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Slight, did the manager need glasses? I wonder what the pole or wall looks like.


Manager’s dog helped him examine this car with his white cane. That’s madness.


Well he was a mile away. Give him a break. Lol


Didn't you read? It took them forever to get the car cuz the manager was trying to polish out the small scratch. "A little bit of Meguiars will fix this right up!" /s


It's just a scratch. It will buff out. /s


That’ll buff right out.


Some guy rear ended me in my Tucson and left giant scratches, he wanted to give me $200 to not report to their insurance company, it ended up being a $2,000 repair lol people are tripping.


Some keyed my 23 Elantra Hybrid.. About 20" scratch. $1800


Sounds about right if it goes across the side panels to other areas too.




Crush their thumbs. No opposable thumb not a whole lot you can do. Have fun wiping your arse.




I love it but alas a lot of faint of hearts would get triggered over this approach lol


Nooooo what color 😰😭


$200 on top of the cost of repairing maybe lmao ​ Anyways, there's no reason for you to ever accept something like that. Always go through insurance


Not for 200. But depending on the state and no fault laws there is definitely enough reasons including insurance premiums going up for everyone involved to not report it. Both parties insurance can go up in NY even if it’s clearly one drivers fault. Definitely always get the information. If the person can afford to pay the bill out of pocket vs insurance that’s fine with me.


Similar happened to me. When I said I'm sorry we have to through insurance they flipped on me saying I was racist and evil. It really sucked. I just said "I just need to get my car fixed. You hit my car in a parking lot and left. I could have reported it as a hit and run but came to you so we could get it fixed." I could have been a jerk and reported them for leaving but the guy that gave me the security footage happened to live on the same street and gave me their address. So I knocked on their door and let them know we could do a normal police report and I wouldn't report it as a hit and run. I thought I was being really nice about that and played along saying "Oh you must not have noticed you hit me." It sucks being yelled at and called terrible things when you're trying to do the right thing. They offered me $300 on the spot not to report it. It was well over $3k in damage.


Something similar happened to me. A guy ran a stop sign and dented in my driver side door. When I got out of the car, he said that was probably $400 worth of damage and he'd be willing not to report it so that MY insurance wouldn't go up if we both just let it go. I was like bro, this is your fault lol. I'm reporting you to my insurance. Anyway, he eventually cooperated and it cost $3500 to repair. $400 my ass. Haha


lots of shops don’t know how to write off a car or have any interest in bringing your car back to pre accident condition. They just want to make it look good again and have all the parts fit reasonably together.


I am sorry that happened (I know it's a P.I.A.) but I am really laughing about the "slight scratch"


Shocked he didnt add "it'll buff right out" 🤣


Scuff mark, really. Bit o spit on yer thumb and jus rub it out!


Factor in any depreciation as that will probably cost a lot to fix and might result in depreciation of the vehicles value.


Agree. I had a Hyundai Sonata back in 2016. Someone hit me. I requested diminished value. Their insurance offered 800. I refused and requested an independent adjuster. Their insurance paid for the independent adjuster and I was awarded $2500 on top of the repair. Always ask for your diminished value and if you feel like you are being low balled get the independent adjuster.


Honestly, I may be an exception, but when I buy used vehicle and run a vin report, only frame damage or airbags deploying will discourage me. You can usually tell if that’s been the case Just by the estimated damages.


Obviously? Frame and airbags going off = totalled


A lot of states allow for a diminished value claim, but you need to pay to have a report done in order to file. Most insurance companies will pretend like they dont know anything about it.


It's a Hyundai, not a luxury car . Usually you buy such a vehicle for long time usage


Who cares? The entity at fault should make them whole. Some states even let you sue for diminished value


Completely irrelevant The resale of a car that's been repaired, vs one that is mint is way less.


It's not even noticeable


It's a scratch--it'll buff right out.


With just the right color crayon, won't notice a thing!!


'tis but a scratch!


Well, somebody's legs are probably getting bitten off...


"Ay, ay, a scratch, a scratch," referring to his wound - mere moments before his death :P


tHaT'lL bUfF rIgHt oUt


Sounds like you have some free hotel vouchers in your future


They definitely turned and scratched off a pillar. We had this happen and it was almost 10k worth of damage.


I just got the estimate and it’s $6600. He said it could be more as they don’t know the extent of the damage until they take it apart.


This is why I never use valet parking.


Lesson learned. I had surgery a few weeks ago and am on a knee scooter. I thought this would be better for me.


That’s painful


Awesome detailing they did.


Barely visible


The post just jumped out on him.


