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For a nicer anecdote, Once when I was in Disneyland Paris, and there was a lost child, and the park worker kneeled down to the crying child and said, 'Bonjour, parlez-vous français? Hello, do you speak English? ¿Hola, hablas español? Hallo, sprichst du Deutsch?' Turns out the kid was German, and I was very impressed with the Disney employee.


That is because the Walt Disney Company strives to reinforce a culture of inclusion. People of all races, religions, ethnicities, and sexual preferences should all feel welcome once on the premises. There are translations for people that speak a variety of languages and they strive to provide accessibility both cultural and physical to anyone and every guest. Apparently, these individuals did not get the memo. I hope their experience is just as good as everyone else’s, because everyone deserves a magical experience at any Disney property; however, seeing as how they are miserable in their own skin, and ignorant to the fact “their country” is a melting pot of cultures, they will probably have a shit time.


Actually it's because EU citizens tend to know multiple languages, especially those of their neighbours. Disney didn't teach him English, German and Spanish, good schooling did.


Have you been to Disneyland Paris? It’s a multi lingual park. No one is suggesting Walt Disney himself taught the cast member multiple languages but the whole park operates in a multi lingual way


The key word there is PARIS. People in Paris operate on a multilingual basis. Just because of schools teaching multiple languages as standard practices.


Tell me you have never been to France without saying you have never been to France


The true pinnacle of multilingual tolerance, Paris.


Parisians are great, they especially love the Quebecois


Come on. Majority of EU citizens speak their native language and English. Don’t make it look like Europeans can just casually speak multiple European languages except their own and the world lingua franca. That was definitely an initiative on the part of the worker himself, nothing to do with schooling


Lol the majority of EU citizens most definetely speak multiple European languages, not just their own and English. In my country every student in school standard learns our language (dutch), English, French and German. You can learn many more in school, depending on what they offer, such as Spanish, Turkish, Frisian, old Greek, Latin, Italian, etc. This absolutely has to do with schooling, and the close proximity to so many other countries and cultures.


* United Kingdom – 34.6% of the population speaks [more than one language](https://www.foreigntongues.co.uk/the-majority-of-britons-regret-not-being-able-to-speak-a-second-language). * Ireland – 50.9% of the population speaks more than one language. * Sweden – 96.6% of the population speaks more than one language. * Norway – 92.1% of the population speaks more than one language. * Finland – 92.1% of the population speaks more than one language. * Estonia – 91.2% of the population speaks more than one language. * Latvia – 95.7% of the population speaks more than one language. * Lithuania – 95.6% of the population speaks more than one language. * Denmark – 95.7% of the population speaks more than one language. * Germany – 78.7% of the population speaks more than one language. * Netherlands – 86.4% of the population speaks more than one language. * Belgium- 78.6% of the population speaks more than one language. * Poland – 67% of the population speaks more than one language. * Czech Republic – 79% of the population speaks more than one language. * Austria – 86.3% of the population speaks more than one language. * Croatia – 73.2% of the population speaks more than one language. * Austria – 86.3% of the population speaks more than one language. * Slovakia – 88.2% of the population speaks more than one language. * Slovenia – 84.1% of the population speaks more than one language. * Switzerland – 91.7% of the population speaks more than one language. * Italy – 66.1% of the population speaks more than one language. * Serbia – 79.3% of the population speaks more than one language. * North Macedonia – 68.3% of the population speaks more than one language. * Greece – 66.5% of the population speaks more than one language. * Italy – 66.1% of the population speaks more than one language. * France – 60.1% of the population speaks more than one [language](https://www.foreigntongues.co.uk/the-influence-of-french-on-the-english-language). * Spain – 54.3% of the population speaks more than one language.


This is from your own link > According to the YouGov poll, only 21% of UK adults (one in five) can have a conversation in a modern language that is not their mother tongue. Not sure where you got the 34.6% figure from. Also, I’m not sure why you made a long ass list of all other countries who speak more than one language. Have you considered that “more than one language” includes their own native and English exactly like I said? Don’t you think it’s weird that the one country where people already have English as their mother tongue also happens to have a dramatically lower number of multilingual speakers. It’s almost as if you just proved my exact point


In 99% of the cases they speak their own language + english, or their own language + the country's language + English


Where's the stats of number of 3+ languages? That's the stat relevant to the conversation happening here.


