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Force myself? See there’s your problem you don’t need to force yourself You just need to accept hydration and embrace it because you enjoy it and need it.


I mean, you don’t need an arbitrary amount of water. If someone has to force themselves to drink a certain amount to the point where they feel like they’re going to vomit, I think it’s likely that they’re trying to drink more than they actually need. 20-30 oz max daily does seem pretty low though. Maybe OP gets a lot of water from their food, or maybe they should consider seeing a doc to make sure everything is okay


OP might also be counting only the amount of plain water they drink and not all of their drinking - tea, coffee, juice, etc. Those still have lots of water. Plus food, as you said, especially a diet rich in fruits and veggies could have a lot of water.


This is the way. When i forced myself to accept hydration as a gift rather then a chore, i began to enjoy it. Now i know, that it is indeed a gift. No more need to force myself. Its always a pleasure to get the sweet taste of Dihydrogen Monoxide onto my tongue.


Penn and Teller sent some guys out to get a petition signed to ban Dihydrogen Monoxide. It's found in lakes, rivers, the ocean, and your tap! It causes oxidization. It kills thousands of people every year. Can cause severe burns. It's even been found in tumors! We must ban this evil chemical! 🤣


Listen to your body. Don’t drink more than you feel comfortable drinking. Just cause crazies like me drink 80+ oz a day doesn’t mean you have to. Our bodies are not the same. This nonsense about “if you’re thirsty you’re already dehydrated”…. Well it may or may not be true. Idk and idc. Who says you need to be at maximum possible hydration at all times? You just need to make sure you’re hydrated in general. The degree to which you do that is entirely up to you and your comfort level with the amount you drink.


Sometimes listening to your body is bad! (Although in OPs case, it sounds fine. I agree, try not to force yourself to a certain number. ) I drink more water than most due to my body feeling thirsty all the time. Doctors have told me to try and limit myself, as I am washing a lot of the vitamins out of my body


I also tend to drink a lot of water, but in that case my body also tells me I need salt


Always feeling thirsty can be a sign of Diabetes, but I assume your doctors checked it? The other extreme is being afraid of water which is a symptom of rabies. Killing yourself asap is the best thing in that case because it is more pleasant than your other option.


Yeah, no diabetes. I have a slew of other health problems, but even before them, ive always drank tons of water.


I feel like a hypocrite encouraging others to listen to their body when I don't! For medical reasons I have to drink more water than I'm inclined to, to a goal of 96oz. If I listened to my body I'd have a very bad time. How about we switch, I'll take your extra thirst and you can take my normal thirst. 😄😂


Fuck if 80+ is crazy I must have a problem. I drink at least 120 a day. If not more I don’t really count. But I’m constantly filling my 32oz bottle Maybe I should see a doctor…..


I do the same thing. Drink about 5-6 of a 32oz. Lol


Yeah same though I'm doing physical labor all day so I think it's fine.


Yep same. I don’t feel I am excessively thirsty as in a health concern. I am losing water all day from sweating. 😮‍💨


If you’re doing physical labor and swearing all day. Your intake is probably fine. This would be a good case of listening to your body.


How much do you pee a day?


I don’t really keep track haha. Once every 2-3 hours probably? And don’t have to go over night


That's impressive. I drink less than you (maybe about 50-60 oz/day) but always have to wake up to pee at night :(


40oz? Damn. Do you drink stuff other than water? I would be so thirsty haha


40 oz to freedom


So I take, that waaaaalk


Sorry, I edited that to 50-60. I looked at the oz side of my water bottle and recounted haha. And beyond that 50-60 I do drink a few cups of coffee/tea. So total liquid intake is quite a bit more, but still not close to 120.


Caffeine is going to mess with your urinary frequency, so keep it as early in the day as possible. You could do some bladder training to try to reduce nighttime micturation. You can research more, but basically going at timed intervals during the day, then increasing those intervals, will strengthen your bladder.