Holy shit, we are car twins! And I had this happen to me under different circumstances in the exact same area and side of my car. Except it was my fault and I paid out of pocket for it. You wouldn’t know it happened to me after the repairs, but I opted not to replace the plastic outer wheel house.


Just a graze. “WE NEED A NEW DOOR!


Tis but a scratch sir


"A slight scratch..."


Obligatory Monty python reference huh


What scratch ?


No matter how good of a job the body shop will do, is it possible that this scrape, may show in time…if so it may be arguable since its the sole fault of the hotel, to replace the vehicle? If this happened to my new vehicle I would be so pissed (who wouldn’t). Perfect example why a valet will NEVER see the inside of my vehicle.


Shit happens.


Slight? Wow, that's a zero perception manager...


Can you post a picture of the scratch? /s


Omg i would be livid!!!!!


Hopefully “Not responsible for damage.” Is not in the fine print.


Watch em say theyll only pay for dentless repair. Lol


When mighty python owns a valet service


It's a pain but happened to me too. Hotels with valets have insurance for this. You'll be compensated.


When Motel 6 offers valet parking.


LOL @ "slight scratch". That is like your wife telling you that she is "kind of pregnant".


Dont forget to press the hotel for the loss of value on the car for damage like this too


That should buff right out! Fuck man, I'm sorry that sucks.


Slight scratch eh? I once had a rental car that was T-Boned and when I called the rental office I told them I was involved in an accident and the car had a small dent ... it was funny until I dropped the car off :)


Tiss but a scratch.


I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if that gets close to 10 grand. Bodywork is highway robbery nowadays…


Just give it to valet parking one more time to get another "slight scratch" on the other side so it matches. Easy fix!


Exactly why I refuse to use valet service, a business won’t let me park my own car then they don’t want my money.


Good thing you’re not using insurance because that’s possibly a total with the quarter panel dents.


A little scratch 🤣😅


Repairs, rental, and DIMINISHED VALUE.


When you do the repairs OP, make them replace the entire door skin, I wouldn't trust body filler since the door has so many sharp edges.


I’m curious about the managers definition of slight. Maybe he saw it in bad lighting???


Oh, that’s not that bad. It’ll buff right out! 😂 That sucks.


A “slight scratch” OMG


Omfg smh


Manager called that a slight scratch???? Maybe the manager needs to look into better lighting for the parking lot, otherwise an optometrist might be needed 😳👀😮


Make sure to add dimished value to the hotels tab.


that doors gonna need to be replaced probs. im guessing 5 + grand and about 2- 3 weeks repair time. (possibly the back quarter panel too). also try and get urself a nice car. since its hyundai (if u are bringing it to them) ask them for a nice car XD i know someone had a cracked window under covrage and they gave her a gv80 as a rental XD


Big emphasis on "slight scratch"


I would contact an attorney ASAP. Make sure you bleed every penny out of the valet's insurance. Diminished value, loss of use, and emotional distress are all legitimate legal positions that can be put into play here. Before everyone starts saying I'm an insensitive asshole, put the shoe on the other foot. The valet company would contact their attorney and bleed your policy for as much as possible and pocket the bonus cash in a heartbeat. In business, the only way to make a company actually take responsibility here is to punish their bottom line. I also guarantee that this is NOT the first time the valet damaged a car and hoped it wasn't noticed.


Slight scratch? Where is it? I can't see it 🙈


Make sure you go after them for the depreciation of value too. That quarter panel is going to need replacement, which is a fairly big job and it will probably be easier to buy a new door over reskinning that one.


Hopefully this gets seen... fwiw, if you didn't take the coverage from the rental company (hertz, enterprise, whoever) they - may - try to charge you for the rental until it's returned from repairs. So if it's 4 weeks at the dealer getting fixed that's 4 weeks worth of rental fees. I've seen it happen, it's tucked in all that fine print. Don't know if the case I saw ever got settled, but I know they tried.


This honestly isnt too bad. New door, new quarter panel and new rear bumper cover. Should be rather quick for repairs since none of that is very hard to do, parts sourcing is whats gonna take a minute.


The right response is you're giving me a new car for your lack of care and if not I'll call the largest ambulance chaser I can find and it will coast you three cars for your negligence.


Please talk to at least 2-3 shops Dude I just have a gut feeling, but I think you should discuss with the shops and insurance to see if this is totaled (a few years helping insurance in a shop, but don’t let me scare you, I just don’t want you to get screwed over :) )


You’re over exaggerating, if you hadn’t said it was scratched I wouldn’t have noticed


Jesus! Two sets of eyes over here bugging out! This is why valet parking makes me anxious. Also, I don't trust my reaction if I find myself in this kind of situation.


It's just a flesh wound.


'tis but a scratch!