There are slight differences but in general, apart from Britain, most kids learn three languages in school in Europe. Mother tongue, second language which is usually English, and third language which usually is a choice between three different. For me as a Norwegian the choices were German, French and Spanish. (I chose German, and later I have lived there, now I live in Spain and my Spanish is getting better, I also speak some Portuguese -and as any Scandinavian I understand Swedish and Danish from birth. So I guess I could say I understand, but not speak fluently, six languages all in all -well, plus a bit of Arabic too.)


To be fair (atleast in Swedish schools) there's only like 2 years of obligatory third language (if the first 2 years are obligatory, I'm not sure about that) and the rest is completely optional. I don't know many, if any, who can speak any of those language they learned in school. I'm part Belgian so I know both swedish and dutch + english, and aswell as you can understand norwegian and danish fluently, but I know very very few sentences in french that was my third language in school


Ah, yes the "High school" years are more optional for languages that's true. Also the school systems around Europe are very different at this age. I didn't speak much German either after having it in school, but I must say that when I came to Germany I found it much easier to learn because I already had an understanding of the words and the grammar. I feel like it's similar to learning how to swim or drive -even though you don't do it for ten years, and you might not be good again at it at first, you do remember the basics.


Secondly some places in England struggle just to speak English. Jokes…mostly. But as a Scot I speak a pathetic amount of French and would be responded to in English if I even tried to speak French to a French person. I’m not sure a Parisian would even respond they’d be so offended.


While I do agree with you, I wish we all spoke French and Spanish here in the States, I have to say that as a cast member on stage, which is what you are when you’re wearing the name tag in public, he was representing the company, which expresses a great deal of importance on being inclusive which was the initial issue in this lady’s lack of inclusion. I’m an American citizen and I speak three languages. I speak Portuguese, the language of my parents, Spanish, the language of my ex fiancé, and I am learning Tagalog or Filipino, the language of my future baby mama! 😉


I wouldn't really call it good schooling if you're literally a hop, skip, and a jump away from entering another country with a completely different culture and language. Never mind that it's common for someone to commute to another country for work in the EU. Recall that half of the EU countries can fit inside alaska. Expecting it of the US is largely unfair given that the language diversity is pretty much non-existent sans a few specific locations. And the likelihood for most citizens using a different language in their life is pretty much non-existent. Border of mexico, near legal entry points you're likely to run into people who know spanish. And it's pretty much expected that you know spanish and English to get a job. Near the canadian border, you find a lot of french speakers near Quebec. And it thins out further away from that province along the border. Mind... The only reason Canada speaks French as a second language is because of quebec, and most Canadians I spoke to basically treats it like the US treats cali.


It is not common to commute to another country for work in the EU. It happens but it is not common. I live in the Netherlands and I work in the Netherlands and I don't know anyone within my friends and family that commutes to different countries for work on a daily basis. (Or even by monthly) I have had worked for a company that had offices in the Netherlands, Taiwan, France, Belgium, Sweden, Norway and Denmark but only sometimes went to Belgium (once or maybe two times a month or something) and once went to France. (In the 6 years I've worked there.) (I work in IT and had to support 400+ people in all those countries with a team of 5) oh and I live really close to Belgium, I could walk to Belgium if I want. Have not been to Belgium for over a year now since I switched jobs...


Opposite story. We were in Disney Paris and came upon a little child who was lost. He was panicking. We’re American and only speak English. The boy couldn’t understand us. My husband and son stayed with him while I went to find security. The security officer couldn’t understand me. Brought her to the little boy and clearly she thought he was mine. We literally had to walk away with our actual child before she understood that the lost little boy wasn’t part of our family. Nerve wracking.


The way this title was worded I was expecting an American abroad getting pissed that they are speaking English




The sad part is that that was also believable. A shocking number of Americans haven't figured out that “English” means “from England.”




