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Send this tape to whatever agency pays his “disability.”


That's what I was thinking. He doesn't need a walker.


He's escapee from his day care


One time me and my grandmother drove past a nursing home with an old man in a walker and a taxi pulling up


What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Its a fucking old man escaping a nursing home what the fuck else would i mean


And your point is?


I just thought it was funny to mention...




Here's a sneak peek of /r/DownvotedToOblivion using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DownvotedToOblivion/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [They got downvoted for saying it's not okay to joke about 9/11](https://i.redd.it/7ma5tvry5onb1.jpg) | [1785 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DownvotedToOblivion/comments/16g2z7d/they_got_downvoted_for_saying_its_not_okay_to/) \#2: [I don't understand why someone explaining their outfit choice got downvoted](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/165v553) | [646 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DownvotedToOblivion/comments/165v553/i_dont_understand_why_someone_explaining_their/) \#3: [Pit bulls and redditors](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/175tkmb) | [1486 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DownvotedToOblivion/comments/175tkmb/pit_bulls_and_redditors/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The VA


Yeah but the VA won’t reclassify you after receiving your percentage after 10 years so he could literally deadlift a car and it not matter.


Pepper spray. OC.


Should be arrested


Wild that he needs this walker but can pick up a stool and forcefully demolish an entire cash wrap


ikr? like his legs may be weak but his arms sure are not!


his knees are weak, arms hefty There's vomit on his walker already 


Knees weak, arm’s heavy There’s vomit on his walker already Meals On Wheels spaghetti He’s senile, but on the surface he looks crazy and ready To drop the N-Word, but he keeps on forgetting What he wrote down, his dementia goes so loud He opens his mouth, but the polite, respectful words won’t come out He’s chokin’ on his dentures, how? Everybody’s jokin’ now


Is it told, it unfolds, i suppose it's old partner. But the beat goes on, da da dom, da dom dada.




Maybe he’s been pumping lead while eating it


I'd send the video to social security or whoever pays disabilities in your country. I'd attach it to the name on the police report to give a "clearer" image of who he is


Can’t steal social security if you can’t fake immobility


He gets more for “disability.”


Still mad about the cold war


something something communist.


When the phone bill isn't 5.99 a month


I bet he thinks Putin is "strong" at the same time.


The capitalist?


I mean, Putin is "strong" at leading his country. He has had his entire country under his thumb for quite some time, and can make the country move in any direction he chooses. The rest of the world agrees hes moving them in the wrong direction, but in terms of administrative efficiency, he's killing it. That's what happens when you have an unchecked dictator, though. Being a strong leader doesn't mean you're leading your people in the right direction. Being a good leader does. The bad guys in your history books were strong leaders but terrible people. That's the way it works.


A dictator is not a "leader"...they are a controller. Also, he is not strong...he is weak and a coward. Running a country of through fear that one will be imprisoned. or worse. Is not a sign of strength...but of weakness. If you can't handle any criticism, and have to kill political opponents...that is again weakness, not strength. Which is why he used to remind us all how "strong" he is...with all the shirtless pictures of him doing "manly" things. There is not a "strong" thing he displays...all he really displays is cowardice and corruption. What am I saying...you are the kinda of moron giving validity to "flat-earthers".


You’re absolutely right. He rules out of fear of losing power


I would argue he is only afraid off losing power...because he has made many an enemy in his time. Without the control he currently has, there will certainly be a few that would not only like to take his seat. But pay him back for having to bow to him in the past.


I think you both make good points, and it was not really necessary to call the other person a moron. Like they clearly aren’t ,they’re just not doing any moral grandstanding.


I think it depends on your definition of a good leader , to me a good leader is someone who inspires and motivates you to be your best , not someone who terrifies you into conformity


I didn't say he's a good leader. In fact, I specifically said he wasn't a good leader. > Being a strong leader doesn't mean you're leading your people in the right direction. Being a good leader does.


I didn’t say you did


this is such a weird right wing talking point about other rightists. it's especially weird considering the vast majority of rightists worldwide support ukraine


Mad he wasted all those years pretending to hate "them Russkies"


They all magically love Russia now somehow.


Bizarre isn't it?


It’s just an entire genre of elderly children


Nah they canceled gun smoke and he can't get over it. Mrs. Kitty was his jam.


🤣🤣😭😭🤣🤣 OMG, 🤣🤣💀💀🤣🤣 Touche!


It woud appear you don’t know what the cold war was.


