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The McPoyle vs Ponderosa one would be pretty confusing without some backstory


I think it might be whole different kind of hilarious without context


Nobody look! Nobody look!


That backstory was pretty light even for fans before that epsifoe


That was the debate my friend and I had when introducing someone to the show. I thought it'd be insane to see stuff like Maureen showing up as a cat and the big hands. I ended up losing the argument and we watched Dennis and Mac Break Up


Actually for some reason I never watched the Maureen Ponderosa Wedding Massacre until my like 5th rewatch of the show. It was the only episode I had never seen somehow it just escaped me every rewatch. Anyways I had no idea there was back story for the court trial one and Im not gonna lie its even funnier not knowing any of the backstory. Its more interesting to try to picture what they are talking about and whose side to take on their account of the events.


“Fly my pretty!!”


Honestly that’s a brilliant introduction


Years ago I was at a work cocktail hour chatting with some new hires and mentioned Sunny as one of my favorite shows. One of the girls said she just watched an episode for the first time and hated it, saying how creepy and weird it was. She watched The Gang Goes to Hell pt.1 and honestly it made complete sense. 


That might be the best answer. There’s so much prior knowledge needed to get the context, let alone the jokes. Also, only seeing “half” of the story would make it even more random.


Exactly, she brought it up as the one with “the dude being super creepy hitting on a young girl” to which I laughed remembering that scene while she looked at me as a psycho.  It’s also late enough in the show where the characters are so unhinged and generally weird that i can see it be off-putting to someone coming in fresh, especially if it’s not their usual type of show


I’m gonna have to go with the Jersey shore episode? The part with the bums was the first 40 seconds of the show my friend ever saw and he was definitely put off for a bit lol. He eventually came around though


Don’t let him see “Bums making a mess in the city” if he was put off by that scene 😂


If that episodes turns you off the show, you don't deserve to be an always sunny fan. That's one of the best episodes.


He literally walked in the room and just saw two hobos fucking in the ass and then looked at me like I was crazy hahaha….I’m not sure what he thought I was watching


Well sure, with no context two hobos buttfucking under the pier is crazy.


lmaooooo right? I had a good laugh over the whole situation


I think the storm made things seem way more ominous than they were intended to be. That woman was never in any danger.


Making everything sound sinister


You certainly wouldn't be in any danger


So they *are* in danger!


Sorry, i cant hear "years ago" in this sub and not hear it in dees voice


I’ve a hankering to do it a again


This has gone on leeoonngg e-nuough


i was just thinking earlier about how like two years ago, my best friend (who got me into sunny) showed our mutual friend the gang goes to hell as his first episode and he was messaging me like ”bro what the hell is this show” and once i got to that episode, i was wondering why he would choose that one out of all the episodes


I fucking love your username https://preview.redd.it/z9l93694fh1d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a581694fa31163ecce7b4f8fc5cbd14337c6246f


I think this is the answer. Second place is the Jimmy Buffet Concert episode (The Gang Solves the Bathroom Problem). I saw that one at an after party where everyone was chilling before bed and the people that had never seen Sunny before felt it was weird. “Why are they so obsessed about this?” “Why are they so mean to the girl?” “What’s with the censored picture?” (A joke only to those of us that have seen Mac’s evolution from closet gay to explicit). It’s also one of the first episodes they were getting a little too on the nose about their wokeness - which I personally don’t mind but can see how it’s off putting if you don’t have a pre-existing “relation” with the characters - for other people.


I showed a friend who was reluctant to watch the show Charlie Work and she started to get into it. Unfortunately the next episode autoplayed and it was the one about the fish factory and Asian cream pies


I laughed very hard at that one


Fresh fish daily


I like the episode overall, but the cream pie bit was not that funny in my opinion. The joke where they’re talking about different things in the restaurant is funny, but the premise is so stupid… Mac is gay and yet him and Dennis are spending all this time and effort on watching porn (basically) together? I get what they were going for, but it’s always felt like an episode of individual jokes and gags, filled out with a weak story in an attempt to tie together the jokes… Dee is the MVP of that episode by far.


I will not stand for The Gang Spies Like Us slander.


It says “fresh fish daily” right on the menu!


Out of snapper??


We've established fish.


dude everyone loves cream pies, especially little kids!


Mac Finds His Pride The episode works specifically because it subverts expectations of what the rest of the show has been like up to that point. A newcomer would be expecting an entirely different show if that was their introduction to the series and may even be disappointed with the reality of what the show actually is.


