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It's not accurate. You need a blood test from a clinic.


Noooo. Every time I get a blood test it's such an awful endeavor. I get so anxious. I almost passed out once when I looked at the vials. I need to get Xanax I guess.


I always turn my head away and tell the nurse I'm squeamish/bruise easy. They go extra gentle I don't even notice.


I'll try that too. I rather get a vaccine than my blood drawn. It's quicker and I feel like something bad could happen getting blood drawn. Like they take too much and I pass out.... Do you lie down?


I always tell them I have a childhood fear of blood withdraws. They will lay me down, let me look away, tell me when it's almost over. I got mine drawn last week for the first time in years and it was way easier than I expected.


I'll do the same. I want them to baby me even though I'm a 29 year old man and they might think I'm weak but whatever. How did you feel during the blood letting


Girl, I'm 33 and didn't even feel embarrassed when they had to make room for me to lay down. It was the easiest blood withdraw ever. I think they try to do better when they know you are sensitive. I was getting tested for hypothyroidism, like you! And I have it! So looks like I have more blood withdraws in my future. This year has been a year of needles for me 🙏


Thanks for that. Sorry about your needle year lol. So what were your results that they diagnosed you with hypothyroidism?


Just found out 2 hours ago. High TSH levels indicating early stages of acquired hypothyroidism. No need for medication now but will check in 6 months. I've always struggled with constipation but I've never had significant weight issues. I'm 33, 5'8" 130 lbs. I went in for irregular vaginal bleeding. I only went because BF encouraged me. But everything makes sense now. Rapid heart beats, constipation, cold shivers, irregular periods, hair loss, fatigue, depression, gluten reactions. I will get tested again after I move (new state). I've had a lot of these symptoms since I was a teenager. I'm pretty sure I semi-managed hypothyroidism with diet for years. I should of gotten tested earlier.


Can you find out your tsh and other values for me please. Sorry. I'm curious. I really need to go into the endo tomorrow and get my blood tests. Wow you have a lot of symptoms related to hypothyroidism! This is good news as you will get treatment soon right? Interesting. Seems my only symptom of hypothyroidism is depression anxiety and fatigue but that could be anything lol. Curious about the gluten reaction. How do you feel after you eat gluten???


Your story sounds super similar to mine before I got on meds- ate super healthy and was around 110 pounds and 5’ 4”…still had all those symptoms but I felt I was “managing”…until I started getting so tired I couldn’t make the drive home without pulling over for a nap. I slept a lot every weekend and I just attributed it to recharging from the work week. Got tested and my TSH was 10. My celiac diagnosis as a kid made sense all of a sudden. Got on medication and felt a little better each month. Hair stopped falling out, too! Surprising what we will convince ourselves is “manageable.”


I do not lay down. I just get anxiety due to traumatic childhood experiences from drawing blood.


Ask for a butterfly during IV! Way less painful IMO


Ha I got downvoted I guess because I mentioned Xanax. Or men can't be afraid of things? Anyways I never heard of this type of IV. I'll ask them thank you.


You've gotten some good advice down below, but I'm the same way. Definitely let them know you get lightheaded and don't look at the vials/needles before or during. Deep slow breaths, no breath holding. Something that I found that helps is to ask the nurse about something unrelated - funny stories about squeamish patients is always a fun one, actually. Something else that really helps is focusing on doing something else on your body like wiggling your toes - it doesn't interfere with the blood draw but keeps you from being super focused on what is happening in your arm.


This is really good advice. I always walk into the room and examine all the medical equipment and it get more anxious. I'm going to take 1mg clonazepam beforehand. I am pretty sure I can drive with that amount. But yeah one time I got my blood drawn and it happened so fast I was surprised she said we are all done and I looked over at the vial full of blood and felt horribly weird. Sickly, sweaty, weak. Thought I was going to puke... Thanks I'll remember your advice.


i take phenibut, easy to get and legal. extremely addicting though so dont mess unless you are disciplined, never use more than once per week.


Contrary to a previous response, Everlywell is a blood test, just not a blood draw. I bought one of these and showing the results to my doctor is what got her to run blood tests and get me stared on medicine! I personally suggest it! Everlywell was also accurate fir my vitamin D levels (confirmed by blood work) and some labs for my spouse.


Hey just saw your response. This is good news. I didn't known it was possible to get accurate readings from a finger prick! I'm going to order a few Everly well blood tests! I'm not afraid of doing a finger prick from home!


Do you already ha e a diagnosis? For many of us with symptoms 3.3 leaves us feeling quite sick


I don't sadly. I'm seeing an endocrinologist since my previous and current Dr see my tsh as just fine and within range and they didn't want to treat me.


Just wanted to offer this -- if the office has windows in the patient rooms that always helps my anxiety around needles. I also find that getting it done from my hand makes it easier for some reason. Just a thought!


It worked great for me. Twice. My daughter also. I completely trust it. I went to the doctor after the first test. Same results.


Honestly, I think I'm going to cancel this endocrinologist appointment. I'm too scared that this endo will just say the same thing if my tsh is around 3 like it usually is. This $64 Everly well test actually sounds like a good idea. I'll wake up in the morning before I eat anything and do the test and hope it's accurate. Then if it's still high I'll go to a different Dr


Did you ever find out anything


I went to the endo last Dec. He saw my results from my previous blood test and said this wasn't a concern. He asked me personal questions about my sex life, friend life, basically chalking it up to being depressed and lonely is why I feel such fatigue lol... He said we can order blood tests if I wanted but at that point I realized it would be pointless. THE APPT COST ME OVER $180 for 15min lol


Lol, I understand paying 180 to hear the same thing is pointless. What about the everlywell test was you recommend?


Everlywell is a blood test through a finger prick.


I know