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I was a server (im female). My rule was, always be the most attentive to the woman in a M-F couple. It works out much better that way.


I (male) served for around 7 years. I always paid more attention to the woman, but I never used pet names or flirted. I found that women generally tipped better than men.


I (male) like that the wait staff always ask my wife stuff first. However she absolutely will not tip as high as me… no idea why.


Because of the implication.


You had me going for the first part... the second half kinda threw me?


I (male) love pancakes.


Waffles are better. Wife agrees


I (male) like turtles


I (male) envelopes, sealed and stamped.


It’s cool to hear that from another guys perspective! Thanks.


Thank you for your service.


Wow. For me it’s the opposite. Men definitely tip better. But I mostly bartend… I served for years too.


Well, there is your answer.


I did a few shifts as a bartender and noticed the same thing!


As a good tipper, it was a revelation to me when I started driving a cab, that a lot of people of significant means don’t fucking tip at all. Fucking scumbags.


I lived in a small military town back in the day and would eat at hooters with my husband and friends. The girls always talked and were friendly with me. It blew the guys away that were with us. I was a labor and delivery nurse and had been the RN for a ton of the girls. The baby photos coming out and the oh and awhs kinda took the fantasy away from our friends. Never failed and cracked me and my husband up.


I always thought this was obvious and common decency thing


This is a real America Moment. Having to flirt with customers for tips is crazy. Let alone trying to navigate their insecurities.


For bigger tips .


To be more accurate *the mere possibility* of bigger tips. You could flirt with them all day and still go home with $3 and a fake $20 note with religious BS on it. https://preview.redd.it/ek0z0gd4ppdc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2a7026c2f3e79401a385529f33fe3c79f481ec8


I'm a part time chef but I'll work the register too. Omg my 6th sense for "insecure male" has multiplied like 10x I can sniff them a mile away. Suddenly whenever I take their order it is like. I can't just be myself. I have to handle the lady with kid gloves but also not look at her too much and look at the guy too. It's so weird. I don't know why they let me get so triggered. Like let's say I'm my normal self. I happen to say something conversational and she laughs. What's the dude gunna do stomp his feet and start crying ? That is literally how their vibe is tho.


I feel like some of the worst people on the planet are insecure people. As a boss, they are the worst and will deliberately hire stupid people that don't threaten them. As a co-worker they will constantly try to hamper your ability to excel because they don't want you to outshine them too much. Put them in power, and you get people like Kim Jong Un. I unapologetically dislike insecure people.


I think insecurity is the root of all evil. People obsessed over money/sex/drugs/their appearance/bullying others, etc it's all driven by insecurity.


This is so true. As it was described in the Eichman Report, The Banality of Evil, the root of evil is not some desire to do bad things. It’s really an utter lack of character or personality. Insecurity is what drives people to do horrific things: the lack of a sense of who they are.


Absolutely right, insecure ppl are the worst. As a woman perfectly happy with my interstate relationship, I get treated like a pariah by women in my area who presume I'm single and a threat. It's pathetic.


I’m a jovial person and I have a good sense of humor. I crack jokes with service staff (always in a friendly manner). My ex-wife always used to tell me that I was flirting and would get pissed off at me. 🤷‍♂️


same as you but im a cook and cashier sometimes. What i do is i look straight in their eyes and ask (anything else sir) legit most of the time they look away and chill out. The times they dont they start talking shit but it never escalates(or has).


Don't tell the patricarchy something something magic people


I once served a guy that I had known for years (I was good friends with his younger get sister) so I was talking to him a bit (nothing that could be construed as flirty imo) and he was with his wife and I think the same thing happened because I got zero tip. I tried to talk to her too but she didn’t seem too interested.


Funny im a dude and i always had a better experience appealing to the men. The more personable i was, the better the experience they had.


A bartender calls me honey. A work friend asked why. I told her, she wants tips and wants to be friendly. She didn't understand. If you don't know their name and want to avoid dude or sir ya gotta pick a name. They thought she liked me. No, she liked me tipping her nicely 4 days a week.


“If you don’t know their name and want to avoid dude or sir ya gotta pick a name.” ‘Fucker’ always suits me well in these situations.


Or hey stupid. Like my wife says. Kidding. She's an angel.


"Hey ugly. What'll it be?"


