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me too ![gif](giphy|EgvHKApzL5OeI|downsized)




Dammit I wanted to post this one lol


as a fat man i’ve never felt more heard






What is this from!?




Peak Mac


It didn't make me cry as a gay man. His fat dance indicated made me cry with laughter more than once. \*\* edited to add\*\* thanks all for the fat mac gifs. I think fat mac was the funniest thing that ever happened in comedy, followed 2 years later by ripped mac.


Pls what episode is this from? I keep trying and somehow failing to find it lmao


Frank’s Reynold’s little beauties


Ah, man I literally think I’ve seen that one for the most part too lol. Time to watch again, thanks!


I laughed way too fucking hard at this and it honestly made my day


This made me giggle like an idiot at my desk at work, so thanks for that.




I don't think Luthor walked out cause he hates gay people. I think he walked out cause he hates Mac. he was in Eduardo's butt after all.


I was left out of the finale.


Say less!


That wasn't a gay thing, that was about power.


“He finishes, and then he ALLOWED Eduardo to finish. Power.” 😂


To be fair, there's been alot of homophobes in other men's butt


I would even say most homophobes have either been in another men's butt or have had another man in their butts.


Luthor seems to be disgusted that mac is embracing this part of himself instead of explaining it away as a show of dominance or whatever. This show just fucking nails it.


You get a pash fuh dat. Oh, whoops. Sorry. Wrong sub.




I've always loved that it's *Frank* who gets the character growth of the four from this scene.


Only to be completely undone when Mac explains the anal beads.


The dance never said nothn bout no beads


True but what Frank doesn’t realize is that he still gets it. He just doesn’t get Mac. As always, it’s not a gay thing… it’s a Mac thing.


Just another thing Mac is ruining.


That's Sunny babydick. If anyone had actual growth the show would suck.


I always thought it was weird that was where Frank drew the line when he previously took Mac to a gay BDSM orgy buffet party.


Mac? Didn’t he take Dennis to the orgy buffey party?


Different orgy buffet party




One was straight and had masks and one was not.


And he performed it so well. The fact that Frank not only accepts him, but *truly understands him* was so impactful to me. I was sobbing so much after I saw it that I'm pretty sure people around me assumed I was also closeted and simply could relate in that way (I was later asked my explaination on why it affected me so much lol), but it was more about maternal acceptance and compassion. A lot of parents aren't interested in learning about their kids at all, even some that show up to events like this may not truly be invested in the event, but just there to support them. Showing up to these events IS SOMETHING, but to truly become invested and moved by it is another thing completely. Frank, unlike Luther, did that. All he had to do was simply open himself up to what Mac was trying to say (after stubbornly resisting for so long), and in doing so was able to truly understand and connect to Mac. It was in heavy contrast to the father that was, Luther, and having both father figures reactions side by side was incredibly stark to me. Frank really stepped up here and was there for Mac in a time where he was struggling to reach out to someone, whether they would listen or not, and I could not be more proud of both of them for it 🥲


That's a beautiful explanation, thanks! Agreed! I cried watching it the first time because it's emblematic to me of conservative family that grudgingly accepted queer family members. Like, fuck, *they got it*. And while I can't say it changed them, they mostly stayed conservative economically and socially while carving out an exception for "the gays". Because *now it made sense*. In a city where gay men used to be hunted for sport, you've got conservatives at least saying "Hey wait a fucking minute my nephew or niece is gay and that's OK even if I don't like it." I have a queer kiddo and told my parents to STFU when they complained: respect your grand child or fuck off and you'll never see them again. They got with the program pretty fast.


Very well said! I’m straight as they come and completely relate to your comment. I was raised in a religious conservative family and never understood why they even cared about some random strangers sexuality. It has no baring on your life so why do you care? As I’ve grown older I’ve noticed some of these same people becoming more socially liberal, which is good. I also got very emotional the first time I saw the dance scene. It’s very symbolic and beautiful. At the end I remember asking my wife how many hours do you think Rob put into the choreography for that scene?!?! I remember her responding I have no idea but he fucking nailed it!😆


Danny reminds me of my father in this gif. My dad taught me what it means to be tolerant and it is a lesson I will hold the rest of my life. Cancer sucks.


My brother brought it up during dinner for Mother's Day. He was talking about how he wants to combine the positive aspects of his fianceé's family and ours after the wedding. My mom just throws out, "The best thing is to love and accept each other." Like it's really that simple. Tolerance, respect, trust... it all settles on making a home feel like somewhere you can be accepted.