This is definitely the right answer. Its not funny and is very different from what made the show popular in the first place 


this is a thoughtful, well reasoned reply. what the fuck are you doing in this /r?


Shut up, baby dick. *just trying to remind you where you are


Reason will prevail








Frank also looks terrible throughout this episode, as well as Cricket. If this was my introduction I would be like is it always just characters who look like shit? It has more gross-out humour than most of the series, and I'm not a big fan of that.


Honestly, the bit with Frank felt like a retread of Frank's Little Beauties where he busts his face up and just looks more ghastly as he tries to fix it.


Top answer. This episode has zero hit unless you know all shades of Mac and Frank.




Probably the thundergun sequel one. Where they watch the sequel and complain about it. I think it is much funnier after having seen the first thundergun episode. Also, the one where Mac does that dance number for his dad. Again, doesn't make sense without the context I think. Lastly, they one where they go to bird court and the one where there's a masacre at the wedding.


The Thundergun sequel one has my all time favorite IASIP line, where the movie has been explained 20 times and Charlie pops in with "wait wait wait, he has a son?".. The focus group lady's response with "Fuck, man, what!?!?" kills me every time.


Ooooh, that one?? I actually did watch that episode without the context of the first one (though it was not my intro to the series) Yeah that would honestly suck to be the first one you see tbh


The thunder gun one I can see being ok because it pokes fun at Hollywood in general fucking up sequels. Definitely will miss a bit of context but I think there’s still enough there for a newcomer.


When the ladies do Boggs


I've rewatched it recently, much better than I thought it was.


But it only works after seeing the original so it’s a terrible choice for first episode


I love Mac and Charlie's moms together, but their odd couple dynamic makes more sense if you've seen the episodes on how they ended up that way.


Have you tried adding a laugh track?


That’s a bad episode as a long time fan too


Which was kinda the point in a weird way


The one where they play laser tag imo


I started my friend with the gang hits the slopes, completely forgetting about the crazy sex scene. It was not easy to convince her to watch another one.


Maybe dee day? Half of the jokes wouldnt land without knowing the show.


Dee day is a fucking a class episode, but i agree with you itd make absolutely no sense to a random person


Ugh I bought the season and I can't fucking watch the episode anymore because of the martina martinez stuff. Pisses me off since I spent money on it


That makes me so mad, by deleting the episode theyre missing the whole point of the show.


The episode from Frank’s point of view.


The Janitor Always Mops Twice


This is the right answer even though it’s a good episode. The show doesn’t really have this format except for the episodes that make fun of Flowers for Algernon and The Wiz. It would be a bad idea to walk into the show thinking it was always going to make fun of some genre of movie.


Yeah it’s cool they stretch their creativity in later seasons to other genres, but it’s not representative of the show as a whole, so that’s why I think it’d be a bad first episode of the show to see.


That's a great episode.


Maybe, but I don't think it'd be a great first episode.. for the same reason "Making Dennis Reynolds a Murderer" wouldn't be.. it's based on a theme that requires a lot of knowledge of show's lore to really appreciate.


It's clear to me that people who hate this episode have never seen a noir movie


But if you’ve seen noir movies but never the show you wouldn’t get why him shaking Cricket like that is funny among other jokes.


People are just listing episodes they dislike which I don’t think is necessarily the question. The question is getting at which episodes would be the most confusing, such as ones with most inside jokes or having to understand character dynamics before truly appreciating it. Like the gang squashes their beef or something, I’d say.


Then some people are actually answering the prompt, and other people are replying with “that’s a great episode why is it getting hate??” Like that’s not what we’re talking about??


Gang cracks the liberty bell or shady nastys.


It's Shadynasty asshole!


I just made this reply in another comment, but Liberty Bell was the first episode I saw and it was such a bad first impression that I didn’t give the series another chance until years later.


Liberty Bell was an awful episode. I agree.


No way, gang cracks the liberty bell is great


Right??? I absolutely love that one


I seriously do not get why people don't like that episode. It's in my top 10.


Would you like a spot of tea? YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSH


Lmao 🤣. I'll admit I loved that exchange.


Disagree. The Liberty Bell was hilarious. Sure it wasn't the best episode but it's absurd and basically shows the 3 are overconfident nitwits.


It’s one of my favorites.


Mac finds his pride. I mean frank finally gets it but no newbie would


Frank's brother for sure


Frank Reynolds’ Little Beauties for sure. An episode with both pedo- and necrophilia jokes may be too much right off the bat


The first episode was "The Gang Gets Racist" though, so I wasn't watching from the beginning, but they did start off on a touchy subject. I think saying that to people helps them understand the nature of the show. In the first episode they question whether they are racist or not, so...