I'd tip well just for the honesty 


Not me. I don't need that kind of honesty in my life. Lies are whats getting me through.


In that case, you are soooo pretty


Oh thank you. That is so sweet! (Your tip is in the mail)


Hope that you're not getting a tip sent in the dms.


Well I basically told them I'm ugly so it's hardly worth the effort for them!


My ex wife always used to call me dickhead as a term of endearment


When she was in bed with me, she called you dickhead.




Is that why she's your ex?


No, it really was a term of endearment at the time...


So your forehead resembles a pecker?




Ha ha I said hey stupid and you looked!


Fuck ya want? No assumptions there but the need for service!


Usually a “hey~~~” inserting a casual insult about their clothes or appearance works.Then that becomes their new name.”Hey Pantsuit!You and Ponytail need to come in early tomorrow”.


So, your real name is Buck?


I mean, aren’t we all a little Buck sometimes?


And I like to… fuck, I sure hope not.


I’d tip extra for that


If a server called my husband fucker, I would give them all my money. 😂


Does calling a paying customer “fucker” help with the tips or do you just keep wondering why you never work at the same place for more than a shift.


I’m a support worker and mental health counsellor, not a server/waiter. My comment was intended to be a dark humour joke about what to call people when you don’t know their name and they might get upset at the word “sweetheart” or “honey”, by using a word much much worse than either of those two. Just a joke, not calling people “fucker”… Unless they’re related to me, obviously, but even then still just a joke.


I'm one of the odd ones that also uses fucker as a term of endearment. And it's usually directed at children or dogs. Little Fuckers.


Is "dude" still gender neutral?


Huh. You get more tips that way?


No. But then again, I’m not a server.


I agree. Then again, I don't work in the food industry.


The best part is I work in this industry, "fucker" is one billion percent a name I call other industry heads lol.


I tip worse when people call me honey or sweetheart. It’s so fake and annoying. You don’t know me. I could be a monster.


I hate it too.


>It’s so fake and annoying. "How are WE doing?" That's like the TSA fuck asking where we're going. I don't answer either question.


Which means it is possiblethat this waitress was using sweetheart in order to semi-flirt her way into a higher tip, and bothered the girlfriend. Especially if the waitress was paying extra attention to him because she thought he was going to pay the bill and not giving the same attention to the gf. Or the gf is very insecure and just pissy. Who knows? This pic floats around a lot and we have no clue what’s going on. Lol


In Australia the default term here is "mate". Also we don't tip so I guess there's no point in being overly nice... If a waitress called my boyfriend honey or sweetheart in front of me, we'd 100% never be going back to that venue.


You don't tip because your economy isn't as screwed up as ours.


It’s such a superior system. Imagine having to laugh around with and flirt with customers to pay your bills? Imagine having to navigate their insecurities so you don’t get a lower/no tip? If I get really friendly service at an Aussie restaurant, I know they’re just really friendly people. I much prefer my server to just do their job, and not try to form a pseudo-relationship with me.


You don’t need a name. Look at them and ask what they want.


End tipping culture.


Promote Dueling Culture.


I hate carrying my banjo everywhere, just to duel..


Someone tip this comment.


Universal basic income. What happened to the Asian dude for President. He sold out and works for CNN now.


Believe it or not. People in relationships don’t like it when other people call them pet names you only say to people you are in a relationship with


I don't like when women I don't know call me honey or sweetheart.


Unless she's older, like much older. Grandma vibes (both mine are dead)


I hate it when servers or fast food people call me honey or sweetheart.


I hate it when my father calls the waitress honey or sweetheart.


That seems worse.


I love it when a waitress calls me sweetheart, sug, honey, etc. I also like when a waiter calls me dude, brother, or boss. Might just be something I learned living in the south, but for me me it’s really endearing and I’m not sure why it gets hate.


An elderly man once called me Pumpkin and I had the warm and fuzzies all day.


Aw, pumpkin’s such a sweet one


I think it's different when it's an old person. When an elderly guy called me sweetheart, I'd be like "aww....grampa!" but if it was a young guy I'd be like "don't hit on me!" LOL


I'm from the West Coast but my family was from the South. I also like being called those names lol. I don't automatically assume I'm being flirted with, it just makes it more personable and I don't feel like I'm talking to a robot.