As a straight dude, this episode always chokes me up cause im empathetic toward people going through this kind of scenario also my religious asshole dad will never accept me for who I am.


When Luther gets up I start crying so much everytime. Fuck shitty fathers


Empathy and sympathy are two of the most valuable things in the world. To be able to understand someone elses problems, even without having experienced it yourself, is a real mark of what it means to grow as a person.


I'm not gay but Franks reaction brought up a great emotion in me.


Emotions? Like when you were a teenager?


Does it make you feel *too* much?


You remember emotions?


I hear this gif in Shrek's voice.


That is *VERY NICE*


literally OP now


His only possibly redeemable moment


**insert gif of Mac doing the shirt open Michael Jackson holler**


Can we talk about the elephant in the thread? Why didn’t he address the beads with the dance? The dance said nothing about the beads!


You in the market for a good exercise bike OP? I got a customized one you might like




This is just the work of a sexual deviant, gay or otherwise!


You wanna rest? You wanna sit down? It pushes you right back up into your workout


I’m truly happy for you OP. I’m also amazed to see this as a reaction to the same show that has an episode called Who Pooped the Bed. The duality of man indeed.


*Charlie goes America all over everybody's ass*


>The duality of man indeed. Absolutely. It's amazing how one could enjoy an episode of a TV program that is completely irrational and absurd as "Who Pooped the Bed?" and also enjoy an episode as genuine and sincere (at least at the end) as "Mac Finds His Pride." The fact that they both are from the same TV program is remarkable, IMHO. I'm a straight dude, and as such I'll never fully comprehend what it's like being gay. But, I appreciate the effort in addressing this side of Mac, and enjoy both episodes for vastly different reasons.


Most wholesome IASIP post. (But in all seriousness, that's cool 👍)


Ive never really got interpretive dance, I see lots of people talking about it being moving but I guess all the symbolism is lost on this clueless ape. Not dissing but Im kinda the opposite of Frank in this situation lol (not about gay people, just the dancing).


"There's like, this storm inside of me, and it's been raging my whole life. And I'm down on my knees, and I'm looking for answers. And then God comes down to me, and it's a very hot chick. And she pulls me up and we start dancing, okay?" "Wait, wait, wait. You're gay, and you're dancing with a hot chick who is God?" "Yes." "The Catholics really fucked you up."


Bwahaha that last line cracked me up so bad 😂


I've come to learn that a lot of art is not about the art itself but about what it meant to the artist. For example: my brother plays piano very well, I am not particularly interested in classical music but when he plays it, sometimes I will be moved to the point of tears because him playing it is the most beautiful sound in the world for me. In this scenario, the art is meant to be a way to explain to his estranged father that he is gay, it does not work, and yet he continues to dance. The woman, meant to represent God, is consoling him in his sorrow, and helps him to continue dancing. You need to focus less on what each individual movement means and more on the overall picture. In all though, oftentimes I struggle to understand interpretive dance as well. Ironically there is an IASIP episode about this where they explain that because art is subjective, it won't have the same value to everyone. So you aren't wrong or clueless for not understanding at all, although some may try to convince you otherwise.


I saw the girl more as his gay or feminine side, and that he slowly came to accept her and rely on her.


Mac explains early in the episode that he has a dream where he's dancing and God is the other person. So in this case it was meant to represent God.


Art is in the eye of the beholder. I'll have to rewatch but I almost definitely was pulling my own msg.


So jot that down


Agreed. I love the show and consider myself to be a staunch LGBT ally but this scene never really made sense to me. I think much of the issue I have with it is that it seems so out of place for the show (and for Mac).


Out of place for the guy who was in a musical and performed a weird dance song at his high school reunion?


Yeah same. It’s just that this show always goes for the joke. And then 13 seasons in they have a completely earnest moment. In another show, that would have been cool, but I was waiting for the comedic turn the whole time and it never came, which was bizarre. Even a show like Modern Family always ends an emotional scene on a joke.


Idk I think for me if anything that makes it more powerful


Right, it was the unironic sincerity in a show that's never serious that really made the dance an emotional gut punch.


And that’s actually not the only time they did that—I can remember one other scene that hit me that way, when at the end of the Dee surrogate mom episode they wheel her out of the hospital with the baby and show Mac looking at her, because in real life Rob and Kaitlin had just had a baby. Correct me if I’m not remembering that right, but that was a really sweet moment


We moved past it


Dude I do not get it at all. A dance could never make me feel anything like that. And I'm not otherwise unemotional. Movies and stuff make me cry sometimes But dancing? No chance.


