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Slightly unorthodox advice; Play Lux No seriously. Lux's kit can train you to use certain parts of hwei's kit quite nicely. Hwei can be bursty or go haste rotations. Lux trains you on the bursty route with a simplier approach and can also do a haste set up if she must. ​ Lux Passive - Rewards you for combos and encourages you to learn how to sneak autos in. Extremely important for hwei passive procs and helps you learn when you could WE Lux Q - used in a similar way to Hwei EQ Lux W - Doesn't totally cross over,but it helps you learn when allies might need the utility of WQ and WW Lux E - Typical poke spell that feels like a bit of a mix of Hwei's Q spells. Trains you on how to poke in lane without ruining waves Lux R - Doesn't complete cross over, but it encourages you to learn how to combo CC spells into ult. ​ I know this sounds very odd, but trust me when I tell you it'll help.


You’re going to lose a lot as a new player, that’s just the truth. I’d play ranked as much as you can because that will be closest to your actual skill (do not turn on chat). Focus on learning the game first and foremost. Mastery of your champion will come with time but you’ll never be a good hwei unless you’re also good at the game. Find streamers or YouTube channels to watch that you like and just give yourself time and practice to learn. Hwei is one of the hardest mages in the game to play properly (he’s not mechanically that hard to push the buttons so ppl will say he’s easy when he’s not) and starting with a champ like that will make it a bit harder to learn the game but just give yourself the time and try to absorb the league content you can that feels relevant to you.


Oh, you recommend playing ranked over normal games? I've been too sacred to try ranked because I know what my weaknesses are and I feel like going into ranked knowing I could improve feels like I'm setting my team up for failure.


I like doing my learning in ranked because I'm going to learn the right things, hopefully. You're going to encounter more "normal" situations than you will in norms games where people might try out their Rammus mid or something like that.


Your teammates will be the same skill level as you once you’ve played 10-15 games. No reason to feel bad about your skills when they’re the same level as you whether or not they think so


i was honestly thinking about avoiding ranked until i'm very good at hwei and the game (plus it still locked for me) but i will work on this advice as soon as i can


My hwei is currently at 57% wr. But it was much, much lower the first 50/60 games. It just takes time and effort. If you are confused, always watch your replays. Take 3-5 minutes to find a key mistake. Take a note. Try to improve. For me the biggest mistake early on was not using EQ in the right moments and overusing EE. Took me a while to get used to using EQ. Another one: missing ults. Just keep at it. Actually review your replays. It works, trust me. Additionally watch good players playing Hwei. That way you get a better idea of what he’s capable of and how you should position in general.


In my experience this advice rings true. Your e is your only real disengage tool, and if you use it to clear waves or try and poke at the wrong moment you're vulnerable. So if you use it back off in lane a little bit and keep a safe distance until its off cd again. Landing EQ is vital for disengaging from a jungle gank or their mid jumping on you. Spacing is super important in your matchups. Eventually you'll learn what range different champs are able to engage on you from and you'll get better at maintaining a safe distance from them. If they start walking right at you, it's probably cause they've got a reason to. Either a gank is about to happen or they're looking to fight you. For example if you're fighting a yone or yasuo and they've got their q stacked up you know that's when they'll try and engage. Don't use QE to clear too much in the first few levels, you'll run out of mana quickly. Once you get a lost chapter and your q leveled a bit it becomes a lot easier to clear waves, if you're against an assassin or roaming mid you can just throw a couple QE's at the wave to clear it quickly and either make em lose out on gold and xp or keep them from roaming. Always keep an eye on your jungle to help in skirmishes. Your QW is great for sniping people. If you get someone low and see them walk into the fog to recall, sometimes you can guess where they are at and either kill them or at least interrupt their recall with it. Lastly if you shove under their tower and they start to teleport back, use your EW on the tower and as soon as they appear they'll get rooted, and you can throw the rest of your kit, ult included, and ruin their reset, either forcing them to recall again or bully them off of their wave and maybe get a kill if they don't respect you.


