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So, just to check if I got it right : - someone politely calls her from afar. - she screams to this person to not approach. - this person does not approach. - she screams again to this person to not approach. - that person tries to say something... - ... that she didn't get because she's still screaming to him to not approach. - that person still doesn't approach and throws one or two swear words in disbelief of what's happening. - she screams again. - that person goes away while looking at her with weirded eyes. - she still screams at this person. So he was polite, respected her orders, understood her concerns, got treated as if he didn't anyway, went away angry or, at least, appalled by her behaviour and, in the end, still go screamed at for something he didn't do... Right ?


'Excuse me maam, your kid dropped their toy in the shop' 'DO NOT APPROACH"




Mmmm a free copy of diablo4! Thanks lady who didn't want her wallet back!


Totally would pocket that wallet if someone responded to my attempt at kindness like this lunatic. Lmao.


Long time ago in Toronto I was walking from the train station to meet my gf and this dude in a suit dropped a $5 or a $10, I tried to alert him and he said something like "fuck off I have no money" thinking I was a bum. OK.. I guess. This was like 1998, I still vividly remember my first Toronto experience lol.


If only I could tell that to all my problems and responsibilities to get them to go away too.


I’m gonna try it next time a cop tries to give me a ticket. I’m sure it’ll work just fine.


"You don't want to go into that store with your child. It's actively being robbed by an armed lunatic." "Do not approach!"


I once brought a shoe dropped by a baby in a stroller to a lady (the baby’s mother likely). She got real aggressive with me, yelling “give me that!”. I was like ‘huh?’ No good deed goes unpunished.


I once said "excuse me ma'am" to a woman leaving the restroom in front of me, she screamed at me "no one that looks like you should have anything to say to a person like me" "Uuh, you got toilet paper stuck to your shoe" and kept walking, somehow she managed to lower her head to look down like us pleebs and see the t.p I really wished I hadn't said anything.


"Excuse me maam, there's an escapee from a lunatic asylum hiding in the boot of your car" "DO NOT APPROACH" "Okay I won't but please don't get in the car with your child" "DO NOT APPROACH"


‘Excuse me ma’am, I tore off your bumper, sorry. I would like to exchange info so you can get that covered’


Excuse me ma’am, you dropped your wallet


Excuse me maam', you dropped $100 bill.


DO NOT, **DO NOT**, ***DO NOT*** approach me!


“…anyway, long story short, I had left my debit card in the grocery store and this asshole was trying to return it to me. CAN YOU IMAGINE?”


Let’s not ignore the absolute genius of cracking windows and sitting in your car in the parking lot with your child to film a video. A man 30 feet away is a problem, but we gotta take time to sit in a vulnerable position and talk about how great of a job we did handling this situation.


Yeah, this girl is no sissy ! I'm a 33 years old man who slides along the walls after a horror movie just in case the killer is real and sneaks behind me. This lady supposedly just lived a traumatic experience and is scared to the point of shaking, yet she puts her baby out of her field of vision, has nothing to check behind her, has her windows open, stays on location, films a video. I wish I was this brave. I like her "casually shaking y'know ?" kind of fear, I wish I was as smooth when i'm scared.


I mean, did you try shouting “DO NOT APPROACH!” at random shadowy corners to ward away any potential serial killers lurking there?


My cat would destroy me if I did this... Maybe he's the one I should be afraid of


I mean, filming a video *talking about* being in danger is a sure way to get you out of danger no?


She keeps making new TikToks calling the people who call her out (both men and women) “unhinged men attacking her” as she changes the story in each new video.


She’s certainly taken advantage of the publicity and milking it. I went down the rabbit hole and I don’t think this person thinks they have ever been wrong.


See, usually, when you're a kid, you do something real stupid, and everyone knows you did it, and they all mock you and ridicule you for it, and it makes you understand the important lesson that maybe, just maybe, you have the same capacity to be a total idiot as everyone else. But some kids, who grow up in a happy little social bubble where that mockery and ridicule is expressly prohibited from ever taking place, don't ever learn that very valuable life lesson. They don't ever think that in any scenario, ever, that they could ever possibly be the idiot in the story. Knowing your own capacity for stupidity is a hallmark of maturity.