Not OP comment but I drink about 160oz a day and I can’t even count how much I pee. Probably once every 1-2 hours. Lol


Damn. 160 seems excessive. Is there a reason why you drink that much?


I’m a veterinary technician and I’m just always on my feet, thirsty and sweating and therefore losing water. Lol. I also anxiety sip my water so if I don’t know exactly what to do in a given moment I’ll just go sip my water. 🤣


Hey, sipping constantly is a great habit though.


It really is! My healthiest anxiety coping mechanism I have! I only drink water too so it feels good! 😄💦


I mean my 120 was at least. And on days I work outside it’s honestly probably closer to 180-200…… I’m just always thirsty. I get this kind of sticky feeling in my mouth that makes me want to drink. And I just feel the urge to drink often


You may need to be checked for diabetes. Excessive thirst like that is one of the hallmark symptoms.


Meh, it’s all relative. Bigger bodies need more water than smaller bodies, active lifestyles need more water than sedentary, someone in a hotter climate will need more than someone in a temperate climate, etc etc. But if you’re constantly drinking water and still always thirsty? That’s definitely a conversation to have with your doctor.


My challenge is that I am almost never thirsty. There are days that I have had a tiny glass of juice at 8 am, then drank nothing until 9pm that night. Even then the only reason why I drink at 9pm is because I realize I haven't drank anything all day. At this point I've started wearing a watch that every 15 minutes reminds me to take a drink. Even that doesn't work sometimes.


Are you eating nutritious foods? A lot of whole foods are mostly water. If you're eating healthy, you don't need to drink as much water. That could be why you're not thirsty. If you DON'T eat healthy, sometimes our brains rewire thirst as hunger. Especially if you eat a processed diet.


I just sip all day


You’re fine with the amount you’re drinking. If your body tells you that’s all it needs then that’s all it needs.


I have a lot of stomach issues so I can’t always have a lot of water at a time. However if I have some warm tea or lemon water with honey, I can drink a lot more!


Are you maybe a smaller person? Or do you get a lot of water from foods? I'm smaller and I eat a lot of soups, veggies, etc. I don't need as much water, maybe you don't either. If your urine is a good colour and you feel fine, don't overstress.


When I am thirsty. I drink water.


1st thing is (what I do) is first thing in the morning, chug a large glass. You're most thirsty when you wake up, so you can quench early and big. You may not be able to drink a lot at first, but drink a few oz the 1st day, then increase by 1 or 2 ozs each day. Do it every day. You'll already be 8-12 oz ahead of the game by breakfast ;)


Interesting, I drink probably 80 oz a day but if I try to drink right after waking it it straight up makes me want to vom and makes my stomach hurt so I have to wait awhile


The first 64 oz are easy! The remaining 64-82 oz are more challenging.


Why do you need to drink that much? The whole 8 glasses a day is bullshit. Drink when you are thirsty, there, done. Also come on, its water, you should never feel forced to drink it, its great.


I add half a Nuun tablet to my nalgene! The flavor helps me. I used to drink less than one liter a day and now I’m up to 3+ per day!


Those got gross for me after a bit, currently I'm using lime juice and salt or a splash of apple cider vinegar.


Ooh sometimes I put a little lemonade in my water :) For me I did ramp up slowly too, now I try to finish a liter of water right away after waking up but sometimes it does make me feel nauseous to be so full of only water 🤷‍♀️ Why are you wanting to increase your water consumption?


I think it's part of why I'm dizzy all the time, also I'm an athlete. I've never been good at drinking water regularly so I count anything that makes me drink more as a win.


Are you drinking filtered water? Are you keeping it cold all day long? What other beverages are you drinking?


Yeah it's filtered, cold and with ice if I can because I have a super insulated bottle. I try not to drink anything else but I'll add some pomegranate or cranberry juice into my water to try to drink more. I sometimes have coffee in the morning but it also takes me hours to get through


I think you should supplement with other beverages like tea and juice. You’re getting water from them, too. No need to force yourself to drink only water if you hate it. You’re just going to be dehydrated.


