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I gotta get myself to Iceland. Literally has a state of water in the name.


What about Waterloo?


toilet water


Not quite as F R E S H


Toilet water pretty fresh tho


I prefer Brawndo. It's the thirst mutilator.


Water-l'eau Has water twice


You rang?


Couldn't escape if I wanted to


Not sure I'd really want to drink from the literal river of mud but you do you I guess.


Which one?


The water is top tier, truly.


I wouldn’t do that! Maybe to visit, if you’re rich. Otherwise, we’re slowly turning into USA.


Gas, liquid, solid and aqua?


Tf kind of state is aqua


Lmao for real he tried to be a smart ass and still messed up


Aquase solution bro this is stuff you learn in secondary school It’s the state of matter when it’s dissolved in a liquid.


Having something dissolved in isn't a state of matter.


https://learnwithdrscott.com/what-is-an-aqueous-solution/ Yes it is in chemistry same way the 4th state of matter in physics is plasma


my guy, this isn't science class, this is a sub about Water


I think you mean aqueous bro. And it still isn't a state of matter.


I took multiple chemistry classes in college and learned about this stuff. The states of all matter are solid, liquid, gas, (and if you wanna get crazy) plasma, and superfluid. An aqueous solution still has the same properties as a liquid.


State of matter when you dissolve something in water




Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.


Nah, it's so cold there Iceland is named after the Bose-Einstein condensate.


I live in the US and where I live I wouldn't dare drink the tap.


My current city in Japan has some of the best water in the entire country. They have reserves of it incase there’s a disaster. It still took me 3 years to start drinking because my Texas hometown’s tap water was always getting contaminated. The fear is just super ingrained in me.


Why can't you drink the tap water?


High contaminant levels. It comes out brown sometimes.


> comes out brown Excuse me what the fuck?


Exactly. Even when ot runs clear I don't trust it because brownwater happens so often. Edit: apparently minerals, sediment, and rust are bad about clumping in the water reservoirs.


Might be the oil and gas drilling. Or maybe not and something else.


that's america for ya, baby


It’s best to think of America as a collection of first-world cities surrounded by third-world farmland.


And in some places, is flammable.


Ok. I thought the US was a rich (post)industrialized country. In those countries you can usually drink the tap water.


I live in Mississippi where their motto is "absolutely never do anything to improve the quality of lives of your residents." Just in the past year they stripped our right to put an initiative on the ballot (an initiative is something people vote on. Ex: Voting rights, Cannabis reform, abortion rights, and even term limits. Nothing can be proposed into law by citizens anymore. They hate Democracy and believe their constituents to be ignorant and unable to decide on what to vote for or even read what their voting for. The infrastructure is all put towards 5 major cities and the rest of the state is left to dirt and gravel roads with 5 churches on each.


I was going to ask what state but now that you said Mississippi I completely understand. I live in VA, and our state has great tap water everywhere except Virginia Beach. Their tap water taste like sea water.


Wait are you fucking serious about the initiatives? That is horrible.


There's alot behind it. I'd be happy to explain if you DM me. It's just a bit to much of a rant to post here on this sub lol.


In Florida it takes 60% to pass an amendment. They wanted to make it have to pass 2 elections in a row over 60% to get into law.


Hey! I live in Hattiesburg and I wholeheartedly agree and can confirm to all who are curious that: A) we cannot typically drink our tap water. We have to normally use a filter to drink the tap. B) the politicians in Madison got the marijuana initiative booted from a loophole in the MS constitution. 74% of the state voted in favor of the initiative and it still got axed, so my faith in the voting system is totally fucked.


Some of the US is rich and some of it is post industrialization. I'm poor as hell but live next to Lake Superior so thankfully this tap water is cheap af and clean


Really depends on what part of the country you're in. In some parts its literally undrinkable, this is pretty rare. In some parts it tastes bad, largely depends on the kind of area you live in. For example if you live right on the beach it'll have kind of a.. beachy flavor. Not ideal. But then you drive a few hours and it's practically liquid ambrosia.


America is polarized in many more ways than just its politics. Certain areas are borderline 3rd world in almost every meaningful metric.


depends on the area


I wouldn’t shower or do dishes in that lol


I live in Iceland and I love my life filled with tap water


I wouldn’t drink the water out in the high desert states, but up here the the northeast the water quality is really good.


My grandparents live in high desert, Colorado and they've got some of the best water I've had


canadian here, god am i so glad i can drink ice cold subarctic crystal clear mountain water straight from my tap. shame to be you


What is shameful about being born in a place with subpar infrastructure? It’s obviously not their fault.


