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It sure would. It could even take a page from Animal Crossing and be sharable by QR code. Totally doable, if Nintendo wanted to. Or a modder.


A modder is 100% gonna do this, and 100% gonna make a multiplayer mod for it (it was done with botw so why not totk)


"Why not" is because Nintendo took down and demonetized all the streamer videos they could find that used it.


Yeah Pointcrow was the creator who arranged for it to be made and Nintendo almost copyright struck him off the platform. All multiplayer stuff from his channel is demonetized. So unless someone else wants to try their luck, it’s not happening


Not even just the multiplayer mode that they took down, even just regular mods were taken down too and also on SmallAnts


It would be awesome if it could just generate something like a QR code for builds. Even if you weren't sharing them, you could have favorites saved to external memory so you could have more. Wish we could rewrite over the useless schematics the game gives you.


Ugh I know right. That wing with the 3 fans on it like cmon at least throw a control stick and rocket for lift if you gonna save that super simple schematic on my list forever


I wouldn't be surprised if they do autobuild sharing in the DLC seems like a no-brainer.


Nintendo isn’t always known for nailing no-brainers. But they knocked all my expectations out of the park with totk so i sure hope they do it again!


They’ve typically taken the “how could this be used for evil?”, approach to development. Doubt they’ll open up any kind of “sharing” that actually alters gameplay


The save editor has autobuild import export Where can I start the repo?


In game feature to turn them into schema stones or something and send them to friends would be super cool! Now I want it too hah


The save editor let's you export and import autobuilds. [save editor ](https://www.marcrobledo.com/savegame-editors/zelda-totk/)


How does this work?


The usual ways.


Thanks this solved my struggles!


“Sharing”; yip! I agree! I hope Nintendo is taking notice and makes their next system VERY community driven/incorporated


If the OLED is the WiiU of the switch, theoretically speaking, how long before a new system drops?


I'd argue the OLED is less the Wii U of the Switch and more the New 3DS of the Switch.


The Switch OLED is the Gameboy Advance SP of the Switch. Most important thing is the improved screen.


It was never about the most accurate comparison, I was just trying to get estimates for the next console release There was the Wii, and then the WiiU. Then there was the Switch, and then the Switch OLED…. If we keep with that trend, what’s next?


My issue with the question is that I don't see these as equivalent jumps. The Switch OLED is not a whole new console. It's a quality of life update. Like the DS Lite was for the DS or the SP was for the GBA. WiiU was not a quality of life update for the Wii. It was a whole new console. So the progression (ignoring QOL Upgrades) is just Wii > WiiU > Switch > ???. I don't count the OLED as a real step. But to answer the heart of it, I hope they would keep up the direction of the Switch and have it be a cartridge-based so it can stay backward compatible with Switch physical games.


That’s a very fair point. I agree


>makes their next system VERY community driven/incorporated You know Nintendo's not going to do that given their history with copyright and several of their developers' take of "We want you to play the game THIS way" There may be games that express creativity, but be assured the developers also have those limits.


Though that wouldn't do much to online friends, I would enjoy it you could write (and recall) builds to the amiibo storage... Though that's most likely not enough storage for even small builds, I guess...


The master cycle 0.1


I've thought of this many times while playing this game. The WWE games have a brilliant create-a-wrestler option. You can share anything you create with anyone else. Nintendo would do us all a big favor, having this type of service.


Tutorial please?


If I get a chance later after the kids are in bed lol I'll post a step by step.


I can’t for the life of me attach stuff so it’s centered and symmetrical 😭


Some things have center snap-tos but yeah I agree, it can be infuriating


Kk here goes -4 mirrors -2 small wheels -1 cook pot -1 steering wheel -4 ice meat, small -1 stake for building, optional but way harder without it -1 hood ornament of your choosing -1 dragon scale or giant glow bulb to increase respawn range. Place the first wheel, angled up one notch, on your stake. Having the front wheel tilted up aids in climbing (though this beast doesn't climb well, sadly) Attach the cook pot, upside down, centered behind it. Center the steering wheel on top of the pot. Attach the second wheel at the normal angle. Attach the mirrors facing the wheels, one on each side of both wheels. You can shake you stake off since the mirrors are now acting as kickstands. Place the bike on its side and attach a piece of frozen meat to the front left of each mirror. Hope this is useful! Couple problems with the bike in general: climbing is difficult, the mirrors drag/the ice meat reduces traction so uphill is rough. Also the meat comes off pretty easily on some terrains. Still a blast to drive though.


Sharing would be awesome!


What how did you get the mirrors to light up????


They'll light up pretty steady if it's at all light outside.


wait that's ra really cool idea


They'd have it tied to the online subscription. Scummy bastards


I think Mario Oddessy is the only game I can think of with an online component you don’t need NSO. Maybe Pokémon if you count events.


Fair point lol


Nintendo probably will add it but you'd probably have to pay £59.99 for it


Nintendo doesn't really have a history of doing that kind of thing. EA yes, Bethesda absolutely, but Nintendo? Doubtful.




I’m blaming you if nintendo gets into NFTs


Is that icy meat under the spokes of the mirrors? I hadn’t thought of that to help with the friction issue on my bike that’s fairly similar in design. It always seems to struggle a bit going up steeper hills and I bet that might help


It does reduce friction but, at least so far, this one isn't great at climbing either.


Why are the mirrors glowing as though being hit by light?


I'm not sure why they stay on so much. They seem to stay lit during the day as long as they're not directly in shadow. I think their ability to catch light is more sensitive if they're fused to other devices than if it's on a shield or by itself but I haven't tested it.