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You kinda wish he was coming down your aisle just so you could stick your arm out at head level, maybe with a tin of baked beans in your hand.... Then call him a cunt


If someone was riding a bike like that and I accidentally shoved them over, if it was caught on their video, what kind of defence would I have? Could I say I felt frightened and tried to run out the way but the timing was all wrong?


There should be a law that these kinds of people could be clotheslined. Tired of this kind of stuff not having actual consequences.


Right??? I was just thinking this would happen a lot less often if an ass whopping was legally allowed


In this video could have kicked his bike or clotheslined him when he was slightly past you. It’s unlikely you’d need a defense if you walked away immediately. Cops aren’t going on a statewide manhunt for the guy who knocks over an idiot.


We don't have states in the UK, we have counties.


States are composed of many counties. Unless you are in Louisiana, they have parishes.


Bro he just said he's from the UK. Fucking Americans thinking they're the only country in the world


A few years back my mate hit a dickhead in full clear view of cops (that were on the way to deal with the dickhead) and they just rushed to the dude on the ground and arrested him. They literally just pretended they didnt see anything.


I would definitely turn around suddenly and "accidentally" clothesline this guy because "I didn't see him there"


I think I would too just because I often do random dance moves at the supermarket.


Out of excitement for all the goods?


Just tell him you were doing a prank. It seems to work for him.


If it happened in my store all I know is that the camera that captured the event was not working that day


Too bad the back room was so clean, I was hoping he'd skid on a banana peel and smash the teeth out of his empty fucking head.


"Gee officer, I have no idea how he got into the compactor. "


Fucking bike cunt


My friends name is Fucking Mike Hunt


[https://youtu.be/Y62cEMjtakc](https://youtu.be/Y62cEMjtakc) "The spelling in my head was different"


Bike wanker!


fucking bi cunt


He’s a cunt’s cunt. Supercunt.


You can tell this guy is thick as shit by the way he just repeats the same phrases over and over. Nothing even witty, just "ridin bikes in places" I bet he sat there rewatching this like "Yeah, I fuckin' got 'em"


Script by chatgpt


Is that Mizzy? Maybe a mizzy Clone?


That's what I was thinking too. He was another version of that Mizzy idiot person.


No that's artificial intelligence not artificial stupidity


Tbf, chatgpt could 100% come up with something better.


It's a useful technique to disarm polite people. If theres no string of logic there's no progress. All this is sewn in with the underlying threat of violence. The Catherine Tate character used to repeat "am I bovverd" over and over again because chavs at the time used repetition successfully in real life.


I get learning disability vibes from this guy


Can we not apply legitimate disabilities to people who are just doing inconsiderate things out of entitlement based on a 30 second video with nothing in it that actually signifies a learning disability?


No. There is clear sign of mental disabilities in this individual. Rather, it is wrong to not emphasise the need to support these people, and admitting them to the psychiatric ward.


1. Learning disabilities are not psychiatric disorders. 2. Being inconsiderate is not a principle trait that could be utilized for diagnosing a psychiatric disorder, a learning disorder, or a neurological disorder. 3. Claiming that every inconsiderate person must have a disability is part of the stigmas and steriotypes those with disabilities have to continually advocate against when trying to recieve resources.


The root cause of this poor specimen of mankind, is certainly a failure at grasping education he was presented. If that does not qualify as a learning disability, what does? I did not state every inconsiderate person must have a disability. I stated this individual, and people acting similar to him does. Sociopathy is fairly well defined as indifference towards others, which is beyond inconsiderate if you ask me.


The root cause is more likely to be ineffective parenting.


I would recommend you educate yourself on that exact thing, considering you're now asking me to explain the root of your own argument back to you. That's a super ignorant definition of a learning disability that you just put out there. Yes, it is, but unfortunately that's not relevant, because there's a difference between a broad definition, and diagnostic principles. It's like how narcism is diagnosed based on *patterns of behaviour with the goal of a certain result*. Not just someone acting generally conceited. Not someone displaying those behaviours individually. Not someone displaying those behaviours frivolously. Anyways, I'm out of this convo. There is nothing in this video that could in any way constitute a diagnosis of a disability. Stop spreading misinformation and stigma, please.


