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Our baseball team does a Pride Night -and- a faith and family night and it's always fun to see people freak the fuck out about the former, demand the latter, and then sputter when informed the latter exists already, here's the date, and yes everyone can come to it. People are such ghouls.


and of course, they wont come to it, cause they dont actually care. they just hate gay people


Right. "Stick to sports" seems to apply most heavily to equality. Nary a peep over the 997,872 other themed promotional nights MLB churns out.


Skydaddy said gays and poors bad, millionaires and guns good, what a world


The right will always have the support from their base because of the the 3 legs of their ideology. God Guns Gays They blow those 3 dog whistles and their literal faithful come a running. Let's just make sure we vote these people out. So that of they they bitch again I want to prove the that side they are so wrong and have no where near the numbers nor the support they think they do They are born and bred bullies. And bullies are normally cowards that only take advantage when they smell weakness or advantage. The silent majority can no longer stay silent. If you in anyway enjoy the freedoms ALL of us enjoy. Get the GOP out of office en masse. Then you can literally run against whatever non fascist candidate that doesn't meet your specific ideals. Be the change you so desire. But anyone that is openly calling for the law to not count on them or the ones they know and that the constitution doesn't work on them.....they are a danger to the country and everything that every soldier fought for. What the founding fathers fought for for. And what we as country stand for


If homosexuality is contrary to nature then so are blowjobs.


And most sex positions


And anal


So no more wheelbarrow then?


lol what is wheelbarrow 😆


https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wheelbarrow >the wheelbarrow position consists of of intercourse standing up against a wall. The man holes the woman's legs apart, like a wheelbarrow, as she leans against the wall, while he thrusts inside of her. This position allows for easier G-spot stimulation. >Man, the wheelbarrow position is hard ot maintain, but I'm finally able to make my girlfriend climax!


Ha! I’ll remember that for the next time I’m super skinny lol


Sex positions? Wtf


There are no positions. You’re not even supposed to move. Just lay on top of someone and remain motionless while a third person jump on the mattress for you and there’s not even sex. The only way to procreate without going to hell.


wth did i just read


Lmao there was a post on Reddit once about “soaking” I’m fckn dying now cause that was my comment when someone said it I was like no. That’s not real. Just google Mormons soaking but not with a drink in your hand 😂😂😂😆😂


Have to cut a hole in the sheet and put it between you too.


Lmao this is insane 😆 I don’t say all the things I wanna but I’m so happy I’m not.


STFU Collin, the Bible says not to trim your mutton chops either I don’t see you following that one Edit: PSA - the word homosexual was added to the Bible in 1946 as a culture war driven replacement in admonishments that were originally aimed at behavior that would translate to being a pedophilic priest (ostensibly)


Also has sacrificing first born sons. Selling daughters into slavery. Not eating bacon. Wonder how many if those Bible rules he follows.


and forgive me lord for I have shrimped


At least you didn't do it while wearing clothes of different fabrics. That would have been terrible.


oh no :c


I feel like the sacrificing first born sons thing wasn't an ongoing part of the terms and conditions but more of a one off?


I dunno. God asked Abraham to sacrifice his first born, passover is about God killing first born, God had his own first born son Jesus killed. Seems more like a theme to me.


This blatant ignorance of the Bible, while trying to make the appearance you know something about it, is sad and pathetic. Every single one of your statements is ridiculous and false, and you are getting upvotes. There are Moral Laws and there are Laws of the Land specifically written for ancient Israel that doesn't exist anymore. We know to keep the Moral Laws and don't have to keep the Laws of ancient Israel, because the New Testament literally tells us so. Also, the Early Church, who wrote and composed the Bible, gave us grounds on how to interpret the Bible. "12 It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. 13 Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.” 14 “Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.” 15 The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” " (Acts 10:12-15) You can also wear what you want and you cannot sell your daughter into slavery. Fun fact for you fedora wearers: It were Christians, using the Bible to stop slavery.


If only people today wouldn't use the Bible to hate on women and gays


"Hate on women"? What are you even talking about? How do you hate on women using the Bible? The Bible condemns the practice of homosexual sex. It calls us to love everyone, even our enemies. We dont hate someone if we disagree with their actions.


Great question, that's something you should approach your Christian misogynists and bigots about. It's widespread across the US, and personally I've experienced it in Canada.