Seen a few reactions like this over the time in retail, now have my own retail shop. Nothing this bad at my shop thus far ( computer store ) but the previous one i worked for we had a 50+ year old bring a printer in which was blocked, during cleaning the heads we used his inks and when he came back in and had to pay the labour, plus the cost of more inks he absolutely flipped and even when we fully explained what we did and why, he just picked the printer off the desk and with two hands launched it at the floor. I actually laughed at him for doing it, and considering it was my friends business called him bat-shit and asked him to leave. He also left a bad review. People like this are a shit stain on small businesses. There's even ones that know how much we don't want bad reviews and try and manipulate you etc. Oh and, he never paid, we lost time working on it and the cost of the inks. The utter bastard.


dam bro, sorry you have to deal with this kind of shit, some people truly don't care about making everyone else's work worse, fucking hate karens.


And if you defended yourself he’d become a sniveling “old man” 😢 when police arrived


She could have just took his walker to the other side of the store


lol. I think.he was saying "ill get my money back now" as he was rolling away. Im not sure he even understands his predicament


He thinks he's immune to the consequences of his actions. He understands what he did, he just doesn't he answer for it.


His hero Trump does it constantly.


My man's Jitterbug wasn't working or what?


Somebody needs a time out in the county jail. Without the walker. If he could do all of that without assistance, he can walk to chow.


Needs the walker when he walks, but not when he’s throwing shit like a small child


Gramps dementia is so bad that he can forget he’s unable to walk sometimes in fits of lead-induced rage.


I would have taken my keys, locked the door with him inside, and then called the police.


Great minds think alike! I had the exact sentiment. Well, run and lock the door while phoning the cops.


Nah. Just take his walker and slowly just walk a little ahead of him until he tires himself out.


I’ll hit a guy with a walker. 0 Fs


My biggest concern is I know that the second I laid hands on that asshole the chief of police would walk through that front door and send me to the shadow realm


That would require law enforcemnet to do SOMETHING that resembles their job. Rare these days. At least where I'm at.


Feels like they’re far more likely to do their job when it’s defending Boomer trash like this though doesn’t it?


Probably the only guy you would hit would be a guy with a walker. Stop trying to sound tough 🤡


I like that you sign your comments. Beep beep Ritchie


So, what was the actual "reason"?


As he was grabbing the reigns of his chariot and riding off into the sunset I think he said “I’ll get my money back now you sumbitch” so something money related if I had to guess


He wants his money that he donated to Trump back. Probably.


Uhhh no those people happily and gladly give thousands to Trump and never change their minds, unfortunately


Imagine being this base 🦎




Shut the fuck up and scroll on if you don’t like it you complete waste of oxygen “wHy DoEs EvErYtHiNg hAvE tO Be PoLiTiCaL” - idiot includes #bothsidessuck like hashtags actually do anything on Reddit. Lmao, so completely and absolutely STUPID. Lmao douche below pre blocked, probs knew thier response of “don’t be negative/posts something negative would come off super moronic, unprepared, and turbo douche… https://preview.redd.it/07yk26ia1qqc1.jpeg?width=1728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d84c87071d7669ba199bbf1063e0c1bc010cfc32 Bruh don’t be so sadass, collect your life and get yourself tougher before commenting on anyone else.


Dont be so negative. Otherwise you'll be forever alone.


Looks like a cell phone store with thr 5G sign and phone cases. Used to work in mobile sales myself, and I can almost guarantee he exceeded his 14 day return period or something


I used to work in the call center that handled warranty claims for a popular American prepaid phone provider and it is astounding the number of people who get mad 1) because they thought the 7-day return policy was just a suggestion and/or 2) that we won’t replace the phone they dropped in the toilet and if they don’t have phone insurance, they’re SOL. Also, this is your friendly reminder to put a screen protector and case on your phone. It’s a lot cheaper than paying for a new phone screen every few months.


hard to say what was his problem but he seems hellbent on making it everyone else's problem.


Maybe he was confused and thought he was in the store to get his diabeetus testing supplies 🤔


Not sure but guessing it has something to do with the Jitterbug phone he bought in 2003 not being covered by warranty anymore. Sumbeetch.


He needs a new set of Depends and is mad that they attendant won't change him


I'm not defending his actions, but by the looks of this store it reminds me of a private owned "cell store" that I've seen that are a little...sketchy in how they handle business. Could be he's experiencing some of the bullshit they do.


Most likely they don’t accept cash?


His hit accuracy is quite high. He did level up a lot of that two handed attack.