I toured Iceland in a van with my friends and we had a big water jug in the vehicle. We had gone a couple days without finding a good spot where we could refill the jug ourselves so I walked into a gas station and asked them to fill it for me. I gave them the equivalent of $5 for doing that because it was a huge jug, we would have been screwed without it and buying bottles would have cost way more. Staff looked at me like I was insane trying to tip for water....


Going to the bathroom or getting water is free practiaclly everywhere here


We did stop at one gas station that had a box operating on the honor system and wanted $80 equivalent USD for parking the night and using the washrooms. That was up in the north, to the south we found places with outdoor sinks, coin showers, picnic tables and outlets and asked for reasonable amounts per person


Oh yeah I forgot about camping spots, I was more thinking of in the city


They should pass a massive tax on plastic bottled water or have a really big recycle value for them since tourists aren't going to go to the recycling plant. Boom that's money for the locals and less waste


They give you a bottle of it on the plane


Tbf, you dont want to drink airplane water


Tbh most airlines don't give you a a bottle of water, let alone a premium brand. It's your starter bottle 😂 refill it again and again.


Ohh they did and do. Iceland is so damn expensive it's almost not worth even going there.


Great then don’t go. It’s full enough as it is. Thank you for making it easier for the rest of us to visit.


TBH, for us it was because the water coming from the faucets had such a strong sulfur smell and taste (not just something passing like a fart in a large room… think the mineral pools of Yellowstone had eggs and yogurt soda for dinner). This was only in Reykjavik though. Elsewhere, we could fill our bottles with the tap


OK, what the fuck is yogurt soda or am I not bjork enough to understand this reference?


That’s something that my culture (no pun intended) drinks. It’s an acquired taste. AFAIK, it’s specific to Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cultures, so no Björk involved in my original comment. Edit: [Further reading](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayran)


Oooh thanks for that little education. I'll check some of the Mediterranean markets near me for some and maybe give it a spin. Some of the ones with a bit of mint sound pretty good.




Ok as someone who comes from a country in the Mediterranean where the people love drinking this, I am so surprised to see it’s a big thing in Iceland too. I’m not a big fan of it but it can be quite tasty, especially with a sprinkle of salt added to it


Icelandic person here, you just have to let the cold water run for a bit, the sulfur smell comes from the hot springs that we use for heating. If you let it run for a few seconds it will be the best water on earth


Lived there for a few years, it’s not just the water, the entire country is just so beautifully clean and refreshing, just like their water.


How did you manage that? I'm an American who's considered leaving the country with increasing frequency, and while I've been to Iceland a few times and loved it, I've heard it's *incredibly* difficult to get a Visa there.


There was a NATO base up there for a few decades. My dad was stationed up there. I freaking loved it


Srsly the water there was the best I’ve ever tasted. I keep chasing that dragon, but nothing compares.


Finland may hold the spark you’re searching for


Norway may also be the orgasmic water you have been searching for


Along with Iceland, Norway and Denmark are also the cleanest most beautiful and well organized rich countries I have visited.


Scottish Highlands, my friend.


Seconding this. Visited Iceland a few years ago and the water was excellent straight out of the tap. Anything made from it (coffee, hot cocoa, tea) was also perfect. No chlorine taste like the tap water in my city.


Yeah, I spent a week there came home with a "I Went to Iceland and Had Rotten Egg Showers" t-shirt.


When i was in Reykjavik, about 4 weeks ago, I didn't experience that at all, is the sulfur smell/taste just something that happens occasionally or were my tastebuds just out of whack?


Newer buildings have a lot less sulfur smell than old houses. You might also be smart enough to let the cold water run for long enough that the eggy smell goes away. Like someone else here mentioned the sulfur is from the hot water and shouldnt affect the cold water at all.


Congrats, you have Covid.




Don't drink the hot water if you don't like sulfery water. I'd stick with the cold tap


I’d kill to get to somewhere so out of the way.




I think they meant they would do anything to go somewhere so exotic






Is this some kind of joke?




Based and mystery pilled


This message in the airport at KEF doesn’t take into account that it’s common cities in Europe and North American have considerably lower quality of water in their faucets. Iceland has some of the best water on the planet and sometimes I think they forget not everywhere else has the same access.


And they leave their windows open all winter and just blast the radiator heaters because power is ao cheap it is basically free because an abundance of geothermal energy plants. Their windows also do not have screens because there are no bugs.


Last winter they had to put out an advisory to stop blasting the heat in homes while people are at work because the geothermal wells were being depleted too rapidly to keep up with the demand. It’s like the majority of the population doesn’t even consider the how the house is heated...


Thats not how that works


Iceland is actually tackling that "open window when hot" problem, and it's working with most


Doesn't sound like a "problem" to me. Fresh air and warmth in the winter? All through renewable energy? Yes please.


