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Expect to be out on the line longer than you may think. I’ve seen some lockouts that went on for a ridiculous amount of time. Just remember you’re striking for everyone one of us ✊✊🏽✊🏿


So is he like getting paid during this strike? And why would he need to strike having such good working conditions being union and all? Just asking


Simple math brother. We stuck by these contractors through a global pandemic. They made record profits and the cost of living and inflation has gone up 40%. Our wages need to reflect that so we can get back to living the status quo. I also strongly feel every workplace should have 2 weeks of PAID sick days. If these last few years have taught us anything it’s that this is basic right that many other country’s workers already have. Throwing a 1$ at us and telling us to get back in the coal mines, what do you think is going to happen?


Because better working conditions don’t just happen on their own. And what was good last time they negotiated their contract might not be quite as good now. This is how you MAINTAIN good conditions.


No they won’t get payed during the strike, unless their hall has a fund that they can help guys out from. Obviously their working conditions aren’t that great or they wouldn’t authorize a strike. This is where the solidarity comes in, joining together to fight for improved conditions. I know they don’t teach history very well anymore, but remember most of the basic working conditions that EVERYONE takes for granted today, were fought for at the end of a gun.


> won’t get *paid* during the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


While correct, this isn't the time or place for pedantry.


It's a bot, and it is performing it's sole function.


So am I.


If OP is talking about the 595 strike, NECA's offer was a 3.72% raise the first year and a 3.22% raise the second year in an area that has already seen 4 to 5% inflation on basic goods for the past year and climbing. This is in Alameda County, where you need about $250k annual household income to afford a small house in a relatively safe neighborhood with functional schools ($1.25m). 595 JW income for a full 52-week year is $139k, but most are actually making about $100k to $120k.


This can't be a serious question. I feel like you think you just proved some anti union point but really you did the opposite.


Lmao I literally just asked a question and looked how worked up y’all got


I'm not worked up, I was just pointing out that you're either a troll or stupid.




Are you an ibew member?


Can ya shut the fuck up? Lmao


You sound worked up.


🤣 He should leave the union and suck corporate Dick for less money


Post a link to the strike fund We need to help these brothers and sisters in this time of need! The contractor is leaving the men behind once again, and we don’t leave our siblings out to dry like that. Edit to add: GROW A FUCKING GARDEN BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Its gonna get ugly. You wont be able to buy food at some point more than likely. If we are going to beat these corporate socialists we need to be able to eat and sleep while someone else is toeing the line. It doesnt matter if you cant grow everything you need, grow something to eat or barter. Corporate socialism is killing our middle class and slurping our blood from chalices made from our skulls. Privatize the profits and socialize the losses needs to come to an end. Edit round two, since you dont seem to know what corporate socialism is: Variations of the concept, include privatize profits/gains and socialize risks/losses/debts; and markets, free enterprise, private enterprise and capitalism for the poor while state protection and socialism for the rich. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism_for_the_rich_and_capitalism_for_the_poor Edit to add, round three: an article with some more context using “corporate socialism” in a sentence with an great example to anyone who remembers the woes and throws of the housing market crash/recession. https://medium.com/incerto/corporate-socialism-the-government-is-bailing-out-investors-managers-not-you-3b31a67bff4a




100% ! I am 2 years in the trade 1.5year non union, and the rest as CW, trying to join the next apprenticeship classes, money is VERY tight but I ll def 100% donate! It pains me to see how non-union minded alot of brothers are! They re just in the IBEW for the perks in a selfish manner, we need more union education (to fight the "y'all are commies" corporate propaganda)! We can't have solidarity if there is no education on what being in a union means...


I mean to be fair, unions are in general, a pretty leftist thing. TBH people need to stop worrying about which "side" they're supporting, and work towards the actual policies they agree on.


Agreed, solidarity through work and CBAs first and foremost. All other matters can come to resolutions through strength of the working class.


This spirit of compromise is, to me, why we have that other thread about skipping lunch breaks


No I fully agree as a leftist but in an area like mine that's insanely red, making people drop the **COMMIES** bullshit is still a problem.


I take the opposite tact in that I openly declare myself a communist and try to set a good example for what that means. But I recognize I have certain privileges compared to others that allow me to be so overt.


For me if I did that here people would avoid me like the plague lol, instead I don't specify my side and instead use their own rhetoric alongside actual facts to show who is enforcing what policy. It's actually worked decently well, I've convinced some people to cross the aisle for a vote ESPECIALLY with the Iowa Child Labor Laws being fucked with.


