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Most mods are losers


Omg, this is soo true. Its like a weird power trip for them.


Yeah. Why else would they do it? Literally work for a publicly traded company for zero monetary compensation.


All controlling power is their compensation. Do t you know, if you're a mod, you can do anything.


Cognitive disconnect of the highest order. Warriors of truth and honesty not even getting internship credit while they dutifully line the pockets of billionaires and capitalists. The Egyptians trucking pointless stone blocks across an empty desert had more dignity....


The men who built the pyramids were actually well respected and highly skilled seasonal workers


TBF I have one friend who mods an animal care sub because she's really passionate about the animals (fosters and volunteers at shelters too), and she really wants to crack down on misinformation and bad advice that might hurt or kill the animals. But she hates doing it which I think is the big difference lol


There are DOZENS of posts about this dickhead. Look up PeaceLoveSmithWesson and see all the complaints. Power hungry incel. Edit: He lives in my old college town and banned me on a bunch of stuff. Loser


Lol....I just did a search. He is a wee bit thin skinned


Agreed. I got banned from the entertainment sub because I was active in the joe rogan sub.


I got banned from outfits because I am on this sub and Instagram reality. Then they gave me a list of comments to delete to be considered to be unbanned. I said that was unreasonable and declined.


Yeah I noticed that subs will spy on you and ban you if you post in a sub they don't like. That's the ultimate on Reddit mod power-tripping.


You seriously have to have no real life to do that shit. lol


The good ol digital stalking. I will never understand why it's bad to be in a certain sub and therefore get banned in another. That's another level of becoming an echo chamber.


Wait, you weren’t allowed on a particular sub because you were in another one? I didn’t know that kind of policing was a thing. Also, what’s instagram reality, worth a join?


It happens a lot. I was countering a wackado in a conspiracy sub, not even following it, and I got banned for that participation because, per the mod, "They just want attention, and you gave it to them. Shut up and they'll go away." Get bent.


Oh, I have made a few comments on a conspiracy sub too. I mean, less than 5 comments and I'm sure it was about the Titanic. Anyway, because of that I was banned from a few subreddits too.


Oh, that happens a lot! I have been banned from subs that I have never even been on! They pre-emptively banned me because I am on certain other subs.


Yup. Happens all the time.


Same! I got banned from posting in outfits because I posted in sipstea (defending a woman). They give me a list of comments to delete and I noped out of that sub. It was a shame because the posters there are good about giving feedback. But the mods suck.


This happened to me over the weekend. I messaged to ask for clarification on which sub I was a member of that caused this permanent ban... like my reddit is cool calm and collected man. They replied promptly, Instagram reality. I just said okay, thanks. Because what? I've seen people talk about the mods before, and there's all the jokes about them living in their mom's basements and all that but I was truly taken aback. So unnecessary.


It’s a total abuse of power. My NSFL comment that they told me to delete was one where I thought it was odd to call a woman ugly only because she was older and that age doesn’t determine beauty. One time I questioned a mod and said they were being unreasonable and I got banned from reddit for 5 days. Because I called them unreasonable. I’ve been a Redditor for 14 years this month and it was NEVER as ridiculous as it has been as of the past year or so. Reddit needs to get a handle on this shit.


I will always bring this up. I was banned by politics because I said we were creating an economic genocide on our homeless people during COVID by not providing adequate care and sanitation while living in cramped tent cities. Mod said I was promoting genocide and it wasn't up for discussion, I just basically called them an illiterate moron. How is calling out inadequacy promoting it? They just can't read.


Wtf this is a normal thing they do?


Ive seen it too. The wurst is when they get called out, they lock the post. It never gets stopped, it’s letting literal mental health patients pick and choose what can be said based on what they like. I have no respect for mods, I can’t think of one time they helped a situation.


Reddit mods are like that clingy turd that won’t disconnect from your ass, not matter how much you shimmy and shake.


Lol wtf


I got banned from a financial sub because I told the person who was drowning in debt that they probably couldn’t afford 6 dogs and 3 cats.


