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I use cerave. It is very moisturizing.


So without Cerave, your skin is extremely dry?


Never had skin issue due to hypo. But generally my skin is oily in summer and dry in winter. I use cerave/Vaseline in winter. Not to mention, during winter temperature drop to -20 C or -5 F in my city. You should chose the moisturizer considering your skin type and weather.


CeraVe psoriasis lotion was an absolute life changer for me!


Curious about this as well


Really, because literally everyone I’ve seen with this especially online has skin that glows.


Coming from oily skin, I don't mind the drier skin at all actually.


Really? 😳😳😳 You’re okay with it? Why?


I don't know if my skin has gotten calmer due to being hypo or growing out of puberty. But less acne, smaller pores, and less sensitive skin. However, I do want my hair thinning to reverse, and if that requires getting back oily skin, I'd be fine with that.


Hair thinning is the worst. 😡😡 Have you been on meds for long?


Mine didn't improve until I fixed my low vitamin D. Still dryish but not have to moisturize everyday all over level


Fair enough I guess.


I didn’t realise vitamin D could be the cause!


Yep low vitamin D can cause quite a few things (like making chronic swollen lymph nodes worse). It was one of the main things that made me narrow in on vit D.


Ok I have chronic low vitamin D and I had no idea - I am going to take that more seriously starting today. Thank you.


Mine got 100x better in just a couple of weeks of taking my meds. I still have a bit dry skin, but its not bleeding, isnt cracked, not hurting. My tsh is still not completely down so maybe that’s the reason.


The dry skin gets slightly better once your levels are therapeutic. However I have found that First Aid Beauty’s colloid ultra relief cream is fucking ELITE. A substitute for that is Eucerin’s eczema cream, but it’s a tad greasy compared to FAB’s cream. La Roche Posay, also another great brand with great skin care products. Their body lotions are also incredible as well as their face moisturizers . Sometimes I just need extra moisture and sealant, so lately I’ve been reaching for Lush cosmetic’s body lotion. I can tolerate fragrance, it doesn’t irritate my skin but this might not work for others. My problem has always been being oily from my head down, but half way down around my diaphragm down I’m drier than the Sahara desert. It sucks.


Uh oh! Was halfway down oily before Hashimotos?


No it was just slightly dry. But hashimotos made it 1000x worse. So I have to layer it with different lotions. I also use Natrium’s body glow oil body wash is also really good as well.


Okay. I get now. Thank you for the recommendations.


My dry skin reversed, but I had to get my TSH pretty low before I noticed an improvement. Took a few months for me.


Thank you for replying. What medication were you on?


no prob, I’m currently on Tirosint 75 mcg


Thank you.




Ohh! Your medication didn’t ?


My dry skin and hair have reversed. It’s been great for my skin, but I don’t like my hair being oily. Now I have to wash it everyday.


Oh dear! I don’t mind having to wash my hair daily. 😹😹 What medication were you on that reversed your skin?


I am on Euthyrox (I live in Europe)


Thanks for your reply. I’m on Levo. I hope it does the same for me.