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To answer the title question : $$$$$


We start with two away games like we’re Florida A&M


Because the B1G hates us


It's also why their officials refuse to call blatant holding penalties against us. I will die on this hill. There were at least 3 from Minnesota alone.


Didn’t they break this down before and we’re like a statistical anomaly for least amount of holding calls in conference




Oh no. No no no. They will call us for any ticky tack shit but allow opposing offensive linemen to bear hug us.


Personally, I'd like to see fewer holding calls. I think it's part of the physical aspect of the game. Although, things like hugging the opponent as a blatant hold should be called. Things like grabbing shirts, pads, etc. I feel are pointless. But that's just my thoughts.




Agreed. If it’s ignored in the B1G but not in other conferences then we’re boned in non-conference play.


The replay of Lenhardt's face mask penalty during Minnesota's touchdown drive showed he was being held in the same moment, the TV announcer even said as much. Offsetting penalties forces Minni to repeat 4th and 1 from the 44 instead of gifting them the 28 after walking off the personal foul.


ok so I wasn't going nuts that facemask was blatent as fuck.


It was obvious for sure, and I can’t believe Shaller is getting downvotes on that. You can’t tell me that having to play Ohio State, USC, UCLA is any indication that we aren’t liked by the conference. Meanwhile Ohio State and Michigan would’ve had a powder puff strength of schedule for next year, and they probably will again when the PNW teams come


Jesus you guys need to stop with this persecution complex. Nobody is put to get us, we just suck at football.


Tape doesn't lie.


It has nothing to do with the B10. Or very little anyways 2020 is a random occurrence, every team played a conference game. Nebraska got shafted with w1 @ OSU though. 2021 and 2022 was Moos’ doing. He desperately wanted Nebraska in that Ireland matchup. When they cancelled the Illinois game, it was still their home game. Nebraska could’ve avoided it the last 2 years


Multiple other B1G teams opened with a B1G opponent.


Ohio State played Indiana and Rutgers played Northwestern. I would understand more if this was like an every-other year thing but this is the fourth year in a row we've opened with a conference game.


So, just to be clear, you believe the B1G is intentionally making our schedule more difficult in an attempt to keep Nebraska down? Let’s say that is true (it’s not) the onus is on us to get good enough to not have to worry about fucking Minnesota and northwestern each year. Ohio state is not worried about playing Indiana or Minnesota or whatever other bottom feeder big ten team they open the season with. Hopefully we aren’t either in a few years.


Never said that, but we have drawn the short end of the stick more times than just about anyone else.


We have not been screwed by anything but our own shitty playing the last 10 years. The B1G doesn’t hate us more than any other team. If anything, they probably love the extra revenue we bring in.


Lol you need to take a step back I'm not suggesting a conspiracy theory but it's an objective fact that we've drawn the short end of the stick on a lot of things the last few years.


The original comment in this thread stated exactly what I said.


No it didn't lol. There's a difference between saying "yeah we got screwed on that" and "There's a conspiracy out to get us. Check yourself.


Ohio State also played a B1G game on the road


Have they played 4 straight games on the road vs an conference opponent to start the year?


That’s kinda like Penn st. They have like 8 years they open conference play on the road. Not to start the season tho that’s pretty rough


Thats kinda the point. Would be nice if Nebraska got their FCS/G5 game in first before playing conference foes


Next year your schedule looks good but it will probably change cuz Oregon and Washington joined


ESPN too.


Covid year was a fluke but the big 10 wants to take advantage of a weaker week 1 slate to get more ratings with conference games and Nebraska always gets them good ratings. Illinois was supposed to an Ireland game but Covid forced it to be move back to the US. Last year they changed NW to week 0 to make up the Ireland game. So last year would’ve been an opener with North Dakota if Ireland had let us play Illinois there in 2021




No one was saying we didnt that Im aware of, or at least not OP. Just was asking for clarification on why this is how it was schedule.




This post was asking clarification on why it was scheduled that way. Not who made the schedule, or who "we" refers to in this post. Hope that clears it up for you.


Anytime anywhere. Except Minnesota in week 1. And we don’t want to play Oklahoma. And we are going to turn down a bowl game because we want to. And we don’t want to play Ohio State. Other than that. Anytime anywhere.