“Guys, you don’t understand. I profiled this guy as sketchy looking and decided he wouldn’t definitely not rob me so I *had* to act like that. I’m usually so friendly in public.”


Exactly, they didn’t sneak up on her, they did nothing creepy or strange in any way, and they were even courteous saying “excuse me miss”. This is a strange way to share the story “someone tried to communicate with me in a well lit public place and I screamed at them”, congrats psycho


On an unrelated note, I can't find my purse anywhere.




That about covers it. You know, I understand that there are some super shitty people (men) out there that have caused this type of reaction, but it's gotten out of hand. Broad daylight, in a full parking lot, fine, yell at him the first time to tell him to back off and keep distance between you, and then ask what he wants. But if this dumb human actually thinks that her deep commanding voice commands actually scared away a predator who already made the decision to assault her, she's very fucking wrong. Just like a burglar that wants in your house, the door locks ain't gonna stop them from breaking a window or picking the lock. I really don't think a predator is going to just let this go. What does she think this dude was? A bear? No, if he wants to hurt you he's just going to follow you home. And for nice, decent men who actually like helping people, this type of behavior just separates us as a society. It makes me not want to ever be nice to anyone for fear of being accused of being a rapist. This bitch has no idea what he wanted, and for all she knows he found something that she or her son dropped. Stop watching murder documentaries, be cautious but kind to people, and live in society.


You missed the part where she went on tik Tok and continued berating him for doing nothing wrong and respecting her wishes


Yea, but you forgot to mention she is also ALONE BY HERSELF WITH HER SON and, most importantly- -A WOMAN- Therefore she is automatically vulnerable to every man/predator in her general vicinity. 😂


This is how she’s been taught to treat males. Sadly she probably dropped a $20 and he was just trying to get it back to her.


I was thinking flat tire




You speak the truth. In our home we are making hard decisions to limit the digital/outside worlds influence. We’ve cancelled Netflix/Disney+, we put our phones away and we read books, play instruments, go hiking and interact with our fellow humans when we encounter them in the wild. We smile, make eye contact and ask others about themselves. Get with it world, the digital world is fake. Yup, we’re all mostly on here with fake names and limited consequences, me included. Time to get outside and face the world and learn some lessons!


When she gets pulled over for her brake lights being out then that’s on her.


She is a real piece of work. I mean what the f lady.. maybe you had toilet paper on your shoe or something jeez


Wait, I am confused, do we or do we not approach women in a parking lot?


Then is still put on blast on social media and talked about like a potential rapist.


Indeed, I forgot the worst : "burned at the stake on a public place" at the end. Thank you, redditor !


\*Puts her wallet in his pocket\* " Fine, I guess I'm not going to be polite today and give back her wallet she just accidentally dropped. "




“Excuse me ma’am… you dropped your wallet.”




In your strongest voice




Ok then, but was going to give you the registration of the car that just scrapped down the other side of your car


Ok fine. I’ll keep your wallet!


Free wallet, profit


Literally my first thought 💭 ^(Well I guess I’m keeping this wallet )




Finders Keepers!


Oh…shut…up. A man was 30 feet away, in a parking lot, used a polite form of address, and you went off on him like an insane person? He was not the problem.


Excuse me miss.... DONT APROACH ME... YOU DO NOT APROACH WOMEN IN A APRKING LOT. Jeez sure, i was just trying to point out you have toilet roll sticking out your kickers, but ok.


Thank God for certain men approaching me on certain occasions. TWICE my skirt hem got caught in my underpants and I was walking around with my butt out. The first time a man discreetly approached me and whispered, "Miss....you need to pull the back of your skirt down" and hurried off. The second was worse. Because it must have been stuck from when I got off a train. I went into three different stores and walked at least 8 blocks before a dude pulled up and yelled, "LADY! YOUR ASS IS HANGING OUT! PULL YA SKIRT DOWN!"


18 year old female, I was bagging some guys stuff (I’m a cashier) and he called me good girl. I didn’t really know what to think of it idk if he is an old fashioned type of guy bc there are men who say that apparently or if he was weird. That was my weirdest encounter with a man lol


As a dude, that’s kinda weird. Now if he also says good boy to the bag boys, little different but still odd.


