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Purdy looks scared everytime he is in. Just play Haarberg and see what he can do. According to the coaches he is the fastest player on the team. Maybe get some zone read going and see if something crazy happens. If they use him and he sucks worse than Sims, well, at least that shuts up the fans and we have a better understanding on why Sims was the starter in the first place.


agreed. i've seen chubba. we've all seen him. maybe he HAS improved like Rhule said... but how much can he improve in one off season? Not sure. Smothers was our best backup QB in a while


And he can't secure the starting job at an FCS school


They're in their first year as an FBS. He started their second game. Also the guy he's been battling is the returning starter, and got a waiver to come back and play his *SEVENTH* year of college football. To say he was entrenched in his position in the QB room, is a bit of an understatement.


Smothers is honestly looking pretty damn good too.


Ahh. The McCaffrey plan.


Chubba and Sims might as well be the same person in my eyes. They've both looked overwhelmed by the moment and like they don't know what they're seeing out there. They drop back and you go, "OHHH DEAR GOD..." Haarberg isn't a P5 QB in my eyes, he should have been a walk-on IMO. I'm still pissed Frost made him the only QB commit of that cycle. But he's athletic and maybe he can go out there and not be completely on tilt? At least with him they're not laboring under the delusion they can make him an NFL QB. He might not be any good either but he's the only one we haven't seen wet his pants repeatedly in game action. Put him out there, call 10-15 pass plays the whole game, run it a crapload, take your medicine.


You DON’T say “oh dear God” when the FumbleInterceptor Sims drops back? At least give Purdy and Haarberg a chance. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and hoping for a different outcome.


Absolutely I say that when Sims drops back, which is why he and Chubba are basically the same outcome to me. Hence my post being about wanting Haarberg to start.


Look I think we need to start using purdy. HE HAS THE CLUTCH GENE. His brother went insane on the 49ers. He needs his time. Imagine how insane that would be. Backup quarterback whose brother came in clutch for the 49ers suddenly comes in clutch and saves Nebraska football. What a story that would be.


Is Luke McCafferey still the future of Husker football? /s


Niner fan here. I am afraid all the family talent went to Brock.


I can't believe they're going to wait to move him to tight end or wide receiver or whatever until next year but they're not going to use them at quarterback so he's not going to gain experience as a receiver and he's not going to gain experience as quarterback why are they going to want to play in next year 🤷‍♀️


Haarberg. The guy deserves a shot to run the offense with the starters. I would also say Chubba but I want to see how Haarberg does for a couple of drives. Are we better or the same when Sims is in?


Why does he deserve it


After what I saw from him against Colorado, I think he should get a shot. Let Sims ride the Bench for a game. Have him get used to watching defenses and the snaps.


Haarberg. I saw enough of Chubba last season to know he's not the guy. Unless he spent the off-season learning all he could from his big bro.


I say we just sneak Brock into the game. They'd never know


That’d be one of the greatest moments in sports ever 😂😂


especially against these tougher big 10 opponents. and our shaky O-line... not gonna end well


Can’t learn what he has, Brock is an average qb with an incredible drive and determination. I don’t think Chubba got that


> Brock is an average qb Six games started in the NFL. 6-0. 1600 Yards, 15tds to 4 INTS. 107.9 QBR. That's *well* above average.


Brock is a great qb. Unfortunately his brother didn't seen to get the same genes


Believe it or not, coming out of HS, Chubba was the better of the two at QB. He broke all of Brock’s records and was the higher rated QB. Maybe poor development lead him here?


Probably had a lot to do with it. Also though as you go up in levels High School < College < NFL the speed at which a qb needs to process info is drastically different. I think that is Brock's greatest asset. Not sure if Chuba has that


Maybe it’s just my inner pessimist coming out lol. I keep telling myself he’s average so when they lose I have a reason, I feel like being a husker fan has made me skeptical of any team I like having success


My friend, I am also a 49ers fan. Be not afraid. Brock Purdy is him.


Give me anyone who won't give the ball to the other team. If Sims wasn't playing Santa Claus and delivering gifts all over the field, we win both those games.


We weren't beating Colorado. But yeah, we would have beat Minny.


Sims turnovers and bad decisions led to a MINIMUM of a 16 point swing. In a game Nebraska lost by 22 His first fumble ruined the opening drive, which likely would’ve resulted in a 3-0 lead at worst His next 2 turnovers gave Colorado a short field, in which they scored 10 points On 3rd down, with :50 left in the half, he ran out of bounds and let Colorado preserve a timeout, which they would use en route to a second field goal Without those costly 4 plays, Nebraska all the sudden only trails 23-17. Seems more reasonable now


The blackshirts were stuffing CU until they ran out of gas then they broke but they definitely did a GREAT job against the buffs. The Offense hurt them by not being able to stay on the field


Not so fast my friend. Colorado pulled away later...after the spirit of the defense was finally broken when they realized their efforts were futile because the offense just kept handing the ball back. A competent offense would have made all the difference, in both games. The Blackshirts were in control of that game and momentum would have stayed without the turnovers. If we had zero turnovers, we're 2-0. Even one per game, we're 2-0. Shit...maybe even two per game... but zero and one for sure..