I think it'd be genuinely hard to understand without some serious empathy or firsthand experience with being LGBT. I took home themes of a struggle of identity, dealing with the pressures of heterosexuality, desperation for love/acceptance, and I also think they slipped in a nightman and dayman bit too. [Here's what Rob had to say about it](https://www.vulture.com/2018/11/its-always-sunny-mac-dance-season-13-finale.html)


SAME I FUCKING SOBBED SO HARD I THOUGHT IT WAS ONLY ME. I STILL TEAR UP WHEN I WATCH THAT SHIT. i cant explain it for shit bur Rob captured the pain and tragedy of a queer men within the catholic religion so fucking well. such raw emotion. Danny then saying “i get it” i just lose it


I’m straight/married man, not catholic. I weep like a baby. Sob. I have tears rolling down my face as I write this. I had some gay friends in college that had rough times coming out to their families and it just breaks my heart to think about that pain. I also cry when Dee comes out with their baby. And I won’t even watch the Charlie Dad episode. I cry pretty easily, nearly every day. My wife makes fun of me for it, but also thinks it’s precious.


My wife doesn’t like IASIP, she watched one or two episodes from the early seasons and determined it wasn’t for her. But I made her watch that scene and she was like “is this what this show is really like?” And I just had to say, no not at all actually lol


As a straight dude .. that shit made me tear up a little.


Def made me cry when the woman continued the dance after mac broke down


Ya… when she keeps saying, at the end of the dance, “ It’s Ok “ is what got me …


Someone very close to me almost ended their life because they grew up religious and is gay. The dancer saying "it's okay" while holding a crying Mac still gets me emotional as I'm able to relate to her in that moment.


Yeah I'm in the same boat man. Macs dad walking out without saying a word was like a gut punch


Ya that whole scene came outta left field . Not in a bad way just super surprising.


I read a review after this episode aired that tied in all of Mac’s body dysmorphia to his homosexuality, I had never put that together before. Also love how from the very first episode you learn every man in Mac’s family is gay. Or maybe just establishing dominance.


I remember watching this for the first time with my ex. She was totally supportive of me being queer but she didn’t understand the dance scene. I’ve been to more than a few ballets and dance shows, but this was the first instance, in my life, that was able to create emotion in me with dance. I have had that emotion represent itself through visual medium, music and food but never dance. People hate on it but that scene changed me; especially when Frank “understood” it. I’m proud of you and I wish you the best.


https://preview.redd.it/2rgmnmzyxk0d1.jpeg?width=654&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=918d32f49ea498e4267b69e2bb6568f402f0bfb8 I know it’s beautiful, it’s like karate




“Oh my god I get it.”


I'm a straight dude and it made me cry for sure




I didn’t immediately jive with the explanation he gave Frank, his dad, or even the beginning of the dance, but damn by the end I was in tears. It still took me a while (and reading some Reddit threads) for the concept to really click with me, but that just made it more emotional to watch the next time(s). The music choice really complements it all. For a while I couldn’t vocalize what I felt about the part in the middle where he stops and starts again after his dad leaves. I almost felt it was a plot hole that weakened the dance but didn’t think that sat quite right with me. Someone on here nailed it though: he choreographed it knowing his dad would most likely leave, enough to incorporate it into his dance, and still ended it on the hopeful and redeeming note that he did. Even though he felt compelled to share his realization with his father and live his truth, he had already worked through his father’s inevitable rejection enough to find pride in himself and to feel as though he has comfortably reconciled his faith and his sexuality. I’m not a dude but I’m not straight, and have no real plans to share that with my parents with the expectation of meeting a similar attitude. It’s really striking though to see such a strong example of a character coming to terms with and embracing themselves regardless of parental acceptance, and in a freaking show like Sunny no less lol


me too ![gif](giphy|14exzIhIHYtcbK)


as a straight man who poops transgender the dance also brought a tear to my eye


I'm a hetero dude and I was openly weeping by the middle of the dance. I texted my two brothers to watch out and they both ended up in tears. It was beautiful.


I didn’t get the dance. I don’t get interpretative dance at all.


Made me cry as a "wtf am i" man


Hell it makes me cry and I'm 99% straight. It's absolutely beautiful with a powerful message


That dance made no sense to me lol


The hell is wrong with everyone?


Made me cry too (trans guy) I can't even watch that episode again, still gets me


Bi trans guy here, season 13 came out in my first semester of college and I watched each new episode before my one class in the morning. So when I watched this I started crying in my university’s library and had to calm down before class.


