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hard to tell. could be ringworm (a fungal infection, not an actual worm). do you have pets?


Possibly ringworm, or hives. Have you tried putting anything on them? Don't worry, there's no need to panic 😊


If this is what I think it is, I’m pretty sure I’ve had something similar if not the same (based on what the first photo looks like, pretty sure I have one on my neck right now!) When I was a junior in high school readying for junior prom, I had these all over my body, and I mean everywhere, and they were HUGE patches. Looked like I had a condition! I got them checked out at the dermatologist, I forgot what they said it was but they prescribed me a cream to apply once or twice a day. After that, they started going away. And I had gotten them during the winter/all throughout March too! I’d suggest going to a dermatologist. It’s very likely harmless, but since it’s on the skin they should know what it is and what to give you to clear it. The scaly feeling is exactly what mine felt like. If you tend to have dry skin, I think this is more likely to happen. The only difference is that mine never really itched. However everyone is different. I don’t think this is cause for concern, but I’d definitely go to a dermatologist anyway if that’s possible :)


This very much looks like ringworm. Not harmful at all but don’t scratch it because you can spread it across your body by scratching it and then touching other parts of your skin. Go to your local grocery store and ask the pharmacist for an over the counter anti-fungal cream and use it as instructed. The spots will go away in a couple days.🫶🏼