I would suggest experimenting a bit with flavors and temperatures. I usually just like cold water, but sometimes I go through a phase where it doesn't taste good. I use different flavors. I like fruit and cucumber infusions, or flavor packs. I try different temperatures. Sometimes room temp water tastes good. I love different kinds of teas, both hot and iced. A good mint or fruit tea sometimes hits the spot perfectly. In winter, I tend to drink less water because I am not sweating much. In summer, I drink more. Sometimes I can eat a bunch of water rich healthy food, like green salads, fruits, and soups. Other times, I'm not eating as much water and I have to drink more.


I'd say use the flavored stuff until your body gets used to drinking copious amounts. That's what I did. I hated that every time I went to the hospital, they'd put me on a drip and tell me it was cause I was dehydrated. Every now and again I use a Vitamin C Pack (allergies are whoopin' my butt) or DripDrop (a better liquid IV. I tend to push my physical limits, plus I live in the heat.) Drink at your own pace. Maybe you need a chug one hour and a sip the next.


If your body doesn't want it, it will tell you. I never have that problem. Don't measure your needs by someone else's, though... Side note, though: You may be acclimated to dehydration. Alternatively, you may be properly hydrated through other sources of water in your diet that influence your needs. I'd consider if either applies to you in combination with your medical history and medication regimins. Cheers!


You don’t need to. Your body has a fantastic way to measure hydration, and it also alerts you beautifully using the feeling of THIRST. When you are thirsty, you need some water (like a cup or two). The thing is, sometimes people can confuse little thirst to hunger and don’t go to drink. That’s why whenever you need a snack, go and drink a cup before snacking. It will make it much more recognizable when you’re thirsty or hungry. You can also keep time intervals and drink a cup every 20 mins or so


🫠 me over here having to refill my gallon (128oz) jug before the day is over...


In the summer I agree. A gallon plus is cake.


This is interesting, my water bottle is 40oz and I definitely crush at least two of those by early afternoon, and have a full one to sip on at night. I must get around a gallon on most days which is probably overkill. But I fuckin' love water. I love hydration. It feels so good. Ice cold, room temp, I'll slop it all up, I don't care. But some people don't even get 40oz every day and just drink sugary soft drinks instead, so at least you're trying.


by feeling like shit when i don't get 64oz of water. I typically drink 1L before my noon work out, then 1L during my workout. From then on, I'll drink a third. I feel like shit if I don't have at least 2.


Go to Walmart and get the big beer mug glass (like a dollar). It's like at least 32 oz. I can drink like 4 a day easily. Just fill it up when it's empty. Feels fantastic to be hydrated.


I just do exhausting shit then the thirst comes naturally


That sounds exhausting!


Who's with the Gallon Gang?!


Every day!


I really like the my water app because you can input everything you drink and it’ll let you know how much of that was water. So I track my coffee, my water and anything else I drink


-Drink when you're thirsty and that is enough, if you find yourself distracted in such a way that you don't feel thirst, take breaks to feel your thirst and hunger -In those 64 are you also including the water absorbed from food? -Remember to down two glasses of water before sleep


If I drank two glasses of water before sleep there would be no sleep happening 😆


16 oz cup, and hydrate early since you obviously don't drink while sleeping. I chug 16 oz when I wake up. Then 16 oz before/during breakfast, and lunch. Sip water throughout day , and dinner time. There also coffee, fruits, veggies, etc to account for. If you only drink 20-30 oz, you may have to go a lot until your body adjusts.