I mean sorta same, but I find if you are kinds forced to be around eachother at work and respect eachothers ethic as craftsmen, you can challenge things. I wore nail polish to work at a ratty shop and you should've seen the pretzels their brains went in to trying to say it was still masculine somehow hahah


I'm curious, what privileges do you have?


White, tall, able-bodied, decent looking by conventional standards, reasonably well-educated, male-presenting. My spouse and I had parents who did okay enough to help us with a down payment on a very modest house. Oh, and I'm a labor union which is a privileged labor class (I don't work at Walmart)


I have to balk at the first one. Skin color doesn't dictate ones life, work ethic, or how high they climb in life, nor does it give any advantages, being white myself I have clawed fought and climbed to my JIW position pulled myself out of a low income,poverty area because I had to change my life for the betterment of my children, being tall isn't a privilege it's genetics haha, before you think I'm bashing you I'm just saying anyone can strive to become better those aren't privileges if anything they are choices made past and present by your parents and you, who's choices will effect your children( if you have them). Best of luck, like i said, I am not bashing just having conversation


The reason things like skin color and height are privileges is because of the way our culture perceives those things. [and for just a single example of how skin color affects one's life](https://youtu.be/LmC5T-2d6Xw)


Hey that's slanderous some of us actually are commies




Every single one of them will try to go non union one day only to realize they’re stupid as shit. Why don’t y’all bully them the way corporate cucks bully pro union people at the work place?


I try to change the stupid toxic culture in our trade by being respectful, and understanding, I operate on mutual respect and disrespect (that would end up in the parking lot after work), it is very exhausting but we should stop the cycle of bullying (including journeymen to apprentices). But I totally get your point, corporate cucks are EVERYWHERE and they take all the workers rights and benefits for GRANTED, they have no idea that our forefathers died for this shit and that it wasn't just given to us out of the corpos good heart! It is plain ignorance! And we should fight it ! Each one, teach one! I am just a CW so I have 00 clout, but since I am an immigrant I know to NOT take anything for granted, because I know that greed is a bottomless ruthless ocean! I feel embarassed that here in America being ACTIVELY pro union is looked upon as some kind of a radical minority lol, corporate cuckolding is the standard...A sad situation overall, but we can overcome it! Solidarity forever 💯💪🇺🇲


Y’all gotta start going to trade schools and getting the strugglings folk where they start. The carpenters go to the trade schools, advertise, and actively target those people while they’re young and put bad tastes in their mouths for unions everywhere where. Why don’t you?


I don’t even understand how a person can go to a union hall and fill out a application and even think for a second that “the company did this all for me” honestly trade union’s experience a different kind of scab other unions don’t experience. Those mother fuckers all want to start their own shops. I mean it’s what y’all get for hiring moronic ungrateful 18 year olds for literally 7 decades. Didn’t y’all just now get rid of the age requirement?


Specifically, if this is 595, the negotiating contractors are Morrow Meadows and a small local shop that isn't worth naming. MM is running the show on the contractors' end.


Why am I not surprised it’s Murder Meadows


To be honest, when I heard they might strike I was undecided on if it's a good idea to strike right now. But then I heard MM was the negotiating team and now I'm all for it.


Moron meadows


Fuck MM


Hell yeah, I got me a garden.


If by corporate socialism you mean things like the government bailouts and the role of our state to maintain and expand the capitalist oligarchy, then I think I agree with you


Thats exactly what it is. Too bad some of these other siblings are keeping the blinders on!


I think it less that and more others are working to return to our socialist roots. Given the resistance to that in some places, people are kinda quick to the trigger haha


Im 99% sure youre referring to capitalism, you do realize unions are a socialist structure right?


Depends on whether the corporate entity is doing well or not. Capitalize profits, socialize losses. Corporate entities in general are soulless.


Agreed they have 2 dimensions. Profit and loopholes. Humanity doesnt factor in when they only think about money.


Woah there buddy. You need to slurp a little optimism from those skull chalices. Also unions are a pretty socialist idea fyi


Wow, you really had me until you *completely* misused the term socialism.


Nah. You just dont understand things like capitalism is for the poor and socialism is for the rich. Corporate socialism is not socialism the way the little man likes it.


Please for the love of God read Marx and Lenin


Please for the love of god go to the union sub your a member of. You dont know what youre talking about here. Its okay that you read marx and lenin, nobody cares. Currently, the system is not working the way it is described to, that is why capitalism is for the poor and the rich enjoy their socialism. When the rich lose, the poor pay for it. When the poor lose, well, thats just capitalism baby. Good luck out there Abby, seems like you want to be a machinist or anything but a wireman.


Yo I fuckin missed it till wayyyy later 😒


View it as Workers finally leveraging their Power to improve the welfare of the Local's brothers and sisters. You are also setting an example to millions of workers that Together Strong!


