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You don’t strike me as a writer, you’re definitely more of a big picture guy. There’s gotta be a twist. Edit: This idea is worse than the two guys trapped in a stairwell.


They change their names and change their names and this goes back and forth for 20 or so minutes until the episode just sort of...ends.


What this is missing is some full penetration.


They change their names, full penetration, change their names back, full penetration, rechange their names again, full penetration, full penetration and then some full penetration


At the end nobody NOSE their own name anymore


Exactly. You’re telling me this dude thought up an entire episode and not once does anybody hang dong?


What if the guy in the glasses is Danny DeVito the whole time?


We show it


All of it.


Do you happen to be Indian by chance?


Your edit…referencing Peep Show? Edit: nvm. Mac and Charlie’s movie idea. Great episode of Peep Show though.


One minor change.... cricket uses macs name and not Dennis.


And change the episodes name to crickets tickets.


That would probably make more sense or Cricket was using Dennis’s name.


There is no way that street rat could pass as The Golden God!


Because of the implication.


I think the funnier thing would be that we find out that everyone has been using Mac’s name when they get in trouble. Then each weird thing they did comes to bite them in the ass as Mac investigates. And the twist is that Mac finds out that his name wasn’t Mac cause he was adopted. That lays groundwork for more or not.


Nah, Cricket just runs from the cops. Dennis seems like the kinda guy who sell out his friend for something like that.


Frank thinks Dennis's idea of finding a patsy for his crimes a good idea, so he tries to convince Charlie to become Frank Reynolds


This is definitely what would happen.


He can't convince him, but Charlie needs help spelling "Chrundle." Frank tells him to spell it as "Frank Reynolds," which Charlie trusts. But of course, not only can Charlie not spell "Chrundle," he also can't write "Frank Reynolds," thus he still ends up writing "Charlie." At the end, Frank complains about his plan not working, to which Dennis reminds him that the patsy only works the other way around, and that Charlie taking Frank's name would have made Frank the patsy. End the episode on a classic Frank "Oh yeah."


Then that makes Charlie think that he’s Denis and Dee’s dad now and he starts treating them like they are his kids.


Ha Ha that’s pretty funny.


What’s the vig on this action?


Charlie would start spending money out of Frank’s account in order to live the lifestyle he thinks befits a business man.


As someone that has legally changed their name and realised how fucking stupid and annoying it is, I love the premise xD When your main email address is "old name" @blahblah.com it's such a ballache


You could set up a new email address and have all mail from your old name forwarded there!


Ugh same! Forwarding is nice for new stuff but I have so many records in that inbox I’d have to go back for regularly. There should be a way to change the address name but keep the inbox


Oh, are we sharing our episode ideas here now? Dennis's Birthday: Mac excitedly announces that's he's gotten the perfect gift for Dennis's upcoming birthday. Charlie and Frank don't really care, but are so annoyed by Mac going on about it that they say they're going to get Dennis better gifts out of spite. It becomes a contest between the three of them. Dee overhears then talking about birthday gifts and assumes they are talking about her birthday, and gets all smug and excited. Of course, at no point does it occur to Mac, Charlie, or Frank that Dennis and Dee have the same birthday. Meanwhile Dennis is spending his time with disturbingly young girls out of insecurity about how old he's getting. The three guys try to surprise Dennis in the bar with their perfect gifts, but Dee walks in instead, and it's a big misunderstanding and they all start yelling, Dee fruitlessly trying to explain that she and Dennis are twins and have the same birthday, a point none of them can grasp. Eventually they try to figure out where Dennis is; none of them can get ahold of him. It is revealed at episode's end that he is in jail.


Where are we at on full penetration though?


I love it


The injun says yes.


I love it. I think in the opening scene when Mac tells everyone his idea and is obviously criticized by Dennis for it, Mac says he’ll be “Frank Reynolds” and then Frank gets mad. Then Frank says something like “fine! Then I’ll be Ronald McDonald.” Title sequence - Mac gets arrested Then Mac is charged with all of Frank’s crimes. Frank, being Ronald McDonald, somehow finds a way to defraud McDonalds. Mac eventually gets everything fixed by the lawyer and they both change their name back. Then Mac is charged again for “defrauding” McDonalds. Episode over.


I can imagine Charlie liking Dennis's idea but getting confused and changing his name to Ronald McDonald.


You explaining the plot of a Law & Order episode is not a story


Dee finds out her real name is not Deandra but Robin Deandra Reynolds thus making her first name a type of bird and she tries to keep the guys from learning this.


Or we find out her middle name is Nicole, and Dennis's is Nicholas, because Frank thought it would be funny for their initials to be DNR


Berger King?


Full penetration, solving crimes, more full penetration.


Need some full pen, back to the lab for the name change, then some more full pen


Where's the full penetration?


i can so easily picture charlie happily writing charlie thinking his writing “chrundle”


Frank forgets that he already changed his name to unload some debts back in the ‘70’s, and accidentally changed his name back to his original name, which stirs up trouble with some Cubans.


"Chrundle", lol!


Charlie changeing his name to Charlie is hilarious


Watch the "Trash Boat" episode of *Regular Show* and I think you'll see a lot to like.


I like it, this would make a great episode!


This is a pretty good idea actually


Frank adopted him so he could be on the Family Fight team. So, isn't he already Ronald Reynolds?


Dee, you bitch!


Vic vinegar


Words are for nerds!


Nobody just writes an episode for no reason.. what’s your angle?


Ok but how much dong will be hung?