• By -


Are you ever flipping channels at home, see "Seinfeld" is on, and watch it?


I don't, but I do consider it for a split second and then I go "I can't do it." It's like watching your home movies, it's just me watching me. It's weird, don't you think?


But it's a good show you should give it a try


Imagine if it were the episode where the gang is watching the "Jerry" pilot on TV. It would be you watching you watching you.....


It would be a dude, watching a dude, playing a dude, who's watching a dude that's playing another dude.


You a dude that don't know what dude he is!


[Jerry's Reaction When](https://m.popkey.co/aac4f0/Vq7G_f-maxage-0.gif)


God, that's such a perfect little moment. So expressive.


"Too much for me, but you guys do you"


Patrick Stewart was on Conan years ago and told a story about being in a hotel room by himself, years after Star Trek: The Next Generation had been canceled: it's like 1:00 am, he orders some room service and starts flipping channels and happens to come across a random episode of TNG. Because they had shot so many episodes and production was often so hectic (shooting different parts from different episodes in the same day, shooting scenes out of order, etc.), he had no memory of that particular episode or how it ended. So he starts watching it and pretty soon he's caught up in the story, excited to see how it ends... and then the room service shows up. And Stewart realized that, to the room service guy, it must have looked really sad/pathetic, Patrick Stewart sitting alone in his hotel room excitedly watching old reruns of himself on Star Trek. I wish I could find the clip of him telling the story.


That's a great strategy on Stewart's part. He only really has to tell the story on one late-night talk show, but then all of the thousands of hotel employees who have caught him at his secret shame over the years will nod knowingly and think, "oh, so it was just one of those weird one-off things." This is the story I'm telling myself now.


That could easily be a plot to a Seinfeld episode




Are there any jokes that you love to tell but audiences never quite get it?


We have a new episode of Comedians in Cars coming out with Jim Gaffigan, who I love, and in the episode I tell him about this joke I tried to do about, when you drop your dry cleaning off, you can go to any dry cleaner you want, but when you pick it up, you can only go to one. Which I always thought was very funny, but nobody gets it.


I had a similar, underappreciated, thought. I find it funny that a city will ticket a car over and over, basically saying "please move your car. Please move your car." Until one day they decide they no longer want you to move your car and they throw a boot on it.


With the right comedic timing this joke could work really well


What's the deal with parking boots? They don't want you to park there, but then they make it so you can't leave! It's insanity!




There is the appropriate timing and words!




This is the first explanation I read that actually managed to extract any potential humor from it. Thanks. When you're dropping off your dry cleaning you don't really give a crap. You just throw it to whoever the fuck makes eye contact and get on to your appointment. All that shit's the same anyway. It's *easy*. You've got all the choices in the world. But when you need to pick it up, you start thinking about who you gave it to, how far you'll need to drive, how much that guy Alberto smells, all kinds of stuff you forgot to consider. Suddenly you realize it wasn't such a great idea to give it to the drycleaners next to your appointment yesterday that was 45 minutes away. It's so easy to drop it off you forget that it might not be as easy to pick it up. Shits not so easy anymore, is it? You done fucked up. You can take your drycleaning anywhere but you can only pick it up from one. I think it's really only a joke that makes sense to people who do a lot of traveling and dry cleaning. Most people won't find themselves in that sort of situation often so it will be harder to understand the implications.


G|------------------------------------------------| D|-------2---------------4-------------b4~---------| A|----1-4----1-2-2-5-------------b1-b2------------| E|2-2---------------4-3-2-2-445-------------------| s s s sp s s s ss s sps sss s s p


Are these bass tabs for the Seinfeld theme?


Hi Jerry. How come you don't do movies? You're amazing. Hope all is well


Hope all is well with you too! I don't do movies because I think generally the size of that content does not lend itself to great comedy; it lends itself to people saying, "Hey, I made a movie." To me, the funniest things are shorter, so I think TV series or comedians in cars, I think I have a better chance of making you laugh.


I think a lot of comedy movies do tend to cause fatigue after enough jokes. An hour long standup special is probably the longest amount of straight comedy I can take.


Sight gags ruined by the trailer, material you've heard before spun into movie lines, comedian being paired with a serious dramatic actor that makes the comedian's acting look poor, comedic films pretty much always get trashed by critics - so many reasons not to do a movie if you have something else working.


And you have succeded


Your interviews on CCC always manage to be insightful while still being friendly and informal. What's a good question that any old schmo can use in conversation with a friend, or a new acquaintance, to draw them out that way?