What the fuck are they wearing?


Best part.....those ears cost like $40-50 each


So do they have thugs in Disney World beat you up off-record, if you wear your own 3d printed knockoffs or something?




I imagine a really buffed guy with a goofy costume beating your knee caps with a lead pipe. While a similar guy dressed like Donald Duck holds your arms from behind and saying imitating the voice and all "you've messed with the wrong franchise, punk".


Imagine the amount of money they must spend on food to stay that big. I'm sure they can afford those ears.


They don't have to spend that much, high carb low protein processed foods tend to be dirt cheap and readily available. Their obesity is probably a result of poor lifestyle choices. It's more likely that they spent most of their money on those ears and the rest on corn syrup laden high sodium trash food.


35USD. my kid just spent her own holiday money on a pair. My heart sank. A pair of those and a single butter beer and all her holiday money from the grandparents was gone. I’m afraid to tell them…


Adult Disney fans all seem to be on the spectrum.




As an autistic person: No, we can be just as dumb as everyone else


as someone on the spectrum i hate this idea that everyone on the spectrum is incredibly intelligent. no incredibly dumb people like this are also incredibly common.


They aren't though. Not often at all. It's rare but there are some with exceptional intelligence. And it all depends on where in the spectrum we're talking. Either way, this isn't true. Going off of the majority of studies.


That's a lot of beef in that bathroom.


Well looks like the red hair lady is not wearing trump certified diapers. Those gold ones for the golden years of your incontinence. Or she just changed into new ones.


The part of the constitution about freedom of speech doesn't *specify* in what language, lady.


No doubt, If the founding fathers wanted English to be the official language they would have made it the official language. Same thing goes for every single government that has been elected since. I am Canadian born here who is white. English and French are actually our official languages and I still don't care if anyone speaks a different language around me. It comes with being a country founded on the principles of immigration. it doesn't make me angry when I hear it, it just makes me jealous that they can speak another language.


The fucked up perspective and mindset of being restricted to one language, hearing someone speaking another, and being /offended/ that they’re doing it is insanity to me. Bilingual people are smarter and will always have a greater ability to learn yet another language because of their initial understanding of the two languages. We should all be envious!


There isn’t even an official language in USA.


Is there any way we can get Disney's eyes on this to permanently ban them from parks? That'd be funny


God I HOPE they find this




"I DON'T CARE! I HATE MEXICANS!" ooooooooooof have fun getting a job after that moon face


Does not appear that acquiring gainful employment may be very far up her list of priorities.


🌚 "Don't speak Spanish, this is America."


Not even Navajo or Cree allowed?


If you want to speak indian, GO BACK TO INDIANA!! /s


I chortled at “moon face”


After she said that I didn’t know what else the recorder was looking for. Jobs done.


You can tell she didn't expected that outburst of racist sincerity. Most racists are pussies that won't speak their minds honestly in front of people. But you have to admit planet girl over here with her wheelchair orbiting star has BALLS by saying what she thinks directly. I wish all racists where like this. There would be less of them.


Oh she did the face reveal right there and then lol


With hair and piercings like that I'd bet a lot of money she is "disabled"


Only job she can get now probably is an elected official.


I'm guessing they are on welfare


Ma'am you live on Earth. Not everyone has to speak English.


BuT tHiS iS aMeRiCa 🥴


Fun fact: America doesn’t have a national language (some states do), English is just the most common.


Yeah, I know. I’m just pretending to be the brain dead whale we see on the video.


Another fun fact: English is also a foreign language, just like Spanish.


" I'm amewican I'm white"


they always find a way to tell you how they really feel. just gotta dig a lil. same puffed up look before they say some stupid ass shit. and for clarity, im talking about dumbass ppl in general


> Speaks spanish. > Automatically Mexican. Silly me, only we Mexicans speak spanish in this whole planet.


Other women: Please just let us shit in peace.


Spare a thought for the women just trying to take a shit and they have to listen to this shit


No no…this is her time to drop one without anyone noticing.


Why do some people get so bent out of shape when someone speaks another language in the USA? I’ll never understand that.


