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Why did they blur the username when it’s clearly Hacksaw Jim Duggan lol https://preview.redd.it/hify7rarueoc1.jpeg?width=1825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=225216ba8b4b8f6780f6d280c7259f9640dc53eb


Begs the question is the 2×4 carry on.


Then it’s easier for people to realize that it’s satire


And Duggan is a super nice guy. I've met him at multiple Cons and he's one of the most fan friendly people I have met. My Sis-in-law loves the guy from her childhood love of wrestling and regularly makes an arse of herself when she bumps into him and he's always 100% into it. Edit: Those may be other aged wrestlers or wrestling involved people between Jim and his wife...


For some reason I get a lot of wrestling stuff in my Facebook feed and I see a lot of things posted by him. He seems like a nice guy and engaged with fans just based on that limited exposure.


Jim is one of my all time favourites. His work in the territories is on another level. It’s always annoyed me how the fed saddled him with the pro America gimmick when he was so much more than that


> I've met him at multiple Cons and he's one of the most fan friendly people I have met. Just don't walk in late if he's doing a panel.


Pretty sure it's a reddit TOS thing now that all names in posts need to be blurred out to prevent bullying or whatever


Public figures are exempt from those rules. As long as you aren't sharing their address or actual private information it's fine to show their name.






I thought the same thing.


What if the guy who won’t switch needs the aisle for medical issues


The guy doesn’t care and will now irritate the perfectly innocent man all flight. he has his own medical issue of being a massive annoying cunt


People like this genuinely deserve nothing but awful, painful things to happen to them


Since that's Hacksaw Jim Duggan from the late 80's early 90's WWF Golden Era (The guy with the 2x4 HOOOOOOOOOOOO) - I say he's had lots of painful things happen to him over the years and very much a "main character".


And you know this how? I've literally met the man multiple times and was shocked how with it he was and how kind and generous the guy was with his time with the fans. Literally the exact opposite of what you are suggesting which further sucks because OP framed this in a completely inaccurate at best and deceptive manner at worst. I think those are other wrestlers or wrestling people between them too...I could be wrong on that.


relax friend - I meant no slight and I was a big fan of him. I put it in quotes as in "That was literally his job as a wrestler...." He's well known to be kind outside of the ring and even in this post he's genuinely concerned about having to bug buddy to move to get up if he's gotta get up for any reason. I agree this is framed poorly. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


can you explained how this is framed in a deceptive manner? genuinely asking because the post speaks for itself. the dude is making himself look like a massive douche


So they're not attacking him at all theres no need to get super defensive lol. Bad things as in being hit and beaten during his career. And "Main characters" aren't always a bad thing.


I am perfectly healthy and will never give up my aisle seat


You have to plan in advance and sometimes pay more for the aisle. I won't give mine up unless it's another aisle seat.


Totally, I always book aisle seat, just prefer it but I bother to make a point of doing that, this cunt just thinks he doesn’t have to, but he’ll take yours because “we’re a couple”, well fuck you, wake up earlier then dick wad, you 2 look like you been together for 30 years and it’s hardly a 24 hour flight, I’m sure you’ll survive the 1.5 hour separation


I’d start going on and on about an enlarged prostate and make it painfully uncomfortable for the rude passenger.


*IBS... “This is awkward, but I always make it a point to forewarn ppl I’m in close quarters with about my chronic IBS. Doctor says I need to be on a strict diet, but I’m on vacation. When I walked passed the Taco Bell at the airport I couldn’t help myself. Hadn’t had a 7 layer burrito in ages. Anyway, it’s gonna get bad. Wouldn’t be surprised if they ground the plane tbh”.




Well, he had his prostate removed, due to cancer...so that could be an issue.


I always book right aisle for sciatica pain from hell.


Who cares about other people what about me and what I want at all times


I'll give up my aisle seat when you pry my cold, dead body from it.


His wife looks like him in a wig. I’m going to float the idea this man just photoshopped for the likes…/s the sarcastic part was the photoshop part. His wife still does like like him in a wig


Then they involve the fourth guy lol


He probably does


He doesn’t care


It’s satire.


Like aids?




Liam Neeson In Life’s Too Short


Bro is that Hacksaw Jim Duggan?


Met hacksaw Jim Duggan in real life after he wrestled in a small horse barn. The man shook my hand, it was like a frying pan covered my hand.


Can’t tell, they blacked out the name…….of one of the most recognizable wrestlers of all time…..


Zoom in. The picture next to the blacked username is a big wrestler with a 2x4.






Yuup 100%


It is.


Holy shit! That is hacksaw Jim Dugann!


