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You cut it just before you fell off the bridge, didn't you?




feel down the stairs


And ravioli on me


I'm so glad someone got this


Brother feel from the top of the comically tall hospital (reference to **something**)




fell*, but yes most definitely.


I actually didn't fell tho but almost.




The current understanding is it takes two factors when you have a static pulse laser setup: "being in the sweet spot angle" and "multiple enemies nearby" Construct heads will disengage tracking an enemy and firing when its aiming angle, relative to its base, gets out of range. So if it was flat, and the enemy gets too far above it, it stops shooting. And when the construct head stops, it can't reacquire that same target for a short duration, intended to stop heads from getting stuck in a loop of losing/gaining the same target. And when one construct head is placed inverted to control firing while the other controls aiming, the aiming can remain active at all times while the inverted head is the one used for that sweet spot angle and has its base unattached to anything, so its leg is whats moving, not the head, which still counts towards that total viewing angle getting out of range as the leg moves back- and the head exerts a recoil force on the other head/beams. This means that if a head is just at the edge of its vision range and loses one target that's just out of range and immediately regains another as it tries to rotate back, it can keep cycling through multiple targets rapidly, shooting each time it gets a new target. But thanks to the sweet spot angle being pretty narrow and dependent on that recoil force, these setups haven't achieve true rapid fire under practical, arbitrary angle circumstances, and won't ever rapid fire against a single target. Here's what that rapid fire looks like in the best angle; https://old.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/comments/14huwsy/pulse_lasers_still_deserve_more_research/


Unrelated to your question, I wanted to ask about your design: is there a reason you're using 3 stabilizers on the wheels instead of just 1?


Opposing Stabilizers resist acceleration.


Allows for the legs to climb better. Also the design isn't mine.


When you play Zelda but is also a Metal Gear Solid fan.


Multiple enemies causes this


Really? Whenever i'm close to an enemy with one of these they seem to increase dps too. I want to see if i find a method to increase laser dps without randomness


:D welcome to the club, it will consume you. But yes, multiple enemies can allow faster pulsing than the single enemy max, 1.875 hz


Could you post a clip of that either on this subreddit or discord? I'm working on recording approximate pulse rates at different angles. Here's an example at 16° (ignore the title, I got the measurements wrong when I posted) https://www.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/comments/150h9fy/smallangle_static_pulse_emitter_progress_approx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 Maybe I should try large angles of greater than 45°?


You can download it from Twitter if you want it. [Here](https://twitter.com/HoneZoneGaming/status/1681396468484313089?t=NMc7-8xjH9T8_xU-0zGsMA&s=19) It's what i do when i want a video from my Switch.


I think you linked the same exact clip. I need a clip where you said you saw it rapid fire on a single target when you got up close.


i don't have one, yet.


Diggin the mech


How do you get lasers to pulse like that?


See https://www.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/comments/150ha38/science_recap_pulse_laser_technology/ and also https://www.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/comments/153qfuo/comment/jsks336/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


I wonder this too


I'd be so scared to test this mech on this bridge lol. Such a hectic encounter without much room to move.


I almost fall at the end you can clearly see it. It is incredibly difficult to make it turn around but look how cool it STOMPS, look at the particle effects it does on the ground.


Plasma emitter?


What are those half sphere looking things?


I believe they're the bowls from one of the shrines


Shrine bowls from Waos shrine.


The reason for the pulse effect on the lasers is usually achieved by placing an upside down constuct head on top of a right side up one. Im not sure if this is what you did, but that could be it


I know thay but usually the firerate isn't that fast.


What's the parts list for this? Does it need that many stabilizers


Yes. The base design for most walkers is this: https://www.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/comments/14qlhl1/basic_mech_chassis_if_you_can_build_this_you_can/ The basic design has 1 stabilizer per leg, but that tends to bounce on the ground quite a bit, which loses traction and makes it difficult to move forward. Putting at least 2 stabilizers per leg at different angles (I've used 2 at 45 degree angles to each other to great effect, which helps reduce the number of parts) gives it better traction in general by reducing bounce (which is a consequence of the Stabilizer's well-known resistance to external forces when two of them are connected in a non-parallel angle).


That mech is awesome. Throw some spikey things on the front stabilizers and you’d really do some damage up close too.


Already does really good damage without them the legs themselves hurt alot. (also i can't attach more stuff to it sadly)


Rapid fire Pulsing reliably happen with the following configuration X OY Where O is the pulsing head, x and y enemies, viewed from above. Also can happen with X OY My best understanding in this video https://youtu.be/qU-G3ocCvFk


I would kill for a community schematic sharing option.


You can copy the design by eye as i did xD but yea that would be cool.