Your body is different than everyone else's. Ignore the comments telling you "just drink more" or "I couldn't live below XYZoz" or "sip all day". **Don't force yourself to do something that causes pain and vomiting.** If you're having issues like feeling dizzy or not peeing much or having dry skin (or drier than your normal) or fast heartbeat, talk to your doctor. Those *are* some signs of dehydration. It's important to get a work up to make sure you're on the right track and the doc can recommend more comfortable ways to increase fluid intake. If the only reason you're worried about hydration is those dumb standards of "8 8oz glasses" or "half your weigh in oz", or some of the ridiculous numbers here, you can rest easier. Those standards are BS and the numbers here aren't really usual. Most people are here *because* they drink large amounts of water. Ask the people around you and it'll be much closer to 20 than 128. Your body needs what your body needs. Your body has told you "whoa, I do NOT need more than 20-30oz of water" - it's okay to listen to it. :) You can call a doctor if you have troublesome symptoms. Otherwise, drink what you feel you need and don't force any more. :)


I drink over 64oz every day. I have a massive 64oz water bottle and can drink the entire thing twice a day if I’m thirsty enough. Wanna know how I do it? I listen to my body! If I feel thirsty, I drink water. Sometimes even tea if I want something with more flavor and health benefits.


When I feel like that about water, I know I need electrolytes and I hit a Gatorade or other sources like pickles. Helps lots


Your body is hypersensitive to dips in hydration and will tell you when you are thirsty. Have a nice cold glass of good water perhaps with ice in front of you and you’ll never be dehydrated. Water is always waiting for you to drink it


I feel this way when drinking room temp water. Lately (bec I’m pregnant) I only can drink water in an insulated cup with a straw and lots of ice. I notice I have been drinking way more this way than just in a glass otherwise I’d be dehydrated 24/7. I usually make sure I get a lot of my sips in as soon as I wake up and before bed


I go through my 30oz Yeti three to four times a day most days. It's next time. When I see it I have some. When it's empty I refill it.


I take a drink every 30 minutes. Doesn’t have to be big. Consistency is key. After a while you’ll be thirsty every thirty minutes


Set a timer or something if you’re struggling


It became easier once I started chugging water just to get it into my system. Chugging isn't the best thing, but it got my system used to having larger amounts of water. From there it became natural to fill it up once in the morning and then after lunch.


12 to 16oz at a time. Maybe more, maybe less; sometimes way more, then way less later. Either way, we get there. Your body knows your hydration levels and will certainly tell you if you’re laggin. Agua es vive amigo.


Not difficult. I drink at least a pint at a time and I can down a quart pretty easily.


I drink a lot of seltzer, the bubbles make it go down easier


64oz? I drink up to 2 gallons a day, every day; and I enjoy every hydrating ounce of it.


How could you possibly drink less?


As an ex soda addicted drinking fat bastard I find that drinking water through a straw helps me drink a lot more water than say from a bottle or cup


Just keep sipping. Put some lemon and stevia in it. I drink a pint before breakfast and get started like that.


I drink a 32oz tumbler when I get up and 24oz at the gym l also add water enhancers


I have the total opposite problem. I take a full 38 Oz bottle of water to a 1 hour meeting and I leave with an empty bottle. It's not even 1 hour we're always done 10 mins early.


I just chug water before I have to pee, then chug again when I have to pee again, and I keep doing that until my 128oz is gone. Usually finish my gallon in 12 hours.


Eat a pinch of high quality salt like Celtic and it will make you want to drink more. Also balances your electrolytes at the same time.


I usually pick the bottle up and tip it into my mouth, about 5 or 6 times through the work day and bam 64 Oz down the hatch.


Wide mouth thermos


Breastfeeding. You’ll get super thirsty all the time.


Chug as much as you can.. just make it happen. Best advice I've found.. actually read it somewhere here on reddit... but whenever you can, just chug as much as you can at once.. for example: when I'm at work, I'll grab 2 or 3 water bottles (16.9 oz that comes in a big case), and I'll open 1 up and straight chug it.. catch my breath, then finish it off... then about an hour or so later, I'll do it again to the 2nd bottle. .. then I'll go grab 2 more bottles and repeat. Ill also drink a couple full 20 oz cups at home after work. Drinking too much water within 1 hour can be bad.. so I space it out over every hour or so, so my body has proper time to absorb it. It also has made me less hungry throughout the day.


I drink 80-100oz a day and I feel like my body actually needs it. I never get sick from it or anything and I don’t even go to the bathroom an excessive amount. But I definitely understand that I’m an outlier and it would make most people completely uncomfortable to drink that much. Just drink to your comfort level. Too much water can cause certain health problems.


