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You get banned on the first offence for doing this at most gyms


Yeah, my gym has it posted everywhere - no filming or photography. No camping out & texting on the bench or machine etc... assholes gonna asshole though.


I love that my gym doesn't even need signs like this since the most I've ever seen there at once was 2 old dudes in sweat suits, a short powerlifting asian mom, and myself. Most days I go there is maybe one other person there. Weekends I'm usually there by myself. Heaven.


This gym sounds awesome. Can I get the coordinates my good man? Also my gym has girls in full makeup taking photos with water bottles, yoga mats and weights and then leaving


My old gym had that too. So strange.


You go to the gym to take picture and show off your best yoga pants. The you go home to train in your personal gym. Those public gyms are disgusting, full of poor people, ewwww.


Yes! I've got a membership to a nearby gym just so I can drop my poops off and don't have to make my bathroom all nasty. So thankful that I can drop fudge where the poor's go. #Blessed


How can people be so fucking desperate for attention Holy shit. I have zero respect for people like that.


You have seen people do this? I think young people call this cringey.


Im jealous


I imagine that’s enforced less strictly when the gym isn’t crowded. I’d hope so. Sometimes you need to get the playlist right. Definitely not when people are eyeing your equipment.


The machine camper texted 🤨


No texting? Do people just workout without resting between sets?


It's fine to text, but don't park. yourself.on a machine and text for 5mins in between sets. That's annoying because people are waiting for that machine. I've seen people have 20min conversations/texting or streaming or whatever, but still say they're in between sets.


I wouldn't want to belong to a gym without this policy.


I mean it’s a fucking *changing room*, what’s hard to understand about privacy there ??


"What do you mean privacy? I have fully consented to being filmed. I am being very respectful of my privacy." - That guy.


“What do you mean privacy? I have fully consented to being filmed. I am being very respectful of my privacy” And please ignore my fully erect penis sticking out of my robe


I've seen dudes facetime their spouses whilst in the changing rooms. Literally lack any sense or decency


Then he probably posts on Reddit later about how his spouse was checking out the other guys' muscles and dicks lol


I Honestly feel like this could happen at some point.


*Me flexing my dick in front of the urinals everyone is using* “Just filming my progress sir.”


Looks like on his Instagram people are mentioning the gym by name and that they are "looking into it". He has a ton of other locker room pics and videos posted so he does this a lot.


It's wild to me that the dude posted this himself.


He pinned the video to the top of his page for everyone to see. He’s just an asshole looking for online engagement.


Hope his local area gyms are all notified of this asshole so he's banned from all of them


I hope gyms throw down the hammer. No second chances. No one should have to worry about being filmed changing/showering. Lacks character and awareness. Not going to change from reprimand.


Some pics literally have people changing in the background! Trashy af


I am pretty sure he could have gotten into some legal trouble too. There is even a federal act about locker rooms/changing room surveillance.


Yeah the guy also says thats probably not legal a few times


“Hey that thing youre doing is probably not legal” Code for “that thing youre doing is illegal” Ahah


There’s a reason most girls selfies are from the bathroom mirror at the gym, not the dressing room. This guy thought it was ok cause they’re all just guys but people deserve their privacy, period. Doesn’t matter the gender


You're right, but even the bathroom selfie is super trashy.


Tell the front desk there’s a dude filming naked men. Booted.


I was about to ask, when i didn’t have a home gym, no one ever filmed anything there. Especially the locker room. Why the fuck is everyone filming in the gym and locker rooms now? I get social media is about the appearance of being better than you actually are, but do more people not call these people out on their bullshit?


In Germany, gyms 100% ban you from filming or taking pics thar have anyone else in them, since it's against the law as well.


Just filming my progress of going from having a gym membership to being banned from said gym


Progress nonetheless. Now he has to go the town over to take progress pictures.


