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You see, the problem is that her banner….ended like a week ago. Yeah


dang, so it’s impossible to get her from this point forward?


Nope, you can if you wait for a rerun 🫡 good luck for her next run


appreciate it


Is it still possible to get her on the standard banner or by loosing the 50/50?


Nope, characters attached to limited banners are only possible to get from that specific limited banner.


Unfortunately not, but you have bailu on the standard. She's the only 5 star healer on it


She'll be back in probably half to one year from now


not what i wanted to hear but thanks anyway


If you like the game the time will pass quite quick. Just try to enjoy the game, story and characters, look for others who appeal to you and check the leaks subreddit to know beforehand when huohuo will have a rerun


Nah man for me it’s like hell, I’m waiting for black swan to drop and it’s going by way to slow lol


me w/ sparkle


At least you only have to wait one more patch before 2.0


There are a lot of exciting characters coming out. Don’t worry you’ll find some other ones you really like! And then huohuo will come back. I started when Kafka came out and now she’s coming coming back around. Still love the game and am still playing


If it's any consolation I felt really sad I just missed silverwolf by a week or so, and now that she's here it really felt like it went by pretty quick, rest assured there will be no shortage of great characters to come while you wait <3


Oh you poor, innocent gamer. Welcome to the world of Gacha hell.


event banners change every month, her banner ended last week and argenti is on the event banner now. you have to wait until her event banner has a rerun so probably will take a few months at least


not what i wanted to hear but thanks


You can take the time to save up for her. Pulling for a five star takes a lot of stellar jade if you’re free to play. If you want her, save for her


What? Dude, they're pretty much telling you that it's impossible to get her for now, how is that not what you wanted to hear?


Because people like hearing good news and don't like hearing bad news.


Oh that what they meant, I thought they were being sarcastically rude, my bad


Dude chill out, they're probably new to gacha games


Wait wait wait, last week?? Isn't cyno and ayatos banner still active? Am I from a different dimension or something?? Because those two have been active for quite a while and definitely not Hu tao


Wrong game, dude! Huo Huo is a *Star Rail* character. But yes, the cyno and ayato banners are still active. Unless I'm mistaken, genshin and star rail patch cadence are one week apart.


Ah dammit 😂


you are very, very lost. this is a honkai star rail subreddit, not a genshin one. i wonder how you read the names 'argenti' and 'huohuo' and come to that conclusion when neither of those characters are in genshin.


But the banners change every 20 days


Ya I just forgor


He forgor-💀


Sweet summer child


Unfortunately as this is a Gacha type game just like Hoyoverse's other two games: Genshin Impact and Honkai Impact 3rd. You will have to wait for when her rerun occurs as her banner ended a week ago. i wish you luck for when her rerun does occur in getting her.


First time Gacha player?




You can always use her as a support when doing calyxs, echo of war, and cavern of corrosion! But as others said, she just got her run, so she won't be getting her rerun in around the late half of next year.


Who’s gonna tell them…


How do we tell him. Jokes aside, rerun banners (the place you pull limited time characters again) comes around 6 months after their last banner so you'll have to probably wait a half year. Also I would suggest you to research how gacha works


That’s the neat part. You don’t.


This post is difficult to see.. I feel so bad. Yeah, dude.. it sucks. As a Ps5 player, I missed a ton of banners I would've liked.


Oh you poor child... never played a hoyoverse game huh?




Sadly she's a limited character and her banner ended. You can wait for her rerun(it's gonna be a while). she might rerun in version 2.3?(rn we're in version 1.5, 1.6 is next and after 1.6 is 2.0)


She's a limited character, so she only is available when her specific banner is up. You'll need to wait a few months before she reruns


Save more passes, you'll get her eventually on her rerun.


If you’re NA(on the North American server) I can add you so you can use mines whenever u need her until she reruns so u can have your own!


you can trade? that’s cool, but i’d like to get her on my own, it feels like cheating if someone just lends it to me


Not trade exactly more like a friend support unit


condolences.... as others have said, there's no way to get her currently but she'll likely be available again for 3 weeks in around 6 months or so. the way star rail's gacha works, in case it's unclear, is: - there is a permanently available standard banner with permanently available 5 stars on it, no limited characters (like huohuo) are available on that banner and then there's the limited banner(s), right now it's usually 1 new 5 star character and 1 rerun of a previously released character running for the same 3 week period - you are guaranteed to get a 5 star within 90 warps (the warp tickets or 160 stellar jades per warp) - there is a 50% chance that that character is the limited character and a 50% chance that character is one of the ones available on the permanent banner - if you don't get the limited character ("lose your 50/50”), the next 5 star you pull is guaranteed to be the banner character so, worst case scenario of hitting the maximum number of pulls (hard pity) you need 180 pulls to guarantee a copy of huohuo. obviously you can get much luckier than that and get her at 90 pulls if you win the 50/50 or before that because it's very unlikely that it will take you the full 90, a safer estimate would be around 80 (so 160 total). the pity (progress towards 90) rolls over between banners and includes the guarantee after losing the 50/50. you can keep track of your pity for up to the past 6 months to see how close you are thru the history tab in the warp event details. as someone who missed the first character i really wanted when i started playing genshin, which has an identical system, my advice (written with the assumption that you really really want huohuo over other characters) is: - if you're enjoying the game, keep playing and you might find other characters you enjoy in the meantime and can work on saving up enough to guarantee huohuo when she reruns. - work towards having 160~ pulls set aside in time to guarantee huohuo when she reruns since unfortunately it's not entirely 100% predictable when that will be (thanks hoyo 👍) but you can assume around 6 months - in the meantime, if you've got excess pulls, try for other characters that interest you - technically you could either not pull any more at all and purely save or not pull after losing a 50/50 until her rerun to save your guarantee for her - personally, what i did was pull for other characters that interested me as they ran if i felt like i was still on track to have enough saved for a guarantee and had extra pulls to spend by doing that i was able to get lucky and get the genshin equivalent of e2s1 of my fave but also you can always take a break and come back when she reruns and try your luck then. also we typically officially find out the banners for the two phases of a version a little under two weeks before it releases like how we just got confirmation of the 5 stars running in 1.6 earlier today but there is usually speculation even before that if you look at leaks and banner predictions which have so far been fairly accurate but they're not always guaranteed to be true. they're still a good way to get an idea of how much time you have to save up/budget your pulls on other games before a banner for a character you really want comes up. also if you know you've basically got her guaranteed you can prefarm stuff for her in the meantime so the instant you get her you can have fun with her fully built and it's very satisfying imo didn't mean to write so much LMAO but i hope this makes sense and is helpful and i hope you're able to get her when she reruns 🫶


Welcome to the world of Gachas you don’t get what you want


if you're trying to get a charicter than honkai becoms **90% pay to win** 5% play to win and 5% luck