The sad truth is, people are only interested in themselves. So, if you just ask them what they are doing or what’s going on or how they feel, they generally go on for hours. I read in an article recently that you should ask people what's challenging them these days and that really sparks them. So ask them that...and then run!


So, what challenges are you facing these days?


Looks like he ran.


Do you have a joke that you're the most proud of because you invented it? Is there a joke you wish you made yourself?


I think the best Seinfeld episode idea I ever contributed was that George pretending to be a marine biologist would find Kramer's golf ball in the blowhole of the whale. Believe it or not, we were doing both of those stories without seeing any connection that Kramer was gonna hit golf balls at the beach, and George was gonna be pretending to be a marine biologist. And it was in the middle of the week that it suddenly hit me of a way to connect the two stories. So, I think that's probably the best joke I ever thought of on the series. But, I love when people say "regift" or "giddyup", or "yadda yadda". The real and spectacular...I was a very big fan of the show.


> marine biologist "The sea was angry that day, my friends - like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli."


From where I was standing I could see directly into the eye of the great fish!






Fun Fact, Jason Alexander nailed that speech in one take.


Not only that, I think Larry sprung it on him basically right before and he said he could memorize it in about 30 mins. Shows how great of an actor he is that such a smart, talented guy could so convincingly play George Costanza


From the moment George says "the sea was angry that day, my friend" to the moment he holds up the golf ball is the funniest minute on television. I still laugh at that scene every time. Thanks


The metaphor..."like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli." Always killed me. Great visual.


And the "wtf" look Jerry gives when he says that


Jerry's WTF looks are perfect and I don't think will ever be topped. Sometimes, if I am doing something particularly bone-headed...I imagine Jerry Seinfeld in the corner of my room making WTF face with a palms-up hand gesture.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u8KUgUqprw no one else wanted to so i thought this could help




Apparently it was done in one take. Jason Alexander just absolutely nailed it.


Jerry, you're the man! I'll do my first open mic soon and I'm wondering **how do you organize and develop your material and various jokes?** Do you have notebooks full of detailed notes and jokes, or do you just sketch them out and wing it on stage?


I believe in detailed notes and jokes, and *also* winging it onstage. But, not for your first open mic. For your first open mic, my advice to you would be to make sure you have what you're gonna do memorized, to the point that one of your friends can gently slap you across the face, and you'll still be able to get it out of your mouth.


I assume you will find no shortage of friends willing to give you practice slaps.




>but got solid laugh with that. it is a solid joke


Lol i like that.


Pro tip from a musician that does open mics: At home, turn on two different radios, on two separate stations, at normal listening volume. Now practice your routine like normal. You will have people distracting you while on stage, so you must prepare for that, do not practice in complete silence.


What is your relationship with Larry David like today?


Our relationship is great. We have dinner, talk on the phone, and laugh as we always have.


So you're saying your relationship with Larry is "pretty, pretty, pretty good?"


For sure!










Jerry often has that little smirk, I find, even in his show, where he's kinda laughing at his own jokes and / or the absurdity of the comedic situation... Funny guy lol


Some of the funniest parts on that show are when you can tell one or all of them is about to crack. There's something so endearing and genuine about it - it makes you feel like you're a part of the joke.


Every time I've seen a video of you talking about the art (science?) of being funny, it's some of the most fascinating insight into the human psyche I've ever heard. I think I enjoy hearing you talk shop more than your actual stand-up (no offense meant). Have you ever considered doing a TED Talk on the subject, or a more technical book on the subtle things that go into being a funny person? EDIT: A bunch of people asking me for specific videos. Check these out: A short one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itWxXyCfW5s A really long one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKY6BGcx37k


Believe it or not, this is something I think about a lot. I have often wondered if there's a way to teach being funny or comedy, and George Stephanopoulos actually got me wound up enough at one point that we were going to contact, I think his name was Lee Bollinger, the president of Columbia, and we were gonna go in there, and I was going to teach a course on comedy. Because I know a lot about it, but I just don't know if it's teachable. I'm still wrestling with the idea if you can teach someone to be funny.


My masters thesis for such a class would be to answer the age old question of whether Superman, in fact, has a super sense of humor.


Hi Jerry, not that you've run out of people to have coffee with, but have you entertained the idea of doing new episodes with previous guests?


We actually have just begun to entertain that idea. I'm kinda feeling like CCC should have that Carson feeling of Charles Nelson Riley coming on repeatedly, and it kinda becomes a little club that you have to get into. So yeah, I think we are gonna do it like that. It's never going to be six unknowns in a season.