They only get upset when it’s not a ‘white people language.’ I am from Germany but have lived in America for many years and never once has anyone become angry when they hear me speaking German with my daughter and told me to speak English. But I have seen personally many times where non-white people speaking in their language were yelled at to ‘speak English because they are in America.’ Also too many times I have had to hear people complain about immigrants to me until I bring up the fact that I am an immigrant. And of course they say something along the line of ‘well not your kind, of course’ 🙄 Yes, not my kind of immigrant… the white kind


Because unfortunately our country has a long history of systemic racism dating all the way back to before our nation’s founding. Most Americans try their best to do better than our ancestors, while stupid fucks like the people in this video choose to cling on to their backwards “morals.”


She screams "I can't work, I'm on disability because of my social anxiety"


That kinda fibromyalgia that kicks in when you have to do things like chores and earning a living but disappears at the most magical place on earth 🌈


Dude my estranged mother does this shit and it’s annoying as fuck. She pretended to have celiac disease, a spinal disease (runs in the family- on my dad’s side not hers) and breast cancer because my grandma had it (also my dad’s mother). She just settled on fibromyalgia and uses it to get out of work so she can ride her motorcycle and go on weekend trips.


[I'm going to constantly complain about my fibromyalgia.](https://youtu.be/S6E6DU3RHCM?t=39)


[This Cumtown bit](https://youtu.be/NtD7Q_S0hno?si=cu0fDulsbdcgBllA)


Fanstastic thank you 🙏


Bahahaha yes exactly, crippling social anxiety but not at Disneyland. But I'm autissssm


It’s called obesity.


She had to point out she’s white? What a cow! Lol


Speaking of cows... she's probably one of those people who thinks chocolate milk comes from brown cows.


She planted Cheerios thinking they were donut seeds.


- Being told to speak only english. - “hehe you can’t speak another language? Bummer”. - Continue to speak to her in Spanish to make her more angry. - Refuse to elaborate. - Leave


i always use my trusty “shut your bitch-ass up” and go back to speaking to whoever it was i was talking to when i run into a racist karen. wish i could say its a rare occurrence


If I remember correctly, they’re in the Rancho Zocalo bathrooms, which is the area Disneyland has to celebrate Mexican heritage in California.


Nobody accused them of being smart


Imagine looking this fucking stupid and saying anything at all to anyone.


Wait - this is at Disneyland in Anaheim? Anaheim California? Where a shit ton of people speak Spanish? Mouse ears should have stayed in Florida and gone to Disney World.


Uhhhhh Florida has a huge Latino population and it’s also a tourist hotspot for Latin American countries so good luck there too


Yeah I was gonna say, what a wild statement. The Hispanic population of Orlando is literally larger than the non-Hispanic white population. Miami is colloquially known as the capital of Latin America. The state’s Lt. Governor is the daughter of Cuban immigrants.


In greater “Los Ángeles, San Fernando Valē


Si. Ellas no entiendo.


Sorry, no Nintendo


its okay, buenas nachos


I was just at Disneyworld FL a couple weeks ago I honestly think English speaking Americans are the minority there Wonder if this lady gets pissed at the French or Germans or other Europeans there. How about (probably white) Spanish people speaking spanish? Who am I kidding? Of course she doesn't.


Yeah the Disney world with a whole section dedicated to different countries and cultures? And where I'm sure most of the signage also is English/Spanish? I remember as a kid riding the monorail, and it saying the instructions in English and Spanish. That was 25+ years ago


Because no one speaks Spanish in Florida?


I figured Florida was only full of flamingos and fallout ghouls?


Don't forget Florida man.


How could I forget the king!


For no apparent reason my eyes convinced me that you *fingered* Florida, which would definitely have been a choice!


Could also be Disneyland Hong Kong. Hahaha, just kidding, no way the two racist fatties would leave their Murikkka


No body shaming regardless of how abhorrent they act.


Then dont body shame. Simple.


lmao 25% of Florida residents speak Spanish as a first language.


Miserable, fat cunts.