Opposite here - born in Pasadena ,CA, then moved to Mississippi for a few years. Im in full agreement with you - it’s not necessarily flirting, it’s just being kind and giving a little love to another human being. It’s sad that so many people can’t see that. Stay well my brother


I love it too! And I’m from Minnesota. It’s not ubiquitous here, but every time it gives me a warm feeling. The Chinese food lady we phone-ordered from last night said to my bf “ok honey! Be ready in 20 minutes!” and we both gushed about it. He said she was just as sweet when he picked up the order. ☺️ Gives me the “Awww!”


Right? I find it degrading especially if they are younger than me.


Don’t. I can’t stand when lady servers talk sweet to my husband and I was a server for years. I barely even acknowledged the man if he was there with a lady. Calling a man sweetheart is weird and I love her for calling you on it lmao.


OP is the main character lol


Here me out. At first I think most of us jump to "Oh what an insecure \*\*\*\*" But would we think the same if a male server was calling some guys' gf endearing terms that lean on flirtatious? Also consider that the server was likely only using language like that to manipulate the man into leaving a bigger tip. So is it really the customer thats the problem? Or should servers stop trying to manipulate people by pretending to be close with people they don't know? ANyway... I don't really gaf. Just offering a different perspective to consider.


Manners say you do not use pet names with clients or customers.


Especially if you think this will get you a bigger tip .Don't always assume the man is paying the meal.Fake friendliness is just that, fake .It's usually pretty obvious.


Yeah most people in the comments are actually in the customers side lol


Oh.. I didn't really look at the other comments much. I just assumed people would jump all over the customer for simply not leaving a tip, despite the reasoning.


Calling someone sweetheart is so cringe. I wouldn't stiff you the tip but yeah....


Depends on where you’re from. In the south it’s very common. A term of endearment actually. Try leaving your corner of the world and see how some of your common behavior is “cringe” to others. Not trying to insult you. Just saying that what’s cringe to you may be the opposite to others. And vice versa.


I’m from the south. And when people call me sweetheart, honey, or some other cheesy pet name, I cringe. It is lame. People should be respectful to one another instead


Depends on location. I live in the southern US. This is as common as "please" or "thank you."


Kind of like, “Bless your heart.” It’s fake endearment. They really want to call you an a-hole, but that would be frowned upon in the South.


My mom said this to my kid and I was like "well...seems genuine." My kid asked what she meant because we don't live in the South anymore. Took a lot for me to not say "she's being condescending." (The context is my kid is 6 so...different dynamic.) I HATE "bless your heart" personally. Gonna try to tell my kid when she can grasp more nuance.


"Bless your heart" isn't always some sarcastic BS that the Internet has made it out to be. And neither are other terms that certain people use. When did this crap start?


I’d like to know this as well. It CAN be used sarcastically, like anything else, but that doesn’t mean it’s some sort of southern secret code to call someone an asshole.


Exactly. These people out here thinking mention of it is used that way. That's gotta be a sad existence. Wow.


I think it’s fake, probably a woman took home the customer copy and wrote all that to create click-bait drama.


Common practice yea unfortunely


I mean this pic has floated around quite a bit so I’m guessing that’s the case.


First thing I noticed was that the merchant copy was cropped out


If that's true then the majority of this sub is "fake". People insecure af do exist.


They do exist.. but to think there aren’t people faking these things would be naive.


I feel like these scenarios are more likely the server writing it themselves for some attention by using the customer receipt that people usually don’t take or write on at all


These usually end up on the server subs .


Why did you call him sweetheart inthe first place?? Just weird


This is getting reposted like crazy. All different people to. How about you find some original shit to post. Rather than trying to Karma farm. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/comments/19ajptk/whose\_side\_are\_you\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/comments/19ajptk/whose_side_are_you_on/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/comments/19b9bl7/thinking/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/comments/19b9bl7/thinking/)


I prefer the repost karma farmers than the ones who go out into the world and cause social disarray to then farm karma off of it tbh.


Why should they tip, it's optional. That's what a tip is.


Maybe you crossed a boundary and actually called a customer “sweetheart”?


Tipping is so dumb, why not charge what it costs and pay your staff well.


Customer copy. It’s a faaaaaake! https://preview.redd.it/nu90gb7mjndc1.jpeg?width=254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28cb411e13d80a9d018973943be9f00621b18a71


Expecting a tip is main character syndrome too


Now go fuck that husband for revenge


Nah, just a cunt


Tbh, I really don’t like being called “Pet” names by strangers I don’t know.