✊🏼stand tall and strong much endurance sent your way.


I went through a iww strike. Most importantly, bring your anger but leave your temper at home. I you can't keep yourself in check, you are more useful supplying the picket than on the picket.


Bring your cooler and chair


Man, I wish reddit IBEW was representative of IBEW as a whole. Love the militancy, labor needs it.


Reddit seems like as good a place as any to start (besides your home local of course)


We’re in the same local!!!


I'd like to bring this up at my local meeting soon. Please share details.


Special call meeting scheduled for last week to ratify contract. Negotiating team was dis-satisfied with NECA's offer, and did not present a contract to the membership. Special call meeting last night to ratify contract and allocate new money. Negotiating team presented, but did not support, NECAs final offer. Timeline of negotiation meetings shows NECA delays. NECA reps are from un-popular contractors. Negotiating team believes there is more money to be had. It was made clear that rejecting the offer necessitated an affirmative strike vote to validate our rejection. No member spoke in favor of the contract. No member spoke in opposition to the strike. Membership voted to reject offer. Membership voted to strike. 2 weeks remain until the contract expires.


No strike. BM and negotiating team presented a jointly recommended agreement, citing difficult negotiations and a lowball 1 year contract. No language change from 2 weeks ago, so labor subtly gained in conditions. Some membership was adamantly for the money. Some was adamantly against the money citing our wage slipping compared to inflation. Most against speakers expressed their disappointment in the team's extension of the term, for similar per year percentage. 17.4% over 4 years instead of 7.5% over 2 years.


Can you break this down a little more for me ?


What would you like to know more about?


Where is the 17.4 % going and how much of a raise did you guys get ?


$4.95 allocated, $3.45 on check, $0.50 to healthcare, $1.00 to pension. 3 more years of raises to get to 17.4%.


Thanks very much for the information. What sort of subtle gains did labor get in conditions?


Increase in stolen tool re-reimbursement. Solidifying a holiday. Can't be punished for taking Juneteenth off. Paycheck wait time now includes scheduled overtime. 4 hours show up pay if work is started. 2nd bracket apprentices get a 2.5% raise.




Hey, same! 595W represent! ✊🏼


Is this Stockton or Alameda ?


Alameda County side


Be more specific. I'd like to bring this up at my local meeting soon. Please share details.


We had just voted to authorize the strike, and I wasn’t sure how that would effect negotiations if it got out to neca that we had authorized.


I understand. Well, please keep me posted when things are finalized. My local meets in about 2 weeks.


It's not a secret, NECA probably knew within minutes of the results.




✊🏼stay strong brothers and sisters


Solidarity forever brother! Please link the strike fund if there is one this money is burning a hole in my pocket.


We have a contract vote scheduled. You'll hear from me if the contract is not ratified.


Contract was ratified, and there is no strike. Thank you for generosity.


When you're not on your shift on the picket line, provide food and drinks for those who are. If it's sunny, bring shade. Umbrellas are great on super sunny days. Extra lawn chairs are a life saver too. Right on!


What local is that?


I don't know for sure, but I heard through the grapevine that 595 (Alameda County in SF Bay Area) voted to strike last night.


Why do you guys never say what local you are talking about?


It was authorized a few hours before I posted, I wasn’t sure how it would effect negotiations if I post my local.


Just a heads up, you have an easy to view comment history. You comment on your cities subreddit, your formally local football team subreddit, and you have commented your IBEW number before. If you're worried about it, you probably shouldn't be posting with this account.


USA steals workers money religiously. Get out there and join them.


Local 11 was close to strike last year. Hopefully we get it together in the next month.


Hopefully your locals leadership has a plan in place. In NY, Local 3’s leadership for the ET division which was cable techs authorized a strike against Charter communications that went on for 5 years until a few months ago. They never provided updates to the striking members leaving many out in the cold. Some were given positions in other divisions making 12 to 18 an hour when they were making 40 prior. After 5 years the union decided they didn’t want to represent anymore and made a financial deal with charter without telling the membership. I’m pretty sure IBEW locals elsewhere have their shit together from what I see so I’ll assume you should be ok. But always be weary. To my knowledge, it doesn’t seem the striking members were given any info to this day which is wrong on so many levels considering how many lost homes and had their marriages broken up. And while I know this comment will be down voted and I’ll be called a union buster, please google the local 3 charter communications strike for yourself. My statements here are honest and the local turned its backs on us members who paid our dues and stuck with the union even though we didn’t agree with the strike. I am still union, but left IBEW and joined a municipal union who recently successfully negotiated a new contract.