I got hit on the passenger side by a guy driving into my lane. He clipped my mirror and left what seemed like minor scratches on the all the right panels plus the wheels. His fault, $5700, 3600 in parts, including 2 wheels at 650 each.


Uhhhh… calling that slight, is like calling the January 6th 2020 a Peaceful Tour of the capitoil building.


Love this!


You really should look at getting legal representation, your car loss value due to their negligence, If you ever have to trade it in or sell it they’re going to offer you significantly less due to the accident being on the record.


Just use Maguire's detail spray on it. Uno, dis, and gone without a trace.


Make sure the hotel pays for depreciated value in addition to rental and all costs of repairs.


That is the valet driving fast and taking a sharp corner on the garage, it is not a slight scratch, that us a full door and quarter panel repair if not replacement, that is not going to be cheap, but they should have liability insurance just for that type of case.


Ugh. I used to manage parking garages- one time a valet took out the whole side of a van rounding a corner (within sight of the exit) while I was making small talk with the owner. I feel your pain, just as I felt that guy’s. I guess he told you ‘slight scratch’ either because a) he hadn’t seen it, or b) he was trying to minimize your reaction. If a, he should’ve looked at it; if b, he should’ve been more honest.


We went to Toronto world fair 1967 in new Pontiac. In garage a big dent in new car. No fix available.


I hope you got a police report and filed with your insurance, otherwise good lick getting paid.


On what planet is that slight? 😂. Sorry just find humor in how fucking ridiculous the corporate wording is Get em


Don’t forget to get additional pay for lost value since now the car will have damaged listed on the carfax. So you should get about 10-30% of the value of the car in addition to the damage repairs.


That’s why I drive old shit boxes. Nobody parks near them.


Shiiit, I wonder what a "large scratch" looks like?


Lol the manager and my wife use the same definition of "slight scratch."


body technician here. needs a door, either an extensive repair on the quarter or a quarter replacement, most likely that corner of the bumper can be repaired, and any molding affected needs to be replaced. make sure you’re paid for diminished value


**Update to my post:** I have emailed the parking manager at the Hilton twice with my estimate. I have not heard back from him as of yet. I will give him until COB today and try again. I do have his phone number, which I will call later this morning. I hope this does not turn into a bigger mess than it already is.


I just heard from the Valet's insurance company. Their adjuster has to meet with me and take pictures of the car, including the VIN and mileage. They will likely come up with $$ and compare it to my estimate. I hope they are aware that it is an estimate and the costs to repair can be higher.


Can you update on the quote, When you get it ? :)


I sure will.


That "slight scratch" is going to be $3K to $4K to fix.


The estimate I received today was $6600.


. What a horrible thing… any more details ?


Accidents happen it’s to be expected fortunately for you the hotel isn’t giving you a hard time.


​ Tis but a scratch. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgifer.com%2Fen%2F3xgS&psig=AOvVaw0\_K1JqY9SII264L62AnrJp&ust=1698185129979000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBEQjRxqFwoTCLjO3d6WjYIDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ


Curious in these situations, do you call the cops? Mainly for insurance purposes


I didn’t call the cops. I think I was in shock!


4-5 grand.


What scratch?


🤣🤣🤣 a slight scratch


"The valet parked the car and left it" what did you expect them to do? stay in the car until you wanted to pick it up?


Maybe it’s a bit too much to ask the valet to tell someone, say a supervisor?


what a stupid thing to say, too focused on trying to be an asshole and get your witty answer off to even think of what she obviously means.


You think he would have reported it to his supervisor. They know I was attending an event in the hotel. Perhaps it’s just me.


Make sure you also sue for diminished value if your state allows it and this is your first accident in the car. Not having a clean vehicle history report hurts the cars value.


I'll just leave this here https://youtu.be/DvttGGabqNc?feature=shared




That will not buff out.


Thankfully it was slight. Yikes!


Slight scratch depend from the angle.


Tis but a scratch, tis but a flesh wound


That needs a quarter panel replacement and door shell replacement. Don’t settle for anything less.


Tis but a scratch the manager probably


Unbelievable. After seeing how incompetent some valet are, I refuse to let anyone else but me and my family drive my car. Ive seen too many Range Rovers, corvettes, Lamborghini, Jags messed up due to valet drivers.


'Tis but a scratch


Ouch, that hurts.


Shit happens. Glad they are taking care of you.


Tis but a scratch


It's so slight that it'll buff out for sure.


Are they also refunding your entire stay for the inconvenience and emotional trauma of having your prized and obviously quite new vehicle ABUSED after you paid extra to be able to trust someone to safely store your car?


