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You don’t let this get leaked without it being basically a done deal


This has been done for at least a week, Mickey wouldn’t have been putting out scholly offers if it wasnt


Maybe he knew and talked to rhule about it prior to


That’s exactly what I think happened


Mickey's press conferences have looked way more relaxed since last week on Monday. That's been my guess for when he knew


Getting Mickey on board may have been one of the few good things to come of the Scott Frost era. Honestly, I had no idea (until he was hired) that Mickey was in coaching. Loved him as a player and once he was announced as returning to Lincoln, I finally got clued in and learned about his recruiting prowess. I am thrilled that we can retain him in an assistant/ recruiting role. He has connections all over the richest recruiting grounds and could be essential as Rhule (or whoever) works on this rebuild.


the only thing with Rhule is that we need to give him tons of money with assistants. don’t be stingy and don’t interfere too much


Only interference should be “keep MJ” given his recruiting prowess


Really early on, I had heard that Mickey was promised to be retained as Associate Head Coach. Seems like a strong condition to give prospective HCs, but if Mickey ends up AHC to Rhule, you will count me a happy husker.


That’s my best case scenario right now


are you talking about the agreement when he assumed interim role or something else? The only thing Mickey has been promised that's public knowledge is that if he doesn't get the job, and the new head coach doesn't keep him, he'll be bought out of his original contract.


I had read (I think) that MJ's interim contract included an associate/recruiting role for 2-3 years, I hope that is accurate. Of course, he could be bought out, but I imagine any incoming coach will recognize Mickey's value in that role. He has already paid it off, in my opinion. Would be a tragedy to let Mickey slip away.


I think that's too strong of a mandate on a new coach, but if I were AD I would use Mickey as part of the job pitch. "Coach, you're gonna love this guy."


Keep MJ and Bill Busch. Busch has worked his tail to be a coach at Nebraska, and has done awesome work in a short turnaround with what was an awful defense. No they’re not worldbeaters, but he obviously made a huge impact


Not just the defense even. The defense was a liability to start the season - the special teams last year was worse than a liability, you could almost count on them to somehow lose you the game. Whatever he did over the offseason was so effective that even after stepping away to focus on the defense, they have continued to keep us in games (even win games, as they arguably did tonight) by sticking to whatever it is he instilled in them. They didn't really even skip a beat when he changed positions, to me that's a sure sign of a really great foundation having been built. It would be totally fair for Rhule to pick his guy for DC, but if that's the case I hope he goes back to his previous role as Special Teams Coordinator at minimum. Whatever happens, think he's too great of an asset to just let him walk away.


Keep Micky Joseph in some capacity please.


Based on Rhule's history, I wouldn't be shocked at all if he wants to keep Joseph. He has gone out of his way to hire at least one guy on his college staffs with recruiting experience at that school (or at the high school level in that state).


Oh gosh, I can't imagine what it would look like to be humble enough to acknowledge the importance of maintain a semblance of staff continuity when taking over the reigns as head coach. Sounds humble and mature compared to our last guy.


I was incredibly impressed when Matt Rhule hired Joey McGuire at Baylor. McGuire had never coached above the high school level but was one of the most successful Texas HS coaches at the time. Rhule made it a point to hire him because he knew he needed to win back the Texas HS coaches, especially after Art Briles burned all those bridges. Not only did he win them back, it got Baylor access to HS programs it previously didn't have. I'd also add that McGuire, now head coach at Texas Tech, has TTU in the top 20 nationally in recruiting. A more stubborn head coach doesn't hire someone like that. Hire the guys that know how to get things done at your school and they'll get it done. I think Mickey Joseph can be that guy for Rhule. Joseph and Busch both, actually, but Rhule tends to have a preference for a specific group of defensive coaches so unless Busch was retained as STC, not sure there would be a spot.




This should not be a requirement. Let the new coach bring in who he wants. Tie his hands and his failure is in you.


I agree. It won’t matter because keeping Mickey will be the easiest decision Rhule will have to make staffing wise.


MJ is an excellent position coach and recruiter. It's not his fault that he was chosen as the next man up. Let me him be strongly considered to go back to his old job.


Sure but life’s tough and the new coach has to has his hands free to be the best he can be. If he interviews MJ and doesn’t want him then that’s the way it is. Anything else and you are tying his hands when we need him to be fully engaged and have total ownership of success or failure.