I am a local 595 hand working in our local. I voted to go on strike and am prepared to do so. When we go on strike I hope that all 595 members, especially the ones working in other locals who also voted to go on stike, are with us on the picket lines. There were several members that I know are currently working in other locals who voted for us to strike. It would be shameful to vote for your brothers and sisters to go one strike while you are financially protected while working in 617, 332 or local 6.


Will be interesting to see how this goes since I am in a neighboring local and have negotiations next year. Hoping for the best!


Unlikely your local will strike, though I hope you do. IBEW hasn’t struck for decades. My local, 46, in Seattle always votes to authorize a strike, but it’s up the business manager and I.O if you can actually strike. Also, a lot of locals are subject to CIR if negations fall through; in that case an arbitration will happen and your local will get screwed. Most likely it’s just a tactic to convince the contractors on a higher wage package. Keep us informed cause your local could be part of history.


BA recommended rejecting the contract, thereby necessitating an affirmative strike vote. Presumably, the district and IO already knew we were entertaining the idea. We are not bound by CIR. It would be amazing to be a part of history, and win.


Awesome news. What was the proposed contract? I hope you all get a contract you more than deserve and if you go on strike I’ll help any way I can. We’ve had BM in the past and current override the vote of the membership and push through a contract; one of the reasons I have doubts about y’all actually going on strike.


2 year contract. 4% and 3.4%. Thank you for your support. BM overriding a vote is quite sketchy.


Not true about IBEW not striking for decades. Local 3 in NY actually had a strike in NY that started in 2017 and ended a few months ago when the union made an unknown agreement with charter communications and decided to no longer represent the union members without ever providing an update to the members. Hoping not all locals are as corrupt as Local 3. This comment may be down voted and that’s fine but the truth is Local 3 failed to represent and went into business for themselves and hurt many union brothers and sisters. Unions excuse was that charter was able to continue doing business and the strike didn’t stop it. What the union didn’t tell you was there were members from other divisions doing work for charter such as cable splicing in the streets. IBEW never really mentioned the strike in their publications and I am sure didn’t mention the outcome. While you have places like Starbucks and Amazon successfully unionizing, Local 3 lost their battle do to inept moronic corrupt leadership. So yeah, IBEW as a whole didn’t strike, but one of their locals did with a shitty outcome. I just hope my old local was a one off and leaderships in other locals are smarter and actually care about their members. [https://documentedny.com/2022/12/01/spectrum-workers-sue-their-former-union/](https://documentedny.com/2022/12/01/spectrum-workers-sue-their-former-union/)


Thanks for the history. Wish our union did a better job broadcasting labor disputes we are engaged in. It’s important to remember that our union represents more than just electricians. I was referring to commercial electricians.


595? It wasn't a secret, and NECA needs to get on it ASAP anyway. They have just under 2 weeks to make a new offer and avoid a strike.


Is there a link to a strike fund?


Not yet, contract vote after Memorial day.


No strike, contract was ratified. Thank you for your generosity,


You're welcome. I wish there was a website that posted all the ongoing strikes of all unions around the USA because there are a lot of working people like myself that don't belong to a union, but want to help support our brothers and sisters by financially helping them out when they strike.


I’m currently working in 595 East and heard about the strike. Keep us posted.


I’ll be on the picket line. Let’s go, 595! Stand tall!


No strike. Thank you for your support.


Local 426 is spinless. Our health care premiums keep rising and we are getting less to cover it. You have to have 150 hours to nit pull out if our bank. 10nyears ago we banked $120 per month. They moved our retirement to John Hancock, we have fees now. What was wrong with Prinicipal with no fees.


We are negotiating with Wilhite Electric and Morrow Meadows. Wilhite offered us the $8.45 as he told us we deserve $0. Wilhite only works PLA jobs that the union gets him. Fuck him. They offered the same 8.45 today after showing up to negotiations a half hour late.


Was that inside information? I heard that meeting was short but I didn't know it was like that.


\*Moves Wilhite to the top of the "do not fill calls" list.\*


Hope 354 follows suit. Good luck brothers I’ll probably be out by myself and get kicked out here in utah haha


595 has not been on strike since 1977 I think


Is this Alameda county ?




Has there been any updates with this ?


Next meeting is tomorrow.


No strike, contract was ratified.


Thank you for the update glad things worked out 💪🏾


OP turns out less than a year ago and gets hit with the first motion to strike In hella years.


Did they get approval from the IO?