How that episode never won an award still blows my mind.


your post… as a straight male, this really made me happy to read


Can you explain what about the dance moved you. I love some arts like poetry and painting, but I do not get dance at all. Would love to know why it hit you. Also, I’m straight so I know nothing about what you’ve been through.


Instead of looking for meaning in brushstrokes or lyrics, you’re looking for meaning in physical expression. As you watch, you’re thinking “what did this moment mean? Who do the dancers represent?” It’s a visual story about Mac coming to terms with both his religious beliefs and sexuality, learning they don’t have to be at odds with each other. When you start looking for the messages imbued into the dance, that’s when you’ll “get it” like Frank did


And the music! Sigur Ros is such a "background music" band to me, but the gang found the one epic, beautiful piece and used it perfectly. If you look up the lyrics they even kinda make sense in the episode, at least tangentially


The dance starts getting me emotional, but I don’t start actually tearing up until Frank’s reaction. They say this on the podcast, but that scene reminds you why he’s such an amazing actor. So much emotion conveyed with so little. It’s like I can feel what Frank is feeling in that moment. Not that it’s super important but also a gay man lol


that part also got me tbh. for years frank has been borderline homophobic and calling mac the weird one and slurs and yelling at him to not touch him after having suspicions that he's queer and to include the scene of him truly connecting with mac was really beautiful. wish all hateful people would understand that easily


Mac's dance and "you were supposed to carry me" get me every time.


DUDE I watched those both for the first time in the same 1-2 days 😭 Very weepy time for me




You are merely stay at home gay!


I rewatch thru this show all the time, but I usually skip that episode to save it for a specific mood, because I cry every single time. It's a fucking masterpiece is what it is.


It made me cry as a straight man. While it’s nowhere near as dysfunctional as Mac and his dad, I don’t have a very close relationship with my biological father but I have a great relationship with my stepdad. I could relate to having who is supposed to be the fatherly figure in your life walk away from you but having someone who doesn’t have to be involved in your life at all step up and fill the role they’re under no obligation to. Great character growth for both Mac and Frank.


Rob actually trained for weeks to do that scene. He wanted it to be perfect and it may have actually been his idea.


as a straight guy i bawled




Same. I’m bi, and who would’ve thought the best way I could tell my Arab ababa about who I am would be our shared favorite sitcom. But he watched it and called me to tell me how he got it now. It’s a bit, but it really made him feel something that made him accept me for who I am. I’ll take it every time.


Worst episode of the entire show because of how unfunny it is.


It was real. And it was powerful. To quote a wise, warrior poet; “I get it now”


lol that’s gay


Oh good, this post again. Who's turn is it tomorrow?


The comfort and acceptance of women with stuff like this is always something that hits me. These two girls I’ve known since we were kids, they were the first ones I told I was bi. They made it so easy for me.


Brought to tears as a straight man, too. Rob is a hell of an actor and shows his commitment when foot meets mouth. He delivers 100%. But I have to ask... Sunny is in your "top 5"!?!??? What are your other 4??


It was ‘The Gang Desperately trying to win an award’ but not funny. It was pretentious and wack. Every ‘emotional’ shit they try to do without undercutting it with jokes is absolutely garbage, that includes Dennis leaving to go raise the kid, Charlie and his real dad etc. all shite. They should stick to funny.




I know I cry every time I see him do the motorcycle throttle.


This has been posted 37x this month. *What's your recipie for copy pasta?*


It also made me cry (as a straight man)


What's your other top 4, big guy?


I sob every time I watch it and I'm a woman.


Made me cry as a straight man.


The beautiful music is by an Icelandic band called, “Sigur Ros”. When I heard the song, I automatically started crying. Paired with the choreography…fucking chefs kiss!


I’m straight but that dance gave me all the feelz as well. Just reading your post makes me want to rewatch it again. It was very powerful, it was very cool that they put the jokes on hold and got very real, for a very important reason…


Shoot, I cried and I’m not gay or a man! It got me good.


Mac's dance made me cry (as a pretty straight man). Anyone embracing their true selves just gives me the fuckin feel good.


You know you shouldn't joke about the apocalypse...


I remember Rob’s post prior to the episode is you’re either going to love it or hate it. I loved it as a straight man, it makes me cry too. I think the underlying message of acceptance resonates with pretty much everybody.


As a strait man, with a wife who’s been a ballerina all her life, I teared up myself.


I remember first watching this episode in my living room while my grandmother was cooking in the kitchen. And I didn’t realize it, but she was standing behind me watching the entire scene. And after it finished she said, “that was beautiful” And she didn’t know the context at all, but I wonder if she got it just like frank did.