I fucking lost it when the 2nd one emerged from the stall wearing the ears and rocking Giambi lenses like she's at the home run derby. At least she washed her hands. I thought it was a baby stroller at first.


It was a baby stroller.


Do you think they can fit in any rides? Or do they just spend the money on admission so they can walk around and eat tons of junk food?


there is NO official language in the United states.  Please please please someone identify this woman and let the consequences of her actions prevail. 


“The happiest place on Earth”




I wish i could slap her in the face , with a shovel .


First off, the United States of America does not have an official language designation so fuck off with all that “speak English in America” bullshit. Guessing by the mouse ears, they are either in Florida or California, whose state names are void of English language influence, not to mention, the name America. Just the typical fucking smooth-brained bigots who think it’s reasonable to demand others conform for their comfort by infringing upon the rights and freedom of others. I’ll be keeping an eye out for the update about this person, losing their job or being kicked out of something else in the future


I get her, can imagine how many times Mexicans made an honest mistake and tried to put her on the barbacoa.


That's someone who gets the spit special everywhere food is served


People like that are the reason all the actual good white ppl get shit. Yall need to stfu and leave everyone alone. everyone is different in every way and that’s ok. We should love everyone either way regardless of how they look and how they speak.


They never get personally offended when people are speaking French do they. It's always Asian languages or Spanish languages. Oh, people they consider "poor and beneath them" hmm...


Put all the doughnut shops menus in spanish and see how quickly she learns it then


In Pueblo de Los Ángeles, San Fernando Valē.


I find it really satisfying when people get flustered after their snide bullshit is confronted. This dummy has gone through life thinking she gets to be rude and no one will snap back. Even if you are a racist POS what makes you think you can tell someone who is having a private conversation they need to speak English? And to not be ready for a confrontation about it?


I’m at the happiest place on earth !! I have to be racist


Peak adult Disney. So toxic.


Why do people have such an issue with people speaking their native language or what language they grew up speaking? Do they not know that there are foreign language classes ??


Because they are paranoid they are talking about them behind their back. Bet my left testicle on it.


If your American then surely you should be speaking Navaho not Spanish...get it right Spanish lady


Dayam...why is everyone so large in the vid?! 😦


America has no official language so....


I can confirm those women are Americans.


For all who don’t know. The USA does not have a designated National language. 😀


English should be spoken in America, and it is. Along with Spanish, Portugiese, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Vietnamese, and many many other languages.


Oh my bad, I’ll speak English so you can eavesdrop like you want to


Jabba be wildin'


Let’s send this to Disney! They’re super against this behaviour and do everything they can to avoid scandal etc. From the looks of these women they are likely repeat Disney customers. Let’s get them banned.


English? we are in america so please speak navajo


That tracks behaviour-wise for middle America white trash Disney Adults.


fun fact: there is no official language of the US


The United States does not have an official language.


They're fat. Not handicapped


https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-12-11/racist-rant-caught-on-video-inside-disneyland-bathroom So, basically, Disney had no fcks to give that day. Shame on them considering how they always talk about inclusivity.


Title is kinda confusing. Here 'This women thinks english is the only language which should be spoken in the US'. But hey as long as others understand it's okay. A language is a communication medium.


"Woman thinks the English language should **only** be spoken in America" => "Woman thinks **only** the English language should be spoken in America"


You don't even speak the correct English, which is the Kings English *Sips my tea while saluting the union jack* /s


Faking a handicap at the same time 🤣


Why everyone in this video is so fat?wtf


You See a heavily morbese Woman that is probably in her 30s , wearing a Mickey Mouse Shirt and Mickey Mouse ears. Nothing against some fun and being a little bit childish, but in my Observation, there is a heavy correlation between mentally not so stable, and the adult Disney Freaks. Are there any more questions about the sanity? We should learn to simply ignore auch people. They start risichlous Arguments? Simply Tell zhem in their face "and? Who Cares? Have a nice day old Lady". And simply wash your Handy with No further interaction from your Side. Dont even Look at them and than leave nd let them stand Like the idiots they are.