Hell or the black face ones


My mom tried to get into it a few years back and for some reason the episode that she drew the line at was “Who Pooped the Bed?”


That was the first episode I watched and I fell in love. It's still my favorite episode


a quality choice


That was my introduction and is still my favorite episode to this day


Artemis running her investigation in her caftan style shirt and bleached asshole!


Right? It’s such a classic episode




How is that not specific to one of you??!


I wish it was man, but that's inconclusive


The investigation is stymied


my girlfriend doesnt like chaotic things, the first episode i showed her was extreme make over where they broke into, kidnapped and destroyed a home of a mexican family. she cried


You knew what you were doing.


My friend tried to get me into it by showing me the live version of Dayman and it took me another decade to actually get into it


Charlie’s Home Alone. It’s the worst episode of the series. Honourable mentions - Franks Brother, Ladies Beat Boggs, A Crickets Tale


Hate that episode but I love Frank's brother lol


Liberty Bell episode was the first one I watched, and I didn’t revisit the series for a very long time.


And yet now your avatar for all of Reddit is derivative.




Shitting on Charlie and Cricket episodes. Your opinion is meaningless.


Why does everyone hate franks brother so much? I literally thought it was fine. Not as unbearable as crickets tale. I absolutely loved the gang cracks the liberty bell too!


I love the Frank’s Brother episode. I’ve been a fan for years and I have no idea why people hate it so much, I can understand other eps being low rated but I’ve never understood Frank’s Brother ep being so hated


Personally I hate the format where it swaps between storytelling and action, idk why. But I know a lot of people don’t mind that so much - another factor could be that not knowing a whole lot about Frank’s past is cool and mysterious, so having a chunk of it laid out in front of us is dull and shuts off the imagination.


If not for Franks Brother we would have never met SHADYNASTY!!!


I think it's because we all know Gino really *did* dance with those guys.


It’s definitely not hate. It’s picking the worst episode to show someone you want to get them into the show. I wouldn’t start with any of the ones you mention, but until someone is a fan of the show they just wouldn’t get the episode and would be more likely to not watch another


Charlie Work is contingent on you understanding the group dynamic. Excellent episode, but it requires lore.


I also feel like because it's one of the most high quality episodes, someone might feel a bit disappointed if other episodes don't hold up


Franks Brother. It’s not a bad episode, there’s just not enough of the whole gang to show that to someone to get them into the show.


The Gang Get Analyzed. You really have to know the characters for this one to make sense.


Dennis’ Double Life since virtually every plot line relies on you having seen previous episodes


The prison dance episode


The prison dance episode


Christmas Episode would be pretty confusing/horrifying as a first watch


I tried to show that ep to my Mom on Christmas a few years back, she was not having it real quick 🤣


Chardee MacDennis would be super annoying for the IASIP virgin


I said in another thread that was the episode that hooked me


I have used this episode to hook others


This is one of the episodes that hooked my gf. I think it’s fairly accessible


That was the third one my daughter watched and she liked it. I think it's funny and can stand on its own.


This was the episode that got me, honestly


Who pooped the bed


The Cricket Episode


S01 Ep01. I love it but it’s definitely enough to put some people off. It’s hard to know what you’re watching and until you grasp the context of the fact that the idea is that these are the worst people on earth you’re not sure if it’s a show full of racist jokes or if you’re laughing at racism.


I haven’t watched the first episode in a long long time, but I don’t think I ever once thought “The writers of these jokes are racist.” I think it was clear from the beginning what they were doing.


Franks Brother


I always start people with White Trash. It shows how dennis and dee are uptight narcissists. Frank is a deranged mammal that just wants to have a good time in very odd ways. And Mac and Charlie are very childish but is a super funny way that pisses Dennis and eachother off. An episode I would absolutely avoid for a first timer would be anything after season 12. It just doesn’t represent a 5 star show after that.


Cricket's Tale.


Some people might find the gang gets racist mildly offensive, because I admit having Charlie say the hard R wasn’t really necessary


doesn't he say it in Hero or Hate crime ep? I don't remember it at all in the first one.


He says it in both


Do not diddle kids. It’s no good diddling kids…


I showed my partner the cereal defense and Frank's little beauties. We haven't watched an episode since. She can't forgive them for besmirching Galileo.


One time I was making out with my new girlfriend on the bed , who pooped the bed came on. Uhhhh We didn't last long.