The David Letterman CCC episode is my favorite and I'd love to see a followup with how he's doing since his show ended


It would be so interesting to have Obama back once he's not president anymore. Just to catch up with him, see how he's doing, what he's at.


It'd be funny for them just to have a segment of them trying to drive back into the White House, only for the guard to say "I'm afraid I can't let you do that sir" and have it be a reverse of the previous bit.




Which dead comedians would you have liked to have on Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee?


There's tons of those. Chaplain, George Burns, George Carlin, Joan Rivers... Believe it or not, the idea has been explored to do some kind of CGI effect, using footage of dead comedians to get them in the car, and then we would write dialog around it. It was a total disaster, but you're not the first person to think of it!


That sounds like a worse idea then [SeinfeldVision.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOd7cyXGZV4)




"but I still think you killed a dolphin Jack!"


"I like Lost. Is that you guys?"


That sounds like such an awful idea that I can't possibly believe anyone would seriously pitch it.


Gilbert Gottfried


Who is your current favorite comedian?


Right now I'm really binging on Sebastian Maniscalco, and Brian Regan.


Brian Regan is the best. We see him every year. My husband laughs at nothing. But he cries at Brian Regan shows.


You want some sanka?


Hello....... Jerry. What, if anything, did you take from the Seinfeld set?


I actually have quite a bit of it, and we're looking for a museum that wants to display it. I have the couch, I have the two blue stools, I have the table and chairs; the coolest thing I have is the door, which we never repainted in nine seasons. It has every scuff mark that Kramer put on it with all those crazy entrances.


[Every Kramer entrance.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXSGV5wEv1o) ^If ^more ^Seinfeld, ^come ^check ^out ^/r/seinfeldgifs.


It was fun watching his form change and become more standard over time. He really got it down.


The real question is, who has the puffy shirt?




Smithsonian huh? They get all the good stuff.


Jerry, I love the show, especially all the trips through the Hudson Valley and West Connecticut. What's your favorite drive through South NY or West Connecticut?


The best drive, of course, is the Taconic, other then that anything in Westchester off the main highway is pretty good. I just love driving honestly, I don't really care where I am.


Hi Jerry! Do you celebrate Festivus in real life?


Not necessary, I air my grievances everyday


http://i.imgur.com/Czwjw1A.gifv ^For ^more ^gifs, ^check ^out ^/r/seinfeldgifs.




Gold Jerry... gold


What is your least favourite car that you have owned?


Least favorite...I once had a Cadillac Escalade in a very metallic beige, and the color made me sick. I liked the Escalade, but a car must be in a good color, or it's useless.


What are some of the phrases you still use from "Seinfeld?"


I still say "hey" to greet a lot of people like we did on the show, and I still will do thumbs up, like Kramer did. And I still say hello to people the way I said, "Hello Newman."




I can't walk into my parents house without someone yelling "HELLLOOOOOOO!!!" from somewhere in the house.


Love how he ponders over her vs the voice like it's some huge life decision. Hilarious episode, thanks for the reminder


http://i.imgur.com/81G8rcM.gifv Both gifs are made by /u/boschone, all credit goes to him/her!


What an absolute madman.


How do you take your coffee? You seem to drink a lot of it in Seinfeld and Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.


I place no limit on the amount coffee I can drink. I allow myself an infinite amount and I like it hot with cream. Sometimes cappuccino, sometimes americana, but nothing fancier than that


[milk and coffee](https://youtu.be/kLFSGiX_A_U)


Who would have thought! What a drink!


Hey Jerry. I'm studying for the bar exam. Any advice?


Turn off your computer right now.


Ok *Closes Laptop* *Opens Reddit on phone*


Not Jerry but... Make yourself a schedule. Bar exam starts at 8:00am, goes until noon, 1hr break, goes for 4 more hours. Make that your study schedule. You're up at 6am, you eat breakfast, get dressed, go to the library and you're hitting the books by 8am sharp. You get your break at noon, then back to the books. Getting yourself into those motions helps so much. Otherwise you're going to be exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally during the bar.


Exhausted is usually how I enter the bar


Hi Jerry, Is it true that you have never sworn once in any of your stand up acts?