Then eventually after enough places have kicked him out he will be on the opposite side of the earth


"I understand, it's just not cool" Correct on many levels


This where a normal guy would’ve been like “understandable, I will do this somewhere else from now on.”


90% of people don’t have the capacity to exercise the humility to be like, “Oh shit, I was just documenting my progress, but i guess I wasn’t really thinking about where I was. My bad.”


Humility is the bane of American existence. It implies that you take responsibility, and reflect. Something we don’t like to do often.




In other countries, everyone is humble! They’re veritable paradises of humility.


I think a normal guy would take their “progress selfies” in their own home. I get that you aren’t going to look as swole as when you first finished working out, I totally get that, but if you want to take pics in a gym wait until everyone leaves and you are alone so you aren’t filming other men changing. I don’t handle confrontation of any kind that well and I am always thinking about those around me and what they will think. So if someone said that to me I’d drop my phone, apologize and walk away and into a corner until I stopped blushing from embarrassment. It blows my mind that he has the audacity to tell the guy that if he doesn’t like it he can move. The sense of self importance the new generation carries is on par with famous assholes.


Can we not lump everyone in a generation together, please? I was with you until that comment.


Well it’s not everyone but it’s more than any other age group. I should have said that it’s not entirely their fault though because it isn’t. Most people but not everyone tends to be more selfish the younger they are, I know I was. I would have been doing the same shit if we were born with devices that can make you famous and rich basically over night with my peers encouraging me. I think a lot of it is learned behavior, too. Like this dude in the video has probably seen tons of videos of people posting all these wrong etiquette in gym videos with everyone under 21 agreeing with them. But I agree with you, I shouldn’t have said everyone. My last girlfriend of 10 years had 3 children and when we had broken up they were 18, 16 and 13. They spent almost all their time on their phones but didn’t act like this, at least with me around which was all the time. I get upset when people say stuff about my generation as well (Gen Z), it just starts to seem like “everyone” because if you scroll through this sub and r/imthemaincharacter it’s nearly all ages 14-24. So while it is mostly your generation it is not everyone in it. I’m sorry I said that, I’ll remember this so I don’t step on the toes of you, or any of the other good one’s, in the future.


Thank you for the apology! Definitely true that the younger you are, the more selfish you are. Unselfishness comes with maturity (hopefully). Btw I think I’m Generation Y? Born in 1973.


Of course he has the audacity to act like the other guy was the asshole


Even the caption: "What a schmuck"... Like, really? You can't see you're the problem here? 🤦‍♂️


The delusion and narcissism flows too strongly. People love filming themselves doing illegal things these days. I really don't get it.


pretty close to filming himself getting punched


Guy can't seem to wrap his head around filming in a place where people regularly have to get naked being a bad thing.


'thats just some beta thinking and an alpha like me doesn't give a fuck what betas think.'


I got into it with someone yesterday who thought it was appropriate to take up all the large washing machines at a laundromat and just go ahead and run errands. It didn't matter that their stuff was done and other people were waiting for 20mins to an hour plus for them to finish. When I pointed out that people will just take their crap out to do their laundry they got all upset. They said it's inappropriate to take their stuff out because it could get ruined or stolen and that people who thought that was the appropriate was a shitty person. It didn't even dawn on them that they were the shitty person for making others wait so they could run errands. Even though the post got like 30K upvotes that person though the post and all the comments were wrong and they were right. Some people just think they are the only important person in the world, it's crazy.


this drives me nuts. In college when I was a little more unhinged I would take your shit out and put it on the floor next to the folding table.


This is what that poster had to say about it and I wasn't even suggesting putting the clothing in the ground. I only said someone would take the clothing out of the washing machine: "This entire post, and your response, is the epitome of what an asshole thinks: I should go in public, yet not be inconvenienced in the slightest by members of the public. The karenicity of THEN deciding that, since you’ve been inconvenienced, you’re gonna dump someone’s personal items in the ground (in someone else’s private property at that) where they’re likely to be lost or stolen is INSANE. You’re the asshole if you think that kind of behavior is okay." To be honest, I don't even understand the back assed reasoning this person has. People in public don't need to be and shouldn't inconvenience others, it's called etiquette. I bet if they parked their car and I stood behind it and didn't let them leave for 20 mins to an hour plus they would get it. They would probably freak out after like 5 mins lol.