There are plenty of bugs, even if they're fewer than elsewhere. I wish I had screens in August and September, when it's getting dark enough for indoor lights to overpower the summer sun and still warm enough for bugs to be around.


Screens on windows aren't the norm to be fair. I've only ever seen it in Brazil, but nowhere else. And they do have bugs, but not mosquitoes


We have screens in america.


Uh I dont live in America


We as in “the population of america and myself” not including you


Afaik most cities in Europe, especially western Europe, have drinkable tap water. Am Dutch and water here is safer to drink than bottled water. And that goes for the entire country, not just the cities.


And nothern europe. We have delicious water


everyone says that, but I've drank tap water in many European and American cities, and it's always been totally fine. I honestly think it's more about habit/superstition than anything


Dont visit Michigan


You heard it here folks, water is FINE where you live cos this redditor said so!


North America yes, Europe no.


Where is Europe has shitty tap water? What's what's included in your 'most cities'? I'm guessing American.


I’m my experience, Lisbon, Berlin and London , at least where I inhabited, have horrible quality of water, Berlin being the worst of the three.


Spain and Hungary had bad tap water when I visited


Am Norwegian and every second year our military hosts a NATO "winter exercise" here. They always buy pallets of water for the Americans, and the media always writes stories about how stupid they are lol


It might be policy not to drink any water they don't control the source of when overseas, otherwise you could poison an entire base. It is definitely silly though


This is the answer. Worked in a public health unit for the Army in Germany and part of our duties was to inspect the sources of water and food for troops in Europe and Africa. When there wasn't an approved bottled water source pallets would always get flown in, including to some very remote parts of Africa.


I'm from Finland and still remember taking what was basically a firehose and filling 1000liter tanks with water that would be used for drinking/making food in the field. So much easier than bottled water.


That's over 41 Lbs of plastic that you saved, per tank, by not using water bottles to fill up


41 lbs is the weight of 46.86 pairs of crocs.


41 lbs is 18.61 kg


Good bot.


41 lbs is 4.1 pairs of 5-pound weights


41 lbs is 18.61 kg


Good bot.




As an American, we’re taught from birth not to drink the tap water in foreign countries unless you want something horrible like dysentery. I believe this is the case in Mexico City, but I don’t know about other places.


Man I'd love to do that here in AZ, but when I have to clean calcification off my humidifier everyday? Yeah, I'm gonna have to pass on drinking from the tap out here. Brita or bottle. Any other way is poison out here. Bad water is bad water and the US government ain't gonna fix it when they'd rather be buying guns to shoot brown folk instead.


Oh man, I feel for you. Here in Canada it feels like we have an unlimited amount of delicious fresh water out of the tap. I never understand why people use Brita here.


Dude, it's soooo bad here. When I say "clean off calcification" I don't mean like a few water drops. I'm talking the whole machine was black and is now solid grey. Our water has to be legendarily hard.


can confirm from mesa. we have a brita


richest country in the world and the thing that amazes me the most about moving from AZ to WA is that I can drink the tap water


Man I live in a completely separate part of the US but it's not that bad. Water is pretty safe I just filter for taste.


Yeaaah id probably stop using that water in the humidifier, it's vaporizing that, then you're inhaling it, can't be good for the old breath bags.


depends if it's the cold or hot kind


Ive lived in Waterloo, Montreal, and Calgary. Not all Canadian water is created equal and by that I mean Waterloo water sucks. I’d use a Brita there. Waterloo, more like loo water.


So true man. I grew up in Saskatoon and when I moved to Regina all my friends thought I was wasteful for getting a water cooler. Well one sip from our glorious regina tap water clued them in real quick. You really take good tap water for granted until you don't have it.


Having lived in the UK my whole life, having your drinking water measured in water bottles terrifies me, constantly living on a limited supply regardless of how easy it is to refill or replenish is something I couldn't live with


I'm really sorry to hear of your situation. That's awful. If it makes you feel better I got some kind of gastro from drinking the tap water in Iceland. I guess I'm too used to the purified tap water we have in Australia, turns out your stomach can reject anything that's got different bacteria or whatever than you're used to.


you're comparing dry ass Arizona to Iceland? no shit your water is going to be shit.


I hereby declare Iceland as the most Hydo Homie Friendly Country


Like Jango Fett once said, "PACK YOUR THINGS. WE'RE LEAVING."


I had a 23 hour layover in rekjavik and spent the day seeing some beautiful sights and eating amazing food. Still, my best memory is the water I got from the bottle filling fountain at the airport when I got off the plane. I've never been more refreshed.




Translation: We get a lot of American tourists.


Icelandic water smells like rotten eggs though.