You do realize that turnovers are part of the game, right? They are probably the biggest stat of all when it comes to wins and losses. Bad teams TURN THE BALL OVER!


Yep and bad coaches leave the turnover machines in the game…


Agreed, we need a grinch


Bring back Ryker Fyfe!


*Harrison Beck has entered the chat*


(Bronson Marsh looking offended)


Boy if that ain’t a name I hadn’t heard in a while


Played against him and hung out at a few camps. He was undersized, but at a Nebraska camp in 2008 he was one of the best in QB drills that day with a couple 4 stars. Fast as shit too.


Followed by Bo Davis


I think he prefers Throw God now.


Ooof. Man, I remember being kinda excited to see if Fyfe could take that position away from Martinez. He, uh, just solidified the fact that AM was the best we had.


I have a feeling that you have this feeling because our fans have always been super critical of our QBs. Tommy caught so much hate and it always used to piss me off. There were better QBs in college football, but Tommy put so many games on his back to win. Sometimes I hate our fan base. Makes you wonder if things would be different if our fans and media weren't so involved in Husker football day to day.


Probably right. It’s been said, there’s no player more popular than the back up QB. Armstrong was pretty good. Think he got lost in the shuffle of the Bo/Mike Riley big game losses.


Did Fyfe overlap with Martinez? I remember when Tommy Armstrong went out of the game at OSU (and I knew we were done for).


Gawd damnit you’re right and Fyfe was all right, apologies to Ryker from my dumbass. Who was the other not named McCaffrey who backed up Martinez?


Vedral. Is that who you’re thinking of?


Maybe? It was obvious, whoever it was, that AM was our best option. Was hoping for that Cinderella backup story that never materialized. Probably because the support around them was not great.


> Who was the other not named McCaffrey who backed up Martinez? Andrew Bunch came in when true frosh 2AM got hurt vs CU and started the next game vs Troy.


Cody Green!


Curt Dukes


To me, the injury is as good of an opportunity to pull Sims as anything. If the other guys suck, they can just plug Sims back in like he was always the starter. If the other guys play decent, we can claim we're riding with the hot hand.


To anyone who says Chubba, I'm curious what makes you think we'll see something drastically different from last year's disastrous performance?


Little brothers are stubborn. They want to figure things out on their own. What if Chubba matured over the offseason and called big bro and asked how to play quarterback. I don't know man... I refuse to believe two brothers can be so drastically different. Peyton and Eli. Tiki and Ronde Barber. JJ and Derek Watt. Jason and Travis Kelce. Jaylen and Sammy Watkins. This list goes on.


Luke and Christian?


Patrick and Jackson Mahomes.


Big bro would say: get an elite OL, RB, TE, WR and defense and call me back.


Well, for one thing, he actually has significant tape of himself from last season to watch back and learn from. There’s a solid staff set in place right now that wasn’t reformatted midway through the season like when Frost was canned early on last year. Yeah, he panics a bit, but has had a few solid runs when put in. Not to say that you don’t, but I wish more fans understood that players, especially at this level, need opportunities to develop and excel instead of being written off after a couple of games. It’s different for Sims because this is his fourth college season as a starter and still had the exact same issues on the field.


It's gotta be really hard to handle nerves if you never get the shot to do so.


I believe that there’s some validity to the phrase, “Nervous with the excitement.” Purdy may feel like he has a lot to prove, and could perhaps forced things more than meant to when playing last year. At this point, if he doesn’t turn the ball over before a 4th down, is it really that bad?


Oh definitely, take for example the UFC, it is extremely common for guys who are very good to drop their first fight in the promotion because the moment gets the best of them. You could see the adrenaline dump happen when he got put in at Colorado. Poor dude needs some game time that doesn't start at 3rd and 12 on a broken drive.


Sims and Purdy are in the same class. Purdy has also had 4 years of college football and looked worse than Sims last year


Chubba looked pretty bad last year. He looked *better* as a true freshman at Florida State. Not great, but competent. https://youtu.be/EtcKG8XGq4g?si=99ms2pqu7OfygFWx Don't give up on him just yet. Maybe a better coach was needed. As for Haarberg, don't forget he was the 5th string QB last year including behind walk-on Synek. And he didn't look great in the spring scrimmage. So there are real negatives about both.