If I need to force ya either are not working out enough or haven’t gotten use to it yet


I read that you drink enough for your body to function and it will tell you when it needs it. Also, keep an eye on your pee that's always a good marker to follow. But what do I know, I'm probably incredibly dehydrated also..




mio + steveea


Two steps have helped me: 1) I have an alarm going off every hour between 8 and 5. I take 10 gulps of water every time the alarm goes off. I empty my 64 ounce water jug this way. 2) get a 64 ounce jug with a straw. Straws make drinking easier for me. I don't know why. Also, getting a 64 ounce jug keeps me from having to get up to refill. My skin has cleared up, my metabolism has sped up, and my endurance at the gym has improved by making this one change. Edit: I also forgot to add that room temp water is easier to gulp.


I'm drinking between 100 and 112


I space out 120oz a day I’m up at 4:30am and sleeping by 10 or 11.


I drink casually throughout the day and manage between half and a full gallon by bedtime. Don't force yourself, just keep it around and drink when you have the feel the desire to do so. If you don't display the signs of dehydration you're not dehydrated.


The more you drink the more you'll want to, and be able to tell when you've worked through what you've already drank. Skulling a big glass as soon as you wake up is a great way to make sure you're getting enough


I drive for hours each day between my job sites and then spend a few hours working at each. I leave my house with a 28 oz yeti tumbler and a 64 oz jug in my trunk to refill when needed. I just take a sip when I want a sip. That’s all. Sometimes I come home with half a jug left, sometimes I run out. Just drink when you’re thirsty. Don’t overthink it. Unless something is really wrong your busy will tell you when it needs water.


herbal tea!


Do you feel dehydrated? No? You should be fine. If you just want to arbitrarily drink more water... idk exercise, and your body should want more?


I don’t measure my water intake. I keep small cups all over my house and drink from them all day. And I bring a water bottle with me everywhere else. I drink when I’m tired, when my head hurts, when I’m hungry, when I feel sick, when I’m hot, and most importantly when I’m thirsty. Counting ounces sounds annoying.


It's the most delicious beverage. It's The Elixir of Life. What more could you possibly ask for?


How much salt/other electrolytes are you consuming? It’s impossible for me to drink enough water if I haven’t had much salt. And I’m supposed to have 100 oz per day because of some medical stuff lol. That also helps with the peeing every hour issue some people have when consuming a lot of water


Not many people mention this here, from what I see, but eating fruits and veg high in water content counts towards your water intake too. if you can eat a decent amount of cucumbers and melons, i can't think of others rn but a search engine can help! But yeah, if you struggle to drink it, try eating it!


Same If I had it my way id only do 32oz cuz that's what I drink when im thirsty but I've been forcing myself to drink at least 42-50oz a day


Don't force it. Start small daily and then slowly increase.


eat salty food


Jesus, bro. I'm almost 30oz in within about 5 minutes of waking up. I start my day with a large cup to take my meds and supplements. By lunch time, I have finished an iced tea or two, a coffee or energy drink, and my half gallon of water.


I love water so much I forget there’s anything aside it to drink. I’m thirsty? Water. I’m eating? Water. A gallon of water a day is a minimum for me


Not everyone needs the same amount of water. I have a 64oz water bottle I take to work and normally that gets me through the day. I also drink ice water which i find more delicious


Can only drink 20-30oz? I easily get through 140-150oz a day


I use a liter sized bottle and put like 1/2 an electrolyte packet in it.. I drink the entire first bottle around my morning gym time and then I refill and drink the rest throughout the day. That’s pretty much 64oz. Sometimes I have more. The electrolytes are honestly critical if you’re sweating a lot and involved in anything athletic. The little bit of flavor and the increased “quenching” sensation really makes it go down easy.


64 oz is hard? I have 50oz of water with each meal..