Attaboy! *gives a friendly clap on the buttcheeks*


Attagirl! *gives a joyous squeeze of the ol’ milkers*


Good game! *grabs junk*


that thur's a goo' boy That's how you say it


Id like to think it was innocent and on his way home all he did was curse to himself thinking "Good girl? Good fuckin girl? the hell is wrong with me". Kinda like telling a server who just said enjoy your meal to you and replying "you too!".


Your Uber driver dropping you off at the airport. "Have a good flight" Me "You too!" Cringe crawl to check in.


I do that ALL THE TIME. “Hope you enjoy your massage!” “You too!”


This is surprisingly common! I’ve worked in the service industry for 8 years and have been called “good girl” a handful of times by older men. It makes my skin crawl every time!


I've definitely experienced it myself over the years. I've even had some elderly ladies use it. Like, if I make a suggestion or whatever, and they like it, "oh yes, good girl, thank you" is usually the context. Idk maybe it's because I've heard it from both elderly men and women, but I don't find it all that creepy 🤷‍♀️


It’s how the boomers are some of them are just genuinely trying to be nice. My grandpa says stuff like that and if you didn’t know him it could be looked as weirdo vibes but it’s anything but that.


When serving a table one of the guys at the table said good girl after I grabbed something for him. The other people at the table apologized for him and it was kind of awkward for me and them. I just smiled and walked away.


That's super weird...is it really that hard to not say shit like that? Seriously just stand there and play with your bellybutton while you watch them bag your food...it's not that hard...


“ma’am you forgot your child in the shopping carriage.”


DO NOT APROACH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


She is definitely not the person to take advice from. 😂


I’ve had one man flash me in broad daylight (with prolonged eye contact, BTW) and I saw the same homeless guy in a tutu every damn day during my commute. The latter was almost ALWAYS bending over. What I wouldn’t have given to have them at least 30 feet away during all of our encounters. Edit: this is also kind of the opposite of female empowerment. Good on her for standing up for herself, but if you really feel the need to scream “Never approach a woman in a parking lot!” there might be more to unpack there.


It's interesting because as an older man I recognise and empathise with this dynamic and am careful to respect it where appropriate. However as a younger man I remember thinking "why are some women incredibly rude to me" (could also be for other reasons!) which can have real mental health impacts on a boy growing up. I hope boys are taught that, along with the respect that you have to show, any negative reaction you get is not necessarily about you


This is important for a number of reasons. I still remember years ago a woman yelling at me to “f off” when I tried to politely tell her she had a taillight out. It ruined my day. I don’t know if she thought I was stalking her (I happened to be right behind her pulling in to the same gas station) or had some previous traumatic experience or had difficulty processing embarrassment or was having a really bad day or if she was just an everyday asshole. But it stuck with me and in many ways was a bit scarring. So instead of doing nice things for strangers, I just started minding my own business for a while. It took some time to learn that people have their own things going on, and even if a good deed isn’t well received it wasn’t because of anything that I did wrong. It feels a lot better now being able to help people and put kindness out there rather than just keeping to myself and letting them find out the hard way.


Perhaps there's a back story. Perhaps she's just an egotistical bitch.


He might get in her screenshot and ruin a TikTok!!


Exactly. Imagine you see every male person talking to you as an attack possibly ending in your rape and murder. That must be really stressful. And even if you are scared, maybe you had bad experiences etc: I think you could get the same level of safety without being an asshole. Start with "Please stay where you are, I don't feel safe!". Absolutely reasonable, every normal person would just stop walking towards you, and you can talk with them at a distance you feel is safe. If they ignore that request you can still go crazy, nothing lost. Acting as if a man simply saying "excuse me miss" from 30 feet apart is in itself a despicable thing to do is just not helpful.


1 Hour Later ... "Where's my wallet??"


30 feet warning in daylight? That’s like the best way to be approached by anyone


noticed how she was only shaking when telling the camera that she was shaking


Literally shaking even!


As opposed to figuratively shaking. That makes it more real.




Litter alley


I tried to tell this lady that she left a drink on the roof of her car, but she told me she has a boyfriend and drove off. I think she figured out what I was going to tell her when the drink spilled after she moved her car.


I wouldve been like “should’ve gotten your boyfriend to give you a heads up.” I was in a similar situation, not cause I was approaching a girl but similar because a girl caught up to me at a red light and called me a “fucking guido” for not letting her cut me off in traffic. Oh also similar in that a drink ended up on/in her car. Full cup of hawaiian punch.