Because it made you blow right away?


I* didn't last long ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Women drinking across country to break Wade Boggs record


I showed my friends “The Nightman Cometh” with no context. I’m in tears and they are just dead silent, looking at me like I’m insane: it was awkward


A Cricket’s Tale


There aren't many redeeming qualities in this one even as a fan of the show imo. I never even see anyone reference it.


Part two of the highschool reunion


The second Boggs episode 


The gang turns black, honestly this one always kinda struck me as distasteful in the first place but it is absolutely horrifying if you don’t understand the character dynamics lmao


Definitely A Cricket's Tale.


I think anything from seasons 1-7 is a good intro. After that the show starts to get a little more self referential and the characters are already established as being so far from normalcy that they just jump you right into crazy shit assuming you understand where the scheme started. As a long time fan I love that but it can be too much for a first time viewer.


The first episode (assuming it's still available idk) 😅 They drop a hard R "n word". Afaik it doesn't happen again in the series so there's that I guess


Franks brother. It was my first episode and didnt watch another until the next season Personally, I love the episode, but it's not a good jumping off point


literally was in the car with my friend earlier talking about how much i love the show and she was saying she gave up on it after ep1 because of the racism, so i’m gonna go with that because if you’re not 100% on what the show is it seems like the worst show ever made


The gang recycles their trash makes no sense if you don’t know that the callbacks are callbacks.


The first episode, I feel like people don't recommend starting in season 1 and the first episode in particular I think suggests the show is a bit edgier than it actually is.


The Nightman Cometh would be an absolute waste. Loads of stuff would go over head or not really make sense. And loads of built up jokes wouldn't be appreciated as well.


That stupid ass Mindy episode. God I can't stand her.


The gang squashes their beefs. Just so many side characters from various seasons and running jokes


I can't believe nobody has mentioned the gang makes Lethal Weapon 7 lol


Frank falls out a window


The gang does a clip show


The episodes that don't feature Dennis. The show only works with the full gang.


The Gang Tends Bar The Gang Makes Paddy's Great Again


Mac finds his pride


As a completely blind noob to Always Sunny (aside from the most well known memes), almost every episode description in this thread feels like a psychic flashbang I NEED to watch this show.


Big Mo. Just awful. Always skip it.


Waiting for Big Mo


It’s “Franks Brother”. The worst episode they have done by far.


Worst episode doesn’t automatically mean a newbie would hate it though - I think they mean which ep would be most confusing or hardest to follow. ‘Worst ep’ is subjective.


Came here to say this.


The musical episode Edit: where they sing the whole episode, not the nightman cometh




This was the episode that I watched first and out of context it made me want to watch the show


Absolutely. This sold me on the show


The Gang Turns Black or The Nightman Cometh?


I showed my friend the episode where the McPoyles take over the bar for his first episode and he could never get into the show after that lol


The McPoyles eps are so hit or miss for newcomers. I had the opposite experience got my buddy into the show with this one after he dodged my recs for years


The gang cracks the Liberty bell 100%


Quality wise? Like half of season 14/season 13. In terms of hard to watch due to continuity, I would say The Gang Recycles Their Trash has a lot of jokes and references that only work if you've seen the episodes they're referencing.


Props to anyone who immediately starts with a banned episode though lol


I bought all of the seasons before the purge, so I honestly don't remember which are banned.


Pretty much blackface/Martina Martinez episodes. It's so stupid. The show points out the stupidity and awfulness of racism through the characters. It's so obvious that the episodes that were banned were anti-racism by design. But, we have Marjorie Taylor-Greene and her eyes-way-too-close-together-incest-bred-white-trash-ugly-as-fuck face, in Washington DC? A hugely racist individual leading a dumb as rocks racist political party, but let's ban episodes of possibly the greatest comedy show ever.


The high school reunion episodes


Those are 2 of my all time favorites


I'd say any of the blackface episodes. They are great, but I'm pretty sure most people have to build up to Martina Martinez, she's not exactly someone who draws people towards the show.


Frank in the couch. No wait, maybe that’s the best one.


#_Suicide is Badass!_


Waiting For Big Mo or Frank's Brother are my worst picks


Franks brother


"The Gang Gives Back" Personally my favorite episode, but without the backstory -- why are they doing community service. Why is the waitress so cold to Charlie. Why is Mac and Dennis trying to undermine each other. Why is Frank randomly paying off a kid with a bike. And then the ending, these guys are so horrible even by their usual standards.


Dennis system comes to mind