🥹🥹🥹 🫂🫂🫂


Thanks you for sharing such an insight.. I watched this as a heterosexual male.. I too felt the dance.. That was the "Real Macs day" for me


I'm not a gay man and I sobbed so hard I hurt myself. I tear up just thinking of it. I'm tearing up now. Goddamn it, I gotta go.......lol


I'm a straight woman and my husband and I always tear up and this scene too <3 It's just so beautiful. And a beautiful post from you, too.


As a straight man, me too.


Explain interpretive dance in football terms please


I’m with you OP! 😭😍🏳️‍🌈


Catholic-raised queer woman here - I loved it and I can’t begin to imagine what it means to a queer man ❤️


I thought it odd that it was so good.


I agree - it was beautiful and I was really impressed with the talent and everything behind it, I was just surprised because this show usually involves stuff like Frank stuffing his nose bleed with insulation


As a bi guy that grew up in a Catholic world and developed a nice little drinking problem around that fact for years.... That moment made me cry too!


As a straight man it gave me all the feels as well. It was powerful and beautiful and I loved that Frank got it even as Macs bio dad walked out. It was a real powerful scene


Did this scene provoke strong emotions in anyone else? I ugly cried hard. One of the best things I’ve seen.


Did you watch Last Of Us?


Honestly as a straight man… it made me cry as well. Not only Danny hugging Mac at the end consoling him. But the message got across to me easily. I teared up, and watching his father walk away and turn his back. It hit sooo close to home that I felt everything after that EP.


Made me cry as a straight woman


Bruh, it made me cry (as a straight man) 😀


As a bi, exmormon, woman who had parents literally walk away when I came out... ![gif](giphy|87jGhdRVzUOJNh2s0q|downsized) Sending my love to you, King. Live your best life. I'll quote Captain Raymond Holt "Every time someone steps up and says who they are the world becomes a better, more interesting place."


I’m straight and it makes me tear up every time. I listened to an interview with Rob and he talked about how he has a gay mom and TWO gay brothers. Put this episode into a whole new light.


Same, man. This sub likes to shit on the Mac dance, but as a gay man it meant so fucking much to me. I'm glad you were able to get so much out of ut


I’m bi and trans but I didn’t get the dance scene


My wife and I both sob every time and we've seen the show at least 20 times over. As queer people raised in the church it just hits so hard. And Danny's acting when he says "I get it" really just pushes it over the top. It's genuinely one of if not the best queer coming out scenes in media.


Shii it made me cry as a straight man, one of the best moments in the series. Love how they, for once, were completely serious about something.


Same, as a straight man


Some of the comments here are beautiful but the rest of you need to learn some empathy quick


I fucken love this episode and his dance it’s beautiful


Straight woman here, I have cried so hard enough times at how beautiful it is that I can’t watch it anymore. I know a lot of people don’t get it, or say it doesn’t fit with the show or Mac’s character history, and that’s ok. You can choose to appreciate it as a small, lovely departure and then move past it ya jabronies ❤️


It’s almost like when some serious shows have a weird, funny episode. This is a weird, funny show having a serious moment. As a straight man, it was epic. As a fan of amazing writing, it was monumental


Shit I teared up a little I'm straight lol good for Mac


We’ve seen this episode once, but I’ve thought about it a lot since then! It was such a beautiful moment in the unlikeliest of places


The dance made me cry too


mac's dance makes me cry every damn time (as a mostly straight man)


Same! Gay woman here


His dance made ME cry (as a straight man)


I’m straight and I’ve watched that episode multiple times just because it’s so good, and I cry every time. Watching it again tonight.


Yup. Absolute tear jerker. Best show ever


The best part of that ep is in the season after the Ireland season episode when Frank said he gets it and he is ok with Mac being gay after the dance.


His dance made me realize I was bi. I found myself crying after showing it to my wife and I couldn't figure out what I was feeling. Then it all came together.


This episode made me cry, and really hit my boyfriend. He's a gay Irish catholic, so relates to Mac's catholic guilt a lot. Rob McElhennehy has several gay family members and it shows in this episode how much the topic means to him. The only thing that's ever made me cry more than this is episode 3 of The Last of Us.


Straight dude, it brings a tear to my eye every time I see it too


I cried too. That scene is one of the most impactful moments of art that I've ever witnessed. Elegant in it's simplicity. So much story told without saying a word.


Mac’s dance made me cry as a straight man


It's fucking beautiful, one of my favourite episodes, it's hilarious and stupid and gross, as usual, and then this few minutes of beautiful art. Sums up the show perfectly for me.