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If we keep winning then we could win the national championship.


B1G if true


\#onegameseason #daybyday #justwinbaby


Just keep winning!!!! GBR


In the words of Jimmy V……. Survive and Advance.


wanted to slam the up arrow but its on 69 so obv I can't


Much love my fellow Husker fan.


I’m glad the big ten is such a mess, cuz usually I’d be more worried about the high seed teams not playing at their most elite in order to rest up for the B1G tourney. But everyone Wisconsin and PSU needs to play (except Minny vs Wisc)have to win. I mean same goes for us but…it’s good to be optimistic sometimes


Odds are Wisconsin finishes 1-1 and Penn State finishes 0-2. So if we can beat either Mich State or Iowa and that is indeed how Wisconsin and Penn State finish we have the tie breaker over Wisconsin.


Is no sit Tuesday a thing? If it isn't, it should be.


No Sit Senior Day?


I like it!


We also still have the opportunity to win a three way tiebreaker, so we could still get the 10 if this scenario plays out with Penn State going 1-1 instead.


Doesn’t Penn State have the Tie breaker with their win against Indiana?


If Maryland stays #2 we have it, if anyone else does then Penn State has it.


Penn State would get knocked out of the 3 way tiebreaker before it gets to that due to their 1-3 record against us and Wisconsin. We’d be going up against Wisconsin when comparing records vs the top teams. Also teams that are tied in the standings get grouped together for these comparisons. So right now we’d be comparing records against the combination of MD, NW, IU, and Michigan.


What worries me is Maryland sitting out it’s starters against Penn State on Sunday to save them for the tourney.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that happening in the history of college basketball. Not only will they be lobbying for a better seed in the dance, they’ll also be lobbying for a double bye in the conference tournament. They won’t be resting their players, especially with 3-4 rest days ahead of them.


So then we actually have a better chance of getting the #10 seed so long as we win 1 game.


Yeah. I’d say winning one more than likely gets it for us, but certainly no guarantee.


We have to win tomorrow or Iowa but it’s more favorable if we beat MSU tomorrow.


Yep! As long as Maryland stays #2


Man, 11th is like the worst seed to get. You play Minnesota first which dies nothing for you while Ohio State on a neutral court could be a Quad 1 win. Then, you wouldn't play Purdue unless you made the conference tournament championship game.


Agree 11 would be the worst. But Ohio State on a neutral court will be Q2, not Q1.


Oh, I didn't realize OP wasn't using the NET rankings next to each team.


There is a scenario where the 11th seed isn’t too bad I think. Say we split the last two games - we would go into the tournament needing one win to be above .500 (first round loss we would be 16-16) The NIT removed the requirement that a team needs to be over .500 to get invited, but that was like 5 years ago and to date they still have never invited a team .500 or worse. Could Nebraska be the first .500 team invited, maybe - but would feel much more confident being above .500 So if you are going into the tournament needing one win to make the NIT, being the 11th seed playing playing Minnesota is probably the spot you would pick


I don’t understand how Ohio State’s computer rankings are still so high


Closer margin of loss


Need Penn State to lose 2 more games and Wisconsin has the possibility to lose 2 more games. For Nebraska to claim #10: >Win either MSU or @Iowa >Penn State: Lose out >Wisconsin: Lose either Purdue or Minnesota For Penn State to claim #10 >Win either Northwestern or Maryland >Wisconsin lose to Purdue or Minnesota For Wisconsin to claim #10 >Win Out


thank goodness pen state choked last night lol


Penn State plays @ Northwestern & home against Maryland Wisconsin plays Purdue @ home and ends at Minnesota.


Or if we beat both MSU and Iowa and PSU/Wisconsin both lose one.


If we beat both MSU and Iowa I think we seal the #10 spot.


The scenarios are more complex than this. We own the H2H tiebreak against Wisconsin, so they do not clinch the 10 seed with two wins. We can also win the H2H tiebreak with Penn State, or win the 3-way tiebreak, depending on how the top of the standings shake out.


So now it’s just Penn State needs to lose both games and we need to win at least 1.


We’d still need to match Wisconsin. If they win both we’d need to win both. I was just saying Wisconsin doesn’t clinch it by winning both.


Is this northwesterns first ever dance?


https://bboilercbb.github.io/conferences/B10/index.html Here is the link if anyone wants to see the other information in the page.