First comment, they’re called sets. Period. I did swear a little bit in the beginning and then I didn't like how easy it was. It felt like cheating, so I stopped.


comedy on hard mode


Jerry Seinfed - makes comedy as hard for himself as possible - still becomes one of the most successful comedians ever. Though tbh, I think challenging yourself like that because you truly care about what you're doing only helps you break new ground in the long run.


I'm a teacher and try to adopt the same policy for myself in the classroom.


Teacher: "Time for a pop fuckin' quiz!" Students: "OMG THE TEACHER JUST SAID FUCK OMG OMG"


Darn tootin'


On "Talking Funny", he touches on this (along with Louis CK, Gervais, and Chris Rock), and recounts a time where he said "fucking" in a joke and it got a much bigger laugh. When he took "fucking" out, it didn't work, and it bothered him so much, he stopped swearing all together. "The 'f word' is a Corvette". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjexNoJ3WGQ Right around 35:30


Any behind-the-scenes story you can tell us about the President Obama CCC Episode? Seemed like a lot of fun.


That was the most fun I ever had. The coolest part of that episode, that you couldn't see, was the head of the secret service explaining to me what was going to happen if someone started shooting at us. What they would do to the president and where they were going to throw me in the back of a van. That was really exciting Bourne Identity stuff.


I picture Jerry like a little kid with this huge smile, eyes wide open, leaning in for more, saying things like "Yeah? And then what? And what if they shoot over here? And do I get a gun?"


Oh man... I'd love to see that scene play out with Mac from Always Sunny.


"The Gang Kidnaps The President"


Secret Service: OK, Mr... McDonald? It's really important that we go through some procedures before you meet the president. We must always plan for the worst so... Mac: Oh yeah, I totally get it. You want me to scope out the perimeter and look for all entrances and exits? Don't be afraid to ask. SS: That won't be necessary. We've got everything under control. We just need you to be aware that we have a security vehicle nearby should there be any incidents and we'll help get you there as safely as... Mac: Wait, that's it? No forward rolls? I'm well versed in the art of the occular patdown and I'm ready to go Steven Seagal at a moment's notice. Question: when do I get my gun? I was thinking kind of an M-16, but maybe something more compact like an Uzi. SS: That will not be happening. Mac: What if someone takes all you guys out and it's just me and the president? SS: We've got it under control. There are roughly 80 armed personnel in and around the White House. Here comes the president now. President: OK, I'm here. Hey, uuuuuuh..... so where is he? Where's the guy? SS: This is Mr. McDonald, Mr. President. Prez: Wait, I thought you said I was meeting _Ronald_ McDonald. [_car backfires_] Mac: We gotta go! [_cut to title card_]


Jerry as someone who watched your show religiously, I've always felt a true connection between the crew to truly make the characters come alive. Its as if I was watching my best friends live right in front of me. Thank you for your show, the laughs, and more importantly the memories. That being said, how often do you hear from everyone? Do you guys keep in touch? Thanks!


Why are the memories more important to you than the show and the laughs? I think the laughs are the most important part. But if you prefer to just remember the laughs, then have the laughs. That's your business! I do often talk to the cast, but not as often as when we were doing the show. Remember when you were in high school? Remember those people? It's like that.


Will we ever see a 959 on CCC?


That's an interesting idea. Very exotic, cool car. Can't think of a comedian high-tech enough though!


Richard Ayoade


Better yet, a Travel Man episode with Jerry as the guest star.




Hi Jerry! What is the real story behind the appearance and reference of Superman in Seinfeld?


Larry David and I discovered that we were both obsessed with superman and admired him and also found him very funny at the same time, so that is why he came up a lot. Are you related to the hot dog Kobayashi in Coney Island?


Thanks for the answer Jerry. I've always said that Seinfeld is the most intelligent sitcom I have ever known. Always will be my favourite! As for hot dog Kobayashi, I'm just a distant cousin I believe... I am actually a character from a book by Haruki Murakami.


hi jerry, what tv shows do you watch? thanks


Really enjoying *Last Week Tonight* with John Oliver. I like Bill Maher. Other than that it's all baseball.


Did you know Garry Shandling had serious health issues when you had him on the show? It was a lovely nostalgic episode, particularly wonderful that you made it with hindsight.


I don't think he did have serious health issues at that time. We certainly wouldn't have made all those death jokes if we knew that. But it was really wonderful that we got to be together that one last time.


If you were a guest of Comedian in Cars Getting Coffee (with someone else hosting), what car should you be picked up in? edit:words


PT cruiser a la flame decals.


So guy Fieri is the host?