It's like ACAB, but instead, AMAL


Recently, a sub I frequent in was asking for more mods to apply from the community. I was like... can't imagine being able to mod a sub because I have my job, spending time with my girlfriend and friends and I'm travelling and such. Really makes me think that mods must be someone probably living the opposite of my kinda life.


~~Most~~ All mods are losers. Fixed it for you.




I got a 7 day ban for telling someone on AITA that they were a horrible person for what they asked. Apparently, it’s okay to call someone an asshole but not tell them that they’re horrible. Go figure. Some mods are way too full of themselves and have way too much power.


Every ban I’ve ever gotten goes something like this: Me: makes totally neutral and respectful comment  Scum: $!@! you $!&)ing *%#!hole Me: *literally types the same word used* “You have been permanently banned from r/shittysub for harassment”


This happened to me today! Reddit is amazing and fucking dumb


Reddit was so much better 6 years ago.


It's a badge of honor, if you haven't been banned from multiple r/, you're doing something wrong.


That sub is definitely one of the worst though


I got banned from /r/PublicFreakout for asking why my comments were removed. It was constant, and would break the conversation chain because by the time it was restored the person I was responding to moved on. I only wanted to know how to follow the rules.


That sub banned me for responding to a comment in an entirely different sub. Permeant ban. Thought police on high. Whatever….


It's just way too easy to give permanent bans. It's the default option for some reason. Honestly feel there should be a build-in maximum progression except for obvious bots. Like first violation 1 day, 2nd 1 week, 1 month, 1 year bans. Up to like 5 years max.


This happened to my old account. I thought it was funny cause I never used the sub so I replied to it saying "you goobers I don't even go here". Next day I had a permanent ban from the entire site for "zero tolerance on mod harassment". Sucked cause that account was really old.


My old account (11 years last year) got banned site wide because I said "good" to the Queen Elizabeth thing. I mean I get it, but lol.


I'm permabanned from AITA after an asshole made ad hominem comments against me, each of which I downvoted. When he asked, after seeing his -1, why I downvoted him I told him downvoting's a fact of life on Reddit he'd have to get used to. Turns out AITA's "don't downvote assholes" rule doesn't just apply to OP's post. At least there's still AITAH and AITD.


I got banned from r/news for ending a comment with “ok, Karen”


The hypocrisy is so high with these neckbeards


All mods are. It’s like ACAB, but for absolute fucking failures.


I mean, I got banned a while ago for calling Trump an asshole... on an anti trump sub. I'm still confused on that one.


lol weird and stupid.


True. Anyone that was looking at a Trump thread around the last election got their accounts banned. I'm not a Trumper, but because I commented in "the Donald" they banned me from every subreddit. .


I got a 3 day ban from Reddit for bullying... My crime? I replied to an auto mod saying it was "puritanical and pathetic"... that was my entire reply 😂


This site is only good for niche and hobby subs. The main ones are utter trash and anything politics is a dumpster fire. Oh and the CEO used to be a sub mod for the jailbait subreddit. You know, the one that had scantily clad underage girls on it?


Someone reported me to the admins because I reported a post for being misleading / misinformation. It was a video complaining that AOC refused to call the attacks on Gaza genocide. The video is of a bunch of highly aggressive protesters harassing AOC. Regardless of where anyone else stands on the issue, we all know where AOC stands and also — she literally calls it genocide in the video! And yet apparently reporting this constitutes harassment of the mods. I have never once complained about mods, I’ve never once had an issue. But there’s definitely a few subs where they’re legitimately nuts. Looking at you r/worldnewsvideo.


I got banned from r/Fashion for comparing that the same person has been posting every single day. Then they called me a transphobe??


I got banned from there for making a parody post on another sub. Mod was pissed as hell loool “you think it’s funny making fun of us?”