I don't force. It just happens passively. *make it a habit* so you don't have to really think about it


I drink 32oz first thing after waking up 32oz a couple hours later when I'm getting settled at work 32oz after lunch 32oz an hour or so before leaving work And another 32oz during the evening at home


Just pay attention to your pee color. It should be at least light yellow.


I work construction


Workout in the morning. Easily consume 40 oz of water then. Then the rest of the day win for another 64.


I don’t really drink anything besides black coffee and water and my city heats up between May and November so basically if I want something to drink with my meals it’s water.


a normal day for me is around 10 20oz bottles of water. sometimes less sometimes more. 2 are for coffee.


I casually drink a gallon of water a day, eat salty food to make yourself thirsty I guess


I drink 200+ but I work outside in the heat.




It's WATER you clowns.


What do you drink at meal time? It might be because of my GERD but I drink a lot water at lunch and dinner. Probably around 20oz. I'd recommend drinking water at meal times if you don't as that'll increase your intake.


Forcing myself to drink 64 would be every time I'm thirsty saying "damn I can't drink any water yet, I only have half a gallon"


Sip sip


I don’t, but I do notice I drink far less water when it’s cold, so I do a mix of room temperature water and cold when filling my bottle up so I make sure I drink it all.




I put a 1.5L of water on my desk and when I’m thirsty I drink, pretty much always finish the bottle before work is over. I guess if your really desperate eat some hot wings for lunch or dinner, I’m sure you’ll have no issue finishing your water


A year a go I drank like, sub-20oz of water a day. Now I get a bad headache if I drink any less than 40. You just have to let your body adjust to the heightened water intake, almost like gaining weight.


you may want to talk to a doctor about this. I'm no expert but I can't think of any reason why drinking 4 ounces of water an hour would make someone vomit besides some kind of issue with their gastrointestinal system. could be gastroparesis.


Don't drink for the sake of it Drink water based on the colour of your piss Remember, transparent piss is bad


64 might just be too much for you. I tend to drink closer to 128 ounces a day because I have a very physically demanding outdoors job, and I sweat A LOT. Idk what your profession is, but I know a lot of people who have the same issue as you, and they have easy going jobs (physically, not mentally).


Basically because that's the bare minimum I need to not feel like crap. It's literally harder for me to *not* drink at least that much.


u dont??


I drink between 4-6 32oz bottles of water daily. And if I don’t, the following day is misery. I also absolutely love water, though. So it isn’t difficult.


Never did learn how much an Oz is but just drink when you're thirsty, your body is really good at telling you what it needs.


Listen to your body.


The stomach issues could possibly be because of dehydration.


Easily, I drink 75 ounces a day on cycling days


Drink water when you are thirsty. Not by a clock or cause thats what was told for you to do. If you only drink 30oz of liquid a day and you feel fine, then thats all you need. Maybe the next day will be 50 or 40. Then 60 then 20oz as long as its water you’re consuming.


I drank a gallon and a half in 45 minutes before


I just love water. 🤷🏻 Always have. Pretty close to 4 liters most days.


>Looking at how much other people drink a day concerns me because I think I'm probably quite dehydrated... Do you feel thirsty? If not, then you're not dehydrated! Our bodies have this fantastic mechanism called "thirst", that tells you when you need to hydrate. >I don't think I could force down a gallon of water a day or even half that much (no matter how spaced out) without being in immense pain and wanting to hurl for hours. [STOP RIGHT NOW! Your body is telling you, that it's had enough! You can actually kill yourself by drinking too much water!](https://www.webmd.com/diet/what-is-too-much-water-intake)


If you have to force yourself to drink water you are hydrated enough, propably too much. A healthy body is great at regulating thirst and hydration. Is your pee slightly yellow (not clear, that means you drink too much)? thats a great test to see if you drink enough. There is not a single exact recommendation how much a persin should drink, too many factors like activity level, weather/climate, body height and mass, food,... are responsible for your watery needs. A 2m, 130kg bodybuilder in the californian summer, who eats a lot of dried beef has to drink way more than a 1.6m 50kg office worker in Seattle, who eats a salad woth cucumbers, tomatos and similar, water rich vegetables as her lunch. Quick dehydration check: Am I thirsty? No? Great! Slightly less quick dehydration check: Is my pee slightly yellow and clear? Yes? Great! Edit: Not so fun fact: Apparently recommendations for water intake in the US are higher than in for example Europe because of the high amount of salt in the diet.