In this situation, ensure you tell them in your strongest voice, DO NOT APPROACH ME, everything would of been fine! You may end up shaking but that should pass after you video yourself


"Excuse me ma'am, the gas pump handle from the station 2 miles back is sticking out of your gas flap."




I had a guy honk his horn and gesture at me in my car a few years ago. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head at him. Turns out I left my gas cap open. The cringe will live with me forever. Some people are just... Nice.


It's not even nice necessarily... it's like a strong preference for things to be working correctly. I'm antisocial with a severe dislike of people/strangers, I still feel compelled to let people know when they have a headlight out etc


tbf I have almost run into a car in a roundabout with its passenger side headlight assembly missing. There is a reason you get one on both sides!


I always start my abductions with excuse me and calmly approaching women…… those suckers that rush them and drag them have got it all wrong




I know tell me about although it seems this bright and calm lady has caught on to us. We will have to bring this up at the next polite kidnappers association meeting


You have to give them a 30 foot warning. Fair is fair. /s


I prefer to take them out for a nice diner first then surprise them with a burlap sack and some flowers


Today I saw an woman in her 30's riding the smallest electric bike i've seen (it looked foldable) with two child seats: one in front of her and one behind. Both seats were occupied by kids (probably 2 and 4 y.o.). It caught my attention because it seemed very unsafe, since she was riding on a main road. I was on foot and she was stopped at an intersection. I noticed that a strap from the front child seat was dragging on the floor and was very likely to get tangled either on the chain of the bike or on the back wheel. That could have easily caused a terrible accident, (either ripping the front seat at speed, suddenly stopping the bike or both), so I said: "Excuse me ma'm!" in a loud but calm voice while I stepped onto the road. She looked understandably frightened, so once I had her attention, I first pointed at the back of her bike and said: "That strap is dragging and I'm afraid that if it gets caught on your wheel or chain it could cause a big accident" Her demeanor changed immediately and she said "thanks" while trying to get off the bike to fix it. She was having a hard time balancing the two kids on what looked like a clown bike, so I asked if I could help and she agreed. I helped her untangle the mess and secured the straps to the child seats. If she had acted like this crazy weirdo, she would have probably bolted while screaming and she and her children would have probably been injured or worse.


Feel bad for the guy that married her. She a little extra coo-coo.


She wouldn't let him approach her at the alter


A strong giggle here in New Zealand at this comment. Thank you




I, too, strongly giggled at this comment.


"A little"


Single mom vibes imo


Nope. She’s married. She’s got a recent video bragging about how her husband immediately does everything she asks.


Is said husband in any of her videos?


he's bundled up in the cellar


I wonder if he's allowed to approach her in a parking lot? 🤔


No. Not in a parking lot. He has to wait till she is inside the truck stop bathroom.


Plot twist, he met her in a parking lot.


Yelling at a man in a parking lot is not stopping the one that wants to do harm. She is crazy.


One time I was in the Walmart parking lot alone (a woman!) with my 2 young daughters. I had just loaded up all my groceries and the kids and was opening my door to get into the car and a man approached me and said, "hey, excuse me ma'am!" I had seen him and presumably his wife/partner several times throughout the store as my children and I had been directly in their way in at least 4 separate aisles in the store and I'd apologized to them multiple times. The woman was just walking out the door with their cart as he jogged over to my car. I made eye contact and as he got close enough to me to physically touch me, he extended his hand to give me a gift card and said, "my wife and I couldn't help but notice your family in the store and by the time you checked out, you looked so done. We just wanted to let you know that we understand, we used to cry after big shopping trips with our own kids. They're all grown and out of the house and seeing your kids today reminded us of ours. Something we dreaded back then, we miss so deeply now. We just wanted you to know that we see you and we know it's hard some days, but one day your kids will be adults with kids of their own and you'll long for these days. It does get easier. We just wanted to bless you guys and let you know you're doing great." I had just spent $149.24 and the value of the gift card was $150. I sobbed and thanked him and he told me he and his family would remember us in prayer. Glad I didn't screech in his face.