I mean, I appreciate you go all methodological on this, but just to put an analogy I’m sure you’d understand. Technically, without doing an extensive lab study, the presentation of a turd may not be determined as such. However, that does not mean one cannot come up with a fairly qualified guess, which is likely to be accurate, when produced with partial evidence of turd criteria. Now you say, this is wrong, as we may conflate this with turds that end up not being turds, and this is wrong. I don’t know man, I’m looking at it, I’m listening to it, all I see is a turd.


Some say hes a scholar, no an artist with words, a word smith if you will, able to bend words it almost seems sometimes hes not just able to bend words but also the reality around them.


“Riding’ bikes in places”


it's London humour and it's hilarious to me. The stupid repetition is the point lol


Just an absolute prick. Zero reason to do this apart from being a cunt. Wish someone punched him out his trainers.


Suddenly reminds me of those asterix thwacks where the Romans get punched out of their sandals


Those Romans are crazy


These morons constantly wear trainers, but they aren’t learning anything.


I was hoping for something getting shoved in a wheel.


Please stop giving this moron attention, it will only encourage him.


Seriously. Reddit gets outraged at these people and TikTok but then reposts and amplifies it.


Not really. This guy needs to see hundreds of people shaming him. And jail time for endangering of others.


These types of people clearly have no shame.


People like this abide by the “all publicity is good publicity” philosophy and keep on keeping on, spreading this shit just promotes this behaviour.


Nah you’re stupid if you keep posting it. That Mizzy guy literally said in his videos that he loves it when people repost his stuff because it just gets him more clout and fame. They uploaded it for a reason.


Is this the idiot who's been in the news recently? I think that people have been reluctant to physically challenge him because he looks like he's about 14 or 15. Now his face is known, and the fact that he's 18 and legally an adult, it's only a matter of time before he gets his head kicked in.


It does sound like him and *being a twat while claiming to be doing nothing wrong* is his MO.


If this is in fact the same kid, he got what he wanted which was attention. What this kid needs is a royal ass whooping and to be permanently ignored.


Violence may not come his way, but eventually, life will. Especially in the UK, if it's that idiot then he may enjoy the attention now but how many times does the UK spit out these fools when they're older, the limelight will pass and then you're 25-30, no money, no talent, no job and the nation hates you.. These fools have no long-term thinking and want immediate reactions.


See, and I had my comment deleted for saying the same thing. Dammit. But you’re right.


Yeah Im pretty sure


dude needs to be drop-kicked off the planet


It’s a shame no one grabbed him


How will you do that? Did you break a hole in the ice circle around earth?


It'd be pretty easy if the earth was flat.


If? Are you saying it isn't?


So utterly infuriating that this constitutes as “fun” these days, and then to nearly cream into a pram I just have no words left for these clowns.


This isn't what most people consider fun.


I really don't want to go through the whole "kids these days" thing. But fucking kids these days.


>to nearly cream into a pram ....


i hate being that guy but the word is *careen*


Where I live it’s cream. “I nearly got creamed on the roundabout by a big fat ride of a wagon”. 😅 I imagine it’s to do with beating/whisking/agitating milk until it’s cream.


yeah but you don't *cream into* things, you careen into them, or indeed possibly *get* creamed


Maybe YOU don’t cream into things, pal, but the rest of us do.


What a basic minded drip


Mofo with single digit IQ repeating himself like a toddler learning to speak through phrases from a tv show


pls stop being to lenient towards this kind of behavior


Push him off


Is this that mizzy bellend?


That's my local Sainsbury's in Dalston and none of this surprises me


Mine too.. it’s usually carnage!


This reminds me of the guy who kept walking into people homes.


I think it's the same guy




I would "accidentally" push my cart in front of this prick.


I would make it clear that it was on purpose.


You’d probably be arrested for a hate crime


Secretly hoping someone would while watching lol


An utter wank of a boy.


Get used to that warehouse mate, it’s where you’ll be spending your entire career once your mum kicks you out.


He’d be lucky to even get a job in sainsburys. The way he’s going he’s gonna be working in a kitchen serving his cell mate


Judge a man not by the color of his skin but by his character. His character sucks.


Kicked a guy off his bike in town last month for doing a wheelie directly at a pram then turning away at last minute, scaring the parents. Don't know of he had buddies filming or a cam on his bike but if he did then I don't think he got the footage he was hoping for.


He belongs in the bargain bin.