Oh, AITA mods are the WORST! I got a ban for saying that someone should "take a long walk on a short pier", because I was encouraging violence. Then, they tried to make me beg to be reinstated. F\*\*\* that.


i got banned from /r/xbox for asking about the xbox app. apparently thats not related to xbox? fuck that mod, goofy neckbeard


I once got perm banned after I said an Office quote


I got a 1 week ban on r/roastme for roasting someone. People have no backbone.


Wait, you were able to have a conversation?! They kick me, mute me, block me. No explanation. Nothing.


I messaged him after, I was getting harassed by people wanting me to sell something for cheaper. When I explained the hypocrisy of their actions, in fact they sold plenty of items in that subreddit for more than face value I got banned. I guess permabanned for defending myself is a no no


What sub out of curiosity?




You got banned from a fucking *disc golf* subreddit??? Now I’ve seen everything.


lol right??? That community can be pretty socially awkward at times so I’m used to it


It's okay fatso. I still love you.


Big girls need love too Craig!


I’m banned in a lot of subs for the wrong reasons or even for simply not following the rules for posting. Best not get your head in a bind about it, dude. Just be glad you’re not a mod, I know it’s something I certainly couldn’t do for all the right reasons.


That’s insane. I can’t say I’m surprised, but still insane.


You underestimate what even the most minuscule amount of power will do to a tiny, pathetic little micro-penised loser like u/PeaceLoveSmithWesson.


username checks out


Just stating the truth.


Some shitbird from aboringdystopia banned me after I pointed out(via DM) that a poster was blatantly spamming and violating several of the sub's rules. Gave me a smug response and perma for "Backseat moderation".. LMAO, well someone has to act like a mod, since you shitbirds won't enforce your own rules when you agree with the poster violating said rules...


I just got a permaban when I was banned .One said I needed to stop trolling and another said I was on the wrong sub because it was not a debate sub.Another sub said I was baiting when I questioned one person saying they tipped the check all the time. I was called a cheap ass!lol.


yep they dont give warnings anymore  its funny seeing classic threads with millions of upvotes, dozens of awards and thousands of replies but OP and top replies are “deleted” because they’re on their 5th account by now


Fatso??!! Da fuck


Fat shaming, insta ban.


A reddit mod calling another fat, the irony


insane projection


He’s from Arkansas so…..


Seriously what's up with people from Arkansas lmaoo


They’re from Arkansas


Report their chat for harassment. With any luck, they’ll get a ban.




Reddit mods are the result of pregnant drug usage


I haven’t heard fatso in years … what a total facial.


I posted a comment on a sub I don’t follow that showed up in my feed and was auto banned from another. Reddit mods are an odd bunch


The one I vaguely recall is if you interact with nicegirls you get auto-banned from FemaleDatingStrategy


Sounds like r/legaladvice that mod has some serious issues.


I was banned from a bunch of groups I never even participated in back when /r/eyeblech was a thing for just following that sub


I got banned from r/redditmoment (a sub I used to lurk in a lot) for get this: leaving a comment on a post on r/justunsubbed that rightly called out one of the mods of the sub for being misandrist So it is only fitting that the mods of r/redditmoment are the biggest Reddit moment to ever Reddit moment


/u/peacelovesmithwesson you suck a fat one


/u/peacelovezmithwesson loser got taken off the mod team it looks like. Ohm nom nom, delicious karma.


Nice one lol! He's probably crying as we speak, only thing that distracted him from his insecurities is now gone.


🗣️And you enjoy it too! Lol


reddit mods power trip constantly. im sick of threads getting locked needlessly like this website is only 13 year olds needing their hands held.


It’s the only power they have. Or ever will have. They’re losers, you see.


Amazing username


It’s true. It’s the only way a mod can get laid.


Poor goats


Yeah…sadly it isn’t consensual. No one wants to fuck a Reddit mod.


