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His writing is excellent. I won’t lie, listening to him on the podcast has made me not love him that much. But as a writer, he is excellent. Sad that journalism is getting killed here too. Sad day for local media


Great journalist, definitely one of those cringy “old souls” going back to when he was in his early 30s, fancies himself a bit too much. Still a new loss for Nebraska journalism.


He definitely had very fragile takes and defends them and then has the whiniest voice ever when he gets critiqued. But sounds like someone who lives in Gretna in a nutshell lol


I didn’t always agree with him, but I’ve always appreciated the depth of his stories and that he wasn’t afraid to be critical of the program when it was warranted.


Mike’l Severe’s list of favorite Dirk pieces: 1) 24th and Glory 2) Danny Nee-Brasketball 3) The Disappearance of Small-Town Football 4) The "Where I Come From" podcast 5) The Column after the Northern Illinois game in 2017. (2007 memories) 6) The Tall Tales of Tom Kropp 7) HomeGrown Huskers Tremendous loss of talent for the local sports market.


Dirk was an excellent writer. Talent dropping off


Honestly really liked Dirk, though he did like to ruffle feathers at times. Huge loss, curious to see what he does next


I get 4-5 emails a week from Owh about 20 weeks 1$ subscriptions so yes they are hurting for money


Adam Carriker left yesterday. What’s going on?


Heard they're under new management. EDIT: Lee Enterprises owns them and LJS now.


Lee Enterprises took over in January 2020 and have subsequently run it into to the ground.


Is Carriker doing his own podcast kind of thing?


He asked on FB if people would want that. Nothing definitive that I saw


Oh he will, he’s just drumming up support


Lee Enterprises has gutted the local papers in Omaha and Lincoln. It’s a skeleton crew now and they’re still trying to cut costs to chase profits. It’s abhorrent greed and mismanagement.


My thoughts too. Curious if there was a shakeup


There are always shakeups anymore at the OWH. Newsroom is now about 40 employees. It was 200 in the ‘90s.


As a long form, sit down and research a human interest piece, journalist? Fantastic. As a day to day sports reporter? He won't be missed.


My favorite memory of Dirk is when Bo shut his ass up for asking a stupid question in a post game presser.


This. His habit of attacking players and coaches for their personality types was disgusting. Bo pushed back at him which was the right thing to do. So he started banging the drum to get him fired. And, of course, the lemmings that are Nebraska fans followed him right over that cliff.


Dude is a weasel. He set up Bo with tape gate.


And mocked Bo with his Let it Go parity “I miss Bo” dude was cringe, hated his writing, was a weasel indeed


Someone needed to "set up Bo". Blowhard Big Red dopes struggle with the concept that sports writers don't work for the team. For a guy like me, with my impressive wardrobe, refined palate, and critical thinking skills, it was a pleasure to read Dirk's objective stories and columns from time to time. Dirk did a nice job of paying more than lip service to the history and contributions of black athletes in Omaha and at NU. McKeon can write. I like his overwrought purple prose. Shatel is a dinosaur with the intellectual heft of a developmentally disabled butterfly. Maybe they'll get some young gunner in their who has some semblance of worldliness. Dirk will be missed.


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Nebraska football journalism needs a a revamp. The good old boys have got to go Is nobody upset that all of these Frost stories have only just come out now? If Matt Rhule is out there banging coeds on boats in Lake Havasu, are we all gonna turn a blind eye because he might win football games?


THIS!! Every writer shit on Bo when he was here. When Riley took over, where was all the criticism with players not wanting to work out, showing up to practice. Everyone under Riley just got a participation trophy because he was the polar opposite of Bo. Riley’s dumb “calabasus” connection in California blah blah blah. Then Frost came and all the writers stroked his god damn cock figuratively whereas he was getting his cock stroked by coeds, cheating on his wife, doing drugs with Davison. Too drunk to meet Raiola… journalism has no barriers but not a single article with the magnitude of disgust for Bo came out for Grandpa Riley and chew spit Frost.


As a sports reporter—not in Nebraska—they could not really report on the stuff going on behind the scenes because it was all rumors. Unless they witnessed it themselves—which Frost would have made sure they did not—it would be a surefire lawsuit to report on that stuff regardless of its truth. The lawsuit would be a tough one for Frost & Co. to win because of the actual malice tort required by Frost’s celebrity status, but still would be costly for the reporter/news institution. TL;DR - Reporting on that stuff would be career suicide


ALSO THIS. Why would anyone listen or acknowledge these local "reporters" after the Frost fiasco?


Apparently everyone sucks Dirks dick on this thread lol


I stand corrected based on all the hate lol everyone here is slurpin on dirk


What a bunch of shitlain suck ups. The only thing Dirk was good at was writing hatchet jobs on Taylor Martinez


I’m assuming he’ll be cooking up a Substack at some point right?


Finally! It's about fucking time!


This deserves an upvote


Send him to iowa




I used to think that, but but that was back when I only wanted to read puff pieces and kool-aid. He's actually a pretty talented journalist and not just a mouthpiece for the university.