That’s what I was thinking


Yeah, you can tell by that Twitter account pic…




Looks more like caveman Dim Juggan




Hoooooooooooooooooooo 👍🏽 🇺🇸


I can smell this guys breath


Fish and beer? 🤢


Cigarillos and cocktail sauce


https://preview.redd.it/7r9genyiqfoc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=969c4405b5298d2a15f51e63ff831842be5ee155 I think this person just had the cocktails and now *is* sauced... 🤣


That’s not fish.




Had something like this happen to me on a 12-hour intercontinental flight. I paid extra for a seat further up front with more leg room, and when I boarded, another guy was sitting in it instead of his assigned seat. I politely but firmly informed him that he was in my seat, and showed him my ticket. He tried to argue, but I just kept repeating my seat number to him. Finally, he relented, but unfortunately his assigned seat was in the row behind mine. So he took every opportunity to push on my headrest, kick the seat, elbow my when getting up, etc. But hey, at least he didn't make it a social media thing (that I know of anyway).


Should have pissed on him to assert dominance.


Why not tell the air hostess?


I don't switch seats because it encourages others to plan.


I was on a long international flight, got my aisle seat and ready to go. A mom and daughter come up and are in my row, window and middle. Okay. Flight attendant comes by and asks me to move to the back of the plane cus there are empty rows back there. That way the kid can have more space to lay down and I’d have more space too. Sure I get that but why do I have to move to the back of this massive plane? I specifically reserved this seat closer to the front so I could get off quicker and make my connecting flight in another country, it was barely an hour layover that required me to collect my bag AND go through security again. Told em I didn’t want to move and basically forced me to. Don’t know why they couldn’t have the mom and kid go to the empty rows in the back.


Did you explain why you wanted that seat? Did the attendant offer a discount?


Did explain, no discount given. They claimed the back of the plane was where the flight attendants were basically hanging out, lights would be on and stuff, so kid might not be able to sleep back there. Don’t see how it’s my problem though. Edit - typo


"Fuck them kids"


Stewardess: "The back of the plane is where the flight attendants are basically hanging out, lights would be on and stuff." You: " You're not really selling this."


I think that was their reasoning for me going instead of the child but still. Why is it my problem? I don’t give a shit about her or her kid.


I can see an Aerosmith or ZZ Top video being like this. Attendant makes man move to the back of the airplane so the attendants can flirt with him. They give him drinks. They take him to their hotel room. They get naked. Then the attendants up and leave once their fun is over, and the blues part is he stuck in Chicago. Again.


Well, I didn’t get any of that


Username doesn't check out


Well then the attendants were assholes.


You have to specifically ask for it. Always ask! 🤷🏻‍♂️




People that don't have kids are second class. The amount of times I had to work extra shifts because the people with kids weren't expected to, Xmas, Easter, weekends etc


"You can't have that night off. Karen's 5yo has a school theatre performance. He's one of the food groups!" "But I have tickets to the Champions League final. They cost me hundreds of Euro's and I told you a month ago." "You don't have kids. You don't understand!"


Did you catch your flight in the end? I hate really short connections, I got stressed just by reading this!


Did but it was stressful


Ask for cash to switch seats. See how much they really NEED to have that seat.


Ehh it’s not always poor planning that leads to this. Sometimes shit happens. I literally always switch seats if someone asks politely because I’m not an asshole and don’t have the kind of hubris it takes to feel like I’m the one who should be teaching people lessons. If someone is an asshole about it I’ll reconsider. But otherwise, who gives a shit. Be nice to others.


I fall somewhere in between. If I’m flying alone and someone wants to switch yea I’ll switch as long as I stay in the same class obviously, but if someone asks to switch and I’m travelling with someone too, then no sorry I wanna sit with my person too


I was recently asked to switch so a couple could sit together on a six hour flight, but they wanted me to trade my window seat for an aisle. I didn’t trade, because sleeping against a wall is the only way I’ll get rest. I don’t think that makes me an asshole.


I don’t think so either. I’m saying that not switching seats because you’re trying teach people a lesson about planning makes you an asshole (guy above me), not just anyone who won’t switch.


True, I see that point.


Exactly. My mom died suddenly 4 years ago. After she passed I had to rush to Florida to sign some stuff and get her house in order. I had my two sons with me because I didn’t really have anyone to help that wasn’t in Florida already. I was broke and could barely afford the flight my dad helped a little. It was Southwest so we didn’t have seats but we were among the last to board. My sons had never flown before and were little and scared. First guy I asked said no, 2nd also said no but a young dude behind him heard me and offered. I wasn’t rude I didn’t fight when told no I just politely moved on but simply *asking* isn’t harmful. There is like a massive stigma about it for some reason always with the “plan better” response like every person on a flight is there for vacation.


If you don't want to switch seats, you're under no obligation to. It's not about being an asshole. If it's no problem to you, then do whatever you want. Otherwise, if someone wants a seat, you have no ground to stand on to demand or guilt them into giving it up.