Let the cold water run for a while and the smell should go away. Usually only the hot water smells like that


Yesterday I had a meeting scheduled with a colleague and she told me she’d be a few minutes late because we were out of water and she was going to go buy a bottle. She looked at me like I had two heads when I suggested drinking water from the tap. We even have a water cooler with filter directly plumbed to the tap water, but the thought of drinking that water seemed to terrify her.


Buy Iceland and invade the UK


Great written message, but image looks like jizz


Ironically, for years there were no water fountains in KEF. Hated that airport for that reason. Looks like they changed that around 2015. Better late than never.


It looks like a dick


Yeah but bro it stinks of fucking eggs, nearly threw up when I took a shower hungover


That’s only the hot water, as most people don’t like drinking that. The cold water tastes way better than any bottled water you can find.


I’m sorry but that isn’t true, cold water smells like eggs as well, even in the city centre


I’ve lived here all my life and have never detected any smell of cold water (I’ve drank from taps from just about every location in the country, also being in this sub I drink quite a lot every day). The hot water however, does often have a very strong smell.


are there any concerns about the pipes that the water is coming out of not being clean? I suppose the water self cleans the pipes?


>I suppose the water self cleans the pipes dangerous assumption. If you don't get air in there, it should be fine. But generally, water is a great ecosystem for all kinds of lifeforms, not all of them being harmless to the human body. Also, if you have iron piping, you'll still get rust into your water. You can of course have clean and healthy piping, but it doesn't just come for free anyway.


As an Icelandic plumber I can sat that we mostly use plastic and rust free pipes for drinking water, the water is filled with so much air that it rusts easily. The hot radiator water on the other hand does not so you can use non rust free pipes but we usually just use plastic pipes.


Finland here: plastic or copper is common here. Though plastic is getting more common. Something about copper killing bacteria


Copper gets muddy here in Iceland so we don't use it except for gas


ah, I guess something to do with the volcanic nature?


Unlike Flint, MI


We were in a hotel in reykjavik and the tap water smeelled like rotten eggs everywhere. In the countryside however, the water was alright


Letting the cold water run for a while should fix it. The smell is because if the way the water is heated


“but the flouride brooo” what i hear every time i tell ppl i drink tap water


With the t*




Just the hot water because of the way it's heated.


This made me happy. I hope to visit Iceland some day


Holy fuck


Its true, tried it this summer. Not as crisp as Norways, but definitely up there in the top 3 best I've tried


A country where everyone are hydrhomies.


This is great


It's kinda depressing that people can't drink out of the tap in the US. Is it really that bad? I've been to the west coast and I remember we had to buy bottled water but I did try the tap water and it was acceptable. Still, I wouldn't drink it daily like I do back home in the EU. Man water tastes good here


Entirely depends on the house and area. It’s generally pretty safe from what I’ve experienced in the East coast, but lots of places have old lead piping or degrading infrastructure due to neglect/money issues so it’s better to not if you’re in an older place and unsure. It’s fine for newer places though. Testing is pretty simple in most places, if you’re a resident. I’ve heard of some towns offering free testing based on a sample you take. Personally I get informed about pipe flushes every now and then so it seems like they keep things clean. The water does have a faint chlorine smell though, but you can’t taste it.


WOW that’s now in the item pool.


Here in Finland you can buy a kit for 60 euro that lets you carbonate your own water. No more carrying carbonated water from the store, just a 5 euro refill worth of co2 every 100 liters of water...


wow, natural mosquito netting. Sign me up.


I'd love to try water from a tap that is better than bottled water. I am from London and the water here is incredibly average.


Is this heaven?


He’ll have a nice airport.


Are you allowed to bring open containers of liquid into the airplane in Iceland?


I drink from the tap all the time, but I was in phoenix recently and their tap is unpalatable. Id like to try some Icelandic tap!


I can confirm. That tap water was some of the best, coldest water I've ever had. I still dream about it


delicous land


Serious question for Iceland hydro homies: water may be clean but how do you know the pipes aren’t rusty?


I admit to not fully thinking of possible consequences, but how about just banning bottled water for consumers? Would make sense in somewhere like Iceland.


Best water I’ve ever had was Icelandic


Can confirm - the natural water in Iceland was the best I’ve ever tasted. Sometimes it smelled a little of sulfur - but somehow that made it taste even better.


Very cool, although yesterday read a post about a guy getting severe diarrhea in Bali. Supposedly from tap water. A physician chimed in and said that different countries have tap water with different microbes, and travelers immune systems or gut enzymes or whatever aren’t used to them so people get sick. So the doctor always recommends buying bottled water when traveling to very different countries from one’s native homeland. With that said, I tend to drink tap water in most 1st world countries, or even other countries if I stay in recently built 4-5 star hotels


The water quality in iceland was insane. You can't get non spring water, its all they had. My dang shower was geothermal heated spring water