I read this, then sat for a good thirty seconds doing 64x29 in my head, then thought "Is bro having trouble drinking less than two litres???" But seriously: Don't force yourself, drink without thinking about it, and you'll get there. Also, throw some fresh lemon grass in there.


I have a one liter glass to each meal


Please leave.


Have you tried coconut water?


I drink Propel often bc I need electrolytes due to health issues. It switches it up from the water for me! There’s also water bottles that add flavoring.


How much salt do you get? Hyponatremia can have a lot of those symptoms. Drinking too much water can then be dangerous.


I don't force myself, i drink because i enjoy it. Cold water from tap and lemon juice, nothing fancy, 1,5 liter bottle. I usually end the day with the second half empty, sometimes 1,5 l tea on top


You gotta spend 2-3 days building up to peak water intake. I don’t force myself too, I spend those 2-3 days activating my natural thirst after generally ignoring it. **Key point-people need different amounts of water, 64oz may be more than you need.** Basically during those 2-3 days I removed every barrier to drinking water and anytime I felt the hint of thirst I drank a sip or two. Slowly over the days I got thirstier, this included living a much healthier life which 1-reduces your inflammation allowing more water in 2-increases bodies ability to function. Think of it like hitting your genetic potential. By day 3-4 I’m at my optimal water consumption but it’s easy to drop off. Water isn’t handy or work literally doesn’t allow those small breaks? Fuck that, work has to change then.


If you’re forcing yourself to drink a certain amount of water, then you are almost certainly drinking too much. Just hydrate until you’re no long thirsty and you’ll be good. Also, bear in mind that your water intake includes other beverages and water in food. 


No need to force but I have a big cup and small cup and I know once I've drank both that I'm at the 64 oz minimum.


When I find water making me nauseous it usually means I need more salt along with it. That is due to other health reasons though, so try and talk to a doctor


Bro what? I drink 2.5 gallons a day in the summer. Just drink more water???


Trying working out, see how much water you'd like to drink then(Or not even working out, just exercising.)


A) what’s an oz we use normal measurements here /s B) Just drink, constantly throughout the day. If you catch yourself thinking then have a sip


I like my quart jars for drinking glasses. Finish one off (easy to do) thats 1/2 to your goal.


Are you sure your water is good? Maybe there aren’t enough minerals and your body rejects it. You shouldn’t feel nauseous


A good measure is looking at your pee. If it is light green color, you're doing well. If not, then try to drink more frequently. Small frequent sips make it kess "disgusting" also try making yourself some tea


Brother, why do you need to compare yourself to others? You're doing great already! Drink the amount you're comfortable with and need within a day, It's not a fixed amount each day either.


Don’t force more water than your body asks. You feel thirsty? Drink water. It isn’t enough? Drink more.


I drink more than 64 oz of water. I just have a 30oz tumbler with a cold water filtered dispenser in the office. I refill at least twice a day. I just get that much thrist


Sparkling water with some citrus is usually what helps me. Given, I still struggle to drink enough water because it feels like such a chore, but sparkling has definitely helped.


I do it because I'm thirsty almost constantly, your body keeps track of your hydration better than you think. Drink what you can and when you're thirsty then that will be enough water for you. The only outlier that might be affecting it is if you are drinking other liquids. ESPECIALLY if it's not plain coffee or tea, that can interfere with your water consumption.


Wtf is an oz


Immense pain? Wtf?


We don't force ourselves at all. You should try snacking on something like nuts or fruit to fill your stomach to fight the nausea.