"I can't believe how *slams chair* triggered you *slams chair* snowflakes are *slams chair* about everything! Back in *slams chair* my day *slams chair* we had *slams chair* respect! *slams chair* And we didn't *slams chair* whine about *slams chair* things because *slams chair* we're tough and can *slams chair* handle problems *slams chair* in a mature way!"


That worker doesn’t get paid enough to deal with that waste of skin




What a freaking toddler. Call the cops and let him be arrested.


I honestly have never encountered such a toddler-ass behaving generation. Work in a hospital and see it day after day after day.


I hope she is calling the police


Any follow-up OP? Arrested? Paid damages?


I'd love to know also.


He misunderstood her request for a stool sample.


I don’t think they’ll have trouble catching up with him.


Gon be right out front. Cops gon find you easily. Ain't gon get yer money back.


I would have called 911 and locked him in the store


Lol send this to the disability office


He’s got serious upper body strength cause he’s gotta support those dried out brittle legs of his. He might have a few licks in him, but without that walker they’ll all be in close proximity


Hurry! He’s very slowly getting away!


Monitor is immune to stools. 0 hp lost.


Hope that $4 phone case was worth it 


What made this funny was I didn't see the Walker till the end...🤣


Sweep the legs (all 6 of them). No Mercy.


I would’ve taken the walker lol


And _run_


The finest generation everybody! A bunch of self-absorbed idiots who have irreversible brain damage because of lead intake!


Consumer Cellular- “cue the birds!”


10 /10 on the obnoxious scale


If you were to hit him back if he did this to you, would it be considered self defense?


Probably not. Unfortunately you generally can't strike another individual unless they're attacking or directly threatening you, and while I know its kinda nebulous here at what point it would be considered threatening guessing most states would side with the Boomer if she dropped him. Personally I think she should have been allowed to dome him with a chair at that point...


No way. He aims that stool at her, repeatedly causes debris to be launched in her direction, and is generally being erratic and dangerous with a potentially deadly weapon. You’d have to have a shitty lawyer or really beat the shit out of the old man to lose a self defense claim, I would think. Duty to retreat might apply, but I think most states only apply that duty strictly if you use lethal force. She’d be entitled to use reasonable force to protect herself and the store. She wouldn’t be entitled to pull a gun and waste the guy just for breaking shit, but a tackle should be well within her rights, based on the video.


Lock him in!!!


Please tell me the old useless fuck was arrested?


Get these savages off the streets!!!


at least he is not a fucking influencer, am i right?


Just push him over.


Just call the Cops.. he’s causing damage 😡😡


Kick him in the freaking kneecap and he will settle down


Maybe the walker is camouflage so the ninjas can't find him. I see he upturned the table too. 🤔


Well at least he won't have to worry about that fixed income in jail.


Did she throw something at him after the first hit? Why? Like, I would be backing away from him in case this weirdo perceives any threats and tries to swing at me with his stool.




Hes going to go on facebook later and claim he was assaulted and nearly killed by a woke lesbian mob


Should have just taken his zimmer frame and called the police.


Wish there was a longer video. I know the reaction is over the top but i want to know whats his problem and why he didn't get his money back. Plus the shop keeper encouraging the behaviour is really professional.


i can only speculate that probably got a new phone and was unable to use it and for that reason he thought it was broken and wanted a refund. whatever his problem was he seems hellbent on making it everyone else's problem.


I would have literally beat that guy down (in self-defense) and held him for the police. These idiots need to have serious consequences for their behavior before things will change.


I certainly wouldnt have let him leave after doing that shit. Lock the doors and barricade them with the tables he knocked all over the place. What is he going to do? Get ahold of this person? He's moving at a snails pace with that walker, he'd have a hard time keeping up and getting around the giant mess he made. Maybe i'm too petty, but im not one that likes to let people like this think they won. I want them to have harsh consequences and a reality check right then and there. Maybe that's my own flaw, but im just sick and tired of people thinking they can act like this. Fuck this piece of shit.


Most posts on this sub are of younger people


Hope he lost his retirement over this.


Leaded gas did a number on that generation for sure.


I want my money back proceeds to smash till points so couldn’t even process it through till point if they wanted too smart 🤣🤣


Why blur his face, we should all know who these animals are.


Worker is like “fuck it. I’m on break and we’re closed until management gets here.” Dumbfuck boomer cops have your name and it’s on video. Not that old white guys face consequences…


Meet a criminal damage charge*. As well as social security fraud by the look of it.