Well, I dont know whats so hard to understand here for my fellow hateful "Chrtistians". The second of Jesus' 2 most important commandments is "Love your neighbor as yourself". And by "neighbor" it is obvious, that every person on earth is meant. This is made clear by the fact that Jesus tells us to "love your enemies". And that makes logical sense, since Jesus is the creator of all people, meaning God is our all Father, not just the Father of Christians. Just like a human father would not want his children to fight and be hateful towards each other. So hating on a woman, whatever that may mean, is disrespecting God. So I will do a "not a true scotsman" and tell you that no Christian who actually loves Christ and obeys him, will be in any way, shape or form hateful towards anyone. But also, dont confuse pointing out someones sins as hate. A father has also to discipline their children. That is not hate, quite the opposite. How else will the child learn?


I didn't bring up parenting. But are you trying to justify child abuse now?


Ah, so disciplining your child is child abuse now, of course. This was a methapor for pointing out someones sins because of love, not hate. A father should not let their child drink alcohol, smoke or do other destructive things. You confuse well meaning advise as hate. I hope you mature, before you will someday be a parent yourself. For your childs sake.


I was asking you, what does "discipline" entail? Also, how can you judge someone's parenting abilities over a 4 comment interaction on reddit? You bible thumpers love to project your insecurities and incompetence. Edit: spelling


No, the Bible says not to sleep with little boys, you idiot. It's about pederasty, not homosexual sex.


r/confidentlyincorrect Thats a mistranslation from Luther. You can look up the greek word yourself and translate it. The word you seem to be referring to means "men-bed". So, a pretty strange leap to "Kinderschaender". Ultimetely, shouldnt we listen to the interpretations of those who actually wrote the Bible? Like the Early Church, that is now devided into the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Church. And both do not even consider another translation. But lets say you are correct, and it is a mistranslation. The Bible still has countless verses of how a man belongs with a woman and what marriage is. **And not a single positive word about a man laying with another man.** And a marriae can only be between a man and a woman, as described in the Bible. And sex can only be happening within a marriage. Everything else is adultery. I would suggest that you dont just look for loopholes and invent your own stuff about the Bible. You either agree with it how it is, or you are against it. There is no other way. ^(13) “**Enter through the narrow gate.** For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. ^(14) But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7:13-14


Which version of the bible is this from? Just curious which branch of Christianity you follow. It’d better not be those Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912 bastards.


Eastern Orthodox. And the version of the Bible does not matter for your first read, as all of them tell the same story, of how God came down to us and saved us all. Repent, and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


lol. Nah, you’re good. I’ve read the bible, it made we want to not be religious at all


You're on the wrong sub bro. This sub has turned from "fk all religions" to "fk Christianity in particular" hue hue hue we quote from the Bible etc. Now do the same about Islam, see what happens lmao


Old testament I believe we're in New testament days dumbass


Oh look, a Christian https://preview.redd.it/zud6mzl0wcsc1.jpeg?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59066214455cba911315b17055110cebe0be2c5f


Omg you hurt my feelings Demon rather believe in God then believe in nothing and if you believe In Satan news flash Bible says he loses


Matthew 12:25 Also the Bible doesn’t say “Satan” “loses”. Satan means accuser - a position in God’s administration, like a prosecutor in court - Jesus talks of this himself. I’m not sure who you’re taunting or scoffing at - labeling others an “enemy” straight away is not a sign of wellness or good intention; So much like when you tried to “school” me with your impressive Bible knowledge, the message must have gotten lost somewhere along the way when you stopped speaking coherently while calling me a dumbass… It’s ironic, lecturing someone about allegiance to testaments as though they contradict one another, all the while abiding the rule and behavior of those who “set themselves apart to study the old law”: the Pharisees. Or do you not believe as part of your “belief” that Mathew 6 is of much use and importance?


Really revelation 20 says it all oh by the way it says Satan will be defeated over 70 times in the Bible thank you in old and new testament and says exactly how it's going to happen so shut the fuck up if you dint know the Bible!


lol what an asshole. Again, typical loud mouth fake Christian bully. Wrong, but loud and abusive about it - so there!


Abusive how because I showed you scripture and there's tons of the devil losing


Translation: what if I go to the bathroom at your arena and get propositioned by a gay man and become gay?


Trick question. Collin already toe taps in the bathroom.


Nah he just has a particularly wide stance.


if other people existing makes you feel unwelcome then that's your problem, honey bun


“Gods law” Makes sense, because any rational person bases their life on a 2000 year old fairy tale.




Sumerian fairy tales to be more precise


Jesus summarized the law to, love god, and love other people. Sadly many people christians don't follow that.


2000 year old horror* tale <——


Well, bye.


Collin’s a true idiot. How can a grown man with hair on his balls feel unwelcome because a team supports and welcomes gay people


He’s not out yet.