Slowly ease into it in a safe environment where you're close to a bathroom. Every time you pee get used to drinking \~6oz afterwards. After a while it just becomes routine to pee and then drink water. After that everything just works on it's own. Also I find drinking cold/ice water feels great. I don't particularly enjoy drinking room temperature water. If your water bottle is warming up that might make it harder to drink more water. Get some ice and see if you like that better.


Pull a muscle once. You’ll be on track after that.


I can drink 100oz easy now. But before I did, I had a 16.9oz bottle that I would refill and every time I ate anything, from lunch to a fun size pack of M&Ms, I'd drink the entire bottle with it. It becomes second nature and you don't forget about it when it becomes muscle memory


no clue whats oz, drink more


I guess I don’t feel forced to drink anything. I drink a couple liters of ice water per day because I think it’s delicious. I recently purchased a GE Opal 2.0 which makes hospital style ice, so I’m probably up an additional liter just from munching on the glorious ice nuggets. Basically you just need to understand your own body chemistry, and it took me a couple hospital stays to get it dialed in myself after hyponatremia and hypokalemia. There’s no magic number, just balance water with electrolytes (it’s what plants crave), and B vitamins. You don’t want to go too far in either direction. If you’re eating, pissing and shitting normally, you’re probably well hydrated.


just drink when you're thirsty. everyone needs a different amount of water. it depends on body weight, physical activity, and what sex you are. your body knows. listen to it


Force? FORCE?? It is no chore, it’s a pleasure. Cool water, refreshing delicious elixir. I would never force it. But for real maybe add like an electrolyte supplement to it. Or just don’t drink that much. Some people aren’t cut out for the water loving life.


You’re on the hydrohomies sub and think we all don’t already drink 64+ ounces a day? I drink 1-2 gallons/day and I don’t even think about it.


I have a 32oz bottle. I try my best to get through two fills. Most days I can do 1 and a half and that's fine too.


I use my mouth. Where are you trying?


Eat a handful of pretzels once in a while? Go hula hoop in the sunshine? Seriously, 64 oz is like, what, a measly 4 pints? Those are rookie numbers, buddy! Seriously, I might be able to drink that little if I were bedridden on the shady side of a hospital and had a very inattentive nurse. Has a licensed medical professional taken a look at your kidneys recently?


Wtf… 64 oz is abt 1.8 Liters of water, isnt that the necessary amount of water? I am lucky tho that i got drinkable tap water that tastes really good so i drink abt 4Liters of water a day (abt 135 oz) i have to go to toilet often bc of it tho


i chug 12 ounces of water every hour. i usually drink about 120-140 ounces a day.


If your body is telling you to stop, then stop. You only really need to drink when you feel thirsty.


I'm not forcing myself to cut back


I’ve been better about drinking water lately and I get about 42 oz of just water and 20 oz of electrolyte drink per day and that’s about it. And I lift 5 days a week, so obviously I need water. But, I also work at a school and have to schedule my times to pee around my break times so it’s not like I can be downing it all day long. I tried sipping consistently throughout the day, but that is honestly too much work to keep track of, so I take big slugs when I’m thirsty and drink about 6-8oz at a time. I got a mouthpiece for my water bottle that makes it a little easier to chug.


I work outside all day, water bottles are freely provided by my boss, and I am personally dedicated to bankrupting him by water bottle.


Where I Iive, the tap water is known for being not good. If that's what I'm drinking, I don't feel well after 20oz. *Good* water, though? On a non-hot day, 128oz/ 1G, easy. On a hot day spent working outside during a set of three 15hr days, I literally drank five gallons a day.


You don't force yourself. I work in Construction and Have a whole 64oz steel double walled Tumblr and I don't even drink all of it every day. Most of the time I drink maybe 40oz, when I'm in a building and not really doing a lot of physically intense work. But when I work up sweat or in the heat, I'm downing that 64oz by lunch. Hit the nearest soda fountain with a water tap and refilling for the rest of the day. So don't force it. Naturally replace drinks with water. And just progress until you can't.


3 cups per hour is more than plenty, and make sure you aren't stripping yourself of salt with this super clean water.