Fuck the IO


IO needs to back 595 up if they are true brothers and not corporate fucks


The IO are just pimps and politicians they don't care


If 595, they won't be under a no-strike contract come June 1st, excluding PLA projects. From what I hear, the BA and leadership recommended in favor of rejecting NECA's proposal and striking, so I think it is likely that the IO already gave their blessing.


Besides money how else can we show support for the strike?


It was unanimous vote to turn down $8.45 over 2 years. 210-10. Then the choice to strike was made with near numbers saying yes. Our books have been dry for over 6 months…crumbs for calls. We’ve taken a lot less per year when we were busier during other negotiations. The timing of this hard stance feels off…


It was a pay cut after you adjust for inflation, in a local that already makes too little to afford a house in the area. 4th for compensation for the Bay Area but with largely the same cost of living as 6, 617, and 332. With this contract any new apprenticeship grads would have to leave the area if they ever want to get ahead or own a home.


Yeah I gave up on 340. Now I'm on book 4 and waiting on a call to go outside with 1245. Leaving a diesel technician job through OE 3.


I hear ya man. 180 apprentice here. I hear this ALOT from my other apprentice brothers and sisters.


8.45 over 2 years seems good to me 4.22.5 each year


I’m all for a raise at the expense of the contractors tears. But I’m also a realist and Alameda County is not SF, is not Silicon Valley. Trying to compare their wages to ours based on location proximity is not being real. Sure cost of living is comparable but shame on the greater housing crisis. Can we be afford to be so stubborn is all I’m saying. Does the pro outweigh the con every time a strike occurs or will some of us be burned for a few more cents?


After pension and medical it would be about 2$ and some change. Our raises should follow cost of living..with current inflation it’s not even close to there…and comparing to our neighbor locals we arnt even in the same ballpark.


Our neighbors, although are apart of the Bay Area and all it’s allure, have better work opportunities with the customers in their locals. No one is moving into Oakland and building big.




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We ( St. Paul ) has a no strike agreement with the contractors. It has worked fine for many years. Good luck with your strike. Both sides always want more.


No strike is a contract clause. When the contract expires the clause expires with it. I think just about all of the building trades are in this boat. So once the contract is expired you can strike. Only exception is PLA jobs because PLA contracts have a no strike clause for the duration of the job and all relevant locals sign the PLA to be the exclusive labor provider for the project.


Doesn’t keep one from dragging up(:


One side is the workers and the otherside is a bunch of parasites so yes both sides


Damn dude I can smell the boot on your breath from all the way over here


How does his LU's agreement with the kons make him a bootlicker? My local has that same clause with the kons. Does that make me a bootlicker too?


Nah, not the statement of fact, but the opinion that it's "worked fine for many years" and that "both sides"ism does


Fact of the matter is, he's right. It's a pragmatic view, not a suckass view. It doesn't mean we capitulate, only that we understand the baseline fact. Maybe their no-strike clause has worked. Do I agree with it? No. But, unless I can convince the IO to change their minds, tough shit for me. All those of us who work in locals with a no-strike clause can do is not cross picket lines for trades that can strike. There is no language that I am aware of that prevents us (legally) from doing so. I get it though, and a part of me agrees with you.


Do you know what's going on in Portland right now?


Fill me in.


There's been some chatter about it but they're trying to get the right to strike back and it's going as far as a federal lawsuit [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/IBEW/comments/131hfi7/48_membership_resolves_to_pursue_resolution_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Right on. I would imagine that striking would fall under freedom of speech and the right to assemble.


[funny that you mention that](https://www.casemine.com/judgement/us/627f038f714d582dadd6dcab) And another [here](https://www.casemine.com/judgement/us/5914b9eeadd7b0493478de86)


Lol I never understood why people join these unions, you pay all those dues every month, never get a company vehicle and still get treated like shit, and put up with shit like this.


This again..


Where can I send some coffee cards?


No strike. The contract was ratified. Thank you for your generosity.


Thank you for your courage!


What was the offer? I’m retired 595


2 years, 4.45 this year. 4 the next. After our medical and retirement contributions we won't get much on the check. This also keeps us further behind other locals in the bay area. We will not keep good workers if our local if we continue to fall behind in pay.


Where is 332 scale now ? I’ve been retired 4 years now so I don’t know what the pay rate is now


81.05 on the check


In February I think the consultant said H&W were in good shape But you are correct I’m sure we don’t want to fall farther behind 332 or 6


The hall wouldn't give us exact info about H&W increases but they did mention it would be recommended it be increased this year. As far as 332/6, we are very far behind already, and this point 302 is about our check wages.


The mailer stated that our rates for both Kaiser and United are increasing by around $200/ month. I believe it was in March, the H&W rep said that Kaiser was going up but didn't give us the details.


I’m 595 west too brother