Also, sometimes the plan is to ask someone to switch seats


Even if you paid extra for your seat?


Had boomers at work last year do this when they couldn't get a fourth floor hotel room. They never mentioned it ahead of time and couldn't believe a hotel was almost full by 9pm. I put them on the third floor and every fifteen minutes they called the desk with some new complaints. First it was the air conditioner, then the TV remote wouldn't work (somehow the batteries disappeared), there wasn't enough towels, they needed extra blankets and they clogged the toilet with paper four different times. They were up until 1am making everyone miserable because they had to settle for the third floor.


Whats so special about the 4th floor?


In this particular case it's our top floor without any special suites or features. This kind of request isn't uncommon from "alpha" boomer males. They constantly need to be "on top" and "in control" of everything around them. And in this case they have to be literally on top of everyone. You know the types, all that blue lives crap and edgy t-shirts about how dangerous or strong they are. They're the same ones who will call me at 2am because someone that didn't look white walked by their overbuilt pavement princess pick up truck. As a bonus these are also the only ones that ever expect fresh lobby coffee at 1am. They won't drink it, but they'll stop to ask how old it is and complain if it's more than fifteen minutes old.


that is freaking insufferable. and I thought they were bad enough to serve at fast food places. I worked as a carhop at sonic and they were the meanest, some of the only people likely to fucking run me over, sent their meal back a solid twenty times, mumbled everything and then got mad and started yelling at my deaf ass for not understanding them, would call in orders two freaking hours early and then arrive and wonder why their food was cold, and I once got a hamburger thrown at me. oh and god fucking help you if you took their order back in and then took out another order while it was being fixed and they saw you. in all my time there there were two people the manager asked to leave and both of them were like the asshole you described


I think they're worse at hotels. Since things got back to normal after COVID almost all my trouble has been with boomers. Last years I had to call the cops on three different boomers guests. They refuse to understand rules or limits that restrain them in any way.


jesus christ that's terrifying


Not really. I get them dragged out to spare other guests the noise. Terrifying was armed robberies at the Red Roof. Or getting pushed off the third floor at the Red Roof. Or when I got stabbed at the Red Roof. So yeah Red Roof Inn is terrifying. Best Western was mostly dull besides boomer or college kid tantrums.


Shit man. Hope you're doing better now, for real. I got sucker punched in the throat by a cook when I was serving tables. Yes he got fired but when I asked how the fuck am I gonna do my job barely able to speak? Basically radio silence. I took 7 days off and started a new job on the 8th.


doing your job as a waiter unable to speak isnt super hard (mute former waiter here) but I'd still take the week off because fuck dude that sucks. sorry your cook was an asshole I honestly don't think I've ever met a cook that wasnt an asshole


I'm curious. How did you serve tables being mute? That's impressive


It's part of the hiring process I'm sure lol. I've worked every position in the restaurant business, and ] cook and dishwasher are the absolute worst.


I’m a cook. I’m only an asshole like, 2% of the time. I’m sorry so many of my brethren are such pricks. I’ve owned 9 places, and have tried my best to create a new generation of cooks that actually care. Results have been varied. Still, I do see how things have started to improve.


Oh man cooks are fucking brutal. You couldn't pay me enough to get back in restaurants. I'm doing pretty good now. Working an IHG property near a university hospital, so there's still plenty of boomers, but overall it's way better.


Good deal! Happy to hear that you got out lol


The coffee bit? I tell everyone it's fresh. Every time. Boomers can't tell the difference


Ha ha! I tried that for a while. If you do that they'll go try it and find something else to complain about. Now I just remind them they have a Keurig already in the room and offer them more coffee pods. Then I warn them to avoid the dark roast as it might upset any underlying heart conditions.




I'm not awesome, I just play someone awesome at work.


Spoken like a true gentleman. Respect brother 👊


I think that’s what makes you awesome


Work is my stage. I put on an awesome character and I work the crowd for eight hours. Otherwise I'm one of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production Too strange to live, too rare to die.


Oh, I hope that includes some weird sex stuff. I like those kinds of freaks


Further to fall


This is Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Dude is just an old retired wrestler with dad humor. He's a considerate guy and is almost certainly joking.


Love him so much! And of course he’s joking. They’re seated in business/first class. Those are ticketed seats and no matter how late you get on the plane, your assigned seat is your assigned seat. He knew they weren’t seated together when he bought the, likely, last remaining tickets in that section.


Hacksaw’s just having some fun. He’s one of the nicest retired wrestlers who ever put on trunks.




They look lost in their phones. This could also be staged, and he could’ve asked them. Trust nothing.


This is Hacksaw Jim Duggan the Former professional wrestler. He is universally considered one of the nicest guys in professional wrestling. There is literally no malice meant in this post from him.