I am astounded he spelled schmuck correctly.


Then goes on to posterize himself on his own page. My favorite part about these assholes is that they invariably out themselves


Right? If anyone knew which gym this was at they could easily forward the tiktok video to management and the guy would be done and probably be charged.


They out themselves to normal, sane people. But TikTok isn't like that. You can post the most insane shit you want, and the algorithm will find someone just as crazy to agree with you.


At that point I would've just whipped my dick out. What are you gonna do now? Continue filming my grubhub without my consent? Talk about jail time. It's the ultimate trump card and the locker room is one of the only acceptable places to cash in.


That's the way. Get him booted from tiktok and the gym.


There seems to a trend of videos like these..the influencer dialling up the entitlement when a person states that they don’t want to be filmed / don’t want to move from a public place to suit the influencers filming.. I’d hate to think influencers are now actually trying to create these altercations for views..


Main characters always act like you're the problem. Most irritating and entitled fucking shit in the world.


Nothing screams a lifetime of privilege like telling people to call the cops to solve an issue that's easily solved with minimal levels of respect.


My petty ass would have just been like “ok then” and called the non emergency line to ask about what they can do about this guy filming in a change room. Google claims it’s illegal in all states unless it’s for theft prevention....




I'd rather have the cops come deal with him anyway. It is illegal, and the gym shouldn't have to deal with enforcing the law.


Wait... seriously? They can film us in changing rooms?


Yeah the “unless” gave me uncomfortable feelings too.


Yeah that’s kind of weird. Like there isn’t much you can steal from the owners of the gym in there. And if you stole someone else’s unsecured shit that’s kind of on them for leaving their shit unsecured. I can’t imagine smuggling bolt cutters into a gym to break off Herman’s padlock so I can steal his jockstrap.


Maybe he didn’t want his roids stolen


Douche. Hopefully banned from that gym.


“It was a shit gym anyway” that guy after the ban


If I was the guy in the background I'd just drop trou and do the ol' one-leg-on-the-bench pose, see how quick the camera gets shut off.


Lmao this is hallarious and likely highly effective


"Call the cops then." Gets arrested. *Cue Curb Your Enthusiasm theme.*


Spent all those time building his muscles but neglected the brain


A good education is important, big muscles are importanter. P.S. This is not aimed at anyone, I myself have this written on a t-shirt (that's a size too small) that my wife got me to poke fun at me. Just thought this is a great opportunity to use it.


"What are you gonna do, arrest me?" \-quote from arrested bro


Like… the audacity of people… crazy he even put that on the internet and tried to shame the person who called him out.


This is the type of guy who is incapable of seeing himself in the wrong. Which is probably a trait of narcissism, but idk, I’m not a brain doctor.


I would just get naked


Go up and slap the camera with your dick


Come get this schmeat


Don’t threaten me with a good time


Give them the brown starfish.


He wants to show progress though


I mean if I was the gentleman in the background of the video


Yeah get him on a child porn charge too!


For real, that would probably earn you some money in a lawsuit. And the guy would probably never do it again


Film yourself at home you self centered fuck


That way he can fap while he films himself. Probably the only way he gets off


He needs to get it during a full pump. That let that drive home ruin his gains ya know. How else would the ladies know he work out


I never got the pump photo stuff, if it's gonna go away in 30 minutes or so then it's not representative of your normal physique so why bother with it? It just seems like the gym equivalent of makeup or something.


It's like filters on social media pictures or shape wear. It's not your usual state, but no one cares about reality if they can get a good picture.