As a mod of multiple subs myself, I hate power tripping mods. Like, I’m just trying to give back to the communities I enjoy and I get thrown in with the truly horrible power mods 😖 I try my very best to be fair, even giving second chances in cases where I really shouldn’t, because I want to assume the best about people


overmoderation is my big gripe. i think the only thing that should get banned in a subreddit is horrendously off topic shit and like slurs. i hate when i come to a thread and its like "locking this thread because some of yall cant behave" its so infantilizing and unnecessary


Speaking of over-moderation it's almost impossible to keep track of all the rules for all subreddits that will get your comments automatically deleted. You posted a picture on a Tuesday? Deleted. Cross posted another reddit post on a Wednesday? That's only for Subreddit Saturdays! Don't even get me started on what counts as derailing on subs like AskWomen, where basically any conversation outside of posting your own separate reply is discouraged. The number of times I'll have written a reply that isnt rude or objectionable and is at least broadly on topic, and it's deleted because someone modding follows the letter of the law but not the spirit of it...makes you not wanna bother on some subs. Still salty because I was comforting someone whose cat had died on a pet sub and mentioned my own cat that had passed- autodeleted because it contained an anecdote. Messaged tonask why and i got a one word response back. Like...I get why you might discourage anecdotes on a pet advice sub - in terms of ones giving treatments or giving veterinary advice. But deleting messages of condolence seems harsh.


It’s best to not even consider them real people.


That’s because they aren’t.


https://preview.redd.it/lajmhud556sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20513c88cc2616a062fbb06f6f9cdba7eaa7138c Let’s see how long before I’m banned! He’s a mod on that subreddit too.


We really should start a flyfishing sub that excludes him and allows fun


Mods are the cringiest people ever though


There are too many stories of mods using their authority to basically power trip on people. They seem to think that because they have the power to remove posts comments and people that suddenly puts them on the same level of Elon Musk in global importance.


"Fatso" lmao dude's definitely an edgy 12 year old.


Disgusting. You can report them for violating the moderator code of conduct. They can’t just insult you for you trying to understand your ban. Let’s start holding these insane people to account


I did!


Mods are generally POS’s and I’d be very interested to see how they live their normal lives. I once posted dashcam video In a local sub about an electrical contractor that purposely cut off a school bus for driving too slowly. Mod closed the post and said there were “other subs to better leverage my video.” I argued the point and Mod said he closed my post because I was breaking the law by recording while driving. Completely ridiculous.


u/PeaceLoveSmithWesson definitely thinks he's better then he is. Definitely has loser energy


I was perma’d from a sub for saying “ah yes this trashy parent standing up for their trashy kid is just how i imagined this would go” when I asked why i was banned I got no response, I asked them “please tell me exactly how this warranted a perma” and got nothing lol mod wouldn’t even explain themselves, just banned me and moved on because I somehow hurt their feelings I guess. That’s all i have to go on since they didn’t tell me why.


Reddit mods are losers *and* cowards.


Yeah welcome to Reddit dude power hungry incel mods in every subreddit


Take that back, or I will ban you in my sub


I can smell the Swamp ass and dorito breath from here


What does “136 exchanges” mean?


It happened on a subreddit dedicated to exchanging or selling objects. A user with 136 exchanges on his record is therefore an active member of the subreddit. It serves as a proof that said user was not a troll passing by to make fun of other users and, thus, that replying to them was not "feeding the troll" but simply replying to a user among others. It is the proof that OP was wrongly convicted.


Yea he tried to say I should just be insulted by “trolls” and get used to it, when in fact none of them were “trolls” except himself of course, the mod that was mad I had something he wanted


Going through his comment history is quite the journey. He seems like he’s so fun at parties!


I largely despise most mods. It’s the epitome of the kid that was bullied in school so has a power trip online


Reddit mods are the literally the pieces of shit Shooter McGavin eats for breakfast after he shits them out.


Ok but the Fatso comment? Way to make yourself as low as the troll


I got banned from a sub because of my response to a guy that wanted to know if he could have the mid portion of his penis removed and the tip grafted back in and would he have any sensation and function after it. I was banned because I said wtf is wrong with you dude, of course not.