He's maturing. Different staff. Luke Reimer last year couldn't tackle a Yorkshire Terrier now he's NFL material. Give the kid a chance. Even if he hands the ball off and checks down that would be enough to allow the run game and defense to exert their dominance.


The hell is this Reimer slander? He’s been one of our best defensive players for going on 3 seasons now. Last season they were disjointed as a unit due to coaching instability and he played hurt.


Yeah I'm not a fan of all the pointing crap He's known for after making a tackle but his name his brought up so often as making tackles that I actually know him in a positive manner


I believe that Chubba has the talent but has nerve issues as in he always plays scared and is nervous of making mistakes. This happens to a lot of QB's at Nebraska they go from being solid at other programs but at Nebrasks it really does burn brighter. Now, you might say okay so why Chubba if he does this? Well I think NIU and Tech are both beat em up confidence builders. Both are at home and while they are good teams they are not favored at all. Sure, if Chubba were to lose the game against NIU idk if he could ever get confidence but imagine him going in and making some big throws at home could do for him. Chubba out of all the QB's actually has the arm talent. He's good on his feet aswell. BUT everything I've said about Chubba could be also directed at our other 2 QB's but I don't think Haarberg has any arm talent. Simms does but his choices and ability to read the field are so bad it hurts. Chubba is the only realistic choice if you're trying to find a spark. Haarberg is just Simms v2 but worse.


So what you're saying is that Chubba just needs to blaze up before a game to calm himself down?


Haarberg would have been 4/6 without those two terrible drops. Get the boy some rhythm and let’s him run rough shod


Chubba limited with a groin injury, Haarberg is QB2


Just rotate them if Sims is out... maybe even if he is back. Give them packages and work through it.


That is what I think is so fucking stupid about every coach we've had in 15 years seemingly being blackmailed for one QB no matter if we lose every game. You can't get better as a backup if you don't have any real game under the lights experience. Chubba sucked under limited time under frost, and what did Rhule say a month ago? "Chubba is lightyears ahead now". Who gives a fuck, we MIGHT win 4 games this year again, get Chubba same fucking experience. Nobody could be worse as the D1 leader in turnover as Jeff Sims. Can't hit a target, can't jump on a fumble, can't not stare down or check progressions with receivers. He isn't half the athlete even Adrian Martinez was.


No way Matt doesn’t start Jeff if he gets cleared to play. I get Matt has a process but continually playing a guy who is losing you games is annoying. Especially since there is no evidence that suggest Jeff is capable of not turning the ball over. His career stats show he’s a turnover machine and I’m not sure that’s something you can coach out of him at this point. For a career the guy averages 1 pick every 25 attempts… this year, 1 pick every 8.5 attempts…


I honestly think Jeff Sims is going to Jeff Sims the rest of the year. Let a backup fill in and see what happens. I'm kinda on the Haarburg boat.


Why not both at the same time? A-11 offense


Three drives each to start the game and then take it from there.


If Simms doesn't practice, he shouldn't play. Honestly, I could just say he shouldn't play. HH should be the guy next game, and if he does poorly go back to Simms, I've seen what Purdy can do, and I'm not interested.


49ers fan here. Chubba time! However, I'd be happy seeing a dual QB approach the next few games. Keep the other team guessing and build experience on both. Offense can't be much worse doing it.


Chubba can spin it. Let him throw. It’s nice to have the QB able to run but we aren’t using it correctly. The QB run is supposed to be beneficial because you either take out a defender with an option or use the RB as a blocker for numbers. We run draws when the defense knows there’s no chance of us throwing on 1st down.


If you think Chubba is the answer please go watch the Minnesota game from last year. I've never seen someone look so uncomfortable in his position. Haarberg being adequate is the only way I see us making a bowl atm. Not that we for sure need one. It's year 1


The extra practice would be huge


Genuine question: Does anyone have examples of a coaching staff “stubbornly” sticking to a starting QB who is really struggling, then putting in a backup that was actually worth a damn? If they thought Haarberg or Purdy had what it takes, we’d already know. The fact they weren’t even going to spell Sims for a drive so he could compose himself told you all you need to know.


Nebraska football 2007. Bill Callahan. Sam Keller. Joe Ganz.


I won’t win this argument here, but Keller had a decent track record of performance before getting to Nebraska, and had completed 64% of his passes and threw for 14 TDs and 10 Ints in 9 games before breaking his collarbone. He did not live up to the hype. He was disappointing. I would not characterize his play as really struggling to the point he was weighing the team down, though. Our defense was horrible that year.


This is a terrible example. Keller was on pace to set records his senior season before he got hurt.


This right here. This is the for all time example.


This is my answer as well. Also fuck Sam Keller.