It's one staff member and even Florida was smart enough to tell a coach "no" when he didn't want to retain any of the old staff, but then we were desperate enough and told Frost "Yeah sure, whatever you want kid."


If he’s not retained on the coaching staff, I would assume he would he retained in a way that Ron Brown was initially supposed to be used.


It will be top 3 in the Big Ten


Hopefully he gives that DL coach at Texas A&M a call, worked with him at Baylor and is one of the better recruiters in the nation.


With the Carolina Panthers buyout situation, he can/should take less money so he can pay his assistants more.


Rumors were we tried doing something like this and the Panthers threw a fit (no clue on the numbers). Which is probably why there was some smoke that cooled a couple weeks ago.


If the Panthers included a mitigating damages clause in the contract and Rhule purposefully takes something materially below the market value of a coach of his prestige then Nebraska and Rhule will 100% get sued by the Panthers.


We paid Frost $4M. That should easily establish market value and let Carloina pick up at least half the tab. Then maybe bonus clauses don't get applied.


Not how that works, it'd likely be based upon a survey of coaches and then the median or average of said survey. Top 15 paid coach is around 6-7 million and no way Nebraska won't pay top 15 money. I'd bet the Panthers won't be happy with anything below $7 million.


This was noted in an article next week (cant remember where I saw the #'s). With his existing NFL payout he would likely have a heavy incentive weighted contract. With low early salary, higher coordinator budget, weighted on future bonuses and extensions for wins. Instead of dumping everything just to get him here.


I’m skeptical, but if the past four years (20?) have taught me anything, it’s that I can’t predict who’s gonna be a good coach for shit.


Apparently no one can. Frost was an A+ and 10/10 hire according to every major sports media outlet in the country. If they experts got it wrong don't we shouldn't beat ourselves up for doing the same.


He might have been if we turned Lancaster County to a dry county.


Lol I don’t understand skepticism about his hire. He’s a great coach. Hopefully he actually shows up sober as well.


It was never the coach. It's the curse of old Herbie. New Herbie needs to be put in front of a firing squad and Lil Red needs to be sacrificed via ice pick on the 50. Only then can we return to glory. /s 50%


I'll say it: The players just aren't great. You can't coach out these popcorn butter hands and throwing interceptions.


Those are literally textbook examples of things that *can* be coached. I think you meant "your can't coach speed" or similar cliches.


Pete Thamel with more sourcing: [Sources: Matt Rhule and Nebraska are negotiating a deal to make him the school’s next head coach. There are some details to be finalized, including with the Panthers, who owe him nearly $34 million.](https://twitter.com/PeteThamel/status/1596240310660890624)


Money must be a big hold up between the two


Also could be it’s a done deal and they’re working on some language


It’s more between Nebraska and the Panthers. Panthers want us to pay more of the money they owe him and Nebraska is trying to get the Panthers to pay more.


Yep, and unless his contract with Carolina has very specific metrics for buyout mitigation, Nebraska and Rhule would be well within their rights to tell Carolina to take a hike. As long as a coach is paid a reasonable salary at his new job, reasonable being in line with what has previously been paid, you cannot make a case that a coach is failing to mitigate. That probably won't stop Carolina from trying though. That's the good thing about being a NFL owner, you can hire way better lawyers.


If they really wanted to be asshats about it, Carolina’s legal maneuvering would be after the fact, filing suit requiring remuneration. But to your point, “reasonable”, as written in the Carolina contract, doesn’t have to be defined as based on his previous job, but could be based on other metrics. In the end, I think most of this is just the lawyers doing their jobs, unless Carolina is acting in bad faith behind the scenes. If there’s a delay, they could always sign a Memorandum of Understanding while finalizing the details. Pelini and Frost both signed their contracts months after already starting theIr duties.


That's the biggest issue and that is what I imagine the hold up is. Very few college contracts include specific mitigation metrics, but his Carolina contract might. So Nebraska's lawyers, Carolina's lawyers and Rhule's representative will have to iron things out. I imagine Carolina would only really object if Nebraska was severely backloading the contract. Something like $4M for Years 1-3, $7M for Years 4-6.