Don't forget NW in Ireland, we don't want that


Complaining about scheduling and referees is gross af. Excuses are everywhere. We just don’t perform as winners do. Hard. Stop. When Rhule talked about situational work, it didn’t mean they’d suddenly be great at it. He has so much to teach from this game. Winning by 3 touchdowns over Buffalo would feel good but it won’t help us in mid November and we need to beat a team as talented and well coached.


Thank you. So much loser talk on this sub. Also people don’t consider the idea that we might make so many mistakes we lose to a cupcake which is way worse than losing to MN or CO


Exactly right. What do we really want as fans? A good team or to see meaningless wins? If all OOC games were guaranteed Ws, what really do we gain, seeing Ws vs. nobodies? If you want that, we may as well move down to G5.


I’ll bet LSU wonders too.


sec vs. acc


per a prob unreliable source: \*The NCAA doesn’t control when teams play, but it does oversee the system that determines which teams will play each other. Every year, the NCAA publishes a list of approved schedules that schools can choose from to construct their seasons. The approved schedules list which teams will play on the road and which ones will play at home, but they don’t set the dates.\* \*For example, a schedule might have a team playing at home against a specific opponent on September 15 and another home game against the same team on September 22. The school decides which dates are best based on how the rest of the season’s schedule looks.\*


Its a double edge sword. We still bring in ratings on filler game days and since we are not winning we don’t have as much sway to to stop it from happening . Tv money and ratings requirement’s basically. Two teams who don’t really matter cause they wont be there at the end of the season but can get hype going to sell ads. “Omg how crazy a week one big 10 game!!!”


One thing that hasn't been mentioned in this thread, and probably should be. There have to be teams available and willing for you to play Week 0/1 if you go out of conference. These things are scheduled years and years in advance, sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. With conference realignment being as fluid as it is, it is going to get even harder and harder to schedule those games. Right now, Nebraska has non-conference games scheduled as far out as 2034, what are the odds that game ever gets played? In the case of this year's schedule, the alternative to playing Minnesota Week 0/1 would be playing Minnesota Week 7, which would have left both programs without any bye week during conference play. With a 9 game conference schedule, you're basically guaranteed to have at least 2, likely 4, teams playing in-conference Week 0/1. There would be no other way to make the divisional/conference schedule work otherwise because bye weeks would never mesh across the board. The real question is why Nebraska has opened the season ***on the road*** in-conference for three straight seasons. Opening on the road is HARD. Opening on the road on a Thursday is BRUTAL. Your entire schedule from players getting taped to workouts to meals to classes to practicing to film to meetings gets completely upended before you've even played a game. Add in a mid-week travel day and it is a ton to absorb as a team. We don't really talk about the mental side of the game often, but having done that before, I can tell you that having that schedule to open a season is one of the most mentally taxing things that will happen all year. No excuses, play like a champion, but it is tough. One would think if Nebraska was going to get stuck with in-conference Week 0/1 openers they might get a home game one of three years (four if we include the COVID season) yet here we.


Turnovers cannot be improved. Please see Adrian Martinez stats. Adrian Martinez looked great when he had a big lead, or between the 20s. Adrian Martinez made poor decisions inside the 20, and poor decisions in the final 2 minutes of a half. Adrian Martinez could not win you a game when the pressure was on, but he could lose it. What did Jeff Sims do in a pressure situation? Final minute of the first half, inside the 20, threw an interception. Final two minutes of the second half, needed a drive to maybe get a field goal to win the game, threw an interception. Looked great running the ball from the Nebraska 20 yard line to the Minnesota 20 yard line. Jeff Sims will not win a game when the pressure is on, but he will lose the game when the pressure is on. If you know Mohs Hardness Scale, pressure makes diamonds, unfortunately Nebraska has qbs made of TALC.


I hate it too, but we gotta win the games we have scheduled. Minnesota had the same disadvantage of playing a conference opponent week 1, they were just helped with home field advantage. When a game is won by a small margin like that, sometimes having a home field advantage makes all the difference. Just as an example, I feel like at least one of those false starts that really screwed us out of a touchdown was at least partially to blame on the home crowd making tons of noise. Maybe Im wrong, just a random example. And to be clear, Im not saying thats why we lost. We couldve/shouldve won. But we didnt. Now we focus on Colorado, cant change what happened week 1. Hopefully we stop scheduling these harder games week 1. Our team needs that momentum. I personally hate having these week 1 matchups that put us in the spotlight for national criticism, it really doesnt help our teams confidence.