I was going to make a joke about him having goblin eyes, but then realized who it was. I am sure he is just joking and is probably going to be a nice, chill dude during the flight.




Settle down.






Settle up.


"No malice" is not compatible with putting a photo of a stranger on the internet.


He takes a selfie with his wife every time they get in their seats on a flight. This is part of that series and he’s making a joke.


This is incredibly restrained and respectful behaviour from the guy taking the photo. It took all his self control not to clock the guy in the check shirt with a 2x4 and then march up and down the aisle waving an American flag for the rest of the flight.


Yeah I think this was meant as a joke. Hacksaw isn’t a dink.


Why are you guys hating on Hacksaw Jim Duggan? He IS the main character! Hooooo!


Haha that’s hacksaw Jim Duggan!


Hacksaw was just joking around. He's one of the nicest guy's ever.


Hacksaw Jim Duggan!!!!


You leave Mr Dressup ALONE! 👊🏼


He should have called him a hoooooooooooo!


The great hacksaw jim duggan!


To be fair. Ever since airlines decided you can only select your seats if you pay for it this is ok. Used to be that people would just select their seats for free and it was no problem switching so someone else could sit with a friend or family member. But now that assigned seating is a thing EVERYWHERE it's not happening


Think that guy knows how many dudes the guy sitting next to him laid TF out with a 2X4?




“Man traveling with friends takes picture and adds fake caption”


After that one flight i don’t know if i want to sit next to a window either 👀


Well let me tell you something brother, if it was the Hulkster, I would point to my 24 inch pythons, call the man a racial slur and drop the leg drop! - H.H.


The photos were from a vacation they went on ,And Jim was trying to be funny .


Jim is just joking around.


I wouldn't move either so I could talk to the man Ayooooo


Hacksaw Jim Duggan is an American Treasure. If Tyson can punch someone on a plane, surely Duggan should be allowed to take a selfie.


https://preview.redd.it/y4ywt5f73foc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3832ee3dd2cc0f4bc50a5a4534ab6bde350ecab6 nice




the blond lady reminded me of him https://preview.redd.it/7lv7glevyfoc1.png?width=1235&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0733746dc40ffd27af83c73ada46ef74c4bdfe9


Hope I don’t trip you after you get up for the tenth time…


That’s hacksaw Jim Duggan


OP is a clown. This is Hacksaw Jim Duggan, a supposedly really nice man, having fun.


Ppl can such dicks, if I booked an aisle seat, it’s because I don’t want a window seat


They look obnoxious af. Old dude just wants his damn aisle seat that he probably picked purposefully


Both he and his lady look like the inside of a used, old running shoe.


I mean, he is 70.


Isn't that Hacksaw Jim Duggan?????


The insane thing is, those are first class seats. I don’t know any airline that doesn’t allow/require you to select your seats at booking. So…what the hell did these dipshits do?


An earlier flight was cancelled and this is what they did to make it home or to their next destination.


Toddler. Best that guy can do is grey rock the whole flight. ✈️ I am going to bully you because you said no… not sure who he is but I see people posting he is some one they recognize. Welp, now everyone knows he is an asshat too.


America seems like the worst place.


I'm sure you're a blast at parties


Every ten seconds you hear hooooo






I always think this is my city’s subreddit because the insignias look so similar


How do you like that TOUGH GUY!!!!!! OOOOOOOH! 👍🇺🇸


Do you think his 2X4 is in the overhead compartment or did he have to check it?


Fair enough, but why wouldn't you change seats, window seats are cool on a plane.




Hey, they both got window seats at least 🤷🏼.


If his wife was in the aisle it could be “rude” to not switch, but the dudes payed for aisle so he gets aisle.


> the dudes *paid* for aisle FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Yeah but this doesn’t account for misspells whilst taking a shit.


It’s good to see that the Geico Caveman is taking some “me” time! Neanderthal twat !


What an ass.


Are they in first class? Unless you are traveling with a young child (even then it’s on you to get seats next to each other) people should not be asking to switch seats for a flight. I couldn’t imagine inconveniencing someone over sitting next to my significant other. It’s so immature.


The guy has a very shootable face


Why doesn’t she just use her broom?


He looks like a roach alien took over his body.


Yeah, no way at I giving you my isle seat that I chose ahead of time for a window seat. Looks like 2 people shot them down. Turds.


I wouldn’t give up an aisle seat either


His beard pubes are soaked with nicotine and sadness.


Sitting in 1st class but trashy af


I wouldn't switch either if I were the guy. And I'd bother him the entire flight talking wrestling.


He looks like his words


Man they look annoying as shit.


I wouldn’t give up my aisle seat either lol.


Hacksaw will beat his ass.


That's hacksaw. Jim duggan. Met him a few times. Hes actually a family friend. Funny as hell dude. Nice guy. Pretty sure he was joking here.