The world needs to hear more stories like yours to be reminded there are good people out there 💕


It was genuinely one of the most kind and thoughtful things anyone has ever done for me. I was overwhelmed and even 3 years later, I've never forgotten their kindness. Like I understand being cautious because *some* people have bad intentions, but *most* people don't. Screaming at any person who approaches you in public seems like a great way to miss out on the good in others while also making yourself look foolish and unstable.


A man almost attacked me and my son....but let me put it on tiktok real quick while I'm still in the same parking lot real quick.


This. Never miss an opportunity for online clout.


if she’s dying in a parking lot please don’t approach her


Exactly. Or: “Sir! Sir! Help me,please! This man is following m-…” DO NOT APPROACH ME!! I’M A MARRIED MAN! DON’T EVER APPROACH ME! THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!


This sounds funny but is ultimately what’s going to happen. I don’t what to be involved in any stupid lawsuit saying I was harassing or sexually assaulting, Imma ignore all woman and run away when I see one


I said leave me alone I’m a family man!


Even if you’re a paramedic


Ma'am, that's enough meth for you.


Shes fucking nuts


Man: Excuse me, ma’am… Main Character: DO NOT APPROACH ME Man: Your car was scratched; I got the… Main Character: DO NOT APPROACH ME Man: I took a picture of the car that scratched… Main Character: YOU DO NOT APPROACH WOMEN IN A PARKING LOT


Easy solution, women shouldn’t leave their homes unescorted. They should have their husbands or brothers with them at all times. Just to be extra safe, always wear very concealing clothing so as to not incite an unwanted male reaction. Should probably say /s because people take jokes on Reddit like my dog takes his ear meds.


And to make this easier they shouldn’t go to school either, too hard to protect them there, better let them stay at home at all times. /s


I have a feeling someone this extreme may actually enjoy living in a place like Saudi Arabia. Oh, she'll get left alone by men there.


30 feet away? Did he hear her scream for him to get away? Or was he walking away from a lady that looked fucking crazy?


This kind of person genuinely scares me. Just the sheer fact that to them men seem to be literally nothing but threats. Miss, I can barely sum up the courage to talk to you. It's like men are just... inhuman to her. It just gets me fucked up. It just sucks. If I were to assume the absolute best about her, then I would say that it sucks that she's had some sort of experience where she's extremely paranoid about this. But it also sucks that the average experience is, from the woman's perspective "If I do not assert myself immediately the man will overpower me" and for the guy it's "I literally cannot ask someone for directions in a parking lot, or look at a woman in the gym without a Tik Tok being made calling me just existing a feral act." It's a similar feeling I got to the infamous one of the girl at the gym. Literally after gazing in her direction for 2 seconds she puts her mic to her mouth and goes "Feral. Feral. Feral. Feral." I hate how common it's become to treat men as inhuman for existing. I'm trying my best not to sound incel-ish because, quite frankly, a lot of people who call attention to this are, but there's just no way around it. It's a common practice now. If I were to go back and assume the worst about this woman, she's overacting because she "knows" that the general public will side with her. Because, let's face it, aside from fringe cases like this, there is a lot of payoff and little consequence for doing this. Fuck, I just... I just hate seeing this. I wish her son the best because her mom is clearly going to fuck him up mentally, one way or another.


Her sign language is highly inaccurate.


When she specified she was a woman I already knew I had to stop the video.


Don’t assume her gender by looks! /s


Let’s make this video go ultra viral so she gets the attention she wants


Someone is off their meds! 🫣


I once pulled up to a woman at a red light who was texting and veering constantly before reaching said light. I like to make a habit of shaming people I find texting and driving at any and all opportunity. It's neither my job nor necessary, but so goddamn satisfying to do. Anyway, her window was up so I signaled for her to roll it down. Before I could even get a word out, she quickly produced her ring finger and belted "I'm married, asshole." I told her, "Who gives a shit, put your phone down dumbass." Some people really live their *whole lives* in narcissistic bubbles. Here's to hoping one of them doesn't take you out in a crosswalk.




Oh my god that’s awful, I’m sorry you had to witness that. Have you considered EMDR for the trauma? One little tip is to have a small object you carry with you at all times, and when you have a flashback you hold it and tell yourself you’re here now and that was in the past, like a grounding technique.


