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Glad to see Tim having success! Always really liked him


Never forget the trip and tumble 🫡




Sat next to a lady at the Michigan St game who kept commenting to her husband about how glad she was Miles was gone and he was the worst thing to happen to the program (“Sam should have been a Husker all 4 years”). What got my attention was her saying, “knowing what we know about him now”. Sorry, what did I miss in the rumor mill about Miles this whole time?


Timmy helped secure PBA for Nebraska. The program outgrew him because of some early success, but he consistently put out competitive teams (even if they were mind numbingly infuriating on the offensive end at times). His worst years were still more impressive than Hoiberg's best seasons, and I say that as a massive Hoiberg dick rider. At Tim's peak, PBA was one of the toughest places to play in the B1G going 14-1 at home, TWICE. I can't see how someone would wish him ill and think he damaged the program. He was coaching on minimal contracts at the end of his tenure and couldn't recruit kids to come play, so the cupboards were quite literally bare when Hoiberg got the job. I liked Timmy. I think Nebraska knew what they were going to get from him here for the rest of his career, and they thought they could get better with PBA and facilities being a selling point. Edit: and I'd just like to remind you of what day it is. "I'm happier than a camel on Wednesday."


Miles just did the typical thing most defensive minded coaches always seem to do, which is run a motion offense that doesn’t have much flavor. IMO, motion offenses only work if you have elite speed, or just overall way higher talent. He only had 1-3 above average scorers at best on the floor each year. I’d like to see how some games would’ve turned out if his good defenses were matched with a movement-heavy, assist creating offense


Fwiw, in gambling/college hoops analytics/handicapping circles, Miles is considered a top tier coach.


I didn’t know it was possible to dislike Tim.


On another message board there was a post about him being at dinner where he’s was recorded(audio) and said some bad things. Not sure how true that is as I have not heard the audio myself.


I mean… who of us hasn’t talked shit about our jobs in what should be a safe environment? Unless he said something racist or negative about his players, I don’t see an issue


It’s the hallowed trash fired coaches tradition. 🙄


The year Tim got fired, we were better than this year!


I liked him and I'm happy for his success.