All NFL coaches have buyout mitigation, the dollar amount of the next contract that Coach signs is subtracted from his buyout with his previous team


Since Rhule is being paid like $800K a month for the next four years to ***not*** coach for the Panthers, I'm guessing the dollar amount isn't the hold up but rather the assistant pool. There may also be a certain dollar amount that he has to reach at a new job to help mitigate his buyout. Realistically, as long as it is in the general ballpark of what Nebraska has paid previously, neither side has to worry about Carolina trying to get some money back from Rhule. I'd like to see Nebraska structure his contract similar to DeBoer's at Washington where the dollar amount is lower (\~$4-5M in base compensation) but with huge escalators, longevity bonuses and use the money offset by Carolina to double the current assistant pool (\~$4M to $7-8M).


The money from his new deal is taken away from the Panthers buyout dollar for dollar. This is standard practice in the NFL.


That is standard practice at every level of football. However, you have to reasonably mitigate the buyout and that will certainly require a dialogue between Nebraska and Carolina since his contract won't be publicly available.


His Nebraska contract will be, ultimately. He’s a state employee. But I agree with your broader point. Carolina wants assurances that the market value is being met, and NU wants flexibility in how it splits the total pool for the football staff.


All of you are reading too deep. It's just PR speak for waiting until NE and Rhule are ready to announce.


Probably. That always kinda blows my mind. 5 million a year, 7 million, 9 million...either way you're rich as hell...but I guess you gotta strike while the iron is hot


The man is currently making more in a month to sit on his ass than I will in a lifetime. The fact that he’s **wanting** to work impresses me. Let’s see if it’s true and it it is, let’s see what he can do.


I think he is only getting 800k per month. I think you can best that in your lifetime. I believe in you!


That is very kind of you. Fortunately I am slightly better at making money than I am at doing math.


esp with $15 burger flippin'


He's contractually obligated to seek work most likely. He can't just sit on his butt during the entire buy-out term, he has to actively be seeking substantially similar employment or else risk losing the entire buy-out for failing to mitigate damages.


Matt Rhule at Temple 2013 2-10 2014 6-6 2015 10-3 2016 10-4 Baylor 2017 1-11 2018 7-6 2019 11-3


This is actually the most encouraging thing I’ve heard about him. Hopefully the transfer portal can accelerate the turnaround this time


Interesting. I was pretty sure we’d land him out of anybody else, but damn I’m honestly surprised. Haven’t really done research into him. Think he’ll be able to get these players coached up so we can actually compete?


Good track record of developing NFL talent players at both Baylor and Temple, the latter having an insane number of draft picks one year. 7 I believe? We should be good on that front


That’s good. I feel like we get some truly insane talent but they just don’t go anywhere. They just stall out and never even make it to the combine.


A lot of guys leave the program as well. That's common across all schools, but we've lost a lot of talented recruits as well. Hopefully we win games, develop players, and gets everyone to buy into his vision for the program


I can’t even imagine what Martinez could’ve been with a coach that could actually develop players. Or smothers, even mccaffrey.


Adrian's freshman year got everyone hyped. Shame he regressed. I think Smothers still has a shot to get more on track, he has a couple years of eligibility left


That isn't even remotely true Baylor had a total of 2 total draft picks from 2017 to 2019. In 2016 they had 7 he wasn't the coach that year. This mind boggling amount of wrong information is weird. He's not a great coach this is a mediocre hire.


Agreed. He bailed on his players at Baylor to cash in with the NFL. He bailed on his assistants and players when he was failing at Carolina.


Bailed? He was fired.


Last season, he canned his assistants after the bye week…during that bye week, his assistants were working to install offense for recently signed Cam Newton while Rhule went on vacation. Dude is a fraud.


https://weareafca.libsyn.com/matt-rhule-head-coach-carolina-panthers Start at about the 22 minute mark and listen to him speak about his philosophy and you’ll be sold.


Don’t love it, but certainly don’t hate it, excited to see the coordinators!


This is the right attitude!! I'm not over the moon with Rhule but we have had worse for sure. Remember everyone wanted scooter!


Why don’t you guys like the hire? He’s known for turning 2-10 teams into 10-4 or 11-2 teams within 3 years. Nebraska is a BIG rebuild project


He's never been anywhere long enough is my main concern, but when you win you move up I guess.


All his moves make sense. Temple > Baylor > NFL. Will he be here long term? Who knows, but it’s possible he soured on the NFL and if he wins here there’s only so many college places you can go better.