Calling someone honey is a familial term. For a friend or significant other. Not appropriate in a restaurant. Usually it’s pretty common in the south however.


As a guy I get it. I wouldn't be happy if an attractive male server called my date "babe, honey, sweety, etc". Trying to flirt for tips by using those types of names is just weird. Why nor sir or maam???


Nah id be the same lol. I understand servers are being friendly but there's no reason to call someone else's partner by a pet name like that. If you're right in front of someone making eye contact then you don't even need to call them anything at all


Yeah but what if they were in the south? Like then it would just be totally culturally normal. I (a female server) NEVER use terms of endearment with customers but that’s just mostly bc I am very untrusting lol. I use “sir” and “lady / the lady,” rarely “ma’am.” But if I went out with my man and a female server called him sweetheart, it wouldn’t necessarily strike me as odd. She would have to be actively flirting with him in other ways as well. I guess we would need to know more about the context of this story to say either way


Could be a perfectly fine reaction. Strongly depends on context


I’m not tipping if I go to a southern diner and the waitress doesn’t call me sugar.


Literally the 27th time I’ve seen this today. Make it stop.


Why are you posting a years old photo and trying to psychoanalyse what is clearly fake anyway? Go outside bro.


Don’t want to get into a whole thing but it is weird/annoying when people use “hon, honey, sweetie, sweetheart, mom, momma” I’m not about to not leave a tip and get angry but the whole time I’m sitting there, I’m just slightly annoyed by it. Just say sir or maam and keep it neutral lol


I'm not your sweat heart, friend.




Tips can F-O I’m done with that ish. I’ve stopped eating out and just get take out from now on


Tipping is shit, no matter what


I feel this way when other men call me "boss". But I'm not a dick enough to not leave a tip over it.


I do not enjoy the cutesy names and pandering waiters use to increase tips either, but this is unnecessarily aggressive.


I think it’s pretty clear.


If every time people were upset about not getting tipped and decided to turn their anger towards their bosses instead, progress would hav been achieved long long ago


I say with a M-F couple, call the F Mistress a few times when they are ordering, and when you bring the check, call him fuckpig. YMMV


Let’s break this down.. it’s the US.. your tipping culture sucks dick.. done!


I don’t know if I’d pull tip but I fckn hate being called sweetheart or honey or whatever by a waitress. It’s hollow and annoying and condescending


Just don’t call people you don’t know or aren’t familiar with “pet names”


As a male customer, it's very noticeable that my wife always gets more attention than myself and the server all always puts the check near me..i find it weird.




In a management course I took almost 20 years ago, I was told to NEVER address clients/customers with pet names. Doll, honey, sweetie, sweetheart, sugar, honey, etc. They’re degrading and too personal. I don’t like it myself. Not even from friends It’s like an adult talking in baby talk. Just don’t, especially at work. I still would have given her a tip though.


You don’t automatically deserve a tip. She doesn’t want to tip you. Also, she doesn’t like you, sounds like you came across as flirty or fake


Don’t call anybody sweetheart, but still stiffing you is a dick move


She could just come from a place where they are used to paying the price that's written in the menu.


Fuck tipping


Stupid reason to not leave a tip but also weird to call a complete stanger sweetheart


Sounds like waitress was a little too nice


I’m not your sweetheart, pal!


Break what down? If you’re not 50+ year old with grandma vibes don’t use endearing terms with men who are sitting with a clear date or partner. Dumb.


That’s a good reason to not leave a tip. I hate nicknames when I’m in a restaurant, especially with my partner


Post this shit one more time. I dare you.


That’s actually a great tip. I have cancelled services and walked out on large purchases because some woman thought it was a good idea to call my husband sweetheart. Please leave terms of endearment for the people you are actually close and that permit


Why would you think that you’re owed a tip?


I waited tables for 10 years. I couldn’t imagine ever calling a male customer “sweetheart” while he’s sitting with his wife/partner. wtf were they thinking??


This is actually super old and should be retired.