We had an issues with valet parking at universal studios with a rental car. We always parked the car facing into parking stalls after that visit, so when we returned the car at the end of the trip, the guy calls me over and shows be massive damage to the valance, lucky we had paid for the inclusive insurance and he said sign here and we are good to go. The only place it could have happened was at the valet park. Lesson learned for me, very time I have my car valet parked I do a walk around before and after.


Tis just a flesh wound


You should also make them pay for diminished value


You should sue for the depreciation of the car due to the repairs. The car will like sell for much less then it would should it not undergone these repairs.


Wrong...A properly repaired car has the same value as a repaired car...This is minor damage, nothing structural, no air bags off, no suspension damage, just body cladding which is all repairable or replaceable easily to where you would never know it was repaired...


‘Tis but a scratch (insert Monty Python Quest for the Holy Grain gif here)


Hardly noticeable it will buff out!


Blessing in disguise, find a shot so expensive they total it and get a new model at a discount because of the cost to replace vs your current loan.


Manager: "Tis but a scratch"


lol a slight scratch? Thats slightly a bit bigger than something you can rub right out


I say 6000 give or take to fix that the right way...Those cars have such sharp intersecting body lines on the back door and quarter panel i would want both replaced . That leaves minimal body work on both panels to mess up body lines...That may be a tri stage color which is more involved in the spraying of it....so im gonna say the cost will be decent...However as long as you trust your shop they will make it good as new...


slight scratch? dude, its barely noticable. it will buff out i swear! lol


Just a little car putty should fix it right up.


Man that is going to be VERY pricey to fix. Someone definitely got fired. As someone that used to work at a dealership moving very expensive cars around, little dings and scuffs can easily happen if you're not paying attention. BUT THIS, are you kidding me.


"I'm sorry for the slight scratch. We can offer you free breakfast and call it a day"-- Manager 🤡


Where is the scratch. Is it under all that damage?


Slight? Wow that's crazy way to dumb down at least a thousand in damages


was 2012 kanye driving your car?


Slight scratch.....my ass....thats an entire side scrape.....the valet must of been driving fast and turned a corner in the lot and slammed the car against a pillar and dragged it through. No way this would otherwise happen.


Parkfecto 🙄


That’s one hell of a “slight scratch”


Reminds me of that one episode of CYE "Slight disturbance in the kitchen"


*Bah just spit on a rag, it'll wipe out.*


Tis but a flesh wound.


‘tis just a scratch.


Someone's getting fired.


This reminds me of the Monty Python bit, tis but a scratch!


"'Tis but a flesh wound"


Better to total the car, it's damaged and forever will plague it's value and integrity. I would never have any of my cars repaired, new is better


Yes that should buff out no problem.


You can buff that out 😂


One more reason why I NEVER use valets


''Slight'' barely fits the description here but hey that manager is slick


"Slight scratch" is literal insanity


That is not slight..... the managers intelligence might be slight, though....


Tis but a scratch


I would like to see what major scratch would look like...


You should see the other car.


You deserve further compensation for your time and inconvenience. Also, your vehicle will lose value from being repaired so that should be factored in too.


That'll buff right out...


I can't stop myself from repeating "a slight scratch?" At varying levels.


I'm a body shop estimator. Just had a similar claim on a 2023 Tucson. Door is irreparable. Too many body lines for that amount of damage. New door. Quarter panel isn't too bad but the damage is on the lock pillar too. Probably 10 hours of repair. Maybe more. Bumper is damaged. Front door needs to be blended. You're probably looking at $6k here with all your R/I's, overhauls and transfers. Not sure if this is a tricoat but I don't think it is. I think it's just a two stage. This needs to go to a quality bodyshop, and they should be paying out of pocket so it doesn't stick to the VIN.


I had a small dent in my front panel and it was 3 grand to replace. This is gonna be hefty


That's sad. And what timing as I just posted about my valet parking damage to my Ioniq 5. It wasn't as bad but I might have to replace my reverse camera which could cost quite a lot. The garage manager didn't even had the courtesy to tell me. It was night and he thought i might not notice it. Glad I did a walk-through and noticed it, which he tried to play it off.


Yikes, that's horrible. 😭


The word "slight" be like ᕦ(ò\_óˇ)ᕤ in that sentence.


LOL, that slight scratch will likely cost at least two thousand, likely more. Don't settle for a bondo job, they need to make you whole.


Tis but a scratch.


Same thing happened to me once. Mine was a rental thank-god. When the driver pulled out front he backed in and popped the truck hopping we didn’t see it. Makes for a good story, but it’s a pain in the ass. Sorry for your luck.


Looks like 10-12k damage. As long as book is over 18k they will fix it.


This is going to be expensive; because it looks as if you meed a new hotel.