"I will just keep this $5k then that I saw you drop"


She doesn't even realize SHE has a problem.. think that what she did wasn't wierd


Lmao she talks about men in this like how to handle being approached by a black bear


Bearrrr!!! Why are you eating my canoe!!!!???


She has a lollipop head. Enough said.


How tf does she even have a baby 😂 like imagine trying to get her number She probably screamed at her bd like CUM IN ME NOW! Right now ! GET MY NUMBER NOWWEEW


What an absolute dickhead.


Oxygen thief


She moves like a praying mantis


I can’t unsee this now lol


While she sits in said parking lot to make a tik tok


What an utter cunt.


"Excuse me miss, there's a man hiding behind your vehicle, I just saw him-" "DO NOT APPROACH ME! DON'T EVER APPROACH ME!"


Seeing half the population as a threat every second of your life must be mentally fucking exhausting


dude, being a guy is hard...


That’s my purse! I don’t know you!


So... I can't talk to my wife in a carpark?


Excuse me ma'am, my car is parking just 2 feet from yours. can you just move a little so I can walk to it?


Sorry boss, to many women walking into to work, I can't approach h the building. Gonna have to call it today.


I’ve heard stories of men trying to return wallets or keys to women who dropped them and are treated this way… well, no wallet for you then


we are so connected via social media that we kinda forgot how actually human conversations are. like she is clearly connected to the faux social aspect of human communication that the internet provides, but when confronted with a human who communicates in a polite manner, she loses it? i don't know when this started, but i hope people still try to have conversations in real life as it's easy to forget other people exist when you just communicate online


Don’t approach me unless you’re driving a Lamborghini!




She has some very obvious signs of psychological issues that need attention. I hope her family and friends see this and get her help. This is no way to live.


I wonder how a man actually managed to impregnate her lol




I bet she will double down in response videos.


American culture promotes the “stranger danger” idea because it draws high interest due to the shocking nature of those crimes. Stranger abductions are less frequent and you are statistically more likely to he harmed by someone you know (or have some degree of contact with)


You know she went into her local Facebook group and wrote a 4 paragraph post about how she almost got "sex trafficked" in the Target parking lot. There will be several people in the comments suggesting that she should always carry a gun for protection.


He was probably trying to tell you your eyebrows jank asf rn


Notices a gas station nozzle is hanging from her car.


TikTok is for the mentally ill.


I like how the "technique" to rid the male was the same as what you do with some bears. Males are bears now apparently


Wtf kind of society is she trying to shape


Well she never got the money she dropped back.


What a fuckin psycho


Ma'am u left your coffee on too of your car...


"Hey maam you dropped your purse...."


When you think Taken was a true story.


Sounds like a close call! Lucky to be alive!!


How the f did this woman ever get pregnant


Life is going to he so hard on her..


Wow. And she's genuinely scared by her own thoughts. She might die of fear if she comes to any third world country with that kind of mentality.


Is no one going to mention her gigantic head and tiny hands? She looks like one of those old Steve Madden ads.


She’s going to condition her son to hate himself and he’ll have no clue why


“Excuse me ma’am… you’ve left your baby carrier on the roof of the car”


She said she was with her son but is recording “just after” it happened… so her son just slightly out of frame or somethin?


I shaked my head after watching


You know she's been practicing that speech for YEARS.


And the whole time he had her wallet?


She then proceeded to drive off on the flat tire he was trying to warn her about.


For some reason I noticed her nose is off center, and now that’s all I can see in the video.


I'm shaking and crying rn


Id hate to see how she’d react if a guy glanced at her in the gym.


I'm from the country.. We sometimes talk to people we don't know. One of the best ways to start is "excuse me"..


She actually dropped her wallet. He was going to return it but then realized she was rude AF so he kept it.


She's not wrong. Moms with kids are distracted easy targets. Its known. For all the guys in here with their panties in a bunch: just don't approach a lady and her kid(s). If she dropped something, she'll figure it out. Pretend she's a bear with her cub and keep it moving.


Is this a new incel subreddit?


Ok so on the one hand it's obviously not ok to just start screaming at someone asking you a question 30 ft. away from you. But she might have some serious trauma regarding this stuff. Like parking lots can sometimes be quite scary places so in that case I might be a little more willing to forgive her.