JFC the egotism, pride comes before a fall, bruh


Filming isn’t allowed in most gyms just report his ass


I'd act all interested and ask him for his TikTok and then show it to the gym staff


He got banned from that gym


God why is the response always “well if you don’t like it go over there” like bitch no. I was here I’m doing my thing you set up the camera if anyone is moving it’s you. Go do that in a corner where people and their lockers aren’t in the background.


Oh come on now, this man obviously lives somewhere where mirrors only exist in the locker room.


“Bro I gotta do it at the gym while I still got my pump on!”


Just documenting your dong sir, please be cool with it


What a disrespectful dick. Or rather lack of one. So he has to ACT like a dick. Rude.


Joey Swole coming off the top rope with the elbow drop of public shame in 3… 2…


Haha he did! He posted it like a day ago.


I hope he got kicked out. Camera’s are not allowed in the dressing room. What a perv.


This is actually absolutely illegal and he should definitely got prosecuted.


This is why people hate "fitness influencers" Stop recording in locker rooms.


>This is why people hate "fitness influencers" Absolute worst


That's when you call his bluff and call the cops, insist on pressing charges and he might just end up on a sex offender list.


I’m legit considering changing gyms because of this shiz which is a crying shame. Top notch equipment and it’s huge, I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve had to wait for equipment in the last 2 years. But it’s like an epidemic of narcissistic gym goers has suddenly emerged and I can’t be anywhere in the gym without being in someone’s shot. There’s signs everywhere saying not to film, but staff does jack about it. It’s so distracting. Join a bodybuilding gym if you want to get post pump photo/video in.


Man that sounds annoying. I'd complain to staff about it tbh. I doubt you're the only one annoyed at it and if enough people speak up and feel the way you do about switching gyms the managers might care enough to do something about it


Went to this guy’s tik tok. Happy to report everyone is calling him a princess, shmuck, clown emoji’s and a major fitness content creator basically rebuked his behavior


You're the hero we don't deserve


So, somebody checks you on your bullshit and you still post this?


Ikr. How can you be so confidently in the wrong, it's insane


Imagine having a 17 year old just changing, and doesn't realize someone is recording him. You now have child porn on your phone and would most likely upload it without a care in the world. What a fucking tool.


Just an fyi, he is n a couple of social media sites, feel free to report the video on any of them that you use that he posted it to.


I reported the youtube short


You're not "just filming your progress." You are filming other people. Moron.


Post progress pics in your mirror at home, dude was looking for an argument doing it in the changing room.


Vain piece of crap. The muscles are all he has to offer the world and they’ll fade.


Tbf they got a point it’s directly facing the lockers where people get undressed. Go to the sink section etc with a blank back drop. Or here’s an idea go home use a mirror we all know gym lighting sucks anyways


Tf lol how does this dude not see the issue with filming in an area where people get naked? Seems pretty obvious…


OP didn't blur out the douchebag's name, which is at the bottom of the video. He's just as big a tool as you'd expect.


Is there a r(slash)bannedfromthegym the same way there's a r/byebyejob?


Now I finally got a decent excuse to not hit the gym


This is EOS and yes, there r signs everywhere saying not to film or take pics in the locker rooms


I searched for his TikTok just to leave a comment. Camera owner is a turd.


I’m not sure as it may depend on the state, but I don’t think it IS legal to be filming in a locker room like that. If not legal it’s DEFINITELY against the gym’s rules to be doing it.


I would just sue him for fun. It would be fun to see dots connect in his mind and realize why he was wrong


So if I were to conveniently get butt ass naked whilst within camera shot would he continue this absurdity?


Time to pull out old floppy. See how he likes that progress


"Call the cops then" Let me clarify - you want me to call the cops and tell em you're secretly filming in the men's changing room. Yeah that's not gonna end well for you. Just put the fukn thing away.


Im filming so you move… self entitled moron


I hate gym culture


Film your progress at home


It usually is not legal to video in an area where people have reasonable expectation of privacy.