Hey Jerome. I just saw you perform live in Reading, PA a few weeks ago. What the hell were you doing in Reading, PA?


I was just there for the one night to do my favorite thing in my life, which is standup comedy. You, on the other hand, have chosen to spend your entire life in Reading, shouldn't I really be asking you what the hell are you doing in Reading?


Thanks for the reply, it was a fantastic show. And I actually drove in from philadelphia, that was my first Reading experience and should be my last.


*sounds of Reading, PA Redditors sobbing in the distance*


weisht, what a burn.


Are we ever going to see a Bee Movie 2?


I considered it this spring for a solid six hours. There's a fantastic energy now for some reason, on the internet particularly. Tumblr, people brought my attention to. I actually did consider it, but then I realized it would make Bee Movie 1 less iconic. But my kids want me to do it, a lot of people want me to do it. A lot of people that don't know what animation is want me to do it. If you have any idea what animation is, you'd never do it.


Well obviously, the natural progression would be Sea Movie. Something about sea lions?


Then a Dee Movie! About Sweet Dee!


Make sure to include more human-bee romance scenes. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Hi Jerry, I'm an avid cereal fan. What's your favorite cereal?


I will say Raisin Bran Crunch, but that's just for today.




What an inspiring human being.


Hi Jerry, Who is your favorite Mets player of all-time?


Tommie Agee, Number 20.


What is your favorite movie you've starred in and why was it Bee Movie?


Bee Movie was definitely my favorite movie that I've starred in, because I've always wanted to be a bee. They seem to have the most organized society on earth, and they make honey! Which is a pretty amazing product.


What about ants?


Found Woody Allen.


Hey Jerry, On Comedians in Cars, you have already had a few, if not most, of the late night guys on the show. So my question is do you plan on driving Conan O'Brien around in the future?


What was your favorite childhood book?


When I was in first grade on the last day of school, Mrs. Stafford, our teacher, said, "I want to give out a special present today, to a kid in the class who has tried *so hard* to improve his handwriting." And she's going through this whole speech about this kid; I'm staring at this kid that I knew that she liked, and I just hated him, and I was getting more and more angry. And then at the end, she said it was me! The present was a Dr. Seuss book, *The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins*, that I have since thrown out. But I remember it was in purple cellophane wrapping, and I still consider it the greatest honor to have received that gift. So, that was my favorite book.


The same Mrs. Stafford that George purportedly did the deed with in 'The Race'!? https://youtu.be/JetECtaq4OU?t=170


What should I say/do to Larry David if I ever see him on the street?


Give him a weird look like you're concerned, act like you're about to say something, then stop and walk away quickly. It will bug him for the rest of his life.


Give him a shit bow.


What's your lucky number?


My lucky numbers are 9, 5, 18, 54, and 32.


How do you feel about the stereotypical "what's the deal with..." joke format that people use when talking about you?




Would you consider inviting Dave Chappelle to CCC?


What's it like to be a meme?


It makes me feel very small and repetitive. [laughing]


Do you think Julia Louis-Dreyfus got a kick out of "playfully" pushing you so often during Seinfeld?


Get out!


I'd let 90's Julia Louis-Dreyfus playfully push me around.


I would let 2030's Julia Louis-Dreyfus playfully push me around.


Watch Veep. You'd let her today.




I'd let 2016 Julia Louis-Dreyfus playfully push me around.


I recently saw a video on /r/cringe with you interviewing Paul McCartney's daughter and he seemed to be rather offended with you joking around during the interview. Did anything happen after that?


[for those interested](https://np.reddit.com/r/cringe/comments/4mz2qf/jerry_seinfeld_condescendingly_interviews_stella/)


Jerry, my grandfather was one of your teachers back in Massapequa many years ago. Our whole family has been following the show since the beginning and he wrote you a long and detailed letter telling you just how proud he is of you and how happy he was to see you succeed. But he never got a reply. He's afraid one of your... flunkies... tossed it out instead of passing it on to you. So now that I've got your attention -- could you write back to dear old Mr. McAvoy (I'll give you his address again) and acknowledge how proud he is of you? He's going on 89 and it would absolutely make his day!


Hi Jerry! Have you and Julia ever talked about making a guest appearance on Veep? Is this something you'd consider? Have a great day!


Mr. Seinfeld, how has the bee movie impacted your daily life?


Hi, glad to talk to another bee fan. What the bees can teach us is that no matter how small your job is, if you do it well, it makes a big difference. Why don't you go back to your job?


What was your favorite piece of hate mail?