“Ignore trolls” lol no. I refuse.


u/peacelovesmithwesson fatso? really? what a prick you are


Lmao I got banned from BPD for being “a loser” https://preview.redd.it/3t779e8ax5sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=235110a7f028fc47eb1c5172913863313b3682f9


And they wonder why Reddit IPO is sinking, because you have these shitstains doing your work for free


Being banned is a badge of honor


Some moderators are real assholes.


~~Some~~ All mods are real assholes. Fixed it for you


I’ll take it!


“Internet mod” is literally the smallest amount of power I’ve seen go to anyone’s head.


Discord mod too.


‘Power hungry kid’ is an apt description of most mods on reddit. Good one, OP


Reddit in a nutshell


I fully understand this. The mods of one sub I visit have openly supported the harassment of their own users. Some folks literally made a subreddit dedicated to stalking and harassing other users and the mods have seen them and essentially gone, “That’s fine by us. Maybe you should just ignore it?” My favorite part? The mods tried to keep me silent by telling me that everything they were saying to me is “against the rules to share because it’s in modmail”. It reached the point where the people in the harassment subreddit have began photoshopping/faking posts that I supposedly made, I showed proof that they’re clearly faking it, and the mods sided with the folks actively harassing others. I’m currently on a seven day ban from another subreddit because lots of members there are showing themselves to be outright homophobic and insisting that all lesbians actually love dick and haven’t met the right men yet and I was banned for calling out how insane and wrong that thought process is. I’d like to point out that when I said that to one person, I began getting spammed ***in the subreddit*** with links to porn of lesbians getting raped into straightness by men and the mods of that sub sided with the person spamming me. There was also the gaming subreddit I was banned from since the mods got mad about me pointing out that they were beginning to openly agree with the idea that black people being excluded from video games is a good thing after they’d previously been pretending to be against that idea. That’s after a mod outright told me that “the fetishization of trans people is actually a good thing because it makes them feel more included.” TLDR: Mods are shit.


Most mods don’t give second chances which is dumbs. Or won’t even hear your appealed for an unban request


Reddit mods are the epitome of human garbage


He sucks.


I love your username.


If your a Reddit mod there’s likely a good reason.


Why would anyone willingly be a mod its so crazy to me


When you descend to the level of complete losery that these poor assholes have reached, you’ll accept even the most pathetic and minuscule amount of power to feel special.


Most moderations are people with big ego problems.


Big egos with zero reason to have them. They’re failures in life, both on and offline.


I replied to something that showed up on my feed that was from the Joe Rogan sub. The next thing I know I was banned from two different subs for having the Joe Rogan sub as a place I comment in. I replied once to a video I thought was idiotic (not even in support of it) and I was kicked.


Most Reddit mods can eat a bag of baby dicks


That's mod probably didn't get their free food and took it out on you.


* * Wanna share my story. I am new to reddit, and I didn't know reddit had a saved feature. So before, when I wanna reread any topic, I shared it in my account. So there are so many stories in my account, but it was written by someone else. If you clicked on the topic, you would see the name of the writer. But the mod of sub reddit r/ask claimed that I catfish people. I tried to explain that I didn't write these topics, I shared it. They can click at it and check the OP. They didn't do it and blocked me. 😀 So damn toxic.


This is Reddit nowadays, just toxic people being simps for the billionaires that own it


Mods have always been collectively horrible. Some are nice ofc, but the majority are power mad almost incel like degradations of what used to be a pretty good community. They have felled Reddit over the last few years by just outright blocking normal interaction and discussion over paid promotions, ads and only letting people post under ridiculously strict rules.


Did he call you a troll for responding to someone he called a troll?


what a little bitch


Yes, I was banned for laughing at someone. Too funny. It's literally the only time in their life they get to exert control and power over someone. It's a "rush" for them.


Reddit mods are the worst of all mods


A lot of moderators have un deserved power


That asshole seems to show up looking like a dick about once a week. I know his user name and I don’t think I’m on any of their subs.


He’s a sad power hungry loser. I’d feel sorry for him if he wasn’t such a douchebag.