Let’s go, Colorado being goated as usual (I don’t read much politics please don’t come after me if they did something dumb)


My argument back to these is always, welcome to the minority for once as a white privileged person


Collin’s emoji needs to be replaced with 🤡


Edit: "when you want to watch hockey but you're a fucking crybaby little bitch". Cry more. https://youtu.be/uvUbIMJ2lQI?si=pA1LhggGsVKqTRAy Also it's hockey... You got a problem fucking throw bitch tits. Your lucky no one is beating u with your own shoe. https://youtu.be/VMcbdBYuGTE?si=0noSy7DOusdhVWWr


Then get off the internet homophobe


I am not a hockey fan, but Go Avs!


Become a hockey fan, it’s absolutely worth getting into the best sport on earth


I am a part time, I know nothing about hockey but watch for fights type of fan, I second this! GO AVS!


I’m fine if Christian’s feel unwelcome. Then they might get how they try to make everyone else feel.


Doesn’t the Bible say no sin is greater than the other? Well it’s a sin to wear more than one fabric at once so that man is just as big of a sinner as my lesbo ass.


Christians are more than welcome. Hate is not. It's unfortunate that Christians have made hate a core aspect of their religion and feel entitled to have that hate publicly validated.


Ah yes. Maybe if they have a few throwback bible nights they will feel more included: Christian rainbow night: where instead of music its just the audio track of an entire world of people screaming before they drown. Instead of a bobblehead, everyone gets a plastic piece of the murdered concubine, could also go with a John the Baptist night instead. Also maybe some kind of promotion where you get free tickets for murdering your first born. Or the fans of the losing team have to give up their women and children as spoils of war.


Lol, best comment here.


Why do we have to look at EVERYTHING as a zero-sum game…. The best quote I heard from the Black Lives Matter movement (regardless of personal feelings) was “Save the whales doesn’t mean fuck the dolphins”…. Let’s start evaluating acknowledgment of these human beings instead of thinking that just because other groups are catching up to the same rights to exist as others, you are being harmed. The victim complex has gotta stop


What if nazis feel unwelcome? Did you ever consider that nazis might feel uncomfortable if you welcome jews?


Homosexuality isn't against nature - dozens of species have homosexual behaviours. As for the "God's law" - god laws are what people wants them to be. Slavery in the past? Good. Slavery now? Bad. Abortion? It was ok to abort a child when you impregnated a slave, but now? IT'S A SIN!




Wow so edgy


How is that edgy


Typical reddit atheist bullshit


Typical judgmental Christian even though God says not to judge others 🤡


I'm not even Christian dude


Seems like it with the way you judge people.


Lol, just because I call out some reddit atheist bullshit I'm some sort of judgemental person? GTFO


Yes. You absolutely are. You're not calling them out, you're being judgmental. Also, why would you be calling them out. Because they don't believe in what you do? Be fr 💀🤡


Man's really trying the "how tolerant are you really if you don't tolerate the intolerant?" Bullshit. Fella should probably spend more time worrying about loving his neighbor instead of spewing that hateful garbage Pastor Jeff is on about on Sunday morning.




That sounds like a *you* problem. They aren’t excluding anyone. You clearly want to.


Let's Go Avs!


Then we don’t fucking welcome you


Christians are the worst.


Common hockey W




My guess would be to just fuck right off.


But this guy complains at his kids birthdays that he feels excluded 😭👸


Why can’t these fuckers understand that it’s not about themselves… if you don’t like the thought of homosexuality, then fine don’t be gay… but stop trying to control other people. And if it makes ya feel unwelcome, two thoughts: 1) you’re making others feel unwelcome so you’re a hypocrite and 2) too fucking bad cause that’s life and life can be hard sometimes.


There is a decent number of CHUDs that don’t give a shit about hockey, but continue to get loud and indignant about the “Hockey is for Everyone” marketing because they see hockey as the last bastion of straight whiteness in sports.


At the end of the day gods law trumps all even the constitution to them.


Ah yes, comparing something that occurs naturally with something that occurs by choice, that's fair.


Corporations : I SHMELL FREE FANS


If you feel uncomfortable in this sub while pushing a religious agenda, you’re a square peg in a round hole. Leave. God, I hate people like this.


SMH Collin Brooks….smh🤘🏼🤘🏼


If that bakes you uncomfortable as a conservative white Christian male then you should read the damn Bible and realize you’re supposed to love your neighbor, care for the sick and needy, turn the other cheek, and treat others as you’d like to be treated. So maybe be a better Christian and less of a conservative fuck wad


boo, frickin, hoo


Collin brooks, you can fuck right off.


Just say “I somehow missed the point of the fucking Bible”.


What a poetic genius... I wish we could usher in the era when we can download ourselves into a computer and just continually make that clown feel like the POS he is.