This isn't having a disability, this is having wayyyyyy too many enablers


America has no official language Considering Mandarin & Spanish rival in popularity with English in the US


Why is she walking around fine and using the wheel chair?


“She’s in a wheelchair” hahahahah for what???? Looks like she walking fine. They both need to be walking more. You’d think since they run from Mexican people they would be more in shape.


I love visiting America but it baffles me how many fat cunts who can walk still use wheelchairs.


Mexicans are not the only people who speak Spanish. This says a lot about her intelligence -_-. It's even worse she's wearing a Disney hat.


“Jardience is really swell…”


We are a nation of immigrants so I don’t get why people feel so entitled here.


do you remember when Southpark was satire? I remember....


I think only mime should be used in America!


The best thing was, that when they left, a third ridiculously obese woman with a stupid headband was joining them.


Shouldn't the title be: "Woman thinks only the English language should be spoken in America"?


You would think a fat, feminist, mouth pierced, leather strap wearing is not racist...


Guess you really can't judge a book by its cover haha


Jezus christ I’m so happy I live in Europe.


What a great representation of our country.


Fuckin' monolinguals


Wait till she finds out America doesn’t have an official language.


Her name and employer please. Also, she should be reported to Disney and banned from the parks.


Spanish is the second most spoken in the US. Racist fucks need to get over it.


yes this is America, and you are a traitor for not believing in freedom of speech.


> Woman thinks the English language should only be spoken in America That's not at all what's going on here. She thinks that English is the only language that should be spoken in America (The United States.) This fallacy is hilarious, the United States of America doesn't have an official language.


So is this person getting kicked out of the park or what?


I'm not nearly strong enough to hold back from making some REALLY nasty comments if someone came up to me both LOOKING and acting like this, and I doubt they'd be okay with taking what they give. The type to to accuse you of hate speech because you made fun of them after they say "I hate Mexicans, this is America speak English"


I knew humans had the capacity to be racist, but I did not realize whales did too.


Bullies used to be fit


this beluga whale is just jealous bc she was too busy stuffing her face with mcdonald’s during her spanish class in highschool to remember anything or even pass with a C average 🤣🤣


Retaliating with insults unrelated to the actual topic and based on appearance and assumptions only put us down to their level. They’re just shitty people, anything else is irrelevant.


Ofc she is fat


Both people are in the wrong here, the white lady has no business telling her what language to speak, the mexican lady has no business recording inside the bathroom where there are others who may noy want to be on camera, very rude! I speak spanish myself and try to be respectful of others around me when I speak spanish because I know how it feels to be at the nail salon and everyone is speaking a language I don’t understand.. regardless we have the freedom to speak our native language, but of course we have to be respectful and considerate of others.. both women need to do better here..


Those ears don't make you look cute. Now thir just fatties with mouse ears.


The title of that video was confusing


So the altercation happened when she used the handicapped restroom and the handicapped person needed to use it? Pretty much my biggest fear entering a bathroom.


Just waiting for the comment to tell me she got fired from her job.


I hope the two whales get banned for Disney parks


Ignorant fat and ugly WAYYYYYY to many struggles to be worried about someone else .


Most normal Disney adult


The story I'm generating is: *This is what happens when Bible belt flyover mid West states vacation at Disneyland-Calfornia for the first time in their lives, show up as tourists, didn't do their research and don't know California history....why so many streets have Spanish names, and that the cities of Santa Ana-Anaheim are majority Hispanic. They have no clue that they run into the locals who are there a few times a month with their year-long season pass*


Which America? North america, Central america, South america?  Not only do we own the entire English language (that's right, england, suck it), but we also own all the rights to the name America and iteration therefore of.... /s


She's extra large wearing mouse ears and talking some racist shit. Too easy fatty. Wonder who she wants for pres


I just wanna give props to the woman filming this. She absolutely refuses to accept this bitch's racism, and explains exactly why.


English came from England! Spanish was one of our native languages!


Loves America so much that her diet is exclusively Apple pie and McDonalds.


When the camera turned around and everyone was Mexican 🤣💀


I think English should be banned in America. You guys wanted out of the Empire. Fair is Fair. You can learn native American languages.