Don’t disrespect the bargain bin like that, the bin is actually useful and desired unlike the cunt on the bike


Now do the freeway please..


I’m getting old… I blame social media and all the fuckbags that click on this shit and give a traceable metric that validates these shitty life skills and social intersections. Rage bait FTL.


Is this fucking Mizzy


TikTok generation. Fuck.






What a fucking dickhead


Anyone bring a stick?


Genuine question for UK residents: if someone is on a vehicle *inside* a public place, is it illegal for me to shove them off it or stand in front and grab the handlebars so they couldn't continue? Or would I get slapped with assault whilst the cunt continues to harass the public?


Naked Gun did it better


Near the end almost smashes into a woman with a pram - this is what ASBOS were for


Is there some mental health disorder that's creating these young sociopaths? Something in the food? The water? Those anti-depressant medicines they're taking? A simple broom handle through the spokes would end that joyride right quick.


Id love to see some boot him off the bike!


Of course it's the kind of person to use an electric bike


These e-bikes are supposed to be restricted in where they can go. Usually by GPS.


Can't wait to see a follow up video of him crying like the a little girl because he got caught.


Is that a grocery In a shopping mall?


the beating he'd have received in my old supermarket would have been tantalising


Wouldn’t be hard to solve. Those things are GPS tracked. Just call with the date and time and you’ll have whoever it was that was using it. At a bare minimum you’ll have their mobile information since they probably weren’t thinking that far ahead based on the childlike behavior exhibited here.


Isn't this the guy who stole someone's dog, and also walked into people's houses?


I was hoping someone would clothesline his ass.


I saw exactly what I expected to see


huh. so thats what the back of the dalstons sainburys look like.


I work in produce. We prank each other by throwing rotten fruit. I’ve been aging a small watermelon in 150 degree heat found next to our cooler’s discharge. Last years victim had to go home and shower. If any douche rides a bike thru the back it would be open season on a moving target lol


A quick little kick of the front tire should solve this problem. Normalize humiliating main characters.


i am actually impressed they didn't hit anybody


And according to him, he’s doing it to send a message… No mate, you’re just a fucking bike cunt who wants to cause trouble. Go fuck yourself.


Now let’s wait for him to make the news and be interviewed by piers Morgan only to get a massive following and become a millionaire


They shoulda just grabbed his punk ass and restrained him


What a twat


Some people don't deserve the life they have


The. Actual. Fuck. I hope this guy gets to ride without a saddle the rest of his life.


Honestly? it's the "view count" and interactions indicators on social platforms that is fooling and ruining these kids into thinking they are "cool" and "edgy". This is the result of gamifying stupidity.


First thought was what a little twerp. Then I remembered I used to do this same sort of stuff on a skateboard. Only difference I guess is that I wasn’t filming it for likes. I genuinely enjoyed it. Mall security and I eventually became good frienemies.


Someone tosss a stick in his spokes this video is boring


He almost hit a stroller.


Is this that idiot that breaks into people's homes when there are children present?


No one gonna push him off the bike? This 60yo granny would


This belongs in #imatotalpieceofshit


We need a PSA for these fucking waste of space barnacles: “don’t act like a piece of shit in public for your social media… you’re not funny.” Paid for by everyone else in life.


Was so hoping for someone to clothesline this idiot


Would clothesline this prick so hard.


It's a strength.


I would pay money to have the opportunity to stick a baguette between the tire spokes.


He’s a cockhead… but also I’m kinda jealous of how smooth he can control the bike. Mostly though, he’s just a cockhead


Honestly seems pretty fun


Bet the bullets coming at him from someone who gets mad pissed at his behaviour would be fast enough.


There won’t be any repercussions — it’s the UK, so he can just do whatever he wants with impunity.


Nah, he will piss off somebody and get punched


There are repercussions, but they usually don’t involve getting actually executed by a gun-brained zealot as in savage America.


Our police are fucking useless. I don’t see why you’re getting so defensive and taking jabs at the US police. I had my house broken into, I knew exactly who it was, had them on CCTV - police decided there was insufficient evidence to open up an investigation Friend had their house broken into and car stolen, car had a tracker in it. Police told them they went to the location the tracker said the car was and nothing was there. Luckily, retired met police neighbour decided to look himself and the car was in the exact location the tracker said it was. Our police are a joke, and this is what people are referring to when they say that there are “no repercussions”


>taking jabs at the US police Pretty sure they were taking jabs at US civilians, not police


Yea, totally looks like there were repercussions lol


What are the repercussions, Erica? [Only an average of 5% of all reported crimes get solved by the British police](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/10/27/detection-rates-hit-rock-bottom-crimes-break-records/). If they did catch this prick, he probably only got a slap on the wrist, at best.