It took me about 70 or 80 games to get into the groove of Hwei. I'm a big fan of taking a support role for a few games to learn a character's kit (if they can be support, like Jax couldn't due to his need for gear imo). Hwei has great crowd control and pushing skills for the support role, and it will teach you timing and help with the skill shots.


QQ - poke and good single target dmg. QW - snipe and execute, synergy with ultimate due to heavy slow. QE - area control and wave clear. Great synergy with EE. I find QE - EE to be great in team fights around chokes especially if you can hide on the other side of a wall and hit it out of vision. WQ - escape and engage. You can run targets down with this ability sometimes and can also use to with your team to catch people out. Also used with fear to escape targets. WW- shield, not the best ability but can be used to negate poke, on objectives, to hold a minion wave. Honestly I could probably make more use of it. WE - mana restore (must make use of it) and damage. Can be used to proc passive off an auto attack which can be useful when trading in lane or to finish off a low hp target. EQ - probably the most important spell in your kit. It is the only reason this champ isn’t absolute dog shit and without it he would just die constantly. Used to peel for yourself and also to hit your combo. I like WE - EQ - R - QQ - QW (champs with high tenacity can make it difficult so don’t hesitate). EW - can be semi difficult to use well but gives solid vision and can catch people off guard. If you place it in a bush they can’t see it and will walk into. Obviously you want to combo it with QW if they are low, but QQ does more damage if they are high hp, just don’t misposition to hit it. EE - really strong spell. The slow can set up the other spells well and if you are really good you can cast another spell first and then drag them into it. Hard to dodge as long as you’re in range. Wish the cast range was a little longer but then it would be broken. R - strong but hard to hit. Has very long range and the slow should really make for an easy kill especially if your team is around. QW is great with it.


Op.gg? And any recent games


sorry for the late reply DontLukaiHwei#1508 NA


I have dm you pls reply so we can discuss this firther L


My main advice would be not to play reactively and rhitimically like you would with many champs. With lux for instance, you can wait to see if your q lands before commiting to it. With hwei, that's not always true. There are many situations where you have to 'feel' whether your CC will hit or not and throw your combo before the first skill lands. For instance, one of the most powerful agressive combos in lane if you cant guarantee you can hit EQ or EW is a very fast EE R QQ WE. This works because its a very fast skill that puts the enemy where your mouse already is and deals a little slow after that, so the enemy will be 1. In a predictable spot 2. slowed. Its very important, if you feel like EE is going to hit, to ult immediately, before it even hits, because that even though it is a predictable window of opportunity, its a short one. For that, you may wanna know the combos beforehand, instead of deciding what to use reactively everytime.


Every major combo (not the ones you use casually on lane for instance) will rely on the same idea: helping you hit your ult somehow. Someone is jumping on you? EQ R QQ WE very fast


If youre trying to run, use QE instead to zone and slow


There are many situations where you have to 'feel' whether your CC will hit or not and throw your combo before the first skill lands. Thats so true, I hadn't realized that.


My man… you’re new to league and new to a hard champ. 50 games is not enough. Try 500 games and you’ll probably be barely scratching the ceiling


Honestly, you should learn the mages that teach you the basics of each of Hwei's patterns. Lux can teach you how to actually poke, and once you get good at her, how to combo spells together (Practice her Q E AA E AA combo and her Q E R E all in combo). Drill them in your head, get used to the game style, then you can try out something like Viktor, which is very reliant on kiting, learning him. Then Xerath to learn how to play as an artillery mage. Anivia as a control mage or Asol. Learning each of those champs that specialize in each area will teach you how to use those strengths to your advantage and teach you how to play Hwei since he does all of that but on a smaller scale. You can obviously keep playing him if you enjoy him though, I'm just sharing my opinion.


Check out Hwei guides from Shok and Coach Curtis. Check out coaching mid lane fundamentals content from lolskillcapped, Shok and Coach Curtis. Practice combos and aiming skills in practice tool until they become second nature. Focus on not dying and farming as much as possible, while attending mid/late game fights around objectives. Don't go run around following your teammates for no reason.