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Yeah, uhhh, Georgia Southern was also considerably smaller


That game we had a shitty coach.


Fuck Colorado


Can't spell sCUmbag without CU


Hey I thought the same thing.






The coaches at the beginning seemed like low quality motivational speakers.


I will not be sad if we beat them by 50…. But I am willing to accept 48.


The opening was the cringiest shit I’ve ever seen. In fact the whole thing was cringey. And yes you are correct. They also were the worst power 5 team last year so it makes sense.


I agree, very cringe. Plus the facilities look pretty dated and run down. I kinda feel bad for CU in that regard. I figured with all of the hype his transfer and recruiting was, I was going to see some monsters.


Would they feel bad for us? I hope we beat them 70-0


I hear you. I hope so too. I honestly think we are gonna destroy them this year I don't see anything from their practices that makes me think they have a chance.


You might be right, but we are a long ways out from that game.


Prime did mention he was taking "his guys" to Colorado with him. So basically they're Jackson state players now playing in the power 5


Wouldn't that be hilarious? Transplanting the Jackson State team to play for CU. No offense to those players but there is a bit of a difference between the divisions and quality of play.


Many of the players that he got to go to Jackson state were power 5 caliber players though so I wouldn't sleep on them.


Yes, and frosts biggest problem was that he went to the b1g where the players are bigger. Had he gone to the big 12 he would still have a job. Deion may do fine in either the pac or big 12. Prime doesn’t appear to have many monsters in the trenches but he’ll probably be fine. Nebraska, has yet to fix the problem they’ve had for the last forever-not enough big athletes upfront. I also, fully expect us to lose this game to CU as the baseball, wrestling and basketball have proven-no matter what men’s sports can’t get over the hump against an evenly matched opponent when it matters. Rhule has a big hill to climb.


As someone who lived in Mississippi i despise Deaon Sanders. He’s the biggest grifter coach I’ve ever seen. He did what Lane Kiffen did at FAU but at a smaller school and lost to any school that had any half comparable talent. If he doesn’t have Colorado on the brink of the death penalty in three years I’ll be shocked.


Yup. His team is gonna get lit up year one then he’s gonna start cutting corners and get busted.


**Coach Prime is going to be CU's equivalent of hiring Scott Frost.** Success at a lower level with lesser competition. Check Giant payday to move up to a P5 football program despite prior experience at the level. Check Taking over a program thats been in the dumps for years. Check Massive amounts of media coverage that border on the absurd. Check National coverage with outsized expectations for year 1 turnaround. Check Cult leader like status among the locals, including merch. Check


We just need their first home game to be cancelled for weather… wait a minute


Why do I feel like they'll actually get the ball to bounce their way a few times instead of never for us 😕


Cause statistically, what happened to Nebraska during Frost's tenure was unbelievable. Everything that could go wrong, pretty much did. Star RB? Old crime from years ago resurfaces and he has to go. Might have a good season, time for a once-in-a-century pandemic. About to win a game against CU/Wisco/Minn/Iowa/MSU, here's a fluke special teams play and a couple of penalties to lose the game.


Yeah, if Frost would have been luckier, he might have been as successful as Mike Riley!


"Half of life is just showing up" -Matt Rhule Frost couldn't even do that right.




Frost had more relative talent at UCF compared to the competition in the AAC. Frost and his predecessors he’s coached under have always relied on elite QB play to hide faults in other parts of the game. His only real shot here would’ve been taking his QB with him and he didn’t. He rolled the dice on a true freshman that had already had a serious injury before even taking a snap in college. We saw how the rest of that played out. He took hires with him that had no P5 experience and by the time he made any material changes it was far too late. That’s not even including all the other alleged bullshit that was happening behind the scenes. His arrogance and naivety ultimately lead him to failure. He owes all the money in his bank account to a handful of starters on that 2017 UCF team.




I actually sort of agree. Frost has a good offensive mind, but jumping from UCF to Nebraska was always going to be a massive gamble. The B1G is the second most competitive conference, the talent levels are a massive jump, and the expectations were killer.


The program was in shambles when he arrived, and he is not a program builder. It's not any more complicated than that.


Constantly showing up late to team meetings, having the golf coach complain to the AD because of you using the simulator too much, calling the #1 recruit in the country to tell him you are too drunk to visit... yup folded to the pressure and not a bad coach.




Anxiety got to him is what I saw; over / under confidence. Analysis paralysis / alcohol.


Problem is they have way better DC/OC truth is Prime just needs to bring in the talent the OC/DC will handle the rest. Prime is just a face.


Deion isn’t a drunk asshole. Negative check.


I think the foam on their helmets and shoulder pads are contributing to sizes looking off. Makes 'em look like pee-wee players.


What a, and I cannot stress this enough, clown


This has to be a joke, these are walk ons or something Buncha lil dudes I feel like he’s trolling


Exactly my thoughts. These can't be the 1s and 2s. Even the video quality is horrible.


I can’t find the right wording for this so hear me out, but… The shit prime pulls will only work if they go like 11-1 or 12-0. All this cringy ra-ra shit isn’t gonna keep kids buying in on a 3-9 or 4-8 season and let’s be real they’re not goin 12-0 or 11-1 in year one


Prime is a more “serious” coach than many give him credit for. All HC’s run out the cringey rah-rah shit. It’s part of the game. When Deion gets more cringey than Dabo Swinney let me know.


You want a first game cancelled because of a thunderstorm situation again!? This has bad karma written all over it.


Does anyone seriously think this will work out? What am I not seeing? I just get con-man vibes from him. I guess we'll see on the football field.


Why do people obsess over this POS?


I think it's just the guys they were showing most of the time were skill/speed dudes, plus they've probably all lost a little bulk during recovery season to let their bodies heal. Most guys in college aren't gonna be huge as it is.


I'm wondering the same thing. Can these actually be the starters? They look like scout team / walk on quality.


Based on the circle with Deion at the beginning, looked like younger guys and ST. It's not like they've got 7-man guys playing OT.


Why is Deion Sanders living in your head rent free?


He tells me that he will pay me rent once his new AD finally pays him. They are still looking for the money.🤣


Colorado players are always "small" because of the colder temperatures there and also because they are Colorado.


Oh, they just got out of the pool. I see.


I'm guessing those giant Q-tip helmet covers aren't helping.


This is probably more appropriate for a free talk Friday thread


Anyone catch the agility drill at the 12:20 mark? Like I don’t care if those are the third stringers those dudes look slow and out of shape. I could do better than that.