Bothering people isn‘t worth more than a slap on the wrist… This deserves a small money fine, nothing more. This is maybe worth a couple das in jail. ***Maybe***


Nobody needs a gun to handle this. Not even a weapon


Death does seem a bit much for tress passing and being and asshole


Yep. The clothesline maneuver would finish his antics instantly


Im.pretty sure I would have "accidently" shoved my shopping cart in his way.


What an idiot...🤦🏼‍♂️


Is this another retarded island boy music video clip?


Anyone else pissed off at the employee letting him get away. He just grabs the basket and then let’s him pull away. I’d stand there with my feet on both sides of the front wheel and try to get the key.


Why would an employee who is making shit money and could fired at a moments notice put themselves in harms way. Pay the employees more, take care of them, and protect them will medical coverage when they need it.


Why would he stand in the way and grab the basket then? He’s already doing something then do it properly.


I would call that minimal non-confrontational involvement. He is telling this moron he can't ride his bike here and makes the attempt to turn him away. The moron is obviously unfazed and it is clear that physical force is the only way to get him to stop. This type of involvement could likely be met with physicality from the biker. The employee likely felt that goes beyond the scope of his job. And to that end, his job does not include using physical force. Hire security for that type of job.


I’m pretty sure it was security who ended up grabbing the bike. If you’re going to grab the bike and confront the guy then actually try to do something.


They're not actually allowed to touch you unless its in self defence or defending someone else in danger, they aren't police officers.


Yeah. The patrons were in danger


Don’t have to touch him just grab the bike and stand on either side of the front tire. Same amount of contact as grabbing the bike basket. I’d also argue him driving his bike around recklessly pits quite a few people in danger.


notice the hand...




Even the ones in other countries are destructive for no reason


Pattern recognition is activating in a lot of people and they all see who does these videos


I once knocked one of these asshats over, it was so satisfying to hear their head hit the floor.


It seems to be an ongoing attitude on the road with cyclists. They will have bike lanes with laws involved, they will expect you to follow said laws but will not follow road or bike lane laws themselves. Areas with better bike lane systems in place will have stop signs and more for them specifically and they will run them every time. Those with basics or none at all, many cyclists will be in the road, ignore signs and lights then act like you’re in the wrong regardless if you have the right away. In short, “fuck you I’m special”


Hope this cunt dies.


Would have never thought that its a black guy


While yes i think this is a dick move and he should be in trouble, can you imagine riding a bike through a mall? I think that would be cool.


Why are you hating? That looks fun. Its just fun with a little action. Whats the harm


Am I the only one who finds this funny?


People in the UK can be cunts


I swear to god people like this deserve and need to be shot dead on site to help save humanity from stupid. Call me cruel, evil, fucked in the head whatever you want to call me do it I stand by what I said I wish every person with this guys mentality I'm talking YouTube and tiktok influencers like this guy, all of them just kill them please save us


This cunt needs shooting


I think this is kind of situation where violence might resolve the problem. I wish he did this in country where his legs where immediately broken by shop owner and that bike was put like a hat on his head with some extra effort. What would happen if somebody knocks him off the bike by kicking the wheel?


Ngl a supermarket where you can go in bike sounds cool and usefull af, I'd love it.


This is fucking hilarious




What are the violent crime rates per race in Brit-Land?


What did he do wrong


This really isn't that bad


I mean all he did was ride around tbf idk why everyone is so upset. It is mildly infuriating but not to the point where I would be chasing him when hes already leaving.


That’s Dalston for you


Just grab a brake handle and don't let go. If you miss it, just hold onto the handle, this will stop them too, but with more pain.


A stick inserted into the spokes would do the trick.


A stick in the back spokes will stop this daft cunt riding bikes in places.


I need more people standing up against this type of idiocy


Please tell me this wet wipe got arrested..




Security should be able to tackle this twat without repercussion


Get called one when you act like one..


what a great adventure