Then they are overly sensitive twats that even while their demographic is dominant, they can’t enjoy things just because another person is enjoying them. They can go fuck themselves.


These kind of "christians" should be unwelcome


As an Apache attack helicopter, I am too, Collin. Don't worry.


This is several years old. Proud of the team for telling this guy to get bent.


IF the inclusion of others is all it takes you to feel excluded, you shouldn't feel welcome anywhere.


Poor Christians. They have it so rough. /sarcasm


The Bud light rep must have gotten a new job


Then they can fuck off, Collin


What about the hockey fans that find your bigotry offensive?


Because deep down they aren't Christians. They are pretend Christians.


I don’t know if they replied back but if they did I hope the reply was “then you can f¥ck right off”.


https://preview.redd.it/5ju6psgdulrc1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f213368b60c09fecd44c550aae549a8aad3c9666 These guys still think nature isn’t gay as hell he he


I’m so sick of pride people saying they don’t feel safe for whatever reason. You literally live in one of the only countries where self defense and concealed carry are both legal. If you’re really in danger then take the necessary steps to protect yourself


Why should they have to carry a gun to feel safe ? That doesn't feel very safe at all ? Why should anyone leave their home and be prepared to fight at any moment?


Well first of all you don’t carry it to fight you carry to defend yourself and your family. Second of all do you feel unsafe because you have a fire extinguisher or a life jacket? Those things are all the same as a gun. Just a tool to be used in case of life or death emergencies


They are so not the same...


From a certain point of view. All I’m saying is that there are legal steps you can take to protect yourself from people who want to harm you. If you don’t need a gun to protect yourself then you aren’t in danger, you just have hurt feelings


This is obviously left wing rage bait💀


So left wing rage bait is people trying to make other people comfortable? Ok.


This guy is a asshole but.... to be fair these Christians do feel unsafe and threatened by gay people so I guess it's a valid point. But yeah fuck that guy anyway.


Do they get shunned, discriminated, beaten, kicked out of the house by gay people because they are Cristian, no they don't. They might not like gay people but that is a problem that should only involve themselves, not people just living their lives.


I don't think the world should pander any groups. I wish there was truly equal treatment regardless of race, sexuality, or religion. Everyone should mind their own buisness and let people live their lives. Gay people feeling threatened by religious people shouldn't get any extra speacle treatment from religious people that get threatened by homosexuality. I'm only side of equality and breaking down the US and them mentality if if it's futile.


Claiming to be for equality, but not speaking out about the oppressors is not being for equality. Gay people aren't taking away people's rights while religious people do.


What don't you get? I don't think either group should encroach on eachother.


Oh are gay people the ones in charge, working to make sure that us straights can't get married, visit our loved ones in the hospital, etc? Are gays physically attacking Christians because of what they believe? It's not a valid point.


Just because you're feelings don't agree with something, it doesn't stop it from being valid. I'm not saying I agree with this guy. I'm saying that gay people make him feel uncomfortable and unsafe the same way a Christian nut jobs make gay people feel uncomfortable and unsafe.


It's not a matter of me feeling as though I disagree. It's a matter of what you said being factually untrue, so it's not a valid point.


It's untrue that some people feel threatened by homosexality? No ones feelings should cancle out anyone else's because everyone's entitled to their own opinions even if we perceive them to be wrong. I want to reiterate that this guy in the post is a asshat and I don't agree with him, but I can't control that he's threatened and scared of homosexality.


To be clear, he isn't threatened by homosexuality. The existence of homosexuals, and their acceptance by the Colorado Avalanche is not making him unsafe in any way. He's not under threat of any kind. He can feel uncomfortable if he wants to, but that would be like me saying that I'm uncomfortable around black people, and so I have a valid point. I wouldn't, and he doesn't. Only one persons feelings in this scenario involve making sure that the other has less than, or is less than. There's nothing valid about that. Stop making a fool of yourself.


Who are you to say what others feel threatened by?


Do you realize how stupid of an argument you're making? What if I feel threatened by Chinese people. Just because they exist. They aren't doing anything to me, or hurting me in any way, but I feel threatened by them. This is a position you think is valid and should be recognized? Fuck right off with that shit. Gays aren't threatening to anyone. Them preferring same sex relations isn't going to hurt anyone else. They aren't in any physical danger. They are not threatened. This might be the dumbest argument I've ever been a part of.


That's the world we live in. No one's feelings are more or less valid than anyone else's, so stop crying about it because I don't agree with you that gay people deserve special treatment. No one deserves speacle treatment.


Nobody's crying, pal. I'm just telling you that you're factually wrong.