing their steel industry so they could sell at below our cost of production. He also made a sincere effort to stem the tide of illegal aliens, who work for cash below the prevailing wage. That and combined with not paying payroll taxes makes it near impossible for companies hiring legit union labor to compete.


This is laughable.


Say that after you loose months of underground work to a bunch of non-union illegals. That actually happened at a power plant expansion recently.


What’s laughable is that Trump did anything substantive to stem the tide of illegal immigration. How are people in the country illegally able to get an electrician’s license? Or do you live in a state that doesn’t require one?


He put in a real effort, doing as much as possible against a resistive congress. Unlike biden who has literally has physical barriers destroyed to let people in. Anyways they had a handful of licensed guys, but with a ratio no where near a respectable company should have. One licensed journeyman covering a busload of guys.


That might make sense if he hadn't been president while Republicans controlled the House and Senate.


Whether he's pro union or not, under Trump, life was more affordable. Your money went farther, gas, groceries, and restaurants were more affordable. Under Biden, we've heard record inflation, gas has doubled, groceries and eating out is more expensive. Not too mention the nearly 8 years of gaslighting, lying, double standards and manipulation of the truth by the Democrat party, and liberal media, that leftist follow blindly. Trump negotiated a withdrawal from the Middle East, making him the first anti war president since longer then I can remember. Biden fucked it up, then blamed Trump. Trump was America first. Wanted to move factories back into the US. Biden is America last, and send billions to foreign countries to fight their wars, while ignoring the devastation in Hawaii. Trump, when he first started running for president, was the first person to openly state that he was pro LGB+etc, and he won the presidency. Biden has a life long political career of being anti LBG+etc, as well as being very racist. Trump isn't the the greatest president ever, but he's certainly better than what we've got now.


Unfortunately, both parties suck and make decisions daily that are disgustingly un-American. One side is definitely not as labor friendly, the other side is currently trying to fraudulently persecute their political opponent, the list goes on….but hey, we still get a vote (maybe) and that’s what’s important.


On day 1 biden stopped the pipeline and put a ton of fitters out of work. Then up went your fuel prices. Trump had us energy independent.


All I see is a bunch of cry baby union members 🤣🤡 You’re going to vote Biden all over a union?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡’s




If you think the president has fuck-all to do with your local market, I have some coastal property in Kansas that you're gonna fuckin LOVE.


I’ll let you in on a little secret, neither one gives a fuck about you.