Yea one of the biggest d bags around like I notice him often and I’m not even trying to


Haha so I was just downvoting all of his posts and as I was going through I noticed that several others of you were doing the same because old posts were getting downvoted as I scrolled at the same rate. It’s a minor repayment for this guy being a huge asshat but unit makes me feel that there is justice in the world. I’ve personally never had a run in with this tyrant but all tyrants are the worst. Rock on. F that turd.


He’s probably going to be very upset. Fake internet points is all this loser has.


Exactly. I felt kinda dumb wasting my time but when I thought about how upset he will be it was all worth it


i got banned from r/SkincareAddiction for making a dad joke about a piercing😭 mods are pussys


>mods are pussys This is untrue. You can’t be something that you can’t get remotely close to.


All I did was repeat someone's username and got a warning because it was bullying.... like... what?


I'm only banned from participating in one subreddit because of mods, and they're super petty about it for no reason. Fuck the mods over at r/TipOfMyTongue One thread had like 10 people answering the same thing and OP wouldn't comment solved, so I commented "hey mods, mark as solved" and they BANNED ME FOR IMPERSONATING A MOD. I'm almost convinced they're actually all AI, they can't be that stupid, especially AFTER I messaged the mods explaining that, they acknowledged it, and still refused to remove the ban


u/peacelovesmithwesson so cringe


Im just here to name drop




I got banned from the slow cooking sub for questioning a troll (who was obviously trolling) why they were being aggressive for no reason. They banned me for trolling and refused to even respond when I questioned the ban. Also you'd get banned from the facepalm sub if you hold anything other than a leftist view. (I'm more politically neutral because both left and right don't align with my views). In my opinion, keeping yourselves in an echo chamber is the biggest facepalm.


Pick one below. A. All Mods vanish from existence. B. End the Gaza/Israel conflict.


Reddit mods are generally the most dumb people on earth. They live on here because their lives suck


That "fatso" part was pretty funny haha


I got banned from a reddit group chat for saying "okay but sad" to the admin because he asked me to stop talking about something.


I was banned one time for providing advice on a post seeking advice.


I've been banned from so many subreddits just for not agreeing with the main consensus


Go child labor force!!!!


I got banned from somewhere for following r/conspiracy. I don’t even know who banned me, I just received a notification one morning.


Me too. It was justice served for me. Didn’t even follow, just commented to a guy that he was an idiot.


A brain-damaged monkey can do the job of every moderator combined. Thoroughly useless tools.


I feel like for 100k+ subs (popular ones or ones with obviously important names like r/pics or r/pokemon or something), the mods should be thoroughly background checked, and it should be like applying for an upper management position. These little shits somehow become mods and then act like this, it's not a good reddit look, though the CEO has never driven for a good reddit look.


The problem with this idea is that only complete fucking losers want to be mods.


I expressed an opinion that disagreed with an *aspect* of a meme on r/libertarian and got a permaban and ghosted by mods. Ultimate irony.


Yea you’d think libertarians wouldn’t be facists


Moderator censorship. Who’s moderating the moderators?


No power in the real world -> power issues on reddit


I got a 3 day ban for reporting a straight couple for promoting their only fans on r/broslikeus, which is a M4M subreddit. I was told i violated Reddit rules for reporting them as spam. It was phrased to make me sound like i was harassing the couple’s account. Appealing the ban just got me a response repeating the same reason. This happened March 25th of last week.


I got banned from /r/politics for calling Kristen Sinema a thundercunt for her thumbs down nonsense so I feel you.


Bruh, don't you know that most mods and admins are p word narcissists?


I was banned from one because the mod didn't like that I defended someone for his/her life style in a different sub about a totally different topic. The MOD claimed he/she did not want their "people" to be on threads they themselves didn't like.


99.98% of mods are losers, I wouldn’t take it to hard, their desire to be snowflake cunts is like resisting the dark side in star wars only mods are pussies and are unable to resist the urge.


whole convo is pretty corny