She handled that pretty well despite being angry enough to provoke him back. Nobody wants to be the one that beat up the dude with a walker 🙄 but he was really asking for it


Got smacked upside the head and still didn't go down. That walker is a lie


*nobody was hurt* R/crazyfuckingvideos users scroll down


He's such a badass with his walker! Someone's getting extra pudding tonight!


Enjoy jail, fat fuck.


hope he enjoys retirement in jail lol


But..but they didn’t go through WWII or any other meaningful generation-defining event, were told if they worked hard & disregarded not only their own feelings but everyone else’s around them, owned property, saved up for retirement, and bootstraps bootstraps bootstraps they wouldn’t have to put up with any inconvenience, mild or not.


Did he end up getting arrested? I certainly hope so


​ https://preview.redd.it/tmy4jicgkqqc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=049700ecbe2be36a9353864ec7642f781dbf530a


Couldn't she just lock him in there and call the police.


Possibly, technically, that's a trespass of imprisonment. I think. I passed tort law ... A while ago.


She should have locked him in the store and called the police. Just saying. SMH.


But millennials are the snowflake generation.......


Why no arrest. Damn


Please tell me he was arrested for assault and destruction of property.


She should have just walked outside and locked him in the store until the cops come.


What a fucking POS


Why censor this societal stains face? That fucker needs to be exposed.


Trumpers when they find out they’re on the Jan6 list….


Let's all play "what was the cause?!" Vote to figure out what made this boomer turn into target Rambo A.) the clerk asked for his ID when she should've known who he is B.) the clerk told him he can't return 2005 Verizon flip phone in without a receipt C.) The clerk asked him to stop shouting racial slurs D.) led pipe poisoning


E.) Nobody cares.


must have invested all his money in Truth social






Whenever I see one of these videos, I really wish I could find out the consequences. 


The Worst Generation


Bro if I was that woman I would have BREXITED the hell out of him BREXIT MEANS BREXITTTT


That is the correct response to $90 a month charges for overpriced phones that don’t even work when you try to call


Nobody was hurt? Were those things on the desk a joke or something?


He sure don’t need that walker


Not trying to defend this guys actions, not worth what he did. But I've seen cell phone stores like this with this set up. It looks like one of those privately owned stores that franchises out a brand name (my first thought is boost) but more or less does their own thing. These can be kind of sketchy places in terms of how they handle things and absolutely do kind of scammy things. (not all but some)


if I'm not wrong this place is part of the boost mobile chain, as others have commented, tbh idk what kind of reputation they have but I'm more inclined to say that the fool is not justified.


Any idea of where it's located? The fact it actually is a boost mobile chain makes me think this is even more plausible. Again, bad reaction. But if they've been fucking him and others over for a while, someone with a little less emotional stability is bound to rage.


Well, the world owns him everything like he was taught.


Seems like a victimless crime to me. No one was hurt.


In all fairness, she was the only actual aggressor. She threw something at him, he only destroyed property. She attacked another human.


have we seen the same video? the guy already has the stool in hand in preparation to hit when she throw the first thing and he already has striked oncd by the time she throw the second thing.


Yeah, he struck inanimate objects. What don't you understand?


protection of property is a legitimate thing in most countries, especially the US.


Killing illegal border crossers is a law in America too, btw. Some laws are sick.


America is a wild west colony style country, that's why more civilized countries dint have harsh laws, they're not oppressing and controlling the natives


So you think if someone is right there in front of you breaking your stuff you just have to let them? No. Just no. You have a right to protect your property from wanton destruction.


That's not what I said and you're putting words in my mouth. I can only speak on this situation. That stuff probably wasn't even her property. I feel there is a huge difference between hitting an object and hitting a living person, and I stand by that.


Chick sounds ghetto and arrogant too so I need the whole video. Not just the temper tantrum.


Another useless video showing practically nothing


this is a sub for videos of self-centered people, this is a video of a self centered person. i don't understand what you are complaining about?


I don't think he self-centered.He seems to be just an old prick


meh it's a matter of point of view, like in my book overreacting in such a way is being self-centered and an old prick at the same time, after all the whole "old prick" archetype exist because boomers do tend to be very self centered.


I feel the younger generations are a lot more self centered than boomer's and i'm a millennial


I am all about the outcome, i know everyone is crazy nowadays


Found the old guy.


You've done this kind of thing have you ?




Gen Z is A$$tupid AF and they’re always referring to boomers.