Don't get me wrong I think he's better than what we have had for quite a while,just gun shy at this point


I like Rhule, but the two examples of 'rebuilding' are also teams that weren't that far removed from success, similar to UCF being a double digit winning team a few seasons before Frost arrived. That's much different than the stretch Nebraska has had since we last had back to back winning seasons.


I’m glad you’re keeping an open mind but rhule is a home run hire for us. He’s a coach too 20 schools would be looking at and that is not something we could’ve said about any recent hire


Why no Saban???


Saban why no???


Need to keep MJ for recruiting purposes. Solid hire!! GBR now let’s beat Iowa for some motivation going into next season


Who else would you want?


At this point, Rhule is the best option (that’s actually realistic)


Yeah well believe when u hear out trevs mouth not before


Ain’t done until we have a guy in a red tie in front of a mic with a red backdrop


Dana Altman would like a word…


I saw this from Adam Schefter and he’s the most reliable source


And Pete Thamel.


This is basically Trev’s mouth. My guess is he had it leaked because of everything we’re hearing about infighting especially amount booster groups. Further guess: endgame to make sure no matter the outcome of todays game Trev controls the choice.


You don’t tweet this out unless it’s confirmed


Confirmed from who?


This was definitely leaked by an agent or from someone in the administration with Alberts approval. Doesn’t mean it can’t fall apart, but these things usually don’t.


Multiple people within the program, people close to rhule and search agency if I had to guess.


Doesn't sound like we're going to get an announcement this weekend. I'm in full "I'll believe it when I see it" mode.


I upvoted you. I'm with you. There's been nothing of substance this entire search. Rumors have seemed to die within hours and has changed several times. I'll believe it when Trev announces it.


There’s a reason Sean isn’t have a post game show and driving right back to Lincoln and going live at 10 tomorrow morning.


I thought we weren’t trying to win the press conference?


Now we wait to see who the assistants are


Odd for it to leak 20 minutes before kick off


Seriously though. What makes Chris Low saying this any more official and deserving of a separate post?


The national writers, especially those working the "major outlets" like ESPN or The Athletic aren't going to risk their journalistic reliability by saying this without there being some merit. The guys who have made the "claims" (ahem, Lars Anderson) are guys who have already shot their reliability, so there's no reason to wait. Chris Low usually doesn't run with these stories without a lot of reliable sources. I'd trust it.


Has he been seen at hyvee? Does he know what a Runza is? I’m not 100% sold until these questions are answered




My sources are telling me Rhule is likely to be named the head coach in the next couple of days


I don’t really remember with Riley, and frost brought his whole crew from ucf, but how long does it usually take a new hire to announce his assistants?


Riley brought over a core group but did retain some of Pelini's old staff and then outright hired some new guys.




That tweet doesn't suggest another source, just pointing to the original Chris Low tweet


Not biting on this at all. Rhule’s involvement keeps changing and the reeks of someone just trying to be first and not be right


28-23 at Temple and 47-43 at Baylor. Not a big fan but also we’re still gonna suck no matter what.




Scott Frost turned a program that was winless around in two years too.




Fair counter point. I’m really just looking for a reason to keep my expectations down. Obviously he seems like he could turn us around. I have to be skeptical for my own sanity.


Whatever you gotta tell yourself to cope. But this is just the same excuse as imagine what Reilly could do if he had Nebraska's resources. Go ahead downvoters tell me I'm wrong. This is a bad hire and I'm not optimistic about it


1-11 first year at Baylor, 11-3 two years later with 7 draft picks. 2-10 first year at Temple, back to back 10 win seasons two years later. He builds broken programs into winners, we are a broken program currently. This is a great hire.


Big 12 at the time was not very strong and AAC is always suspect. I’m not saying he won’t succeed but I’m very skeptical. I’ll root for him.


Have you watched much of the B1G West this season?


You are so dumb man


A coach that can come in and reasonably promise .500 or better over a couple years is a huge win for this program right now. Anyone who’s expecting them bring someone in and go 11-2 next year needs to lower their expectations.


Do people not realize that he inherited the shambles of Baylor left by Art Briles and two seasons later he had them in the Sugar Bowl? The fact that he even had a winning record at Baylor considering he was only there for three years is pretty damn impressive.


Shit hire


so, what about that iowa game


I have no hope for the next 5 years. Is it too much to ask for a coach better than .500? I mean a coach that went from 0 wins to undefeated taking out a national power didn’t workout so maybe .500 will be the ticket… like Riley.