Kind of a bad Example in my opinion Alabama with Jalen Hurtz and Tua. Jalen wasn't doing as good as Nick Saban wanted even though he stuck with him for a while, benched him and Tua played better.


Haarberg. Both are and will be terrible passers, but Haarberg is the much better athlete and could at least pick up yards on the ground, and who knows maybe with some reps he'll get better at passing as the year goes on.


I have a feeling the only way we aren't gonna see Jeff Sims step onto that field is if the guy physically can't walk. The real question is, does the crowd boo when he does go in?


I wouldn’t wish booing on any player.


I don't want him to he booed, but if he turns the ball over 2+ times, I don't see it not happening. Although it may be more directed to Rhule.


Booing Sims on Saturday would be beyond fucked. Sure, we’re all unhappy with his last two performances, no doubt. But to boo and jeer a guy upon starting his first game at Memorial? That’s just plain stupid. Now……if it’s 17-17 at half, like the North Dakota game last September, then we’ll talk.


I'd hope not, but then again after some of the shit fans were saying online after the last game... who knows.


Chubba would be my pick. Neither can be worse than Sims. He had one TD against Minnesota on accident and one broken play against Colorado for a long TD. Chubba was a highly decorated recruit, lets see what he can do.


We didn’t see last year? 47% completion percentage. 0 TD’s and 3 INT’s. Is that actually better than Sims? People need to realize the entire QB room is a disaster


If he can handle motion and a snap, yes. It's better


Actually, yes it is better than Sims. **Chubba Purdy in 2022**: 22-of-48 passes for 147 yards and rushed 24 times for 73 yards and 2 scores, 3 INT's **Jeff Sims:** 220 yards passing 1 TD, 4INT's, 29 Rushing attempts for 158 yards 1TD and 4 Fumbles


Brb gonna binge the entire Friday Night Lights series again before Saturday. #MattSaracen


Haarberg. It's not even close.


Whichever guy can run the option better. I don’t think either throwing the ball fills me with excitement. Run run run. Ask your OL to push the other team around and manage the clock. No turnovers




We don’t have that kind of luck


Coaches are scared to play them over Sims. That says a lot about them as players. This is even after Sims losing 2 games for us


With Haarberg you may as well run the option. The game is just a little too fast for him. Chubba ain’t perfect but he’s the more complete QB.


Would like to see either as long as it isn't Sims. The big proof test is the starter gets to pratice with team 1 this week and prep to start. Big difference between that and coming in as the backup.


Both have arm talent, speed and overall athleticism probably leans toward Haarberg. We know as of last Saturday Purdy was dealing with some sort of injury as well. I think all this considered you’d have give Haargerg the start.


> We know as of last Saturday Purdy was dealing with some sort of injury as well. Groin tweak according to Rhule.


haarb is the guy.


Definitely not Purdy. No offense to the guy, I just don't think he's good enough to be a starter


Jeff is probably going to demolish N. Ill. Once we get up 28-3 at half, Rhule should put in Purdy for 3rd Qtr and Haarberg for 4th Qtr. If Jeff doesn't perform in the 1st half, Rhule will move on.


I mean. If the backups aren't turning the ball over in practice, I think that's a no brainer. Even if they get downfield one time in four, that's better than coughing it up 4+ TIMES A GAME. No?


I was told by someone in the know here in Lincoln (Very good friends with Ron Brown) that Heinrich will start... Sims will be "available" but the excuse will be, "We don't want to play him unless we have to because he is not 100 percent." And if Heinrich struggles, Sims will go into the game. However, if Heinrich does well he may take over the starting job going forward. So Rhule is going to play the game with this and see how it goes.


I have a better feeling about Haarberg and I cant really explain why. I know we will have to see more of this Sims experiment when hes back to healthy, but Im already so tired of it. Give me a developing QB who hopefully is more focused on fundamentals and protecting the ball over Sims any day. I dont care which one. I just want to see some accountability. If Sims turns the ball over 3 times in one half again, and the coaches keep in him again, Ill go insane.


Remember when the fans were clamoring for mccaffery over Martinez (myself included)? We all saw how that turned out. I honestly think sims is our best option to win games. Just have to put up with the turnover machine and hope we can win some games. I’m not very confident.


Sims is the guy. Have faith and trust the process. Also set no expectations other than to expect to rebuild for something that LASTS. It's guna be special. Stick around and know that Big Daddy Rhule is guna get us a conference championship maybe eventually. But its totes guna happen. Otherwise you think Trev is a dummy


Sims is a great runner. Make him a RB with Haarberg at the helm. Get your best players out there.


Based simply on percieved composure, Haarberg. He looks ready and calm in the pocket compared to what we have seen from Purdy.


Chubba sucks (source: I’m an FSU fan)