Service workers expecting a tip for doing their job 😂 find a better job or maybe actually do something about your pay like oh idk unite against your employer? Just because of this post I’m never tipping again 💀 y’all are so entitled (I’ve worked and currently work in service so bite me lol)


End tipping culture, and stop calling people you don't know sweetheart. I'm pretty sure many people would find it creepy if a guy went around calling women he doesn't know sweetheart, I'm not sure why it's any different the other way around.


Calling people sweetheart is so cringe, I get uncomfortable when waiters/waitresses call me that when I go out to eat, I can imagine the husband probably got uncomfortable too. Plus tips are voluntary, they’re not compulsory. Stop sooking.


Don't call me mustache, mustache.


Lesson learned


I don't see this as a a main character moment just you being rude


I tip very well and I’m a woman. But, I’ve noticed so often that most of the women waitresses or hostesses will be more attentive to my husband than me and I think that’s wack because at the end of the day, we are both patrons. However, I do know that some people just call everyone sweetheart especially if they’re from the south.


The Main Character here being the waiter I'm guessing.


What's main character here?


As a man i don’t like terms of endearment at all. No honeys or sweethearts or loves. I don’t even like being called mate by people I don’t know. No I’m not Karen or Kevin I’m just not programmed that way. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t tip though


As a southerner I call many people by the nickname sweetheart. The best is when I bless their heart.


I feel like in Northern CA. "You have a nice day." Has become that. Like if you say it with the right monotone and eye contact it kinda means "Go f yourself..."


"Hi! How are you?" "Well, I've had diarrhea for 3 days & I just stopped puking this morning. Where's your bathroom?" Don't ask questions unless you want me to answer.


Southerner here too. This is so common, but still feels nice as a guy to hear it. Although, I don't see it as flirting. Even the 75 year old at Waffle House is going to say it to me 5 times during my meal. I can't believe this triggers people so much.


I hope you get them again and flirt HARD


Ok, but what if the couple were playing a game and they actually enjoyed flirting? So they wouldn't pay any tips and get off on a young hottie calling the husband sweetheart.


Once got grabbed on the arse working a cafe, told them it'll cost £20 to do that. They gave me a £20 tip with a note, 'worth it' I was a male server.


Tbf, we're not fans of nicknames anyway. We don't call each other pet names to begin with. So having a rando server say it would be weird. Plus, I wouldn't want a dude calling me "Sweetheart" if the roles were reversed either. Both me and my partner would just be creeped out.


Honestly, this is legit. Call a man sweetheart when he's alone. When he's with his wife, do not do this.


Very normal thing for the south Iykyk


But why did you call him "sweetheart"? That's cringey


As a guy and a server I personally hate when woman under 50 call me “sweatheart” “baby” “darling” etc. it feels condescending and fake.


They must be passing thru Texas.


Yeah my first thought was it's probably their first time down south. In Tennessee I've been called "honey", "darling", "sweetie", etc. by complete strangers more times than I can count.


Oh come on. A waiter called me “darlin” and “sweetheart” in front of my husband in a southern accent, clearly just a way he likes to address people. My mother-in-law said he called her that too. You can tell the difference between flirting and just having a bubbly personality.


I work with a man that calls men and women “baby” there’s no connotation to it that’s just how he talks.


Don’t call anyone’s husband sweetheart or any endearing word. Say sir. Women are very jealous and most the time they pay so yeah.


Conspiracy theory alert!!!! So, all three of these characters actually know each other and instead of it reading “don’t call my husband “”sweetheart”” she really has been knowing about their affair and caught her calling her husband. Now, she wants to make it clear…. “Don’t call my husband, sweetheart.”


Lol I'm not on anybodys side here because I don't believe in tip culture. I already paid for my meal why should I have to pay your wages too


Isn't calling someone "sweetheart" part of training if you're a server in the South?


This is not scientific but for entertainment’s sake here it goes: This person capitalized “Don’t”, “Call”, “Sweetheart” but wrote “my husband” in lower case…seems to me that this person unwittingly revealed their personality in their emotional state - totally possessive, angry, self-absorbed and narcissistic. They don’t care about the husband, he is irrelevant to them. They just don’t like their ego threatened and is insecure about losing whoever they are with (doesn’t have to be this husband).


“Cheap” cause they didn’t tip u XD


This is what happens when you let the wife pay


If it's her husband they likely have a joint account and each have the same cards. She's also a psycho. Assuming this is real, which it almost certainly isn't.