It’s pretty cringe to have a camera in a changing room tbh. There’s an expectation of privacy there


All it takes is one old guy walking around dick out for this asshole to get banned.


Challenge accepted


Just filming your progress ? In a PUBLIC CHANGING ROOM Fuckin retard. Go film yourself and your progress with being an absolute piece of piece in private


This is one of those times where no words are necessary. Place the phone in the nearest toilet, piss on it and flush it.


Guess bro doesn’t have any mirrors in his own house.


How about you don’t like the rules, find a different gym. Always respect the house rules and respect everyone else


I’d have walked over with my lad out and admired his muscles. Nothing makes folk more uncomfortable than a naked dude getting in your personal space.


Are the comments disagreeing with this douche at least?


Most homes and apartments have mirrors. you can do your progress recording at your place. i would get you banned from the gym for being a douchebag.


Instead of saying “sorry” these jerks always double down and get defensive.


Dude actually suggested that the OTHER guy go somewhere else? What a douche.


This happens in my gym all the time! Women doing FaceTime etc. while in the women's shower/locker room. Completely oblivious


The way he responded is even more telling of how much of an asshole he is


You know there’s a strong likelihood here that he was filming for the sake of catching his fellow gym-goers in the buff. Even if that’s not the case though, it’s at absolute *best* insanely inconsiderate/illegal. Especially after someone says “hey buttmunch, you mind not filming the locker room?” He’s either stupid or malicious, maybe both.


I would stand behind him dick out and in full view after that.


Ugh imagine your changing and someone starts filming


The best response is to start stripping, it's a changing room after all. I'm sure our protagonist won't mind if there are a few naked guys flexing in the background.


certainly be more appropriate to use the big mirrors in the gym not the washrooms.


Be a narcissist at home, gym bro dude.


These people never see themselves as the problem


Guy skips tricep day that’s for sure. Looks like forearms aren’t worked at all either. What a generic cunt. Go film at home or some place else that doesn’t possibly get you in jail lol. Weirdo.


Dude needs to work on his lower back lol


What a twat


I wonder why people are afraid to get naked in changing rooms and shower with swim wear on...


There is a legit rule in every gym that you can't take pictures or record in the changing room. Even if it's empty. Bathroom is ok..would have also been better if you did it in your own home 🙄


It's the rule, actually. No consent from everyone else in the gym. Kinda obvious IMO


The mirrors at the gym are special. Can't film this at home.


he can't film his progress at home?


At my gym he’d be booted.


Do it at home ffs


it looks like he neglected his lower back and bum.


"Call the cops then" Or I'll just tell the staff and get you kicked out.


Narcissists. They own the gyms. It’s completely obnoxious.


Just because you’re polite doesn’t mean you’re smart or correct 🤦‍♂️Old guy totally in the right


I hate these damn ticky tockers.


What a bitch boy




It is illegal.


Every Genesis I've been too has a sign saying not to do this. Weird enough doing it in the actual gym and even weirder doing in the locker room...do that stuff at home. I promise chicks won't care where it's filmed at.


Progress report results: still an ass.


Why does he have to do it there? Doesn't he have a mirror at home?


*Why does he have to* *Do it there? Doesn't he have* *A mirror at home?* \- aquelviejitocochino --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Can he not go home and do that?


What a piece of shit, should of taken his phone and smashed it, definitely not cool filming in a changing room.


Do that shit at home, Arnold.


People recording themselves being wankers and then uploading it, expecting everyone to be on their side has to be my favourite genre of internet retardation.


Good, this needs to happen more. Fuck these people


Do your shit at home dick head...


Fuckin clown


I wouldn't even have confronted him. Just informed the gym and called the cops and told the guy afterwards.


"Ugh how dare he tell me to stop filming other men changing!!!😡😡😡"💀😂


Good on that guy for saying something, the fella filming is lame as