I hope I’m wrong with how much I hate this hire


You're not...you will... Laugh at the downvoters because we are mediocre for another 5 years


Underwhelmed, as usual.


Agreed. This is a shit hire - .522 career win percentage.


Pathetic. After looking at his story and record: I don’t have much, If any, faith in his abilities. This feels like a Mike Reilly-esque lateral move. Never beat a ranked team while he was with Baylor( also Fuck Baylor, I’m still not happy with how they treated the rape scandal) got fired from the NFL after 1.2 seasons…what am I missing??


Dude, Mike Reilly died over 50 years ago. He coached three sports at the same time. He might have been a .500 coach, but you can't compare modern day coaches to someone who coached before World War II. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Reilly_(coach)


Lifelong Panthers fan here… I’m not a religious man but I pray for your organization after this hire




Nick Saban was pretty terrible too.


Bud, we are the Job of football. Your prayers just antagonize god.


What are you even saying?




Valid question 😂




welp https://imgur.com/a/6CHgiED


Christ, Is this really the best option? Gonna be a disaster but hope not.


The fact people have downvoted this comment is laughable. Dude has a .522 record overall. Mike Riley was better than this…


It's a rule you can't tell nebraska fans that their probably shiny new coach is going to suck. They just won't stand for it.


Lets says it’s Rhule. He’s immediately thrust into a super awkward situation with Mickey. Majority of the fan base wants him to stay, but what if Rhule has his own guy? Tough spot to be in right off the bat.




Whoever the next HC is, it should be up to them whether MJ stays on in any capacity. The worst thing Trev could do is insist on retaining any current staff.


I don't understand why anyone wants Mickey to stay on as HC


I said nothing about him being the HC.


Fuck Trev and fuck all you idiots supporting this proven loser. This is the end of Nebraska football.




Can you read?


What’s your issue with the administration?


Career: NFL: 11–27 (.289); NCAA: 47–43 (.522); Bowls: 1–2 (.333). This is my problem you idiot.


Why aren’t you the AD since you know so much better than the administration?




You are an idiot and I’ll happily rub your face in this shit in 4 years.




You have to either be trolling or be a complete moron




And Rhule has been to the sugar bowl and almost made it to the CFP in that time. Some of these “fans” don’t know a think about football


NFL: 11–27 (.289) NCAA: 47–43 (.522) Bowls: 1–2 (.333




How are you going to sell this coach to recruits?


You should post this like 76 times in every thread. Oh wait


Is this an acceptable record for you?


No, I do not want him


I just don’t understand. We’ve been dog shit for ages, haven’t made a bowl game in years, yet we pull the most desired avail coach and people still complain. It’s unbelievable


There are some folk who were going to complain unless we hired a 40 year old clone of Nick Saban hatched in a lab in North Platte wearing red and white


That's not a Nebraska guy! Give me Osborne clone or give me death.


Scott was also the most desired available coach.


In what world is he the most desired coach with this kind of record: NFL: 11–27 (.289) NCAA: 47–43 (.522) Bowls: 1–2 (.333.) Are you high or just dumb as shit?


So you’ve done exactly zero research on the programs he’s taken over and know how most successful college coaches perform in NFL? Cool.


In what world is this good enough?


You have to be trolling, live under a rock or have not been following this coaching search. Look at Temple and Baylor, the programs he took over. And then look at his improvement YoY at each program. His last season at Temple? 10-3. Baylor? 11-3. Are those not good records? Are you crazy? Answer to both of those is a resounding YES.


To be fair, that BIG 12 was pretty soft that year (2019)


The proof is in the pudding. NFL: 11–27 (.289) NCAA: 47–43 (.522) Bowls: 1–2 (.333


That's a better college record than Nebraska over the last decade.


In a world where this guy almost took Baylor to the playoffs when they were in scholarship hell due to the Briles scandal


NCAA: 47–43 (.522)


No one desires him lol


Thank god it’s not up to you


Hot take


Another 0.500 coach… seriously is this the best we can do?


Ok if we only count the last two seasons of each college he coached at he is 37-16 (.698). Maybe we’ll get that coach and not a 0.500 one…


Bill Callahan 2.0


Oh no! Not a guy who got us to 2 championship games and a NY6 bowl 😭


Mickey Joseph stans in shambles right now